The Woes of Travelling – Pt. 2 of The Meeting [F][M][Self][Mast][Oral]

Travelling seems to be my nemesis the older I become. The flight from Houston to Seattle leaves nothing in the tank for the rest of the day it seems. Five hours crunched up like sardines in a tin can eagerly awaiting your destination. Only to shamble off the plane just for the instant satisfaction of stretching your legs. Once you finally stretch out, it’s back into a car for another three hours to reach your final destination. Irritable from the lack of sleep and eight hours worth of travel, I wanted nothing more then to flop on that hotel mattress for the rest of the evening and curl up with a book. Only one slight problem to all of that. If Adonis were to walk amongst us during this time, his name would be Brad.


Brad in all his marvelous glory and oozing pure masculinity was all I could think about. Clean cut and fresh shaven every time I’ve laid my eyes upon him. Not a single hair on his head seems to be out of place. The hair which looks to be so smooth and soft, dragging your fingers through it would be equivalent to the soft silky texture of fresh shaven legs on clean sheets. Mr. Adonious Brad directly spoke with travel and ensured our seating arrangements on the plane were side by side. Rather generous and maybe a touch of protective, he ensured I had the window seat, which is always my preference. In turn it gave me the perfect opportunity to gaze upon him as he sat next to me typing on his laptop preparing notes for the upcoming visit no doubt. A slight tick about him is the constant jawing while he is concentrating on something. In doing so his jaw line gets accentuated by his jaw muscles slowly chewing and places emphasis on his lips and mouth. The thought of those lips on mine had me fidgeting with my ear buds without much attention to my actions.


“Nervous,” he mouthed
“This contract could really make or break either of our positions. If we secure this I’d say we have a pretty good chance of moving up the ranks,” I hesitantly replied.


His voice is deafening at times. It’s as though time stops and all I can see is his god like body and the only sound is my heart thumping out of my chest.


“Sit back and relax. You’ve got this and you always will. Now, if you’ll excuse me, these charts aren’t going to populate themselves. Two hours till we land and then we’ll be on our way to Polymer Tech.”


The words stung and floated in the air. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks falling off the bed of a dump truck. Not only am I going to be spending five hours next to him, but another three in the car as we head to the hotel. At the rate this is going, I’m going to need a towel between my legs to soak up all the essence I’m leaking out. The faucet has already started to drip and I can feel the slight dampness already cover the lips of my pussy. The burning in the pit of my stomach started this morning as I got a whiff of his cologne. Matters will only be compounded when we are in a much closer compartment and the a/c blowing his scent all around me. The desire to have his cock chocking and gagging me or filling my cunt to the bursting point is almost too much to bare. I’ve never yearned for a cock so bad in my life, but this guy is playing with fire and he doesn’t even know he is fueling it. Rolling my head to the window I gaze out at the mass expanse of white. I must get my mind off of him and I almost feel helpless. A sudden urge hits me and I can’t take it anymore.


“Excuse me, I unfortunately have to use the restroom.” I coyly explained as I grabbed my purse with the ever budding plan slowly unfolding in my head.
As I reach the restroom and slip inside I notice not a soul looking in my direction. The coast is clear. Rummaging through my purse, “I know I left my bullet in here, now where is it.” A sudden thought crosses my mind. I left it on the bedside table as the battery in my wand finally let go after a weekend of use. I never replaced it in my purse. Defeated, I wipe my gleaming pussy ridding it of any essence I can. This is going to be a long flight and an even longer car ride.


Whether intentional or not, Brad had to know he was bringing me to the edge of hysterics. The flight consisted of him constantly chewing his jaw and flexing his forearms to release the tension from the hours of typing he spent on the graphs. After my embarrassing episode in the restroom stall and the absentee brain, my extreme lust for the very scent of him quickly turned to raging aggression. All because my forgetfulness to repack my bullet in my purse. This lead to a rather quiet car ride as the smell of that cologne did nothing, but send my pussy into convulsions further intensifying the rage building inside me. It took everything in me to not yank the steering wheel to the side of the road, unzip his pants and climb on top of him right there in the middle of the freeway just so I could feel his girth slowly inch its way inside me. None of which I had the courage nor the audacity to do. Exhausted and frustrated I lay back in bed forgoing dinner. I couldn’t stomach the thought of seeing him and needed to focus on the contract negotiations for tomorrow. I pick up my phone and start hitting the keys,


“Hey Brad, it’s Michelle. I hate traveling as it leaves me exhausted. I am forgoing dinner tonight, but will see you first thing in the morning prepared for tomorrows endeavor. Have a pleasant evening.”


“Hello Michelle. It’s unfortunate traveling takes its toll on you, but I understand as it’s cramps my style as well. Have a pleasant evening and get feeling better.”

Endearing and sincere his response seems to be. A night of lustful intimacy followed by an exhausted deep sleep of entwined legs and arms would be perfect and the burning desire to have exactly that won’t leave my thoughts. Rolling over burying my head in the pillow I drift off to sleep. Anything must be better than sexual frustration.


The circular pattern around my clit slowly becomes apparent. Could it be Brads tongue? Did he somehow sneak in here and decide he’d had enough? The slow swirl around my labia and gliding around the edge of my clit felt tremendously electrifying, like little electric shocks running from the pit of my stomach to the tips of my toes with each gradual stroke. I could imagine his tongue slowly circling me and licking up every bit of essence I leaked out for him. Using his tongue to push further into my pussy, only to pull out and circle my clit some more. I couldn’t take it anymore and needed the rhythm to be faster. I muttered gruffly under my breath, “Faster”. His rhythm picked up and I slowly cup my breast in my left hand. Soft pillows of skin and my perky nipples sitting atop my D-cup breast feel cool and soft to my touch. I imagine it’s his hand slowly cupping and groping me with the lust of a teenage boy discovering his first set. My back arches at the thought of his large hands squeezing my breast and rolling my nipples between his thumb and forefinger. I let out a slight moan as I feel how wet I am. Leaking out this much has never happened before and I know it’s because of how worked up I am. With the rhythm slowly growing faster, I moan, “squeeze harder,” as he starts pulling at my nipple and increasing the pace of his tongue around my clit. The building continues and I can feel that inevitable warm sensation begins in my feet. It slowly rises at the flick of my clit and ever tug of my nipple till it reaches my now soaking pussy and burst like a popped balloon. The orgasm floods over me sending hot blood to my chest and face. The fire of desire finally being combusted in one flailing second as I cry out in pleasure, “FUCK ME,” and all goes limp. I’m out of breath, slight sweat beads have dotted my hair line and I’m by myself. Pussy covered in my climax along with my hand and fingers. I wanted nothing more than Brad to be here, to be the one who got me off, but damn was it close. I roll over too exhausted to clean myself off and stare at the clock. 3:35AM. Three more hours till I get to see my god among gods.
