I Hate That I Love It [Incest] [F/d] [[Str8] [M/f] [Teen] [Barely Legal] [Virgin] [18] [Rough]

I hate that I love it when daddy touches me.

I hate that I love it when he purrs my name and tells me I’m a good girl.

I hate that I love it when he kisses me and strokes my little kitty.

I hate that I love it. But I do love it.

I love all of the attention he gives me.

I love all daddy’s big arms.

I love daddy’s musky cologne.

I love daddy’s thick cock.

And I hate that I need all of that.

But the truth is I do.

I crave any ounce of affection he gives me.

I need to feel his embrace anytime I can,

I am desperate for my daddy’s cock.

Hi, my name’s Chloe and this is the story of how my daddy groomed me into his little slut.

# I Hate That I Love It

My dad was never really a warm kind of father. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t a bad dad. He looked after me and mum, you know . . . he kept a roof over our head, he put food on the table and made sure we were safe. He helped me with my homework and picked me up from soccer practice too. But he was just always distant. He’d ask how my day was but that was about the extent of our affection. He never really hugged me a whole lot or told me he loved me and as desperately as I wanted all of that, eventually I just accepted that I’d never have it. Daddy is just not that kind of guy. Not with me at least, he was super affectionate with mom. She was the warm parent out of the two and my best friend, which is why I was so devastated when she died.

I won’t go into detail about her death but all I’ll say is that it crushed both dad and me and made me want some love and attention even more, now that my one source for such affection was gone forever. She died when I was sixteen and a half.

It all started on my eighteenth birthday.

I didn’t celebrate my seventeenth. I told my friends to forget about it and Dad didn’t seem to care about it in the slightest. But when I turned eighteen, he became a different person. I couldn’t believe it, in fact.

He woke me that morning with breakfast in bed, screaming ‘Happy Birthday’ as an assortment of pancakes, fruits and bagels greeted me when I woke, along with a small glass of OJ and a well brewed mug of coffee.

Daddy was acting in a way I’d never seen him, he was so ecstatic and was more thrilled about my birthday than I had ever been. I asked him what all the fuss was about and he told me that I had finally become a big girl and it was worth celebrating. He then gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me to come down to the living room as soon as I’ve finished eating, to open my presents.

Anytime I had gotten gift from my parents in the past, I know it was what my mom had chosen but still, the fact that I was getting any acknowledgement at all filled me with tremendous excitement and I couldn’t wait to see what daddy had picked out.

I quickly ate before rushing downstairs like a kid on Christmas morning to see my daddy sitting on the sofa with a massive grin on his face, surrounded by a sea of wrapped gifts. I swam my way over to him and he told me he really hopes I like everything. There were more gifts there than all of my past birthdays combined! (And a few Christmases too!)

There were things that all young girls are given, like make-up, jewelry and perfume; things I had started experimenting with more in recent years. But more impressively is that there were things I genuinely really loved. In case it isn’t clear, I’ve always been a shy, introverted girl. I love being me-time, being artsy and cute little things that most girls had grown out of. So you can imagine my disbelief when I unwrapped a limited-edition copy of my favorite book, amongst other treasures like these adorable pajamas (they had puppies on them like omg how cute?), an art set, a stuffed teddy, a bead-bracelet that has ‘I Love Daddy’ written on it, and so much more. Daddy then had me unwrap this really pretty dress and . . . a set of sexy lingerie . . . He saw the confused expression on my face and told me that all grown-ups wear that kind of underwear and the dress was for tonight. Daddy knew that I wanted to spend the day with my friends but said that he’s going to take me out somewhere nice for a special meal, later this evening.

Oh and for the record, he came to prefer the cute little . . . less mature . . . panties I typically wear anyway. He said they’re as adorable as I am!

Anyway, he gave me a kiss on the forehead (TWO kisses? EEK!) and told me I should save some gifts to unwrap later so I still had stuff to look forward to. I had no idea what had gotten into daddy but I was absolutely reveling in it and wasn’t prepared to risk saying anything or questioning it incase it meant it’d go away.

Daddy then told me that he’s going to take me out for a nice meal this evening and I could wear the new dress he got me.

I stashed away the rest of my gifts away in my room before showering and getting dressed to go see my friends. To be honest, I kind of didn’t want to leave. Daddy behaving like how he was, was so nice and I just wanted to stay and bask in the attention and love but I did also want to see my friends and daddy said it’d be good for me to get some fresh air and spend some time with them too. So I did and it was nice. They all got me gifts and I got some really pretty, glittery birthday cards too. And more than anything it was just nice to see them, especially with the knowledge of what I’d be returning home too. It made me feel sort of free, in a way that I haven’t felt since mom was still alive. I didn’t have a care in the world.

I returned home that evening and daddy was still as enthusiastic as before, speaking with a great, big smile the whole time. (He even gave me another kiss on the cheek when I got in :D) Daddy told me that he was going to go shower and get ready for our special evening. I got shivers down my spine thinking about my date with daddy so when he was in the shower, I was preparing my outfit. I showered again myself, to be extra nice for our meal and I used some of the fruity body lotions and perfumes I had gotten so I smelt real nice and girly. Daddy was taking me out somewhere nice so I wanted to look and smell real good.

The dress daddy had gotten me was real nice. It was cherry red and top of the line. It was a little small on me but I’m pretty undersized so I don’t blame daddy for getting a little one, he probably just went a tad overboard. The hem barely covered my thighs and if I had anything more than a cups for breast, they would have been protruding out. But I still loved it! Daddy had also gotten me a new purse and stilettos to match. I had never really worn those kind of shoes before so I tried my best to not look too awkward in them.

Daddy looked super handsome too. He was wearing his nicest suit with a gold watch and his cologne smelled so nice. When he saw me, he told me how beautiful I looked and I nearly melted right there. I couldn’t help but blush, I wasn’t used to getting such compliments . . . especially from my daddy!

He also said that I reminded him of mom, which was nice because mom was super pretty. I guess we share a lot of similarities but it still took me by surprise a little because we were also kinda different. Like we both had the same, chocolate-colored hair except mom always straightened hers out and mine curls around my shoulders. I did get my dark,chestnut eyes from my mom though, and my petite build too. Mom was only five foot four or so, but me, I was stuck at a measly four foot eleven. Neither of us really were able to put on weight, either. I remember dad once saying that he could lift us both up with one hand and not even feel the weight. I think the biggest difference is that mom was able to tan and it worked well with her freckled complexion, whereas I was stuck with pale but flawless skin, as in not a freckle or spot or anything like that in sight.

Daddy gestured for me to take his arm before he led us out to the car and drove us to a real nice, fancy restaurant. We ordered our meal and daddy had a glass of wine (I got a milkshake ^_^) and instead of eating in complete silence like we often did, we spoke. And it didn’t feel awkward or weird either. He asked me about my day and what my friends got me and told me about how work was going. I was finally beginning to understand what a warm daddy felt like. He even cracked jokes that nearly had me shooting milkshake out of my nose. It was incredible.

The drive back home was just as amazing but as we continued to chat, I couldn’t help but feel a pit of despair begin to consume me as the thought that maybe this would all end as soon as the day was over, began to creep in on me. As soon as we got in the door, daddy told me to close my eyes before turning out the lights. Obviously I knew what that meant but I still couldn’t believe it when he bought out a cake, singing happy birthday. No ordinary cake either, it was chocolate-fudged with salted caramel. I’m not much of a sweet tooth but it did look heavenly and the scent just made me want to bury my face in it. It was pretty huge too and like I said, I’m kinda skinny so daddy said I could wrap some up for my friends.

He then told me to make a wish and blow out the candles.

So I did.

I wished daddy would be this loving and affectionate every day.

Be careful what you wish for, huh?

I cut the cake and daddy and I had a slice each as I got out off my stilettos and put my feet up.

“Do they ache?” Daddy asked, licking the remaining chocolate cream from his fingers.

“A little” I told him truthfully. “It’s my first time wearing them. I’ll get used to them.”

Daddy inched forwarded on the couch. He took my legs and gently moved me around so my feet were on his lap and began to rub his fingers up and down them, softly massaging them into my skin. It felt like heaven.

After the most sensual five minutes I had ever experienced, daddy got up and said, “You know what else’ll help?”

He walked over to the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine, coming back and handing me one.

I hesitated and he told me, “It’s okay. You’re eighteen now. You’re officially an adult. A little wine won’t hurt. Besides, I figured we could have a glass or two and snuggle to a move, like mom and I used to do after our dates. I’ll let you pick.”

I agreed and after deciding on Shrek 2 (I love that movie, okay?) I had a few sips and we snuggled under a blanket. Those first few sips went straight to my head. I had never drank alcohol before . . . or smoked . . . or anything. I was a good girl who did as mommy and daddy said, so it wasn’t long before I started to feel a little light-headed. But those few sips turned into a glass, two glasses, maybe even three I’m not sure. Daddy just kept refilling our glasses and pretty soon, I was out of it. I was bursting into fits of laughter every time donkey spoke (I’m not sure why, I guess just because he’s a talking ass?) and holding on as tightly as I possibly could to daddy because the room was spinning so much that I thought it might suck me away.

Eventually, daddy suggested it was time for bed. I tried to stand and nearly toppled over, even holding onto daddy, so he scooped me up in his arms and carried me up to my room before planting me down on my bed. I landed on my back, feeling so light that I could have began to float.

“I see Spain, I see France, I see my little girl’s underpants.” I heard daddy say.

I giggled for a second, thinking about how silly daddy is. Then I realized. I quickly sat up, covering my legs, feeling my face burn red.

“Daddy!” I squealed. “You’re not supposed to see down there!”

“It’s okay pumpkin.” He chuckled. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”

I wasn’t sure what to say but he quickly broke the silence by telling me how happy he was that I had worn the undies he bought me.

I had to . . they were so pretty! They were bright pink and lacy and made me feel so grown up :3

But the night was at an end and that pit of despair I mentioned before, was seriously beginning to ache.

“Oh, daddy . . . ” I groaned, “I don’t want this night to end.” I’m pretty sure I pouted at the end of that sentence.

“Hey, it’s okay princess. I’m still going to be here tomorrow and I’m still going to love you the same. Hey-” He took my face in his hands, slowly caressing my cheeks as he whispered, “-I love you.”

My heart skipped a beat. “I love you too, daddy.”

And that’s when it happened. I felt daddy’s lips on mine. And not a peck, they didn’t just brush ’em. It was intense and passionate. It was the kind of kiss a daddy shouldn’t give his little girl. But I didn’t stop it; I didn’t want to. I liked kissing daddy, it felt nice and warm. And besides, I figured lots of people kiss their parents on the lips, right? This was no big deal . . . it was just a little more intense than usual.

But then suddenly, I was on my back again. And I could feel daddy running his hands up my smooth, slender legs.

“Oh Chloe!” He growled hungrily before he parted my lips with his tongue and violently forced it down my throat. His hands ran around to the back of my thighs before moving up and aggressively squeezing my pert, little ass. He did so, so roughly that I knew he’d leave marks. But I didn’t know what to do now, nor how I should feel about it. If I stopped him, would it make daddy mad? Would he not love me any more? I liked kissing him on the mouth, maybe I’d grow to like this too.

I felt his fingertips dig into my lacy panties and forcefully yank them to my knees. He withdrew his invading tongue from my mouth and I sort of felt like I was hyperventilating, so I gasped for air. He planted his mouth on my neck and sucked on it zealously as I heard him unzip his pants.

I began to sweat profusely. Was daddy really about to do this?

The stabbing pain between my legs answered my question. I was so dizzy and it was all happening so fast, I didn’t have time to react.

“DADDY!” I called out.

I felt his warm hands begin to stroke my face as he whispered in my ear, telling me things like how much he loves me, it’s going to be okay and I’m such a good girl.

“You’re doing so good baby girl, just keep quiet and this will all be over soon.”

He sheathed his long, hard rod into my virgin pussy and chewed my lip hard to stop from screaming out in pain. He thrust inside of me and tore through my hymen as he held my body tight beneath his. Tears streamed out of my eyes as he mercilessly abused my little hole. A hole that less than twenty-four hours ago was completely-off limits, but I had finally turned eighteen and that meant that my pussy was no longer forbidden to him, regardless if I was his daughter or not.

I grunted out with each thrust as daddy continued to clobber my little cunt. Suddenly time wasn’t going so fast anymore, it slowed down beyond normal speed and I wasn’t sure if it would ever end. Luckily after a while the pain subsided and it was more just a numb pounding than anything. The sloppy, wet sounds of daddy’s cock burying and reburying itself into my entrance rung through my ears as his balls repeatedly slapped my butt. The way he groaned and grunted as he deflowered his little girl is still vivid in my mind, as is the feel of his muscular body pinning me to my bed, the smell of his cologne and his warm, alcohol-tainted breath on my neck.

Even with the pain numbed, I still grunted each time his cock pummeled me. It felt like it was going to burst through my stomach. Suddenly, daddy grabbed my wrist and pinned them beside me as he put his face to mine and stared deep into my hazy, doe-eyes. He began to pump even harder and faster and the pain began to return as he viciously beat my barely legal pussy. The look of hunger in his eyes was terrifying. He kept grunting in my face, calling me ‘daddy’s little girl’ and telling me he’s going to ruin me. He said I’m a good little slut for daddy before screaming out in this wild, primal-like howl and I felt his warm, sticky substance splatter my belly and coat my thighs.

And then he collapsed on top of me. His deflating dick resting between my legs and pressing against my swollen cunt. He laid still for so long, I wasn’t sure if he had fallen asleep or died.

Eventually he got up though. He stroked my hair and told me I did so good and that he loves me so much. He cuddled me and I couldn’t help but sob so he cradled me in his arms and assured me that everything was going to be okay. Despite what just happened, I still felt safe in his arms and took comfort in knowing that I had made daddy happy, and that meant he’d still continue to be warm daddy.

I curled up into a ball and cried in daddy’s embrace until I was sound asleep.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of my first time.

Before you say anything, I know how it seemed. But I ended up loving it. In fact, I was desperate for it. So if you want to hear more about how I became daddy’s cock-hungry whore, let me know. I’d love to share it with you all.

# The End

***This story is entirely fictional.***

***I, the author, AsherOcean, does not condone any real life activities that are in anyway immoral, illegal or abusive. This story was written as an erotic fantasy by an adult writer for adult readers.***

# Author’s Note:

**Hi all! I hope you really enjoyed this story because I had so much fun writing it! I intend to turn it into a small series, I’m just currently waiting on people’s feedback on it so please let me know what you think in the comments below. I’ll add future chapters either here at the end of the story or down in the comments below when they’re posted so please keep a look out! Oh and also, happy Halloween! ^_^**

**With love,**


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/9sz2eb/i_hate_that_i_love_it_incest_fd_str8_mf_teen

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