The Neighborhood: Part 3 [MF][Exh][MC][SciFi]

**Chapter 4: The First Day at Fenris**

They had Sunday to themselves, and since their car hadn’t arrived yet from the East Coast, they explored the house and shifted things the movers put in places they didn’t agree with. It was generally pleasant, almost like old times, though Alison still managed to put herself to sleep by eight in the evening with a bottle of white. He got up at six the next morning, Alison still dead asleep, and showered. He jerked off, just to ease the tension of his first day, and shaved, finally getting dressed. It was quarter after seven, on his second cup of coffee, that he had no idea how to get to work, or *how* he would get to work. His car had yet to arrive. He picked up his phone and dialed Janelle. She answered almost immediately.

“Morning, Colin. Excited for your first day?”

“I hope I didn’t wake you.” He said.

“I’ve been up since five-thirty. I like to exercise in the morning. What can I do for you?” She asked.

“Well, how do I get to work?”

“Ugh, I swear I’m getting forgetful in my old age.” She laughed. “There’s a shuttle. That will stop near your house at six forty-five, seven forty-five, and eight forty-five. Look for the bright yellow Fenris Shuttle signs. When your car arrives, you’ll have the option of driving, but most people don’t unless they have a reason to be there really early or late. Heck, even a cab ride will only cost you about five bucks, in a pinch. Wolfsburg isn’t big, and all roads lead to Fenris.” She chuckled.

“Hmm…I can probably make the seven forty-five with no problem. Will someone be expecting me?” He asked.

“I’ll be at reception by then. I think you remember what I look like.”

“I do.” He smiled.

“I’ll be wearing clothes this time.” She laughed. “See you around eight, then.” She hung up. Colin finished his coffee, checked his watch, and went outside. It was cool, but not cold enough to wear anything other than his suit. He had a shoulder briefcase that had some writing materials, but other than his phone, he carried very little. He didn’t have a clear idea of the expectations for the first day. There were a few other men waiting near a bright yellow sign. As he walked closer, he saw it read ‘Fenris Group Shuttle’ along with the times for pick-up and drop-off. He recognized a few of the men from his house hopping on Saturday, but not the only woman.

“Oh, Colin!” One of the men called out. He recognized him but couldn’t remember his name. “Martin, from two doors down?” He pointed past Colin’s house. “Getting settled? Colin nodded, going on a little about his weekend. “Your wife came with you, right? She wasn’t already Fenris?”

“Uh, no, she’s not with the company. We’ve been married about eight years.”

“She’s a looker. I thought you got her at the company store.” He laughed at his own joke. “She’ll fit right in once she learns a little more about the community.” Colin said nothing, only nodding. “I was just showing the guys my wife, Madeline. She loves to cook. Made a great pork roast yesterday.” He pulled up an image of a roasted pork shoulder. Swiped again to show his wife, a statuesque blonde, holding a roasting pan, and wearing an apron. It looked like she wasn’t wearing anything else. “Personally, I liked this one best, where she’s putting it in the oven.” Madeline was bent over the oven. She was naked except for an apron, her ass and the line of her pussy visible, and the swell of her bare breasts behind the apron.

“Umm…” Colin glanced away.

“Don’t let these chuckle heads bother you.” The only woman said. She was a petite brunette, barely five and a half feet tall. “This is every Monday. ‘Oh, look, here’s a picture of my naked wife. Huh huh…’” She said in a fake masculine voice. “Meanwhile, I show them one picture of a dick that *isn’t* theirs, and they freak out.”

“No one minds the dicks, Gretchen.” One of the other men said. “We just want to see *you* in pictures, too.” She flipped the guy off and walked over toward Colin.

“Seriously,” she said, taking him aside, “I saw the way you stiffened up there as seeing Maddie’s pictures. Tense, I mean…not the other kind of stiff.” She glanced down at his crotch. “You’re new. It’s just the way they are. Don’t take it to heart. Hell, play along if you want. You have any naked pictures of your wife?”

“I’m not sure that—.”

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, but also a ‘no’ on sharing them. Just a tip, feel free to *show* them, but never let these guys handle your phone. You’ll find your private stuff shared faster than you can blink, and I’m not talking just the naughty stuff. *That’s* just for fun. There isn’t a single guy here who isn’t eying your job and title.” Colin glanced over at the small group of men, they were eying some other guy’s phone rather than his job.

“And what about you…Gretchen, was it? Do I have to worry about you?” Colin asked.

“Regarding your job? No.” She raised an eyebrow, letting the unspoken pass. “I’d have to murder every guy here before having a shot at a junior VP slot. I’ll stick with program management, thank you very much. Better hours, less stress, and the pay is still pretty good.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her business card. She took a moment to write a number on the back. “My personal cell.” She said, handing the card over. “Call me when your day is done. We’ll get a few drinks and I’ll fill you in on what you *really* need to know at Fenris. Not the PR crap they’re going to feed you today.” Colin looked down at the card and slipped it into his pants pocket. Gretchen was already wandering back toward the group. He watched her ass sway in her pencil skirt. He wondered if any Fenris women looked…not even ugly…just normal. The shuttle pulled up a minute later, a dozen other people already onboard, and they were on the Fenris Campus in less than five minutes.


**Chapter 5: NDAs, PDA, and Radical Honesty**

“There you are!” Janelle smiled as Colin walked through the main entrance of Building One on the Fenris Group campus. “Buzz us through, Mike?” She said to security guard, holding up her ID. The waist-high gate opened for them. He watched other people buzz in with their IDs, but he and Janelle walked through the open gate. He followed her to the elevators, and they got in one going up. At the sixth floor, she led them down a hall to a set of frosted glass doors with a sign that read Executive Human Resources. “Kimberly.” Janelle nodded to the receptionist up front.

“They’re ready for you and Mr. Turner at the end of the hall.” Kimberly smiled. She was a tall blonde with black rimmed glasses and some distracting cleavage. Janelle peeled him away.

“Down boy,” Janelle leaned over as they walked. “You have to actually officially join the company before you can dip your pen in the company ink.”

“I—.” He started to protest.

“Lighten up, Colin. Fenris does important, serious work, but were not as stuffy as you might imagine. Who doesn’t like a nice pair of tits, right? Work hard, play hard, you know?” She said. “Though you might want to steer clear of Kimmy, she’s a bit of a jealous type.” Colin glanced at Janelle, but said nothing.

“Ah, Mr. Turner. Welcome to Fenris Group. I’m Franklin Betters, chief of Executive Recruitment, and this is Lydia Durrell, from Legal Compliance.” Lydia was a buxom brunette, large breasts, and wide hips, and she filled her suit very well. Franklin pointed to a plastic box outside the office he stood in front of. “If you would be so kind as to put your phone and any other possible recording device in that box, we’ll take you inside and walk you through the non-disclosure agreements, and then we can tell you more about your position.” Colin withdrew his cell phone and put it in the bin. “Janelle, come back by,” he looked at his watch, “let’s say nine-thirty? You can take him to the cafeteria for a snack before he sits down with Personnel and Administration.” She nodded and left Colin with the two people. Franklin waved him inside the office and offered a seat.

“So, Mr. Turner…” Lydia spoke.

“You can call me Colin.” He said.

“Colin, then. I’m part of Fenris Legal.” She slid a stack of papers in his direction. These are mainly standard NDAs about the work you may do and will do for us. As with any research effort, we take corporate security seriously.” She spent forty minutes going over the documents. “The key takeaway here is, if you intentionally reveal information protected under the NDA to anyone who does *not* work directly for Fenris—and by this I am excluding sub-contractors and subsidiary employees of businesses owned by Fenris, such as those in town—you would be in violation of the NDAs. This also includes family and spouses. I cannot emphasize this enough.” He signed. It actually wasn’t that big of a deal. Alison never wanted to hear about his work. She was always bored by science.

“Okay, now that we own your soul,” Franklin laughed, “let’s talk about the Neural Enhancement Division, otherwise known as NED. NED was stood up about six years ago. It’s working a with a few other divisions under the umbrella of the ‘Better Communities Program’. Your position title is going to Junior Vice President of the Biofeedback Behavioral Branch. You’re actually wearing one of the key products to come out of Tri-B.” Franklin pointed to wristband on Colin’s wrist.

“Oh, wow, sorry, should I have taken this off?”

“No,” Franklin laughed. “It’s good you’re already ignoring the fact that you’re wearing it. That’s what we want.” They both held up their wrists, each with a bracelet. “Personally, I’d like something a bit smaller, so maybe you guys can work on that?” He laughed. “Anyhow, the buzzing you occasionally feel from the wristband, that’s part of Biofeedback, mostly what you’ll be responsible for. I don’t understand the science, but positive reinforcement elements are why you were hired. You’ll be running the team that will help reinforce good behavior among Wolfsburg residents, and hopefully, someday, communities around the country.”

“With that said,” Lydia began, “we have another set of NDAs specific to the projects related to the Tri-B.” She spent another twenty minutes going over the paperwork. “You shouldn’t discuss details of your projects or the specifics of how the bracelets work with anyone outside your team and your direct supervisors.” She collected the newly signed papers. “That includes us after this meeting. Should you need legal guidance, feel free to contact me or anyone else in Legal Compliance, but do not provide any detail in any form of communication until an official meeting is set, is that clear?” Colin nodded.

“And Janelle?” Colin asked.

“Ms. Morley,” Lydia said, deflecting his familiarity, “is approved to discuss any and all work or personal matters with you until her term as your liaison ends approximately six months from now. We will officially inform you when the date is closer.”

“Well, we’re done here.” Franklin said, looking at his watch again. He stood up, stretching. “Janelle probably won’t be back for at least five minutes or so. I have to hit the head, but if you wouldn’t mind sitting with Colin until Janelle arrives?” He looked to Lydia. She nodded. “Alright. Good luck, Colin.” He shook his hand. “Welcome to Fenris.” Franklin left them sitting in the office.

“So, um, how long have you been with Fenris?” Colin asked.

“I joined after college. They sent me to law school after I showed some promise in the field. I don’t have it in my file, but I’m assuming you’re some sort of research scientist?”

“I have a master’s in biomedical engineering. I focused on neuro-prostheses.”

“I have no idea what that means.” She laughed. He started to explain, but she cut him off. “I appreciate the lesson, but we’re just killing time here until Ms. Morley shows up. And let’s be honest, the way you keep stealing glances at my tits, you’re not too interested in work subjects right now.” Colin blinked, looking shocked. “You don’t think a girl with big tits know she has big tits, and more importantly that guys like looking at big tits?”

“Seriously, Lydia…Ms. Durrell, if I offended you in any—.”

“If you want to see them, just ask.” She said. “It’s distracting to talk to you with your eyes darting all over the place. If that’s what it takes to keep you focused, I’m happy to help. I mean, you *are* an engineer, but I’m assuming you’ve seen tits before.” He felt heat rising in his ears. It was about the closest thing his did to blushing in full.

“I would never ask that of *anyone* at work.”

“Your loss, Colin…they’re awesome.” She shrugged in response, and they sat there in silence for a few more minutes, though it felt much longer. Finally, Janelle knocked and entered the office.

“We’re all good here?” She asked Lydia.

“Colin Turner is officially NDA’d and ready to be in-processed.” They stood, and Lydia shook his hand. “Relax, Colin. You’re here now. You’re *in*. Among the elite. Work hard, play hard, you know?” She winked and left him with Janelle.

“Come on, Colin, let’s get some coffee in you. You look like you’re in shock from all the legal-ese you probably had to sit through.” They went back down to the lobby, and the security guard walked over.

“Here’s your ID, Mr. Turner.” He handed him an ID with his name and face on it. The picture looked to be from when he entered the building. “Keep it visible at all times. We recommend a lanyard or clipping it to your lapel or waist. He pointed to his ID attached to his utility belt.”

“Lanyard for me,” Janelle said, holding up her ID hanging from her neck. “I don’t need guys staring at my crotch all day.” She laughed. The security guard chuckled and walked away. “We can get you a lanyard at the HR in-processing. Just clip it to your lapel for now.”

“Can’t the bracelets work as ID?” He asked as they walked to cafeteria around the corner.

“Good question, you should talk to the Junior Vice President of the Biofeedback Behavioral Branch about that.” She laughed again. “God, the look on your face. It’s hitting you now, I mean, just now…that you actually work here?”

“It’s been a lot to take in and, well, the experience thus far has been odd.”

“Are you telling me you *didn’t* get a welcome handjob from your recruitment liaison at your last place of employment?”

“Jesus!” He snapped. “Can you keep your voice down?”

“Sorry,” she said, and sounded earnest. “It’s not as if I do that with *everyone*. You’ve been nice to me, and I like both you and Alison, so we had a little fun, so what?”

“I cheated on her.” He said.

“Well…I don’t know if I qualify that as cheating, but sure, if that’s how you feel. You’ll learn more about this at in-processing.”

“About adultery.”

“No, dummy, you’ll see, though. It will all make more sense.” He sighed at her non-answer, and they got coffee before heading up to HR again. This time he was led down to another end of the office suite into a conference room. It was all women this time, three of them, and all attractive in their own way. Janelle sat down next to him, and the woman in the center of the three spoke first.

“I’m Sanita,” she said. She was a light-skinned woman of Indian descent, though she had no accent. “The is Julie,” she pointed to the red-head at her right, “and that is Tabitha.” She nodded to brunette on her right. “I’m head of Human Resources Equal Opportunity and Outreach. They work with me, and we’re here to talk to you about appropriate behaviors in and out of the office. Now, this conversation will be unusual. No doubt you are expecting me to use words like zero tolerance and harassment-free and all of that mumbo jumbo. Well, indeed, you are expected to not harass people. To follow company policies, to not lie, steal, assault others, all that sort or thing. You’re an adult. If you don’t know this, you won’t last very long at Fenris Group. The key behind our functional office policies is this: radical honesty. What is radical honesty, you may ask? Well, it’s speaking your mind, within reason, or course. We’ll have a little test. First, I’ll ask you what you think of Julie. Speak what comes to your mind, and do not be afraid of offending us, or violating any policies.”

“Um,” Colin started, “she seems nice. She looks young to be working in an office?” Colin knew there were no protections for age bias if you were younger than forty.

“Janelle, would you mind giving me your opinion of Julie?”

“Of course, Sanita. Julie is young-looking, and I kind of question whether she’s ready to be working in HR and not still in the receptionist or administration pool. Also, I love redheads. Do you have a little red pussy, too?” Colin started coughing. Julie blushed a little but said nothing.

“Radical honesty, Colin.” Sanita said. “Be mindful of insulting people, obviously, but Julie *is* young, barely twenty-one. She is a redhead. Julie,” Sanita looked to her, “*do* you have red pubic hair?”

“I, um, I wax.” She said in a high voice.

“What a shame.” Janelle said. “Regardless, with lips like those, you should be training in the secretary pool.” Janelle smiled lasciviously. “Tabitha,” she said, turning to the other woman, “you had a landing strip last time I saw you naked.”

“Still do,” she said.

“Tabitha and I dated briefly,” Janelle added, “though we stopped because she met her husband, who I don’t really like.”

“Jesus!” Colin groaned. “You—all of you really talk like this, at work, nonetheless?”

“Wherever, Colin.” Sanita said. “We’re using shocking examples here on purpose. You get over the thrill eventually. The idea is to show you the normal limits do not apply. If you are aroused, act on it. If you are interested in a colleague, tell them. Clear the air, then get on with work. If you are angry or upset, say why. This helps you work through conflict faster, rather than seething, plotting, being disruptive. You will be surprised to find you can speak truth to power here, tell your boss that his idea is dumb. He may not like it, and he’ll want an explanation, but you’ll find that most of the time, they won’t hold it against you. Do you know how many people we fired last year? We’re a company of five thousand-plus employees. Guess.”

“Fifty?” He said.



“No, Colin, *three* only. One for stealing petty cash, another for missing multiple deadlines, and the third falsifying their time sheets. These are serious offenses. Fraud, failure to perform your actual work duties, that sort of thing. No one was fired because of a hot-head VP, or for grab-assing at the company picnic, or for looking at porn at work. The bottom line is, do your job, Colin, do it well. Don’t break your NDAs, don’t steal from the company. It’s pretty fucking easy.” She smiled, obviously relishing swearing. “So, let’s have a test again. Do you like women, Colin?”

“Uh, yes, I’m married.”

“Which of us in here would you like to fuck?”

“I can’t do this, it’s just—.” He stammered.

“I gave Colin here a handy in his pool on Saturday night. He tried really hard to fend me off. The guy really does love his wife, I think, but, come on, look at me,” Janelle pointed at her body, “it wasn’t a fair fight.”

“I can’t believe this…” He muttered.

“Colin is a bit weak-willed.” Janelle went on. “I think he has the makings of a decent VP. He’s very conscious of his decision-making process, but he’s a little shy when it comes to taking chances. Once he works past that, though…look out world.” Colin looked down at the table and took a few long breaths.

“I would fuck you, Sanita.” He said softly, looking up at the woman across the table. “I’ve never had sex with an Indian woman before, and I’d like to see your breasts, the color of your nipples.” Sanita gave a slight smirk.

“There we go, and I’m flattered, Colin, but you’re not really my type. By that, I mean, white.” She started unbuttoning her blouse to the point that her bra, a tan satin and lace combination was revealed. She slipped a breast free letting him see her coffee and cream skin, her nipple and areola a dark tan. “Satisfy your curiosity?” She put her breast away and rebuttoned her blouse.

“This is crazy.” He said. “Can I see your bush?” He asked on a whim, and he saw Janelle smile a little wider at his asking.

“You assume I have…a bush?” She smiled. “Fine, it is three fingers wide,” she held up her hand, but you are not seeing it in this meeting. Radical honestly is one thing, Colin, it’s how we work at Fenris,” Sanita said, “but you get nothing unless it’s given.”

“Sexual tension is distracting. Trying to play mind games with people at work is distracting. Radical honesty, open behavior, this helps to remove many—not all—distractions.” Janelle said.

“But what if I’m distracted by, um, the thought of not seeing her, um, bush?” He asked.

“Then you *talk* to her about it. If she still says no, come talk to someone like me. It sounds crazy…it kind of is at face-value, but there’s probably *something* we could figure out to ease your Indian bush obsession.” She laughed a little.

“To continue,” Sanita said, rolling her eyes, “there are still limits. You can’t threaten people, say you wish to hurt them, et cetera. Radical honesty also implies, well, honesty. If you tell someone ‘I want to wring your neck’ then they may very well interpret that as truth. Hyperbole can be dangerous here. I want to be clear on that. If you didn’t mean something as truth, be clear about that as well. Finally, consent is still a key factor of interaction at the office. If you were to, say, grab Janelle’s breast right now, she could tell you stop, and you must comply. The same as if someone were to stroke the front of your pants in a crowded elevator. You can say no.”

“But, that is *implied* consent.” Colin said. “I’m a junior VP, right, so if I do that to a secretary, maybe she’d be afraid to say no.” The women laughed, almost in unison.

“You’re new to Fenris,” Tabitha said, “but feel free to test that theory. You’ll soon see how many women *aren’t* interested in you, and more importantly, how many—even secretaries—are willing to tell you to go fuck yourself if you persist.”

“Again,” Sanita said, “I will caution you that violence of any kind is not tolerated. You may grab someone’s rear end, even give a light slap, but if something leaves a mark without prior consent, expect to find some serious trouble heading your way. Get into an argument with another man, one that ends with fists, and you’ll likely find yourself out of a job, are we clear?”

“Yes.” He said.

“As for work affairs, dalliances with other women outside of work, other married women, even? Should it have been a secret, HR’s best advice is to be honest if confronted. Further to that, we also recommend you simply be open with all parties involved. You’d be surprised how many people are willing to share in a society focused on radical honesty. Though, there are still plenty of monogamous couples who work here. You should not feel pressured to live in manner you are not comfortable with. Foremost, this entire briefing is meant to begin acclimatizing you to the Fenris Group ethos. You are not expected to fit right in, to live a life of radical honesty with no compunctions or mistakes, but, at the same time, you should not be surprised when confronted in unusual ways. Do this make sense?”

“I believe so.” Colin said. In the back of his mind, he wanted to yell out that the whole thing was crazy, but then, the head of Human Resources Equal Opportunity and Outreach had flashed one of her boobs *during* his EEO briefing. It *was* crazy, but it was a crazy he could deal with.

“Excellent,” Sanita smiled, “some of these go more smoothly than others, and you should know yours went well enough.”

“I hope we can work together as well on everything.” Colin said, filling the awkward space.

“Thank you for your time, then, Colin.” Sanita suppressed a smirk. “I’ll be sending an email to you with these policies, as well as frequently asked questions, to your new work email. When you get the opportunity over the next week, read through, and email me back that you’ve read and understand the policies. That will suffice for your EEO training this year, though you’ll attend with the rest of the office in September of next year.” She gathered her things and the women prepared to leave. Janelle tapped him on the shoulder and waved him out of the room.

“Let’s go find your office, Colin.” Janelle told him as headed out of the HR Department. “We can get lunch in a little bit, and then I’ll take you down to Personnel Processing, where they’ll finish up your pay and benefits paperwork, though you likely did everything online already, right?” He nodded. “So, you’ll just have to physically sign a few things. Probably ten minutes tops.” She looked at some notes on her phone. “You’re on floor nine, near the lab that you’re responsible for, actually, which is great. You won’t have to wander over to another part of the campus just to talk to your people.” They got in an elevator, and seeing that they were alone, Colin put his hand on Janelle’s ass. “Well, someone took their EEO briefing to heart.” She raised an eyebrow at him.

“Sorry.” He said, removing the hand from her ass.

“I’d appreciate it if you don’t do that in public, considering I’m currently your liaison, but if you feel the need, go to town.” She bumped him with her hip.

**End Part 3**



  1. This all is so hot. I love the time you take to do a proper setup of the story. Do you have an idea how many parts the story will end up being?

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