The Neighborhood: Part 1 [MF][Mast][Exh][Oral][MC][SciFi]

**Chapter 1: She Moves Him in Mysterious Ways**

“I just, I mean really, we’re moving across the country to the middle of nowhere—.”

“It’s California, Alison, not Malaysia.” He said.

“California, sure, but not near the ocean, not near LA, San Francisco…it’s just, we’re uprooting everything. Why? What wrong with here?”

“For one, what *exactly* are we leaving behind? My dead-end job, your nagging mother who’s always going on about my dead-end job? Your friends, who you constantly claim you hate?”

“That’s not fair!”

“What’s fair is, I’ve been offered nearly double my salary, housing assistance, a title bump—.”

“So, it’s all money, then?” She asked.

“No, of course not,” Colin was frustrated. They’d had the same conversation for almost two weeks now. “But, I tell you what, if you’re willing to go back to work, we can make up the salary difference, and I won’t *have* to move us, right?”

“That’s not fair!”

“It’s not fair that in the 21st century, I’m still expected to be sole provider, but I’m doing my best, aren’t I.” He sighed. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t. I accepted the offer last night.”

“What?!” Her jaw dropped.

“They called last night after you had,” he made air quotes, “*fallen asleep* after your last glass of wine. So, yeah, now it actually *is* double my current salary.”

“You can’t make decisions like this without me!”

“You’d already tentatively agreed, and I was on the spot. I actually tried to wake you, but they said it was now or never. I chose now.” Colin sat on the couch and looked up at his wife. “The movers will be here next weekend. You can take as long as you need, stay with your mother if you want, but I’m flying out on Friday.”

“Jesus, Colin, when the fuck did you grow a spine.” It wasn’t a compliment. She grabbed a bottle of wine, a glass, and went to their bedroom. By the way she slammed the door, it was clearly going to be *her* bedroom that night. He heard her minutes later complaining to her mother on her cell phone, but based on her tenor, it sounded as if her mother was actually agreeing with Colin’s decision.

“Well, fuck you very much, Mrs. Drury,” he gave a mock salute to his mother in law, “for once we’re on the same page.” Colin grabbed a beer and went to his home office on the main floor, not really a sanctum, but he wouldn’t see Alison until the next morning. He hadn’t even had the opportunity to tell her he’d already quit his other job. She’d probably be surprised to see him still at the breakfast table whenever she chose to get up.

Colin sipped at his beer and played around on the internet for a bit. Looking over his shoulder, not that his wife would be there, he decided to be a bit brazen and undid his pants. He wasn’t insatiable, really, but he’d basically masturbated twice a day, minimum, since his teens. Usually once during his morning shower, and once before bedtime. When he and Alison had first been together, he’d told her this during some random twenty-something conversation, and she acted like he was cheating on her. At the time he was even jerking it to pictures of her, pictures she’d given him. She made him promise to stop…so he did stop…jerking it pictures of her. He still loved her, really, but they’d been at each other’s throats for almost a year as he continued to become more and more miserable at work. They had perfunctory sex once or twice a month, and he made sure she came every time, but it was at the point where she seemed, well, not against it, but apathetic. He had no doubt some of it was the influence of her ‘friends’. There wasn’t a one among them who wasn’t divorced at least once, and she’d never really drank as much before she started going out with them. She went through nearly a bottle of wine a day, as it was.

He got hard quickly and was enjoying some photos of a redhead with glasses when his phone buzzed. He recognized the area code from California and fumbled with one hand to answer.

“Mr. Turner?” It was woman’s voice on the other end, surprisingly sexy even in two words. “I’m Janelle Morley, from Fenris Group?”

“Oh, um, yes, of course, what can do for you, Ms. Morley? Is this about my application materials, or the move, or—.”

“Relax, Colin.” She laughed. “Can I call you Colin?” She paused for a moment. “If you’re nodding, you know I can’t see you, hmm?” His cock perked up at her half-moan at the end. He had been nodding.

“Colin is fine.” He added.

“And please call me Janelle. The reason I’m calling, Colin, is that I’m part of the welcome liaison. All new hired get assigned a liaison to help in their move, their transition to the neighborhood, that sort of thing.” He was stroking himself just listening to her, and to be honest, the lure of this position was pretty damned close to phone sex. “So, do you need anything right now, Colin? Anything at all?”


“It’s okay, Colin. I realize I’m calling from the West Coast. It’s getting late where you are. You’re probably already in your pajamas.”

“Um, something like that.” He said, looking down at his pants around his ankles.

“I’m jealous. Believe me. There’s nothing more I look forward to after a long day—and I’ve had a long day today, Colin—than getting home, kicking off my heels, ditching the office clothes, and climbing into a hot bath.”

“Fu—.” He started to come, just managing to move his hand over his cock to stop the semen from spurting all over, though it made a mess of his hand and lap.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that, Colin?”

“Oh, uh umm…I was just saying I fuh-fully understand. That’s one of the reasons I, um, look forward to starting with Fenris Group. Too many of my days feel like *bath* days, I guess.” He mouthed a few curses looking down at the mess in his lap.

“It’s fine, Colin. It sounds like I caught you out of sorts. I’ll let you get back to whatever fun you were up to, and I’ll email you my contact info in a moment. Any time, day or night, from now until three months after your start with us, I am yours to command. Go ahead, say it, it will make fell like a boss.” She chuckled.

“You, um, you are mine to command.”

“Very good, Colin, it shows you’re ready and willing. Any questions, concerns, whatever, feel free to call or email. I will drop everything to do what I can. You have a good evening, Colin.”

“Um, you too, Janelle.” She hung up, and moment later, he got an email alert. He took a minute to clean off his hand and crotch, wiping up the come with a few tissues, and opened the email on his main computer. “Fuck me…” Janelle had sent her contact email as a welcome letter. It detailed a schedule for the move, his orientation, a meet and greet at work and in his neighborhood, and a few other incidentals, but right at the top was a picture of Janelle Morley, Senior Staff Liaison Coordinator. She was beautiful, and the scary thing was, Colin’s first thought was that she looked like Alison. Maybe a few years younger, and still a brunette rather than the not-quite-red or auburn color Alison had gone with over the past few years. Slightly smaller breasts, too, obvious even in a cropped photo. “That voice and those looks…” He muttered. “No wonder they put you on the welcome committee.” He pulled up his pants and let out a guilty sigh. In any other situation, he should be heading to bed to fuck an ecstatic wife, happy to have a successful husband, but he was resigned to the guest room. He grabbed a book, abandoning his half-empty beer, and stripped down for bed. He read for fifteen minutes before falling fast asleep.


**Chapter 2: Cocktails at the Community Center**

He had nothing to do for the remaining week other than prep a few things for the movers and gather a few pieces of luggage for the flight out to California. By Wednesday of that week, Alison’s mother had convinced her that she needed to fly out with Colin on Friday. Colin was of half a mind to say he couldn’t arrange it at such short notice, but Janelle had no issue getting another ticket for his wife—first-class all the way, as well. The movers descended like locusts and had them all packed in six hours by Thursday afternoon. They spent that night at the Business Suites Hotel near the airport, as Alison sobbed to her mother on the phone. Colin took some solace that his mother in law was telling her she needed to be an adult, and more importantly, a wife. The woman talked loudly as it was, but every word came through crystal clear even with Alison having her phone pressed against her ear.

The flight was pleasant, and they were treated like royalty once they got past security at the airport. Alison acted as if she’d flown first-class her whole life, when she’d really only left her home state to go to college, and eventually move in with him. Still, it was pleasant enough, she didn’t get too drunk, and they hadn’t fought the whole time. They landed in early afternoon at San Jose. A car met them, the driver taking their luggage, and they were shuttled for nearly two hours to Wolfsburg, California. The town, as far as he could tell, had basically been built by the Fenris Group. Any research he’d tried to do in lead-up to the move had stalled at any date earlier than 1991, ostensibly when Fenris was incorporated, though it apparently pre-dated that by some time. Wolfsburg, in turn, was founded in the late 1990s.

Rather than taking them to their new home, already signed and mortgaged back on the east coast, they pulled up to a community center. The driver stopped, got out, and opened the doors for them.

“Where are we?” Colin asked.

“Oh, sorry.” The driver said. “This is the Wolfsburg Community Center. I’d assumed you’d been told you were meeting some of the other residents this afternoon.” He pointed to the main doors. “Just through there, then head to the back of the building. I’ll take your things to your house.” Colin and Alison looked at each other, as if deciding whether to go in, but the driver was already pulling away.

“I suppose it can’t hurt to stretch our legs a bit.” Alison said. They went in to the building and headed toward the sound of light conversation and music. The sun was still blazing, but the interior was near-frigid from the air conditioning. Colin found himself briefly distracted by his wife’s nipples tenting her thin blouse.

“Colin!” He took a sharp breath hearing Janelle’s voice. “Alison!” The striking brunette came walking out of the two-dozen people gathered in the main hall. “You two are right on time. Flight went smoothly, I assume?” She leaned in, giving Colin a light hug and a continental kiss on each cheek. She repeated the same with Alison, before extending her hand. “We’ve never formally spoken,” Janelle said to Alison, “but I’m your welcome liaison.”

“Oh, yes,” Alison paused, but then smiled. “Of course. Janelle. Yes. Colin spoke of you. We were on a conference call with you once or twice over the last week.”

“That was me! Glad you remember. So, you two, the movers are almost done at your house, so this even works out well, timing-wise. We’ll keep you distracted until,” she looked at her watch, “five or so, then take you dinner, and then drop you off at your new home, with all your stuff moved in, and ready to suffer a few nights of jet lag.” She laughed. “How’s that sound?”

“Um,” Colin said, “this event isn’t just for, well, for us, is it?”

“Oh, that would be wonderful, wouldn’t it? I mean, you are a junior VP, but no, this a retirement party. It just so happens you arrived on the same day, but we’re all family at Fenris. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Clark, he’s the one retiring.” She grabbed two fruity-looking drinks off a passing tray and handed one to each of them. Colin took a glance at Janelle’s chest and saw her nipples were just as hard as Alison’s, and Janelle’s silk blouse revealed a bit more detail. As he took his drink, he saw her smirk a bit, and he’d realized he’d likely been caught, but then, it wasn’t a frown, was it? “Clark, you old ham,” she said, interrupting a distinguished-looking who couldn’t have been that much older than Colin, “I’d like you to meet Alison and Colin. Colin’s a new junior VP in development. Did I get that right, Colin?” God, she was deft, letting Colin charge right it.

“Yes, I’ll be starting on Monday. The European Development Branch.” The two men shook hands. I have to say, you look awfully young to be retiring.”

“Very kind of you to say, Colin, but once you hit your fifties, you start to realize you want to see a bit more of the world than Wolfsburg, you know? Nice to meet you, too.” He leaned over and have a friendly hug to Alison, and stiffened a bit as he casually, but not shyly, caressed her ass. “I love working for Fenris,” he said, stepping back and smiling warmly at them, “love living here, too, but Tabitha wants to see more of East Asia, and then the Costa del Sol. So, my wife twisted my arm, and I’m retiring now while both of us can still enjoy lounging on the beaches in Thailand or Spain, you know.”

“Twisted your arm!” A buxom blonde approached them and wrapped herself around Clark. “I hadn’t realized I would have to push so hard to have you ogle me in a bikini.”

“And less, in Spain.” Clark laughed.

“Oh my god, you two are so cute!” Tabitha looked at Colin and Alison. “See, you’re lucky we’re leaving, Clark, because I might be spending a lot of time at their house.” Alison actually blushed.

“Tabby, be nice, they’re new…” Clark admonished her, but it was friendly.

“And the two of you could be sisters.” Tabitha said to Alison and Janelle.

“Honestly, it’s true.” Clark added. “I just now noticed the resemblance. Striking.” He made no effort to disguise his enjoying the sight of either of them. “Well, I have to continue to play host to my own funeral, as it were.” He chuckled. “It was nice meeting you, Colin. Feel free to reach out to me over the next week or so before I depart for good. I’m happy to share a few skeletons I still keep in my back pocket.” He winked, and he and his wife wandered away.

“He’s a character.” Janelle said. “The company is losing a lot with his departure, but then, why work if not to enjoy the fruits of our labor, yes?” She put a hand on Colin shoulder, and damn if he didn’t shiver a bit. “You two wander around, introduce yourself where possible, and just relax. Even if you want to go sit by the pool and nurse your umbrella drinks, you stuck here for another hour or so. I’ll come find you for dinner.” Her hand slid to his lower back. “Just us at that one, okay?” Colin nodded dumbly, aware he was now sporting an erection, but thankful his boxer briefs were containing it. They drifted for a bit as couple when Alison stopped him.

“That guy was undressing me with his eyes. I got a weird vibe.” She said.

“I noticed, but then, he has his own eye candy, doesn’t he?” Colin grinned.

“God!” She laughed, covering her mouth. “What is it with fifty-somethings and their trophy wives? Honestly, if I had even leaned in her direction, she probably would’ve jumped me.”

“*That* I wouldn’t mind seeing.” Colin said.

“If I wasn’t already half in the bag, I’d be pissed at you right now.” She rolled her eyes.

“No need to be jealous,” he slid his arm around her waist, then lower to her ass, “we could always find somewhere more private…” His cock was rock-hard, and his eyes kept drifting to her hard nipples. It didn’t help that Alison’s pants were thin. He could feel she was wearing a thong. He hadn’t even noticed her getting dressed that morning before the flight.

“Keep it in your pants, Colin. We don’t need them firing you before your first day.” She removed his hand from her ass. They mingled over the next hour, and Colin met a few of his future coworkers, their husbands or wives, some other random people in the company. This was a small event. Fenris had several hundred employees in Wolfsburg, a few hundred more around the world, but Colin was struck by how healthy and generally attractive everyone was…and the women…he found himself struggling not to stare. California living appeared to agree with everyone present. They were on their third umbrella drink when Janelle found them standing near the pool.

“Are you two ready for a leisurely dinner on the company’s dime?” She asked. They nodded. She led them back through the crowd, but not before giving Clark a big kiss on the cheek. He, in turn, grabbed her ass like he owned it. She playfully slapped his hand and rejoined the couple as they left the building. “Clark’s part of the old guard. A little too publicly handsy, but generally a good guy. He gave many of the women their first leadership positions in Fenris, so we, well, *overlook* his more dated approaches to personnel.” She coyly looked back over her shoulder as the car approached. “So, don’t get any ideas, Colin…you’re new. Grab ass is a consensual affair these days.” They clambered into the back of the town car, and Colin found himself distracted by Janelle crossing her long legs. “I’m taking you two someplace quiet…and hopefully a little warmer.” She ran her fingers over her chest. “My nipples have been standing guard all afternoon.” She laughed, loking at Alison, who smiled shyly. “The restaurant isn’t fancy, really, but dark and quiet, with good steaks, seafood, and such. As I said, the company is paying, but try to avoid spending more than a hundred on a bottle of wine. I hate having to fill out extra paperwork.” She rolled her eyes in an exaggerated manner.

They arrived at the restaurant in what was downtown Wolfsburg. It was one of those fake suburban developments, made to look modern and chic, but obviously planned. The restaurant was called *Montrose*, and they were ushered to a corner booth in moments, having a reservation. They all ordered steaks and salad, Janelle recommending the frites, which they all shared. The wine was Italian, and just under hundred, and absolutely worth the price. The women sat on either side of him, and he felt like a lord of the realm, and the few others in the restaurant seemed to be giving him approving glances. Alison excused herself to go to the restroom when Janelle leaned over and casually slid her hand over his crotch.

“You’re still hard from this afternoon, I see.”

“Janelle! What are you—!”

“Relax, nothing is happening here…just a friendly chat. I was just checking you out just like you were eying my tits all afternoon.” She removed her hand, and he let out a breath. “You know, I could hear you jerking off on the phone during our first conversation.”

“I wasn’t jerk—.”

“Colin…” She purred. “Don’t lie to me. I know men like my voice, and you definitely like looking at me, so I get it.” He watched her uncross her legs and lean back in her seat. “When you go home tonight, fuck you wife. Think of me if you want, but fuck *her*. Spouses get nervous with all this change. We—Fenris—want you happy, focused, ready to get to work. I mean, what little I know of you and Alison, you don’t seem very adventurous, but if you want me to offer to come home with you tonight, we can all christen the new house?”

“Is this, like, a joke, some sort of hazing?” He asked.

“Slide your hand up my skirt and find out…” She purred. He hesitated. He’d never touched another woman since he got married, but he glanced down at Janelle’s stocking-clad legs and put his hand on her knee, just below the hem of her skirt. “Don’t worry,” she said, lifting her wine glass and holding it front of her mouth, “we have a clear line of sight to the bathrooms, and Alison has to clear *all* those tables to get back here.” He felt her legs part, and he moved his hand along her leg, surprised to find the bare flesh of her thigh just a moment later. He glanced down and saw that she was wearing thigh highs. “Be brave, Colin. Start acting like an executive.”

“Fuck.” He mumbled.

“Easy access, Colin. Keep going.” She took a sip of her wine, and Colin moved his hand higher. Her skirt had ridden up a bit, so the tops of her stockings were showing, but he couldn’t see the thin laciness that was her panties, his fingers feeling the warmth of her body, her pussy. He traced her labia through the thin fabric. “Oh, but you’re such a tease!” She laughed. “Time’s up, regardless.” It took all his will not to guiltily jerk his hand from under the table, but he slowly pulled back, and Janelle shuffled in her seat to nonchalantly readjust her skirt.

“She would not be up for a threesome, I can tell you that.” Colin said quietly as Alison cleared the final distance to the booth.

“All things in time, Colin.” Janelle said. “And remember what I told you.”

“What *did* she tell you?” Alison asked, smiling as she slid into the booth.

“Oh, I told him to make sure he fucks you when you get home tonight. It’s the best way to make your new home your own.”

“Janelle!” Alison gasped, but she followed with a laugh. “Honestly!”

“I’ve been doing this a few years now, that and I’m a clinical psychologist with a PhD in Behavioral Science. I tell this to *all* the new couples in town.” She lightly laughed, taking a sip of her wine. “Why do you think we get you drunk? It eases transition. We need Colin relaxed and feeling like he’s home—so he can get to work—so that we can all attend *his* retirement party ten or twenty years from now. Come on let’s get you two in the car and on the way home. My place is just down the street, and I need a quick walk to clear my head.”

“I won’t hear of it, Janelle.” Alison said. “It’s dark out now.”

“This is one of the *safest* towns in America. Nothing to fear. Unless you’re inviting me back to *your* place?” She winked comically. “Do you think Colin would like the idea of a sister act?” Alison blushed. “I didn’t think so. You two kids have fun.” She shooed them out of the booth. “Don’t worry, I’ll get the check. The car should be waiting.” They got out of the booth, thanking her once again, and made their way outside. True to her word, the town car was waiting out front, and the driver opened the door for them as they climbed in. The driver told them it would be about twenty minutes to their house. After a minute or two of driving Alison leaned over.

“Can he hear us?”

“The driver? No, not with the partition up. You have to hit the intercom button. Why do you want a water? There’s some over there.” He pointed.

“I’m not wearing any underwear.” She whispered, then giggled. “She set us up…Janelle. When you were in the bathroom earlier, she told me to go before the meal was over and take off my panties.”

“Are you serious?” He asked.

“It’s not as fun because I’m wearing pants, but…” She unbuttoned her blouse letting her bare breasts fall free. “I made up for it.”

“Jesus, Alison, you *are* drunk!” She frowned. “I’m not complaining.” He added, cupping her breast and teasing at one of her light tan nipples. She clutched at the front of his pants.

“Mmm…someone’s happy.” She started fumbling with his zipper. “Take it out.”


“Come on, whip it out. We still have fifteen minutes or so.” Colin finished the effort and pulled his erection free of his pants. She stroked him for a moment before sliding off the read seat, crawling on her knees between his legs.

“Seriously?” He asked. She straightened her back, her breasts still exposed, and undid her pants. She pulled them down so they bunched at her knees. Her dark triangle of hair was visible even in the low-light of the of car

“I *told* you I took them off.” She played with herself for a moment before bracing herself between his legs. Alison took ahold of his cock and leaned down to put it in her mouth. She started blowing him slowly, then with a little more vigor. He stared at her exposed hips, her ass high in the air she bobbed on him. He felt himself nearing completion when the intercom crackled.

“We’re pulling onto your street just now. We’ll be there in a just a moment. Welcome home.” The driver said. Alison withdrew, laughing a bit.

“I guess there was no traffic.” She said. She buttoned her blouse, though now that he saw her, he couldn’t believe he’d missed that she hadn’t been wearing a bra. She hiked up her pants and buttoned them, sitting back in the seat next to Colin. “You may want to put that away for now.” She said, tapping the head of his cock with her finger. Colin swore under his breath, realizing he almost flashed the driver, quickly zipping up just as the car stopped. A moment later the driver opened the door for them. The air was cooler than the downtown area, and he heard crickets and took in the sweet smell of grass and flowering trees as he stepped out of the vehicle. The driver helped Alison out of the other side of the car and then went to the trunk to get their luggage. The couple stood there in the cool night air and glanced up and down the street. They were in a cul-de-sac, and similar houses surrounded them. The driver carried their luggage up to the front door and came back, handing a set of keys to Colin.

“Your house keys, sir.”

“Um, thanks.” Colin said. “Uh, should I be tipping?”

“No, sir, the company takes care of everything. If you wish to put in a good word for me, that’s entirely up to you. Enjoy the rest of your night, folks.” He winked, tipping his cap. He got back in his town car and pulled out, driving away.

“Do you think he knew what we were up to?” Alison asked. He looked at his wife. Her blouse was undone to the point she was showing not just cleavage, but side boob. He almost laughed. He glanced down and saw her pants weren’t buttoned up all the way either, a bit of her bush peeking out between the V of her button fly. She probably hadn’t even noticed since the pants were clingy enough to stay up on their own. He said nothing, leading them to the door.

They’d only seen pictures online, and the house had been empty, so it was difficult to get a sense of what the actual living space looked like. They’d really only had a few choices of styles, and they’d opted for the model with a living space in the basement. It was big, much bigger than the place they been leasing on the East Coast, and this one they would actually someday own, and the mortgage was only a few hundred more than they’d been paying in rent. They walked up to the door and unlocked it, Colin hefted the luggage inside and hit a light switch. They were greeted by a mirror image of themselves, a giant framed mirror extending up the wall of the foyer stairway. Colin was wondering of Alison was seeing her state of undress. No wonder the driver winked.

“This is…gorgeous!” Alison said, kicking off her shoes to walk on the hardwood floors. Colin did the same, following her. “It’s so much more spacious than I imagined. And these floors…” She stopped at the main living room. All their stuff was set up, almost like a showroom, and everything looked…inadequate…small. “We’re going to need to go furniture shopping.” She paced through the kitchen, admiring the cabinets, the tile floor, then into the formal dining room, the sitting room, the library. Colin’s PC was already set up and running. They moved upstairs, passing four other bedrooms and as shared bath until they found the master suite. “Oh my…wow!” The master bedroom dwarfed their queen-sized bed, and even the nightstands and dressers didn’t fill much more space. The bed was made up, though they weren’t their normal sheets—the movers probably hadn’t known what to use. “We’re definitely going to need more furniture.” She moved through the sitting room off the bedroom, then in the master bath. There were his and hers showers, each with multi-head sprayers, a giant soaking tub with jets, and double sinks. He’d missed half these details when they were looking at the house. All he’d really cared about were the number of bedrooms and baths, the square-footage, and the price, but this…it really was stunning. “We can even get a TV in here,” she pointed to the wall in the sitting room where there was already a cable hookup. “Maybe some high-backed chairs for reading…”


“We have *nothing* for the guest bedrooms, not really, just that one bed my mom used, and…”

“Alison…” He stopped her, kissed her, and started unbuttoning her blouse. “We have years to take care of this. We *live* here now*…let’s go to fucking bed, yeah?” She took a breath and smiled, letting her blouse fall to the floor. Half the lights were still on in the house, but Colin just shut off the ones in the bedroom. Alison was already stepping out of her pants and stood there naked, waiting for him. He quickly pulled off his clothes, and his wobbly balance reminded him of how he was still a little drunk, but he approached her with his half-hard cock bobbing with each step. He kissed her deeply, grabbing her ass with his body pressed against hers. His erection returned quickly, and they backed toward the bed. He pulled back the covers and they got underneath.

“These aren’t our good sheets.” Alison said between kissing.

“We’re going to make them dirty, regardless.” He said and pushed inside her. She was wet, as he’d been licking at her nipples and stroking her labia, two things that never failed. He started fucking her, but five pumps in, he started coming. “Fuck!” He said, surprised at the quickness, and started to pull out.

“Just keep going…at least enjoy it.” He slid back in, but his heart wasn’t in it, and he’d barely felt the orgasm in his panic. “It’s already on the sheets. Just roll over, and I’ll go to the bathroom and get cleaned up.” He did as he was told, and she clambered out of bed, clutching a hand between her legs to keep his come from dripping onto the carpet. He waited in the bed, listening to her clatter in the bathroom. It was hardly movie sex. “Everything is in here,” she said framed by the light of the bathroom, “if you want to brush your teeth or whatever.” He got up and went into the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth, looking at herself naked in the mirror. She pointed to the medicine cabinet over the other sink, and he opened it, seeing all his toiletries laid out. He started brushing his teeth. She laughed to herself. He asked ‘What?’ though a mouth full of toothpaste. “No, it’s a bad joke.” He raised an eyebrow. “Fine…I just thought to myself, I hope he can last longer at his new job than he did tonight.” He froze. “Seriously, Colin! It was joke! My mind goes to some weird places sometimes. I had fun, really. I’d prefer you come in two seconds if it meant it was because you wanted me.” He spit and rinsed out his mouth.

“It’s fine…really.” He didn’t believe that, though. She was always critical of his lack of authority and progress at work, and in some respects, he shared her fears. Already, this all felt too good to be true.

**End Part 1**


1 comment

  1. I’m so excited to see you’ve started a new series. Can’t wait to see where you take it!

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