I read a story a while ago, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I’ve checked asstr.org, literotica.com, mcstories.com, but no luck.
The basic premise is that a mother has her dad move into her house, and she tries to stop him but no matter what he wants he gets. She complains to her friends about how annoying he is, and they all agree, but whenever he comes into the room they do whatever he says. This is all in front of her son, who learns how to control women.
One section involves the swimming pool. At one point one of the mother’s friends is in the pool, and the dad jumps in with her. He plays tag with her and keeps “accidentally” undoing her bikini. The mom tells her friend to get out because her dad is too close to her and is making the mom feel uncomfortable. The friend says she can’t because the dad’s thumb is up her ass. Sure enough, when they finally get out the dad had pulled aside her bottoms and had his thump as far up her ass as it could go. The dad apologizes, but keeps escalating scene by scene until he’s just fucking her friends whenever she turns her back.
Another section involves the dad coming into the bathroom while the daughter is bathing to apologize. Scene by scene she covers up less and less each time he apologizes, until he starts helping her bathe.
One other memorable scene is when she’s downstairs complaining to a couple friends and the dad comes in and just selects one of her friends, takes her upstairs, and fucks the shit out of her. The daughter keeps trying to have her conversation while they can hear everything.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I’d be grateful.
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/9q95ek/looking_for_story_online_dad_teaches_son_freeuse
I would like to read that