Pile Of Leaves [MF] [Exh]

“I hate raking leaves,” muttered a sweaty and sore Darren Cole

“That’s that eighth time you’ve said that today. Keep it up and you’ll get a free burger,” teased Allison Drake, his fiancé and long-time lover.

“I’ll gladly exchange all the free food for the rest of my life to never rake leaves again.”

“I’d make that trade in a heartbeat if I could, but it’s October and we can’t afford a landscaping crew. This is just part of the life we have…and the one we’re trying to build.”

Darren groaned again, but stopped short of adding to the drudgery. He just gripped the rake a little harder, sweeping the last round of leaves into the sizable pile that he and Allison had made over the past four hours. It was hard, frustrating work, but his fiancé made an important point. Raking leaves was one part of an emerging life they had been forging together.

It had been five months since he’d proposed to Allison, but they had been acting like a married couple for years. Friends and family members used to joke that they were the youngest old couple they had ever seen. They’d grown up together in the same neighborhood. They’d endured puberty, high school, and multiple failed jobs. Along the way, falling in love with her just felt like a natural part of the process.

They had gone through so much together, from his father passing away to her older sister getting arrested. He and Alison could manage the obstacles. That was not an issue anymore. Building a stable life, however, seemed much more daunting.

“Building a life,” Darren mused as he packed more leaves onto the large pile, “I know it’s not supposed to be easy, but stuff like this…”

As he caught his breath and stretched his sore muscles, he turned towards Allison, who was also raking the last round of leaves from the yard. She was as dirty and sweaty as him, wearing those stained jean shorts she hated and the T-shirt with a hole in the sleeve that she refused to throw away. Even if they already acted like they were married, it still felt as though they were behind the curve.

In another six weeks, Allison was going to look her absolute best as they walked down the aisle together in a big, elaborate ceremony that his parents insisted on paying for. Darren was going to wear an overpriced tuxedo that his cousin had custom-made for him, one he claimed was worth more than the down payment he’d put down for his first car. Looking their best on their wedding was the easy part, though. It was the little things that often confounded Darren.

He and Allison had lived together for years in a small, but functional apartment. After he proposed, they agreed they needed a bigger place. They needed something stable and permanent, a place they could truly call home. It seemed so good on paper. Darren had no idea it would be so much work.

It started off easy. They didn’t have to search long for their first home together. His Aunt and Uncle had moved out of their old house earlier that year after retiring to a tropical climate. Rather than sell it to a stranger, they offered it to him and Allison at a discounted price. Having started new jobs and needing to rebuild their savings after such a big purchase, they had to build their new life in a very literal sense.

Just moving their stuff over from the apartment wasn’t enough. His Aunt and Uncle’s house was located on a big lot with lots of space, plenty of trees, and good views. It was an amazing place, especially for a couple of newlyweds, but it required a lot of upkeep. Raking leaves was just the latest in a long list of maintenance tasks that had kept them busy for the past several months. It seemed like there was no end to it.

“Do you think all this was necessary?” Darren asked as he caught his breath.

“What do you mean?” Allison asked after setting the rake aside.

“All this – the house, the yard, and all the crap that goes into it – was it really necessary for my Aunt and Uncle? I know they’ve been married 49 years, but how much of that was because they had this house and everything that came with it?”

“I doubt it was that big a factor,” she said. “I’m sure it helped. All this space and fresh air…how could it not?”

“That’s kind of my point. Did they buy this place because they needed it? Or did they buy it because they thought that was just what newlyweds did?”

“Are you questioning the basics of married life already?” Allison said with a chuckle. “Darren, we haven’t even gone on our honeymoon yet. Shouldn’t we wait a few anniversaries before we start questioning the institution?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound cynical. I guess raking all these leaves will do that to a man.”

“That, and you like to think ahead…sometimes to a fault.”

Darren laughed and shook his head. Allison knew him well. She knew his strengths and his weaknesses. While he didn’t consider planning ahead a weakness, he did see it at once of his quirks. It often annoyed his friends, but Allison didn’t mind. It might have even been part of why she fell in love with him.

As he kept dwelling on what awaited them in married life, his bride-to-be set the rake aside and took off the heavy gloves she’d been wearing. She then walked over to him and embraced him, not minding the dirt and sweat that had accumulated from hours of yardwork.

“Darren, do you know why I didn’t hesitate for a second when you asked me to marry you?” she asked him, that beaming smile of hers already easing his soreness.

“Are you going to tell me it wasn’t because paid my brother’s roommate to play our prom song?” he teased.

“Your knack for romantic gestures was just part of it,” she said. “A much bigger part was how well we work together.”

“Work? You make it sound like we share an office.”

“I’m not talking about that kind of work,” Alison said, rolling her eyes. “I’m talking about how we navigate things together. We don’t immediately default to you-do-your-thing and I-do-my-thing. We actually try to help each other, even if it’s something as simple as raking leaves.”

“Given how many leaves we just raked, I don’t think there’s anything simple about it.”

“It’s not about quality or quantity. It’s about our approach. It didn’t happen all at once, but at some point over the course of our relationship, we stopped seeing basic tasks as individual challenges. Even when we do things by ourselves, we keep each other in mind. I don’t know if that’s a byproduct of love or just something that happens to two people who have been together so long, but damn it if it doesn’t feel right.”

Allison caressed his face, running her fingers over his unshaven face. Again, the sweat didn’t bother her. If anything, it aroused her. The way she held him, her arms so affectionately draped around his neck, her love for him showed in so many ways…including the sexy ones.

At the same time, she made a keen observation that was easy to overlook for anyone who thought too much about the future. He and Alison had already gotten to a point that many married couples failed to reach. They saw works as a collaborative effort. Having known more than a few friends whose relationships failed without that effort, he quickly became more certain in both the present and the future.

“Yeah, it definitely feels right,” Darren told her, “among other things…other very sexy things.”

“You’re such a dog,” she teased.

“And you just love petting me,” he quipped.

“Which proves my point,” she added. “We’ve gotten past all the little things that usually keep a couple from making it down the aisle. We’re so good at it that the little things seem to stand out more.”

“Is that a good or a bad sign?”

“That’s just it…I don’t think it’s either. If anything, it’s an opportunity to appreciate just how lucky we are. I love you. You love me. We own a house, now. We’re getting married soon. If raking leaves is the most strenuous thing we do…hell, I’d say we’re doing a lot of things right.”

It almost made too much sense. Darren felt like berating himself for making such a big deal of it. Between fall rolling in so suddenly and having to learn the joys of yardwork once more, it was easy to forget just how lucky they were to have such a strong relationship. All the work they’d put into it made other work seem so mundane by comparison.

“You know just what to say to make me forget how much I hate yardwork,” Darren told her.

“That’s what good spouses do for each other,” Alison said playfully.

“I’ll remember that the first time I have to shovel snow from the driveway this winter.”

“So will I,” she said. “Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves why certain work is worth doing.”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t make it any less appealing.”

“Oh I don’t know. In my experience, a key benefit to sharing the work is giving it more appeal.”

“You honestly think you can make raking leaves that appealing?” Darren asked skeptically.

Almost immediately after uttering those words, his future wife cast him a mischievous grin. At that same moment, he Darren realized he did the one thing that brought out one of her most defining traits. He’d just challenged her and Alison loved nothing more than to rise to the occasion.

“Actually, I believe I can,” she said boldly.

“That wasn’t a dare,” he told her.

“Too late! I accept it.”

With energy that shouldn’t have been possible after four hours of yardwork, Alison pulled him into a kiss, complete with plenty of tongue and heavy passion. As sweaty and sore as he was, Darren eagerly kissed back. Anyone who had known the taste of Alison Drake would’ve done the same. Her love and her affection was just that powerful.

The only trait more powerful, in his experience, was her ability to captivate a man in any condition. Despite the sweat, dirt, and splinters, she eagerly pawed his upper body, conveying to him a desire that was not dispelled by the drudgery of raking leaves. In an almost fitting defiance of his hatred of fall yardwork, she led him onto the big pile of leaves they’d just created.

“Come on,” she said to him, “let’s put this big pile of leaves to good use!”

“I take it you’re not referring to composting,” Darren joked.

“No. I’m not,” Alison said in a serious, seductive tone.

Now lying together atop the messy pile, they made out like a couple of horny teenagers on prom night. She kissed him with more tongue, reaching up his shirt while hitching a leg around his waist, grinding her pelvis against his and really getting the blood flowing in all the right directions.

Darren kissed back with equal passion, slipping his hands into the back pockets of her shorts, giving her ass a firm squeeze. He knew how much she liked that, just as much as she knew how he liked to have his chest rubbed. He could already tell she was getting wet between her legs. The fact they knew each other’s bodies so intimately boded well for their honeymoon.

Every touch seemed to convey a growing desire. However, Darren hadn’t forgotten that they were still outdoors. While their back yard was fenced and the trees provided plenty of buffer, it still counted as an unusual location in which to vent their passions. That didn’t stop Alison from taking off her shirt, removing her bra in the process.

“Alison,” he gasped upon seeing her topless form, “we’re uh…still outside.”

“I know,” she said casually.

“It’s also a little chilly out. Are you sure?”

“Only if you’re willing to keep me warm,” she replied.

That sounded like both a challenge and a dare. Much like his future bride, though, Darren loved rising to the occasion. It didn’t just make for entertaining dares at parties in high school. It helped him become the dedicated lover he needed to be for Alison.

They made out some more. Darren made it a point to wrap her in his arms, hold her topless form close to him to keep her warm from the autumn gusts. He paid special attention to her nipples, which had become erect in the cold. When he gave them a slight pinch – a little kink that Alison never admitted to being a kink – she let out a purr of approval.

“Warm enough?” he asked her.

“Mmm…getting there,” Alison said playfully.

Encouraged, he stepped up his foreplay, trailing his lips over her cleavage and trailing his hands around her exposed skin. That helped keep her warm, but it also heightened his own arousal. He could already feel his pants getting uncomfortably tight.

Alison must have felt it too. Their hips grinding together probably gave it away. As they kissed, she undid his belt buckle and unzipped his pants. Almost immediately, his cock popped free. The sudden exposure to the elements kept him from getting fully erect. However, his lover had already begun countering that by stroking it with both hands.

“Got to keep you warm too,” she said to him.

“Yeah…some parts more than others,” Darren said.

“Good thing I know how to prioritize.”

Working quickly and boldly, she maneuvered further down the leaf pile so she could give his penis more direct attention. That included shoving it between her breasts and sliding it between her fleshy mounds. That both kept him warm and helped hasten his arousal.

“Ooh!” he moaned. “You have amazing priorities, Alison.”

“Is that what we’re calling my tits, now?” Alison laughed. “I like it!”

Encouraged, she kept working his cock between her tits. Then, she leaned in and gave it a quick suck, sending shivers of bliss and desire coursing through his body. Even though the winds were brisk and the pile of leaves was cold, Darren felt a powerful heat build around him. It was hot enough to remove his flannel shirt, leaving him in the white sleeveless shirt he wore underneath. He kept that on, if only to keep the leaves from scraping his skin. It allowed him to focus entirely on the task at hand.

Alison did her part, using her breasts, lips, and tongue to get him into that special state where he didn’t just seek her intimate embrace. He needed it. She knew how to get him into that passionate mindset better than anyone. As he gazed down at her, that seductive gaze staring back at him, he let her know he was ready.

“I think we’re ready to really test this leaf pile,” she told him after giving his cock one last suckle.

“So do I,” Darren said.

With uncanny reflexes, Alison shot up to her feet briefly and removed her shorts, panties and all. He could tell even in the early twilight that she was very aroused. She needed his sex as much as he needed hers.

After tossing her clothes aside, wearing only a pair of old white sneakers, she rejoined him on the leaf pile. Like an angel in heat, she mounted him like her favorite perch, straddling his waist and aligning his rigid member with her wet entrance. Then, with one hand on the base of his shaft and the other clutching his waist, Alison plunged her hips downward and guided his manhood into her pussy.

Immediately, their combined flesh sparked a heat that no fall or winter could hope to quell.

“Ohhh Darren!” Alison moaned.

“Alison…so warm and tight,” he moaned back.

Instincts and passion quickly took over. Their flesh united, they began moving together in a burst of heated lovemaking. It began with her lightly riding his cock, working her pussy along the length of his dick. It quickly escalated, turning into another passionate embrace mixed with heated kissing.

His hands eagerly roamed her naked skin, both to feel Alison’s heavenly touch and to keep her warm from more gusts. She replied with faster movements, rocking and gyrating her hips at a fervent pace. She threw in some loving gestures, which included her clinging to his neck and raking her nails along his back. Darren didn’t care if she left marks. They were already on top of a dirty pile of leaves. They were beyond caring about aesthetics.

In between the grunts and moans that came with sex, the pile of leaves under them rustled heavily. It was not at all like making love on a bed. Parts of it gave way. There were chunks of grass and mud everywhere, smothering and staining their remaining clothes and exposed skin. Darren didn’t care, though. Being messy, reckless, and adventurous only made the experience with his future wife more powerful.

“Alison,” he said in a passionate daze, “out here…together…on a pile of leaves.”

“Yes! Out here…together!” Alison exclaimed, her tone hinting that she was already close.

She rode him harder, taking his hands in hers and squeezing them as she crossed that special threshold that separated basic pleasure from the rush of orgasm. Alison never made it too hard for him. She once joked that she learned how to get off before she learned how to make love. Again, her priorities astonished him.

“I love you…so much,” she panted in the midst of ecstasy.

“I love you too, my autumn angel.”

Darren strengthened his embrace, holding her close so that she could enjoy her orgasm. As she buried her face in his shoulder, he kicked off his pants and underwear to give himself more room to work. Once certain that Alison had gotten her fill of bliss, he took the initiative and continued their sex.

With energy he shouldn’t have had after raking leaves for four hours, he continued making love to his fiancé, rolling around the pile of leaves as if it were a playground. She moaned and laughed as he maintained their passionate rhythm, hooking her legs around his waist and clinging to his neck to keep their bodies entwined. She didn’t seem to mind the leaves poking her skin or the mud on her back. She just kept returning every loving gesture, as if to guide him to his own peak.

“I…I’m getting close,” Darren grunted.

“You’ve worked so hard, my love. You’ve earned it,” she whispered into his ear.

Determined and encouraged, Darren intensified the pace of their sex, working his body against hers for the final push. He ascended quickly to his peak, his body shuddering in anticipation. When it finally arrived, he firmly grasped his lover’s hips and let out a cry to the autumn spirits, as if to proclaim to the heavens how much he loved his future wife.

“Ohhh Alison!”

He let out a deep grunt coupled with a satisfied moan. Time and the changing of seasons stopped for a brief moment. His gaze never diverted from hers as his member throbbed inside her, his manly fluids mixing with hers in a convergence of passion. The fact that convergence took place outdoors atop a dirty leave pile made it that much more meaningful.

Now breathing heavily, sweating despite the brisk air, he rested his forehead against hers as they settled into the post-coital afterglow. They laid next to one another, soaking in that special feeling under the autumn twilight. After the drudgery of raking leaves and assorted yardwork, it felt like a fitting way to cap off their day.

“What do you say, my future husband?” Alison said playfully, now lying next to him. “Do you hate yardwork a little bit less now?”

“I won’t say I love it,” Darren said with a coy grin, “but you definitely gave it more appeal.”

“I still call that a success! It should serve us well as newlyweds.”

“It definitely will,” he said confidently. “It’ll also give us even more incentive to make a much bigger leave pile next year!”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/9mejkc/pile_of_leaves_mf_exh

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