You Don’t Pluck The Ones You Love



I met Starling while my buddy lived with this girl Anna. The two girls shared a dormroom in college, so they acted like they’d known each other forever. My buddy was already out of the picture when Starling visited again, so that meant just the three of us. We barhopped the first night, and Starling and I fooled around some after Anna passed out. She had the bedroom, and we split the couch, but it wasn’t very comfortable. I assumed the two of them talked, because Anna told us at breakfast the bed was ours that night.

“Can it be ours today too?” Starling and Anna burst out laughing.

Anna rolled up the weekly she was reading and mimed popping me on the nose. “Down boy!”

“And just what do you think would happen if it was?” Starling whispered loud enough for Anna to hear, with a plucky flick of her eyebrows.

“Do I have to say it?” I asked. Starling just looked at me with her small crooked smile. I leaned in theatrically and made sure no one could overhear us. The two of them leaned closer. “There’s only one thing that would completely satisfy me right now…” I paused.

“What?” they whispered in unison.

“A nap, you pervs,” I sat back grinning.

Starling had some hang-ups, I noticed immediately. The girl was gorgeous, but hung up about her weight. Six feet tall, she wasn’t overweight at all. But her large frame probably made her the butt of too many jokes growing up. As far as I was concerned, her body was perfect, and her ass had me drooling. But it wasn’t her physique that truly hooked me. I was still young then, but old enough to realize Starling was different from anyone I’d ever been with. Those were girls. Starling was all woman.

And confident or not, she reopened my eyes to life’s fascinations, made every day an opportunity to celebrate them. It was her superpower. She became anyone’s muse for a moment. She ground the callouses off the fingertips of their passion.

I think she mistook the attention she got as some sort of backhanded bullying. Her eyes shined contagiously, her smile epidemically; she gave everyone she met the little push they needed to believe in themselves. But Starling kept a darkness locked away deep inside herself. I recognized it the moment we met, because I have the same darkness locked inside me.

“I like that you’re being a gentleman, but you don’t have to hold every door,” she said over the noisy crowd.

“You thought I was being a gentleman?” I spoke directly into her ear, “I was actually just enjoying the view.” The puzzled look on her face changed when she felt my fingers slide across her ass. I saw her start to smile, then force the smile away. I was angry at whoever told this girl she wasn’t shaped right for beautiful. Possibly the most attractive thing about a woman is her confidence, and someone had stolen Starling’s. Without it she’d never let me in to see who she was on the inside. I craved it selfishly, I thirsted for her trust, her surrender. I thought if she were brave enough to tell me her ugliest truths, then I would be brave enough too.

I spotted Anna waving. “There they are,” she followed my finger across the dance floor. As Anna introduced me, I noticed three things about her friends. All of them were guys, all of them were gay, and all of them were giving me some hostile vibes. Starling picked up on it too.

“Ladies, stop giving my date the stinkeye.”

“Is it my shirt?” I looked down at my chest. “It’s apple red, not republican red I swear.” The five of them tried not to smile. The night was young, and Anna’s friends loosened up after some alcohol. The guys took turns dancing with the ladies, but I stayed on the bench. Something about club music appeals to me, the heavy beat, the intoxicating dynamics, but the sound never seems to fit the way people dance to it. So I refused the few times Anna and Starling tried to get me up.


“Hey,” I replied. Starling had a sheen of sweat across her face and neck.

“Listen, it’s ok if you don’t know how to dance,” she chugged a bottle of water. “Nobody cares. Besides, almost everyone is drunk.”

“Yeah I know.”

“Cool, so come dance with me,” she tugged at my sleeve, but I stayed seated. “Please, just one time, we’ll leave right after that.” I saw it meant something to her. She wanted me to let loose, to prove I didn’t care what anyone else thought.

“Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

I found the DJ taking a smoke break outside. On my way up the stairs two of Anna’s friends stopped me.

“What’s up guys?”

“What do you think about Starling?” I’d forgotten their names already.

“She’s great,” I shrugged. “Talented Illustrator too, I’ve seen some of her work.”

“She don’t need your validation,” the second one crossed his arms. Sassy, this one.

“Starling is special, you understand?” It clicked. The hostility. I nodded yes.

“I swear to you, if you hurt her I will make sure every gay man in this town will be trying to stomp on your balls.”

They glared at me when I pushed my way past them. I looked back over my shoulder. “I’m glad you guys are looking out for her. I’m looking out for her too.”

When the DJ saw me the dance music started fading, and I found Anna and Starling sitting together. “Anna can I borrow this lady for one dance?”

“Uh, finally,” Anna gave me an encouraging wink.

Without the music, the dancefloor was clear, and I led Starling to the center.

“I slipped the DJ twenty bucks to play my song.” I held my arms out like this was a ballroom instead of a beer-stained taphouse, and I saw the terror in her expression.

“I don’t want to do this,” she tried to pull away.

“Please, just one dance,” I smiled. “Nobody cares if you don’t know how, they’re drunk anyway.” I felt her relax a little. “Don’t worry about the steps, just follow my lead.”

Everyone in the room was looking at these two fools about to waltz around a nightclub. And then Aphex Twin started playing. The track is deceiving at first, just a solo violin with no beat. I moved Starling slowly, just a few steps to warm her up. The violin bleeds right into the percussion, and suddenly the same melody turns wicked. I saw Starling’s expression change too, and the reluctance vanished from her movements. She fell into sync, and that’s when we started to dance. Ballroom dance can be very rigid, but dancing itself is fluid. Most dances work on the same four beats, some faster, some slower, but they have the same four beats in common. Starling followed where I led her, so I led her everywhere. Foxtrot flowed into salsa, salsa flowed in jive, rhumba, bolero, tango. We spun across the floor, weaving through gaps in the crowd. A couple of country boys in Stetsons cheered when they recognized the texas two-step.

It was over too quickly, and Starling threw her arms around my neck laughing. “Where did you learn to do that?!”

We left the bar early, just the three of us walking back to Anna’s place. The two of them were talking a mile a minute.

“You should have seen some of the girls, the looks on their faces,” Anna cackled. “SO jealous…”

“Like, oh em gee,” Starling did a great valley girl impression, “I’ve been twerking all night, why does she get all the attention…”

Anna unlocked the door and held it open. “Coming?”

“We’ll be right in,” I told her, taking Starling’s arm.

Her smile at that moment felt so good, pure and unhindered by self-consciousness, that I just looked at her.

“What?” she laughed.

“Did you have fun?”

“No, it was torture.” I loved the way she copped an attitude, hand on one hip, head cocked to the side. “Seriously where did you learn ballroom dancing?”

“Highschool. I wanted to impress this girl so she’d go to prom with me.”

“Did it work?”

“Nope. Ended up taking the instructor’s daughter instead, and we ran circles around everyone.”

“You’re really good. I mean I’m two inches taller than you, and a lot heavier…”

“Why would that matter?” I interrupted.

“I don’t know, whenever you see dancers on tv the women are always tiny.”

“The girl I took to prom, she’s the one I learned with. She wasn’t petite. Honestly, I find smaller women hard to lead, they just don’t feel the rhythm like you did tonight.” Starling beamed.

“Dat booty tho,” she said laughing.

I kissed her for a long moment, our lips closed. I have always thought of kissing as a complex language, a language that let’s you say anything, but a language in which you cannot lie. In that kiss, so light and chaste, I told her, I don’t need anything else, this is enough. When our lips parted, Starling pulled me back, with a kiss that said, I want more.

We joined Anna on the couch, and spent the next two hours drinking beer and watching clips from dance movies. We all had a nice buzz going, but the excitement still kept us from feeling tired, even though we’d gotten tired of dance clips.

“Ok something else,” Anna said. “Porn?”

“Dance porn,” I suggested.

Starling stroked her imaginary beard. “How would that work exactly?”

“The competitions would get a lot more attention.”

“Holy shit,” Anna sat up spilling some beer, “what if there was a porn version of every sport?”

“Porn football.”

“Porn ice skating.”

“Porn UFC.”

“They already have that. Porn dog-sledding?”


Anna found a few UFC vids, but didn’t seem impressed. “So it seems like the sport part stops when the porn part starts…that’s boring.”

“What did you expect? Ever see the one where the couple goes bear hunting?”

“Uh, no, but now I want to,” Anna giggled.

“Well, they kill the bear first, then do it on the carcass. Kinda doesn’t make sense any other way.”

Anna found the bear vid but lost interest. “Ugh, web porn sucks, it either looks ridiculously fake, or the people just don’t seem like they’re enjoying it.”

“It’s the cameras,” Starling said, “it’s because they know they’re being watched by a bunch of strangers judging their every move.”

“Right?” Anna rolled her eyes. “I tried to film something with my ex, and the whole time i was like, this is gonna be on the internet.”

“Well, is it?” Starling asked with a grin.

“Nope, I took the memory card.”

“Good, I’d have destroyed it too.”

Anna got a pensive look suddenly, then looked at both of us.

“What?” Starling asked.

“I still have it,” Anna grinned wickedly.

“Are you fucking serious?”

“Yep. Let’s watch it, want to?”

Starling looked over at me with a WTF expression. I just shrugged. But I secretly found the idea pretty exciting. It had nothing to do with seeing Anna, it was the privacy that appealed to me. For some reason the act of seeing into the private lives of other people seemed fascinating. Obviously Anna found it appealing too, from the opposite perspective. The idea of letting someone into that private space gave her a rush. Anna didn’t wait for an answer, we could hear her digging through the bedroom closet.

“You’re really fine with this?” Starling turned to me.

“First, it was her idea. Second, it’s not going to change how I feel about or look at Anna,” I paused. “And I guess, if someone trusts me enough with something so personal, I’m flattered.”

“Ok I get that, I just don’t know how I’d feel if I were in her shoes.”

“That would be impossible anyway,” I said.


“She probably isn’t wearing any shoes.”


“Aha,” we heard from the bedroom. Anna sat down on the couch, holding up the memory card and just staring at it.

“Hey, you really don’t have to do this,” Starling said.

“No I want to, I was just thinking,” she paused, “I’ve never actually watched it. It was hot at the time, I’m just afraid it will be terrible.”

“Do you want us to pretend it’s hot either way?” I joked.

“Is that even a question? Of course you do.” Anna spent some time disconnecting everything in the house from the internet like a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Then she connected her laptop to the tv and inserted the card. When the player started, it wasn’t what we expected. Anna and her ex in the park, Anna sleeping, Anna cheering him on the karaoke stage. A younger, more carefree Anna.

“Just start it already,” Anna appeared on the screen standing in their bedroom.

“I already did.”

“It’s recording?”

“It’s recording.”

It was obvious they’d scripted it a little, planned it out. There was no more talking. Anna pulled her dress over her head, and walked toward the camera wearing just her panties. We watched her go down on her ex from above, eyes never leaving the camera lense. The point of view changed as he lay down on the bed, Anna crawling over him. The video spun, and then focused downward, her legs straddling his face. Only his eyes and forehead were visible. The rest was obscured by her black panties, before her fingers pulled them to one side. We heard the sounds of pleasure, her soft voice barely coming through the speakers. The camera spun again, to a close up of her face, lips parted, eyes closed, and then the picture shook, capturing the tense look of ecstasy on her face. The camera fell, screen going dark, then settled as it was placed with a view slightly above and down at two naked bodies. The rest wasn’t very dynamic, Anna’s ex changing positions a few times. He obviously enjoyed the sense of control, he let Anna do little else than stay in whatever position he chose. At the end he pulled out, and the last shot showed her back where he came.

We sat in silence for a minute, then Anna looked over at us. “Ok, I don’t want you to just say it’s hot, what do you think? Be honest.”

I could see Starling struggling to find the right thing to say, so I spoke up. “Ok, so it was pretty hot. The only thing was, he seemed kinda robotic. I mean, if you were to edit him out of the entire thing, it would be a lot better.”

“Be serious.”

“I am. The best part, the only good part actually, was when you were holding the camera. I kept thinking, is this how he acted all the time?”

“Yeah, pretty much. That’s how all guys act. The ones I’ve slept with I mean.”

I looked at Starling. “Really?”

“Yes,” she hesitated. “But I’ve only had one, so I don’t know.”

“Well…ok then…wait a second, though, do you…do women…that’s what you like?…” I trailed off.

“Sure. It feels good, you feel attractive, desirable.”

“Actually, the guy I slept with,” Starling broke in, “it only happened a few times, and then he told me I wasn’t his type.”

“I told you, wait til I see him on the street again,” Anna said. “Wait, I just thought of something. You found it strange the way he acted. Are you saying you don’t act like that?

“I guess I’ve been doing it wrong. Why wouldn’t someone tell me?”

“Stop, just tell us,” Anna pleaded.

“First of all, a lot slower. And a lot more dialogue. And a lot more…foreplay? Not foreplay, like, more comfort things.”

“That’s so weird, I’ve never had a guy talk during sex. I mean not full sentences.”

“How is that weird? So if I sat here and rubbed your feet, talking would seem weird.”

“That’s two way different things,” Anna said, “and why would you want to?”

“Talk? Because…well don’t you like to know the person? Sex is this intimate thing, either to be closer to someone, or to feel a connection to someone. How does more isolation help?”

We were lost in our thoughts for a while, each of us wondering if we were missing something, blind in some way. Anna finally broke the silence.

“Ok I wanna see.”

“See what?” I asked.

“What we’ve been talking about.”

“I don’t have any videos if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Starling, can we talk in private a minute?” Anna asked.

I got up and went outside. Maybe it was too much beer, but this night was not what I expected. I’d known Anna for a while, but Starling and I had spent only a handful of days together. Sure we’d talked a lot between her visits, but we were still strangers. I liked her a lot already, but how can you really like who you don’t know? I’d hoped tonight we would be alone, and maybe learn enough about each other to know for sure.

Starling opened the door and came outside. “Hey.”


“So what was that about?”

“I’m still thinking about our dance,” she said, “that was really fun.”

“It was. This kinda turned into a weird night. Not bad, just…”

“I know.”

I didn’t know what I should say.

“So listen,” Starling began. “I…Anna and I talked.”


“You. But…also,” she halted.

“Starling,” I took a step closer, “just tell me.”

“Ok…if you’re opposed to this I totally get ok?”

“Opposed to what exactly?”

“So, Anna wants to…” Iwaited for her to continue.

“…to watch.”

“Watch…?” I prompted.

“Us. In bed. Together,” her voice had grown very quiet.

“You want that too?”

“I…when we watched that video, you told me you felt flattered by that much trust. And when we talked, she told me how it made her feel. Not just aroused, she felt like, because we’d seen her she could be more herself. It was like suddenly not having a secret to hide.”

“So you’re saying you’re okay with it.”

“Only if you are.”

“I have two conditions,” I told them. “If at any time you feel uncomfortable, say so,” Starling nodded. ”

“What’s the other one?” Anna asked.

“I don’t want you sitting across the room. You have to be next to us.”

“Wait why?”

“Because I want you to share it with us, not be a camera lense. I don’t want to feel like we’re just being watched.”

They looked at each other for a moment. “Okay.”

It was awkward at first, no one knew how to start. I led Starling to the bed, and after a moment Anna came to the other side. We were all fully clothed, and I stood at the foot of the bed. I began to strip off my clothes, and gave them a cheeky smile when only my boxers were left. I dropped them on the floor, and let them look for a moment. Then Starling stood up and began undressing. She unhooked her bra and it slid down her arms. I let her see how much i desired her, and she slid her panties to the floor. Then we both turned to Anna. She undressed, and crawled back onto the bed.

“You’re beautiful,” I said, approaching Starling. She looked away but I turned her face to mine. “I get the feeling you don’t think so, or maybe you’ve been told you’re not.” I leaned in, and just before our lips met I whispered, “you are.”

As we kissed, my fingertips trailed up her arms. She shuddered, and laid her palms against my chest. She broke the kiss.

“I want to believe you…”

“I wanted you from the moment I saw you,” I said, “but when I looked into your eyes, I saw something, something you hide from everyone. You know what I’m talking about,” I said. I could see her begin to shut down. “Want to know how I saw it? The darkness you keep secret?” She wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“Starling,” I called, “I recognized it. Because my secret I keep locked away, is the same that you keep.

She looked at me suddenly, anger flushing her skin. “You’re so full of shit,” she said, and started picking up her clothes. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. “Let go of me!” Her nails clawed my cheek, but I leaned forward, whispering our secret in her ear. Starling froze, and then slowly, very slowly, her arms wrapped behind my neck and I pulled her close.

“I want you,” she said softly. She sank down on the bed, inviting me to join her.

“I’m sorry, I should go,” Anna mumbled.

Starling caught her wrist. “You should stay.”

A came toward them on my knees, and Starling put her hands on my waist. Her eyes drank me in.

“What is it you want most right now?”

“Don’t you know?”

“I want to hear you say it.”

“I want you to touch me like I’m yours. I want you to do every thing you want with me.”

“Turn over,” I said, and watched her lie face down.

I began to kiss her, every inch of her, starting with her neck. Over and over I felt her shiver, and when I reached her toes she rolled onto her back. My lips touched every inch of her body, and when I came to her toes, I told her to get up.

“Turn around. On your knees. Put your hands on the backboard.” She had to bend over to reach, and as she did, I slid both hands up her thighs, and rested them on her perfectly round ass. I saw Anna watching me as I bent forward. I blew a stream of air across Starling wet lips, and felt the whole bed quiver as she did. I pulled her thighs close together, and sank my face between them. Then I moved upward, and I felt my nose slide through her moisture. When I pushed my tongue inside of her she cried out like no one had ever touched her. I kept my tongue pressed into her flesh as I rose higher, following the seam between her cheeks.

“Will you do that again?” she asked.

I went more slowly, flicking my tongue against her sensitive skin, and pressed it against her until it slid inside. Her body began to shake, and I drew back before she went past the edge.

“You like how that feels?” Anna asked her.

“Yes. And I like that he’s doing whatever he wants to me. Do you want to see how it feels?” Starling took her hand and pulled her down beside her on hands and knees. Starling looked back at me.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“I want to watch you with her, I want to see your pleasure.”

I reached between Anna’s legs and wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her down, making her back arch. I held her tightly, and licked from her clit to the small of her back in one steady motion, and she cried out. Starling sat beside me to watch.

“Make her come,” Starling whispered, “as hard as she can.”

Very slowly I slid two fingers inside her, careful not to give her too much sensation yet. I withdrew my fingers, and slid two from my other hand back in. Laying down, a brought my face between her thighs, and felt a drop of her fall onto my lips. All at once, I curled my fingers inside of her, yanked her pelvis down over my mouth. I sucked her clit hard between my lips, and pushed the two wet fingers inside. All of it happened in no more than a second, and she screamed with all her breath. She immediately began to convulse, as the pain and pleasure switched places over and over again.

Starling took her in her arms and lay cradling her. I touched her knees and spread her legs, and began to tease her with my tongue.

“I’m going to keep you on the edge until she wakes up.”
