[Hiring] Writers for a Interactive, story-driven game for mobile



1) Contemporary Romance with spies and billionaires + Erotic (light 16+)

2) Mystery + Erotic (light 16+)

Target audience:

Female, 16-28, who likes the romance genre and mobile apps/games

Job Brief:

* Come up with different dialogues for the app’s possible scenarios / storylines.


* Native US English speakers
* Free imagination and love of storytelling
* Portfolio of already written or published works (books, stories, games)

Additional notes:

* An outline of 60-70 pages with all information is provided by us
* Average bid: +/- (USD) $ 4.000 per ~60k words (volume of one book).
* We have Contract, NDA, Copyright Transfer Agreement. All legal. You can mention this work in your site/portfolio/anywhere.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/932mg0/hiring_writers_for_a_interactive_storydriven_game


  1. My master thesis which i got an A for and landed me a job right after is only 30.000 words…

    So you want to pay 4000$ for 60.000 words… that’s a fucking joke

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