[F][STR8] Before my 40th birthday I decided to cut loose with a younger man…and then I thought of ways to REALLY cut loose

He had a massive cock. That was the thing I couldn’t get off my mind. I couldn’t stop staring. As Rick walked around the pool in his wet trunks, I could see it the outline of it just running down his leg. There was no way he could have hidden that python.

It was Friday morning. Sunny, but not too hot. And I was in town for a co-workers wedding, along with a lot of the other attendees. After twenty plus years of being the good girl librarian, I had given into temptation for the first time in my life and had meaningless sex. And it was with a guy half my age.

I woke up that Friday morning feeling great. I’d sent my lover for the night away to his own room after we’d fucked half the night away. I hadn’t seen him since and assumed he was still hung over and sleeping it off.

But I’d gotten up early. My plan for the day had been to go to the pool and maybe the beach. But all I’d packed was a boring, conservative one piece. I didn’t even own a bikini and hadn’t since my early twenties. But I suddenly felt liberated and free. I was out of town. I barely knew anyone. And I just wanted to let go. And so I’d gone to one of the beach front shops and bought a bikini. Not one of those string numbers that the young girls wear. There was hardly any chance one could hold my breasts even if I wanted it to. I found something black, sleek, sexy, and still modest. At least as modest as a bikini can be.

I had it on at the pool with a white, linen wrap that was hanging open, large black sunglasses, and a floppy straw sun hat. I held a book in front of my face. But behind the glasses my eyes were elsewhere. They were fixed on Rick’s cock.

He was one of the groomsman for the wedding. And he was likely no older than 23–almost 17 years younger than me. He was talk, muscular, and confident. He seemed like the type of guy that would have a date for the wedding, but I’d met him previously the night before and he seemed to be alone.

Just looking at that monster in his pants got me excited. I knew it was like nothing I’d ever come close to having inside me. There was a part of me that still felt dirty–and even a little guilty for being so lusty. Especially toward a boy young enough to be my son! But, for the most part, the old, conservative me was fighting a losing battle at the moment. I’d tasted something forbidden. I’d given in to impulse. And I wanted more. I was at the beach on vacation. Why not spoil myself? Why settle with just one night of fun? I could go back to being myself when I got home.

I wanted him to come over to me. I wanted him to approach me and flirt and ogle my body the way his drunk friend had the night before. Most of all, I just wanted to see and touch and feel that big cock. I couldn’t imagine what it would look like rock hard.

But he seemed oblivious to me. He was walking back and forth and talking to friends. He hadn’t come up to me at all or even walked close. And maybe that was a good thing–I would just end up ogling him like some desperate old lady. I detested the idea of being labeled a “cougar” or MILF or any of those tacky terms. I knew I looked good for my age–very good. But I also knew there was a chance that he had no interest in any one who wasn’t his own age.

I’d been not reading my book and almost constantly watching the way he moved around the pool for close to an hour before he passed close by.

“Hey…Rick, right?” I called.

“Oh yeah, hey. It’s Chellee, right? I didn’t see you out here. Nice day,” he said.

“Yeah, very nice.”

We got into a little conversation about nothing in particular. The weather, the beach…the kind of things two strangers discuss when they’re just being polite.”

“Well,” he finally said. “I think I’m going to head up to my room for a while.”

“Really?” I said. “I was thinking about walking to the beach. You want to join me?”

His weight shifted from foot to foot. I could tell he didn’t want to be rude, but that he also wasn’t looking to spend his afternoon on the beach for what he must have imagined would just be more banal chatter with a much older stranger. I decided to try harder. I lowered by sunglasses so he could see my big blue eyes. I batted them just a bit.

“Please,” I said. “I’m not a very good swimmer. You’d feel really guilty if something happened to me out there alone. There’s no lifeguard, and everyone’s at work. The beach is empty except a few retirees who’d probably have a heart attack trying to save me. Please, Rick. It will be fun….”

I could still tell he wasn’t that interested, but it was going to be hard for him to turn me down. A little more pleading and batting my eyelashes and he agreed to go for a little while.

I’d never come on hard to a guy in my life. Not even as a college girl. But I knew if I wanted something to happen I was going to have to do it this time. And I definitely wanted something to happen. It was like I’d written myself a blank check for the weekend. Just this one time, I could do whatever I wanted with no consequences and no regrets.

“What’s the worst that can happen?” I thought to myself as I gathered my things. He could reject me. If so, I was never going to see him again. He could tell his friends that I was a horny old lady. But what was the chance they’d even believe him? They’d just think it was typical locker room BS between guys.

As soon as we got on the boardwalk to cross the dunes I linked my arm with his. I pressed my body close to him like a high school clinging to the captain of the football team.

“I’m so glad you’re coming with me! I feel safer with a big, strong man around!” I said.

He blushed a little bit and went back to making small talk about the weather. I tried to steer the conversation to something more interesting.

“This is my first time wearing this bikini. Do you like it?” I asked

Rick said that it was nice.

“Really?” I asked. “You think I can pull it off? That I have the body for it? I don’t want to look too old.”

Rick ran his eyes up and down my body. It’s the first time he’d really checked me out–at least as far as I knew.

“No. You don’t look old at all,” he said. “You’re in great shape. And how old are you? Like mid-thirties? My oldest sister is that age and she’s way out of shape.” He wasn’t being especially flirty. He seemed almost as detached as a personal trainer assessing a client. But I still liked the compliment. We got to the beach and started laying our stuff down. We were almost completely alone. There was woman sunbathing–possibly asleep–and someone off in the distance enjoying a leisurely stroll.

“Are you sure about it?” I asked. “You wouldn’t let me look like a fool out here?”

“Yes,” I’m definitely sure. Now that we had something to talk about the conversation seemed less awkward and Rick didn’t seem as eager to ditch me.

“But, look,” I said. “You haven’t even seen the whole thing.”

I unbuttoned the bottom few buttons on my linen cover-up and cast it onto the beach. I wanted him to get an eyeful of the tiny black bikini bottom and my long, tight legs. I twirled slowly so he could see my nice round ass–which was barely concealed by the material.

I heard an exhale come from his voice.

“No, really,” he said sincerely. “You look great.” For the first time I felt like I’d cracked through the defenses just a bit. He was definitely looking me over.

“You know,” I said in a hushed voice, “I’m a little worried that if I get in the water a big wave might come and knock my top down. I’d be scandalized,” I said with a playful wink.

Rick’s eyes were now on my tits. The bikini wasn’t tiny, but if definitely didn’t do much to hide my cleavage.

“I’m going to get in. You’re going to stay close to me, right? I might need those muscles,” I said as I ran my hand over his biceps. I let my touch linger just enough to be suggestive. I glanced down at that barely concealed weapon in his pants, but couldn’t decide if it was getting stiff or I was just caught up in wishful thinking.

I started walking to the water and he followed me. We waded in to waist level before a wave rolled up and splashed us both. Rick’s tanned skin and ripped chest muscles glistened in the sun. I cupped my hands beneath my breasts and gave them a jiggle.

“Yep,” I said. “Looks like I survived the first wave!”

A bashful grin crossed Rick’s face. He wasn’t sure how to respond. We waded out a little farther. I turned to face Rick, who was a few steps closer to the beach than me, and then arched my back and leaned back slowly to dip my head into the water. I knew he’d get an eyeful of my flat stomach and my breasts. I came up shaking my head–my long, golden hair drenched.

“That feels great!” I said.

A second large wave was coming and I turned to face it. It crashed around us.

“This swimsuit is built tough,” I said turning to Rick. “Should I give it another shake test?”

“No,” he said. The color had risen in his cheeks a bit.

“Oh…would you like to do it? Admire the craftsmanship?” I asked with another wink.

That made him really turn red. He laughed a bit and shook his head.

“You are…I don’t know what…” he said. “Surprising.”

“It must be the beach,” I said. “I’m never like this! I just feel like having fun. I hope someone doesn’t take advantage of me.” I followed that with yet another wink.

I turned around to look out at the ocean just as another big wave was coming. This one crashed over my breasts and really did pull on my swimsuit–something I hadn’t really expected. The right cup was pulled down just enough to see the top of my nipple. I went to cover up and then thought better of it. I turned to face Rick again, who was coming closer, and acted totally oblivious.

It took about a tenth of a second for him to notice. It seemed his eyes were now instinctively going to my tits at every chance. I could tell he was trying to think of how to handle the situation. Whether or not he should be a gentleman. Or whether the gentlemanly thing to do was pretend not to see. Or maybe he didn’t want to be a gentleman at all, because he kept glancing down.

I talked about how nice the water felt. I mentioned the great weather again and how it was a shame that everyone else was back at the hotel. He tried to look me in the face, but those big brown eyes kept darting down to sneak a peak. Finally I made a big show of catching him.

“What do you keep looking down at…Oh! Oh my! I’m exposed!”

“Oh…what?” he said with fake shock. “I didn’t even notice.”

“Suuuure you didn’t,” I said. “Were you just being a gentleman and didn’t want to embarrass me?”

“No. No really,” he said. “I didn’t even notice.”

“Oh, I bet you didn’t notice,” I said sarcastically. “I’m starting to think you just liked checking it out!”

“No,” he responded. His face was growing red again.

“It’s just a nipple, Rick. I can’t believe you were so eager to sneak a peak! I’m sure you’ve seen one before!”

“No, really…” he was trying to keep up the ruse.

“You haven’t seen one?” I said, playfully. “Well there’s not much to do it. Go ahead and get a good peak!”

I grabbed the right cup of my bikini, glanced around to make sure nobody was looking, and pulled it all the way down past my nipple. It was hard from the chilly water–or maybe just the excitement of the game I was playing. I held it exposed for several long seconds and then quickly pulled the cup back up.

“There you go,” I said with grin. “Your first nipple. How was it for you?”

“It wasn’t my first nipple,” he protested.

“But that’s what you said. I asked if you’d seen one and you said ‘no,'”

“That’s not what I said,” he answered. He was getting flustered. “I said I hadn’t noticed that your…that you were exposed.”

“It’s okay, Rick,” I said playfully. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m sure lots of kids your age are a virgin. I had sex with my college boyfriend, but women some time start younger.”

“I’m NOT a virgin,” Rick said. He sounded almost disgusted at the though.

“There’s nothing wrong with it,” I said.

“Sure, there’s nothing wrong with it,” he responded. “But I’m not one. I haven’t been a virgin since I was a teenager.”

“Rick, your friends aren’t here. You don’t have to lie to me. It’s cool. I’m not telling anyone.”

“I’m not lying,” he said with a hint of anger. “I’ve fucked plenty of women. PLENTY.”

“Women?” I said. “Or girls. I think you mean girls.”

“Whatever,” Rick said. “Women. Girls. That doesn’t make a difference. It’s semantics.”

A wave was coming in and I spread my arms and lifted my feet so it pushed me into him. I’d been watching him all morning. I knew exactly where that monster cock of his would be. I let my hand “accidentally” brush into it as he caught me to keep the two of us from being knocked over. I let my hand linger there just a few seconds. And then I looked up so his brown eyes were gazing right into my big blue ones.

“There is a TON of difference between women and girls. You’d know that if you had ever fucked a woman,” I said.

I wrapped my arms tight around his muscled torso.

“Do you know how to fuck a woman, Rick?”

His eyes seemed to be on fire. Anger was fading into lust Pressed up against his body, I could feel that big dick getting stiff.

“Yeah,” he said. “I think I know how to fuck a woman.”

He cupped a hand under each of my ass cheeks. I lifted my legs and wrapped them tight around his waist as we moved out deeper into the water. He kissed me roughly.

“What’s the oldest woman you’ve ever been with?” I asked.

“I don’t,” he said. “Twenty four. Twenty five.”

“Think you can handle something older?” I asked.

“I know I can,” he said.

“You wanna fuck me?” I asked.

He kissed me hard again. He bit at my lower lip.

I reached down and started tugging at his swimsuit. I pushed the gusset of mine aside so I could take his cock. He tried to thrust up into me a couple of times, but it wouldn’t go. I tried to help him, but the damned ocean was washing away all the natural lube. There was too much friction.

“We have to get out of the water,” I said.

“Not yet,” he answered.

He slipped a finger inside me. It was small enough that it didn’t need any lube. He put a thumb on my clit and started rubbing it while he slid his finger in and out. I gasped. I looked at the beach. It was getting to be lunch time and there were a few more people out and about. I wondered how many were looking at us. I wondered if they knew what was happening.

Rick worked his finger faster. Maybe he really had been with plenty of women. Even if he hadn’t, he knew exactly what he was doing. I wrapped my arms tight around him.

“Turn your back to the beach,” I said.

He spun around so I was blocked by his broad back from anyone looking. I grasped both cups of my bikini and pulled them down. My big tits bounced up and down as he finger-banged me. He couldn’t take his eyes off of them.

“Look all you want,” I said. He didn’t need encouragement.

“Oh…Rick….you’re going to make me cum,” I squealed.

That spurred him on. He worked a second finger inside and started pounding me. His thumb was pressed firmly on my clit. I clung to him like wet clothing and started panting. And then I exploded. I lost track of where I was and cried out loud enough that I was sure people on the beach would hear, though nobody reacted.

“Let’s find a place to take care of you,” I said.

I covered myself back up. Rick pulled up his trunks. We got out of the water, gathered our things, and got the hell out of there in a hurry.

I wanted to pull him under the boardwalk or into the dunes. I couldn’t wait. But then I thought about the sand and the insects. Plus, we’d end up rushing. And I definitely wanted to take my time.

“Let’s not go by the pool,” I said. “We might run into someone.”

“Oh, am I your dirty little secret?” he asked.

“NO!” I said. “But we might have to stop for small talk. And I want to fuck NOW….and YES…I think you know how this works…you ARE a dirty little secret. Does that mean you don’t want to screw?”

There was like a second where it seemed like his pride was damaged before he got smart.

“Fuck no,” he said. “I’m going to prove to you I know what I’m doing.”

We slipped into the garage beneath the hotel. It was dark and cool and mostly abandoned. I had planned on taking him to my room, but I suddenly had a new idea.

“Which car is yours?” I asked. He nodded his head in the direction of an SUV parked all alone in a dark corner. “Fuck me in it,” I said.

Rick didn’t offer a bit of protest. He fished around in the backpack he was carrying for the car keys. He folded the back seats down so we had plenty of room.

“I want to see that big cock,” said as soon as we were inside. Rick eagerly wriggled out of his trunks.

It was like nothing I’d ever imagined. Eleven thick solid inches of veiny steel. Far more than I’d ever had inside me. Just looking at it was almost enough to make me cum. I wondered if I’d be able to handle it.

“It’s beautiful,” I said to Rick. “But are you sure you know what to do?”

Without speaking he leaned toward me and ripped down the cups of my bikini. He started sucking and tasting my nipple. His free hand went straight inside my swimsuit bottom and he planted two fingers in my pussy.

He didn’t start off slow at all–it’s like we were still in the ocean and about to cum. He pounded his fingers in and out with his thumb pressed firmly on my clit. He pulled on my nipple with his teeth. I threw my head back and cried out as he made me cum again.

“Fuck me, please…” I pleaded. I’d turned into a whimpering mess. “Just fuck me.”

“I want you to ride it,” he said.

I just nodded. Rick rolled onto his back and straddled him. That massive dickpipe was pointing right at my pussy. I started easing down onto it. I felt like I was being torn apart. It kept going and going. I thought he might poke me in the kidney. When I got all the way down I just sat frozen, trying to relax. It almost hurt to have that much inside me. But it also felt so good. I touched my own clit for just a second and came again loudly.

“Now ride it,” he said. “I wanna see those titties bounce.”

I started going up and down slowly. I twisted from side to side. My tits started to bounce. The shocks of the car started squeaking. We had the window cracked and I could hear the sound echoing in the concrete garage. As well as the whimpers that escaped my lips.

He grabbed both of my tits and started jiggling them. I rode him harder. I knew I was going to cum. I’d never felt so filled up in all my life. He gave my nipples a rough squeeze and that’s all it took to make me cum another time.

Rick waited until I was finished, then he flipped me on my back.

He fucked like a goddamn jackhammer. With each trust he twisted his body and corkscrewed that massive cock inside me. I kept yelping. I couldn’t even make words. Rick grunted and panted and kept on fucking me. I wondered if anyone was watching. He kept getting harder and harder. His big brown eyes seemed to be glowing with intensity. And when he erupted it was like a damned volcano went off inside me. Gobs of hot jizz filled my pussy and oozed back out. I rubbed my own clit fiercely and came one more time with him inside me.

“Do I know how to fuck” he asked with a smirk as he roled off.

I could only nod. My brain was so hazy that I felt like I’d forgotten how to speak English.


I napped for most of the afternoon. When I got up to shower my pussy was still raw. I looked at the clock and realized I still had a couple of hours until the rehearsal dinner. It was going to be an informal thing with a buffet and open bar at a place on the beach. I looked at the dresses I had brought for the trip. They were all cute, very feminine retro numbers with a classic style. And they weren’t exactly modest–with a figure like mine, that’s almost impossible. But they weren’t SEXY either. And I was definitely feeling sexy.

I decided to run out and buy something. There were plenty of boutiques along the beach and I easily found a few dresses for the rest of the weekend that fit my aesthetic, but were still a bit bolder than what I’d normally wear.

I went back to the hotel and savored getting dressed. I looked at my naked body in the mirror. After my adventures, I just felt different. Sexier.

I knew that both of my lovers would be at the gathering–Robin, from Thursday night, and Big Dick Rick from that morning. Before parting I’d insisted to both of them that we be discrete. And I knew they’d listen, if for no other reason than because they wanted to get lucky again and didn’t want to piss me off. There was no doubt in my mind that one of them would be coming back with me to the hotel. The previous night I’d hinted to Robin that something might happen again. But that was before Rick.

I opened the box with the new lingerie I’d bought that afternoon. Leopard print panties with a high, lacy black waist band–the first leopard print anything I’d ever owned. And lacy bra to match that I wasn’t even convinced had the support to keep my double-D’s from jiggling. The dress was a black print–a retro shirt dress that looked like something a secretary might wear with big black buttons to the waist and a kick slit up the front. I finished it off with a thick, black patten leather belt. Before leaving I stopped, took a look in the mirror, and opened the top two buttons. Anyone taller than me standing close would have a great view of tits–and a peak and the bra I had on.

Aside from a greeting and a little small talk, both Robin and Rick kept their distance at the dinner. At least while the place was still crowded and people were eating and drinking. I met several of the bride’s relatives and friends and talked with her for a long time. She even complimented me on my “rosy glow.” I attributed it to my time in the sun!

But as things started to wind down, the boys started to make their presence more known. Robin was more forward about it. As I knew he would be. Alcohol had fueled his bravery the previous night. Plus, I had no doubt he wanted to fuck me again.

I wasn’t quite sure about Rick. He’d not shown any interest in me until I made it possible to resist. Maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing and he’d gotten his fill. And, of course, he was the one I really wanted to be with. Robin was nice looking, fit, and seemed like a good guy. The sex had been good–though not the best. Although he’d been great at eating pussy.

But, Rick. He was gorgeous. He was lean and muscular. He had deep brown eyes I could get lost in. And he had that monster cock. I wasn’t satisfied with just one hot fuck in the back of a car. I wanted more of it. But isn’t that the way it always goes with ladies? We want what we can’t have.

But it turned out my silly, girlish worries were all for naught. Rick kept lingering around the bar until most everyone had left, but then he made his way over. Robin was off somewhere else.

“I like your dress,” he said. “You look great.”

I didn’t have to flirt to get him to look me over this time. His eyes went up and down my body. I could tell he liked my legs and the curve of my hips. But he was really fixated on my tits. I glanced around to make sure nobody was looking and quickly pulled the right side of my dress down. My nipple was easy to see through the meshy fabric of my bra.

“You said you’ve never seen a nipple before, right?”

He laughed.

“Yeah, something like that,” he answered.

I glanced down. Even in slacks, he couldn’t hide that pants python. It was running down his leg.

“I was thinking about taking a walk back to the hotel–maybe on the beach,” I said. “You want to join me? It might be dangerous for a girl like me.”

“You don’t have to ask twice,” he said.

We slipped out the front of the bar, crossed the patio, and were leaving the property when I heard Robin call out behind me.

“Hey. Hey Chellee, are you leaving?”

“Um…yes,” I responded. “I was just walking back to the hotel. Rick was going to escort me.”

“Cool,” he said. “I’ll join you. You can go back in if you want, Rick.”

Rick said that he’d walk with us. I had no idea what to do to get rid of Robin. All I wanted was to get back to my room and fondle Rick’s cocks all night long.

We took the boardwalk over the dunes and started walking along the beach, far above the water line. I put my heels in my hand bag and the guys took of their shoes and rolled up their pants. I didn’t know how this was going to end the way I wanted. Maybe I could just feign being tired and go to my room and then give Rick a call?

We strolled along in silence. The beach was abandoned except some people gathered around a campfire far in the distance.

“We might stumble on some people out here skinny dipping,” Robin said. “Or having sex.”

“I don’t think so,” I said. “Who would do that? People don’t fool around in the ocean.” I flashed a quick glance Rick’s way and he smiled.

We walked a little further. We were halfway back to the hotel on a particularly desolate stretch of the beach that none of the building lights reached, but the moonlight was strong enough to see.

“You know, I’ve never done that,” I said. “Skinny dip.”

“Oh, we have,” Robin said. “Remember that spring break trip, Rick?”

“Yeah, barely,” Rick said with a laugh. “I was fucking hammered that day. I definitely remember the hangover.”

“It was wild,” Robin said.

“Oh,” I interjected. “I bet. You guys and a bunch of college hotties all naked at the beach?”

“I’ve seen hotter,” Rick responded. He was staring at my body again. “I don’t remember those girls being all that. But, yeah, the got naked. At least most of them. Some only got down to their panties.”

“You guys are bullshitting me, right? Just one of those exaggerated stories boys have. You didn’t do that.”

“Oh yeah we did,” Robin answered. Rick nodded his head in agreement.

“Then do it now,” I said. “Get out there and skinny dip.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Rick said.

“No, do it,” I answered.

“Just the two of us?” Robin asked. “That’s a little weird.”

“Come on,” I said. “Make an old lady smile.”

They looked at each other and didn’t say much. Finally Robin spoke.

“Fuck it, I’ll do it.” I knew he was hoping this would go somewhere.

He pulled his tie off and starting unbuttoning his shirt. Apparently not one to be outdone, Rick started to strip. In seconds they were both down to their boxers. Robin started toward the water.

“Hey,” I said. “No cheating. You have to go buck!”

He hesitated again and looked at Rick, as if he needed approval. Rick just shrugged and dropped his shorts. Even in the moonlight that cock looked beautiful. Robin dropped his pants, too, exposing his own thick piece of meat.

They both went splashing into the water. They were acting like boys, laughing and actually having a good time once they got past their shyness. I waded in up to my ankles and watched them. I felt dirty. And, shockingly, I liked it. There was a moment when I started wondering what in the world I was doing–but I pushed that aside. The boys were body surfing in the waves, perhaps trying to impress me, or just having fun.

I reached for my belt. I tossed it aside and started unbuttoning my dress. Neither of them noticed what I was doing yet. I stood there in my bra in panties. Did I really have the guts to go all the way? I decided to compromise and tossed the bra on the beach. And then I went running into the water like a carefree child, my big titties bouncing wildly as I ran.

Both of the boys had noticed me by the time I got out waist deep. And they both came toward me for a better view. When the tide pulled back I could see that Robin was rock hard already. And Rick was getting there.

The three of us just stood there for an awkward moment. Nobody said anything until Rick spoke.

“Glad you joined us,” he said.

“So am I. You boys look excited to see me!”

I looked back and forth at both of their cocks. And then a reached a hand out for each of them.

There was a moment when they didn’t know what to do. They both stood frozen–Robin’s cock in my right hand and Rick’s in my left. And then instinct took over.

Rick came closer and started kissing my neck. Robin went for my tits. I started jacking them both off. It was a little awkward with my off hand–the right–to tug on Robin’s pole, but I quickly got the hang of it. They were both groaning. Each of them had a nipple in their mouth. Rick went for my pussy and discovered I was still in my panties.

“That’s cheating,” said. He pulled hard and I felt the thin band of fabric at my hip tear away. Robin gave the other side a similar pull until they ripped. And then he tossed my new panties out into the ocean. They took turns fingering me and sucking on my titties while I stroked their cocks.

I heard Robin start grunting first. His cock spasms and his hot load splashed into the sea.

I turned my full attention to Rick and gave that big cock the two handed attention it deserved. I pumped and stroked it while he groaned. Robin moved behind me and started finger-fucking my pussy. I started moaning LOUDLY and tugged harder on Rick’s cock. In a matter of seconds he blew his big load. I licked away the cum that drizzled down onto my fingers.

“I want to have sex on the beach,” I said when we’d all caught our breath. Nobody was going to argue with me.

I went up above the retreating tide line where the sand was packed hard. I got on my back and Robin put his face between my thighs. Rick straddle me just below my tits–his ass almost touching the top of Rob’s head. He laid that massive cock out in front of me.

It was the best of both worlds! Robin’s tongue in my pussy and that back dick there for me to see. I started kissing the head. I wrapped my lips around the swollen top–there was no way I could deep throat that thing. Rick was already getting hard again, but I wanted to help him out.

I sucked on him while Robin quickly brought me to climax with his tongue. As Rick got harder, I squeezed my tits together for him. He drove his dick up between them. It was so long I could easily still lick the tip. While Rick tittie-fucked me, Rob went for the real thing. With his hand on his buddy’s shoulder for leverage, he buried his fat bone inside me. The two of them were almost thrusting in rhythm. I couldn’t even cry out because my mouth was so full.

Robin was like a machine. He steadily pounded my twat. I came hard again.

“Let’s switch,” Rick said to his pal. “I want to fuck her.”

The both pulled away. Rick pushed me onto my hands and knees. And then he started fucking me like a dog.

For a minute I thought I couldn’t possibly focus on anything else. But Robin knelt in front of me with his hard cock and I just started sucking it. I could taste my own pussy on his shaft.

I was being used like a whore. Rick kept pounding away with that massive tool. Robin had a hand on the back of my head and was fucking me in the face. I came another time and Rick didn’t even slow up. My knees were wobbling. I thought I might collapse in the sand if it wasn’t for his dick holding me up.

I squeezed the base of Robin’s dick and started tugging while I blew him.

“Suck that cock. Suck that cock,” he kept saying.

Rick was just making a grunting sound. When I started cumming again I felt him pull out. And then his hot jizz splattered on my ass. Robin pulled out, too. He pointed his dick right at my titties, gave a few good tugs, and then blew all over them.

The three of us just laid there in the moonlight in a sex haze that seemed to last forever. I don’t even know who was the first to stir, but a half hour later I slipped into my hotel room wearing my dress with nothing between it. And the plan was for both boys to discretely join me soon. We were just getting started.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/9309nz/fstr8_before_my_40th_birthday_i_decided_to_cut


  1. That was fun and well done! Looking forward to seeing more from you!

  2. Being jerked off in the middle if the ocean is something every guy should experience. I have a nude beach near me and had so many adventures st night there. Glad you’re coming out if your shy ways. It’s summer, would love a bikini shot!

  3. DAMN! That was unbelievably HOT! So many guy fantasies fulfilled in one experience. Was any of that a fantasy for you? I mean before it happened

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