Alice’s Closet Part 3 [MF, inc, mast]

Alice closed the door to her bedroom before slowly walking towards her closet with her corset and skirt tucked under her arm after the events that had just occurred in her parents’ bedroom. It still didn’t seem real. It felt like it all started right here at her closet where she first put on these slutty clothes to sneak out in but instead of a cute college boy taking them off her, her own mother did.

As Alice hung her clothes back up in the closet, she felt her insides start to throb. She couldn’t stop replaying everything that happened over and over again in her mind. It was a very taboo thing that happened between her and her parents, but that only seemed to made it more erotic.

However, she was snapped back to the moment when she turned around and saw the notification light blinking on her smartphone that she left on the bed. “Oh shit,” Alice groaned as she swiped her phone off the bed and turned on the screen. Fourteen missed calls from Megan. She pressed the call back icon on the touch screen before pulling the phone up to her ear.

“What the fuck,” Megan shrieked through the phone. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for a hour!”

“I’m sorry Megan,” Alice answered not really sounding sorry. “My parents almost caught me stealing so I hid in the closet… Did you go to the party without me?”

“No,” Megan shouted angrily. “Jake wouldn’t bring me because I didn’t have my big titty friend with me!

“Hold up,” Alice retorted. “You told me that YOU got invited from one of Jake’s friends who knew you were legal and thought you were cute!”

“Yeah well… I didn’t, okay? I asked Jake to take me but he said he ain’t no loser who brings his little sister. When I told him I couldn’t get a hold of you he left without me!”

“Oh,” Alice sighed now feeling sorry for Megan. “I really didn’t mean to get held up. It just sorta… happened.”

“It’s whatever… so what happened?”

“Promise to not to tell ANYONE!?”

“Jeez,” Megan groaned audible rolling her eyes. “Am I your best friend or not?”

Alice took a deep breath before going into every detail of what kept her from sneaking out with Megan.


Mom came out of the bathroom a few seconds after Alice had grabbed her clothes and left. Dad was still laying on his side at the foot of the bed, “I can’t believe that just happened.”

“I can,” Mom said happily as she climbed onto the bed and laid down facing her husband.

“Why is that,” Dad asked turning over on his back.

“A little girl’s first love *is* usually her father.”

“Loving your father and *loving* your father are two completely different things!”

“Look,” Mom said comfortingly as she laid her hand on Dad’s chest. “I’m not saying all girls develop these kinda feelings towards their fathers but I don’t think it’s as uncommon as you might think… Something very special happened tonight where Alice got to see you being a man and not just her father… I’m hoping you saw her as more than just your daughter tonight too.”

“Claire… what are you saying,” Dad asked mortified as he tilted his head back towards her. “I thought this was just a one time thing… for fun or something!”

“We’ve always had an open relationship Jack,” Claire replied smiling.

“Yeah, but… but…”

“Shhh,” Claire hushed Jack by putting a finger up to his lips. “I’m not saying you have to make a decision tonight. I just want you to think about it, okay?”

Jack nodded and Claire pulled her finger back. Then he asked, “So… if you could, would you have sex with your own father?”

“Who says I already haven’t,” Claire asked back wickedly.

Jack’s eyes bolted wide but before he could say anything, Claire quickly covered his mouth and climbed on top of him. She was now straddling him just above his crotch while covering his mouth with both hands. Claire was still insanely horny and the best way to distract Jack was to rub her soaking wet slit over his cock until he was hard enough to ride, which didn’t take long.

“Make sure you get started on the yard work early tomorrow before it gets hot,” Claire moaned as she slowly slid down Jack’s hard, massive cock.

“Mhmm,” Jack mumbled through her hands.

**Back to Alice…**

Megan stayed completely silent, except for heavily breathing, while Alice regaled her with the tale of why she couldn’t sneak out. When Alice finally finished, all Megan could say was, “wow.”

“I know… crazy right,” Alice said feeling unsure about how Megan would react.

“Crazy hot,” Megan exclaimed.


“Yes,” Megan moaned. “I’ve pretty much been rubbing my clit this entire time.”

“Me too,” Alice admitted.

“Are you going to fuck your dad?”

“Should I?”

“I’d fuck my dad,” Megan said confidently.

“That’s different… he’s your step-dad.”

“I’d fuck my real dad too if he were still alive. I’d fuck my step-dad anyway just to spite my mother, fucking cunt.”

“Well… Lucky for me I guess is my mom is trying to help me have sex with my dad.”

“Fuck that’s hot,” Megan growled. “No way I can get Jake to come back from the party just to take me to your place.”

“Why do you want to come over?”

“So you can eat me out,” Megan said as if that should have been obvious. “Duh. Ask your mom if she’ll bring me over tomorrow night for a sleepover or something.”

“Okay… I’ll ask her tomorrow morning when she comes to talk to me.”

“Talk to you,” Megan said sarcastically. “Sounds more like you and your mom are going to do anything but *talk*.” There was only silence from Alice who didn’t know how to respond. “Just… text me tomorrow and let me know, K?”


“Love ya.” *Beep*.

Alice was glad that Megan hung up on her because it finally gave her a chance to start processing her night again. She couldn’t deny how turned on she got while relaying events to Megan over the phone but there was that little twinge of fear in the back of her mind that this was all wrong. Without even realizing it, Megan asked the most important question of all. Was Alice going to fuck her father? Her heart said yes. She loved her father dearly, even if she hadn’t been the best at showing it as of late, and this would bring the two of them closer together than ever before. Her body was an overwhelming yes. Just thinking about his masculine, mature body and his ungodly manhood made her clit throb. It was her mind holding her back. What if crossing the line was something she could never come back from and ruined their relationship forever?

Of course there was her mother too. She already knew Mom had plans to *visit* her first thing in the morning. However this didn’t bother Alice in the slightest and she was actually looking very, very forward to it. She’d already crossed the line once by eating cum out her own mother, so that barrier was already broken. It also felt completely different to Alice because sex with Mom didn’t include penile penetration. Somehow that made it seem less like a relationship ender.

Bottom line, it wasn’t really going to matter tonight anyway. Nothing was going to be decided right this second and the only thing that mattered now was Alice was still way too turned on to fall asleep. So, Alice got more comfortable by laying flat on her back with her head propped up on her pillows, spread her legs far apart, and gasped as she pushed two fingers as deep as she could inside herself.

**The Next Morning…**

Claire woke up first next to her snoring husband. “Wake up handsome,” she cooed as she tapped on his shoulder.

“What time is it,” Jack asked while yawning.

“I can see the sun coming through the window so… morning.”

“Ha, ha.”

“I’m serious, wake up,” Claire pleaded before shaking Jack.

“Fine,” Jack groaned as he rolled out of bed. “Are you going to tell me about what happened between you and your father?”

“As soon as you get done with the yard work.”

“Twenty years,” Jack sighed turning back towards the bed. “We’ve been married twenty years and I never knew about you having sex with your dad?”

“Are you mad at me,” Claire asked concerned before sitting up in the bed alert.

“I just don’t understand why you never told me.”

“Well… I wasn’t going to tell you when we were just fuck buddies and still technically dating your best friend. I didn’t want to freak you out when we first started actually dating and scare you away. After we fell in love and got married, I didn’t think it mattered anyway and just forgot about ever telling you. Can you honestly say you would’ve been as understanding until after what happened last night?”

“No… I suppose not,” Jack said softly as he pulled a pair of underwear out from his dresser drawer. “He didn’t… hurt you or anything did he?”

“What!? No! Absolutely not!”

“Just making sure,” Jack said as he pulled his underwear up his legs.

“I promise, it was nothing like that and I’ll tell you everything in a little bit… Are you… still mad at me?”

“I could never be mad at you,” Jack said lovingly as he climbed back onto the bed and gave his wife a very passionate kiss.



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