A Botched Summon [MM] [Gay] [Fantasy] [Demons] [reluc] [oral]

“Hair of a wolf, eyes of a demon, snail shells dipped in my own blood. Copper wires and salt from the black gulf.” Jake said as he prepared the ingredients. He would summon a powerful familiar for the trip out of the Golden Library, he translated the book to the best of his ability and he was sure he had all the ingredients in a cast iron pot he managed to take from a long dead corpse. “I shall speak to the words of the profane and I shall anoint this cauldron with the seal of my soul.”

Jake voice distorted as his throat burned from uttering words meant for the heavens and hell of his world. Spirits danced around him as called to the spirit of the Golden Emperor’s Familiar. He ignored the clawing invitation of creatures from beyond the veil looking to curry his favor. He pushed all other beings aside with his will except one, the being was simply a shimmering mass of energy but unlike the others it was not a glowing mass of grief and resentment. It was happy and curious at the presence of a summoner, confident souls were usually more powerful and Jake needed all the power he could get. Jake pulled the golden energy into his cauldron with as much gentleness he could muster.

Pain lanced through his body as the spell completed, he didn’t scream or cry out. The Monsters that inhabited the library reacted to sound more than anything, the cauldron popped opened like an egg. A massive humanoid form rose out of with with a soft yawn, the creature waved off the other spirits like they were annoying children. Jake could barely keep his eye open as the creature picked him up, he could see what he summoned but he was happy that it wasn’t trying to fight his will for control. The creature navigated the library with practiced easy, avoiding the golden plated abominations that patrolled the place. It approached a book shelf and opened a hidden door, Jake was placed on a comfortable mattress.

“Summoner. You are uninjured but a little tired, I wish to feed.” The familiar spoke with a deep voice that would be better suited on a orator than a creature of the library.

Jake held out an arm, he worked with vampire before so a little blood loss didn’t scare him. “You can have half a pint then you can tell me about the exits. I don’t wanna die here and I’ve exhausted most of my supplies trying to summon you.”

The familiar uttered a small spell causing a nearby bookshelf to glow, Jake paled looking at the creature before it was vulturous with almost feminine curves yet keeping just a enough muscle to keep someone guessing as to the gender. Dark coal black skin with the barest amount of fur along the arms and legs, twin pink hued eyes stared back at him with a pleasant expression. Two curved horns spread to the side just wide enough to hang of his head. A dog like tail wagged behind him as he looked silently assessed Jake.

“You aren’t a vampire.” Jake whispered.

“Not at all, I am Leon. Your eternal familiar, I am surprised you spoke the words of an incubi summoner rather than a succubus. It’s going to be interesting.” While reaching down to undo Jake’s belt, the human pushed his hands away.

“Um… hey… is there something else you can feed on?” Jake stammered.

“I’m your familiar, it’s your job to take care of me. I mean, if blowjobs make you nervous I could blindfold you and you can pretend I’m a girl.”

Jake quickly spoke the words of unsummon, the profane words made the glowing bookshelf flash from interference of the powerful magic. However Leon stood there as if nothing happened, there was a look of confusion on his face before understanding reaching his mind. Jake winced as Leon started to chuckle, the incubus rested his head on Jake’s chest as he laughed humorlessly for a while before raising his head to look at Jake.

“You can’t unsummon me. You bound me to you, long as you exist then I will exist. I still need to feed for my own health, you can starve me till I’m a husk but you can kiss your magic goodbye if that happens because that will be used to pull me back from dead over an over till you start to waste away the same way. I’ve had it happen before and it sucked. I’m an Incubus, a comfort demon, I want nothing more than to make my Summoner happy. A blowjob, an ass fucking, heck if it makes you so uncomfortable just think of me as a crotch vampire.” Leon rested his elbows on the mattress and wagged his tail.

“That sounds so stupid.” Jake grumbled as he sat up on the mattress, “So for the rest of my life… I have to be the one to feed you?”

Leon nodded and mover his head between Jake’s legs, “It’s the price of having one of the best demons in the entire Golden Library. I can get you around the place pretty good up to the fifty-third floor.”

Jake grumbled and unbuttoned his fly, “You can feed… just don’t make weird.”

“As you wish, summoner.” Leon snapped his fingers and the glow of the room faded, Leon smiled in the darkness as he felt the other male tense up.

Jake closed his eyes and felt warmth around his cock, he wasn’t even hard but the sudden suction against he crotch made him relax. He was no stranger to sex but the incubus mouth felt exactly like a human vagina. Jake could feel his balls against the incubus mouth but the sensation was anything but a mouth. He thrust into the warmth, even if his conscious mind was screaming that he was a depraved sodomite, his unconscious mind was happy to have something warm touch his dick. Jake reached up to grab the horns of the demon, he thrust his cock down as deeply as he could manage.

The Incubus made no sound but the quiet slurps of a focused lover, gentle hand teased at Jake’s testicles with a the care of a practiced courtesan. Jake closed his eyes and tried to think of last time he got such nice treatment at the hands of human or elven women. Jake flinched as he felt a long warm tongue stretch pass his shaft, around his nuts to gentle lap at his taint. The Pressure was enough to push him over the edge, he felt his balls swell instead of tighten as he pour his seed down the demon’s throat. The voracious slurping spoke an almost predatory need to feed.

The room was a tense silence as Jake gasped softly, his cock was still in the Incubus mouth as every drop of his essence was milked. Jake noticed that he felt only a little winded as the Incubus pulled off of him, there was a soft gasp from Leon as the incubus moved further away from him. Even in the darkness he could sense the presence of the Incubus like it was his own hand, as he focused on it he felt that the incubus was staring at his crotch with curiosity.

“What?” Jake asked before the incubus snapped his fingers.

The room glowed in a dull light, Jake gaze drifted down to the large organ between his legs, his cock looked the same as it did before just larger with a glowing runes along the base. A small part of him wondered if he could give an orc girl a run for her money. He looked up at the Incubus and noticed the hunger in In Leon’s eyes. Jake sighed as his cock throbbed in the cool room, he just got some of the best head of his limited sexual life and the guy who did it was giving him the same look a manticore gives to a chicken.

“Leon… You get me out of here without getting hurt I’ll feed you again.” Jake tried to sound like he had some authority but the excitement in the sex demon’s face was enough to make him soften up.

“Naaa. I’ll help you out but how about we go find you a nice elven girl to unleash that monster on?” Leon said while stretching his limbs, ” Kinda shitty to see how much the library has fallen since my death but I’m think I remember most of the ways out from this floor on down.”

“Where you a former student here? Someone else familiar?” Jake ask as he stood the size of his cock felt strange as he pressed the now ten inches of meat inside of his pants.

“Nothing like that, I wish I could give you a good story but I was simply human that helped build the place when it still that Aralia Library and far less Golden Shit.” Leon said, “Lets go.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/92qrdq/a_botched_summon_mm_gay_fantasy_demons_reluc_oral


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