[M/F, Incest] Bad Behavior, Pt 1

Inspired by the Prompt ” A girl tries to seduce her brother, with their parents encouragement ” By cametopaf2

I encourage Feedback of any type via comment or PM. PT 2 will be coming soon!

Pt 1

They’d been up most of the night talking about it. It had gone unspoken for a long time before that, the very definition of an elephant in the room. Finally though, last night something had broken the silence. Ethan had been restless, tossing, turning , punching the pillow over and over again, until at last he sat up with a heavy sigh. Judy looked up at him, concerned and asked what was wrong, he flipped on the bed side lamp and gave her a long, resigned look and said “we need to talk about it. We’ve put it off too long.”

Judy frowned, shaking her head, “Talk about what?” she asked coyly.

“You know what. We can’t be in denial anymore about it any longer. It’s happening right now, under our nose and we both know it.”

“Oh…that. Ethan….please, it’s just a phase” Judy said, but her voice lacked any conviction.

“Dammit, Judy we’ve been using that damned excuse for months! Hell, years even! We have to face facts! This is our child we’re talking about!” He snapped.

Judy frowned at him, surprised by the harshness in his tone. She waited a moment for him to soften his gaze, say he was sorry and that they didn’t need to discuss this. When he did none of those things and instead just stared at her sadly from his side of the bed, the last dam broke in her head and she started to cry. “You’re right…oh God Ethan you’re right! What kind of parents are we? What kind of mother am I, to have let it go on this long?” She asked, pulling her knees up to her chest as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Hey now, none of that.” Ethan said, quickly rushing to her side and wrapping his arm around her. “We didn’t want to see it. We wanted to think it’d go away on it’s own, that doesn’t make us bad parents. Or you a bad mother. We’re talking about it now, that’s something, so let’s talk about it.”

And that’s just what the did. After Judy collected herself they talked and talked, about when they had first started to suspect something was amiss, about what they had seen and what they suspected, about what it might mean for the future. They started talking in the bedroom, and when it became obvious that they weren’t going back to sleep that night they moved into the kitchen. The sun was just starting to creep out of hiding when they finally had decided what the best course of action would be.

“So, when should we do it?” Judy asked, as she poured a cup of coffee. Ethan blew steam from his own mug and took a sip.

“No sense waiting. Sooner the better, I think today.”

As if on queue, they heard keys jangling and the door begin to creak open. They gave each other a look and at the same time they both nodded. It was now or never.

A voice whisper sang a muffled, slurred song from the living room, and there was the awkward thumps and steps of someone trying and failing to move silently in the dark. As the shape moved past the kitchen, Ethan spoke up. “Morning Melissa.”

Their daughter froze, momentarily stunned as she looked at them both. She was a curvaceous girl, bordering on heavy. Her body was squeezed into a tight black skirt that barely covered the fullness of her bottom and an even tighter white spaghetti strap top that left her midriff and amble cleavage exposed. Her face was sweaty and flushed, framed by hair cut along the cheek, dyed black with streaks of red. She was silent for a beat, her mouth open. Then she broke into a smile. “Hey! Jesus you startled me. I was wondering about the light being on. Good morning to you too! Holy fuck, you guys are up early!”

“We’ve been up a while ” Judy said, smiling back, “Think you might join us for a bit? We want to discuss something with you.”

“Uh oh, sound serious, did I do something?” Melissa said stumbling into the room on shaky feet. Before either of them responded she went on. “Mmmm coffee, need coffee….I had the craziest goddamn night, heh, you wouldn’t believe it.” She said sitting down at the table across them, with her own mug. “There was a concert at a club downtown that Juliette really wanted to check out. I thought the band was kinda lame but she really wanted to go, so I said sure. When we got there though, that airhead didn’t have her fake ID on her and they weren’t gonna let her in! The bouncer was a real sweetie though, we just gave him a quick flash of our tits and that got us in. The band was still kinda crappy in my opinion but after getting nice and tipsy I was able to get into it and started dancing. I was grinding with this one guy, and he’s so hard he’s pretty much between my ass cheeks, and he tells me he knows the band, and if give him a handy he can get me and Juliette in to meet them. Sounded great to me, so we go the bathroom and I get him off in about 30 seconds, and we head back stage and…say, I’m sorry, what did you guys wanna talk about?” She said, stopping at last.

“Oh we’ll get to that in minute, don’t leave us hanging, how’d the night end?” Judy asked. She and Ethan were both smiling as they listened, nodding along.

“Well, we went back stage and after the sets over, we got totally shitfaced with the band and Juliette and I ended up blowing them all. They all wanted to fuck me too, but I only let the lead Singer.”

“That’s my girl, aim high, hehe” Judy said and gave her daughter a wink.

“You were safe right?” Ethan said, a touch of fatherly sternness in his voice.

“Yes Dad” Melissa said and rolled her eyes, “I made sure he pulled out.”

“That’s right, no more trips to the clinic for you young lady.” He said and ruffled her hair, also adding a wink.

“So yeah, after that I passed out for a bit. Woke up half naked and covered in cum. It was nearly dawn and I was still pretty tipsy, so as soon as I found my keys I drove straight home.”

“What about Juliette?”

Melissa shrugged, “went to the hotel with the band, that’s what the bouncer told me anyway, so what’s up?”

Ethan and Just both sighed heavily and shook their heads. “It’s about your brother.” Judy finally said.

“Billy? Why, is he ok?”

“Yes he’s fine, well as fine as he can be I suppose It’s just…”

“Your Mother and I are finally talking about some of his…troubling behavior. Do you know what we’re talking about?”

Melissa was silent and grave, looking back and forth. At last, she nodded. “Yes…I think so.”.

“For instance, do you know where he is right now?” Ethan asked, “He’s in bed, asleep. He has been all night. Like he is every night.He’s home from school, does his homework, and then at a reasonable hour he’s in bed asleep…that’s it!” He sounded hurt to say it. Melissa shook her head and frowned, saying nothing .”He does his homework every night, he’s actually getting strait As. He’s never stoned, never drunk, I don’ even think he smokes!” He signed. “As if all that wasn’t enough…” He stppped and looked at his wife.

“I was on his laptop the other day” Judy confessed.

“Mom!” Melissa scolded.

“Well I was worried! He’s just so hard to talk to. I wanted to make sure he wasn’t mixed up in anything….I was horrorfied by what I found!” SHe took a deep breath and wiped a tear from her eyes. Ethan put a comforting arm on her shoulder.

“What was it?”

“I was hoping, there’d be some porn. A few nude selfies or dick pics he might be sending out. Something. But the things he had in his broswer history…college applications, charitable volunteer sites, applications for jobs as camp counsilors…I couldn’t believe it!”

“Oh my god, I never thought it was that bad…are you sure they are his? maybe a friend was using the computer? sent him links that he clicked on…?” Melissa sugguested, wanting to think the best.

Ethan and Judy looked at her gravely and shook their heads. “I wish we could think that.” Said Ethan sadly. “But…I saw him last Sunday…leaving a church!”

“WHAT?!” Asked Melissa shocked.

“You were in bed sleeping off a hangover, as usual. He had left the house not telling me where he was going, which I was fine with. But then I went out go to the store, I was driving down Madison, a service was letting out of that big church on the corner of Fifth, and there he was, leaving with a bunch of other kids.” He said, clearly holding back tears.

“Oh, Daddy…” Reaching out a comforting hand towards her father.

Ethan wiped his hand across his eyes. “So I fretted on it for a few days, and finally your mother I started talking about it and we have to face facts…”

Judy finished. “He’s a virgin. He’s a non smoking, non drinking, drug free, church going, high achieving virgin.”

“I’m so sorry…I feel like this is my fault” Melissa said.

“Oh no, sweetheart, it’s not anyone’s fault!” said her father reassuringly.

“It’s just…was I not a big enough influence on him>? I always wanted to make you guys happy, the partying, the drinking, the pot, the fucking…did I not see what he was going through?”

“We all missed it Melissa, it was never your responsibility…which is why it’s not fair to you what we’re going to ask you to do but…we think it might be our last shot.” Judy said, her voice strained and breaking as she finished.

“Hey, I want to Help however I can! Name it, I’ll do it, you guys know I love Billy! I’ll do anything to get my little brother back.”

“Your a good kid Melissa” Ethan said, smiling at her warmly. “Your mother and I were hoping if you could try talking to him…see if you can get him to open up…maybe, if you could, teach him a few things?”

“Teach him…?”

“Dear, you’re such a slut. You’re father and I couldn’t be prouder of you.” Said Judy gently. “You’re out practically every night, and if your not out you’re bringing someone home. Boys, girls, all ages and races. You’re sleeping with at least half your teachers. Trust us, we’ve noticed. The thought of our little girl, on her knees like a bitch in heat, howling in pleasure like a whore as a hard, uncovered cock plows into her..it just warms our hearts.”

“Aw, guys…I owe it all to you two.”

“That’s why we were hoping if you could maybe…take Billy under your wing?” Ethan suggested cheerfully. “Since your so experienced, we figured if there’s anyone who get him back on the right track it’s you.”

“Oh you mean…you want me to fuck him?” Melissa asked nonchalantly as she pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

“Fuck him. but more importantly get him to want to fuck you.” Said Ethan.

“So, you want me to commit incest, seducing and corrupting my own little brother?”

“What do you think honey?” Judy asked, desperation in her voice.

“I think it’s twisted. I think it’s beyond fucked up. I’d be the filthiest goddamn whore imaginable.” She exhaled a plume of smoke and her face broke into a smile “I love it!”


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/91mo8i/mf_incest_bad_behavior_pt_1


  1. Honestly I got as far as “he’s straight laced and we’re not” before I gave up.

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