What a night. Part 1

It was a calm sunday, towards the evening. My girlfriend and I were texting each other. While it was easy to go and visit her. For some reason or another. I was still at my house. We were going back and forth on plans for her birthday. “M” is my sybol. And “N” is her symbol

“Yeah, a movie, dinner and then something else” -M

“Mmmm i wonder what that extra something is ?” -N

“Maybe you’ll be my dessert” -M

I said this jokingly, but in the back of my head. Somewhere in me. I was hoping she’d love it. Because in actuality she is Delicious. I love licking her, sucking on her nipples, tasting all of her jucies. The succulent and sweet taste of my love. The way she screams in pleasure as my toung… *Bzzz Bzzz* My phone vibrates

“Maybe i could be, But don’t tease me when its still over a month away” -N

Thats true. It wasn’t even september yet. And her birthday was early october.

“Ugh! You’re right. I cant believe I have to wait that long to do….well…YOU” -M

“Well… Maybe you won’t have to wait THAT long” -N

That last text got me excited. Earlier we fucked like rabbits. But after it got us into some trouble, we greatly slowed down our erotic meetings. Which, only made me crave her more. I asked her what she meant.

“Well you can drive, can’t you?” -N

“Yeah, why…. What are you thinking” -M

We both live with our parents. Recent graduates. Her parents were much more strict than mine. We went back and forth on how she could sneak out. And have me drive her back to my house. While my parents wouldn’t like it. They wouldn’t find out. As my parents fall asleep around 10. And are heavy sleepers.

“All you would need to do is leave your house, without getting caught” -M

“Its so tempting, but also very risky” -N

I told her that if we did it really late. Neither of our parents would find out.

It was around 1 in the morning. We had dropped THAT conversation about 2 hours ago. We moved on to talking about random things. T.v, life, movies. Random stuff. It was silent for about 10 minutes before she told me to pick her up. Within 20 minutes. She was at my house. In my room. We were both lying in bed. Hearts racing from the fact, if we got caught, we would both be in really deep shit. But how could we. Everyone was asleep. We were quiet. And we wouldn’t be gone too long.

I looked at my phone one last time before putting it to the side. It read 1:34 AM. As i put it on my dresser. I take off my shirt and shorts. She takes off her pants. Leaving only a black long sleeve shirt. And her panties on. We layed down on the queen sized mattress. A big purple comforter covered the both of us. It was cold in my room. The a.c would read 78 degrees fahrenheit. But it would feel like the dead of winter.

Our bodies were supplying enough heat though. If you could picture how a couple looks while hugging. But then laying down. Thats how we were positioned. Facing each other. While it was dark. There was still enough light to see each other. “i can’t belive we’re actually here, doing this” she says softly. “Neither can I, but I’m glad we are” i reply softly. We start to slowly kiss each other. Soft slow kisses. That slowly progress into a make out session. I can feel myself getting aroused. An erection starts to appear. Pre cum dripping. I was very aroused. She puts a hand over my boxers. Toying with my cock.

She stops. And stands up on my bed. Pulling down her panties. I pull down my underwear. She stands over me. And lowers herself on to me. Her pussy right over my face. Its so wet. She’s dripping on to me. And Im loving it. She looks down at me as i start to lick her pussy.
“make sure you do your job, and do it well” she says in a very commanding tone. I knew what to do. She loves it when i do this. I lick her lips, sucking on them a bit. Before i move to her clit. Sucking and licking some more. She starts to grind my face. Spreading her juices all over me. She smells and taste so fucking good. She moans as i whimper. She looks down at me “awww does the poor dog want something else” (dog was my nickname) as i continue to enjoy my sweet meal. She turns her head around. To look at my twitching cock. She looks back at me. And reaches for it. She starts stroking me. Her hands feel so fucking good. As i enjoy her strokes. And her pussy. She presents one last surprise of the night.

She stops. “Kitten wants her master” my eyes widen. There have been a few times were i was the dominate one. But they have always been good. I smile. “Get off” she listens. And immediately gets off of me. I knew i was in control now. “Stand up” i command. She stands up. Off of me bed. In the center of the room. I get up and walk to the light. I turn it on. Both of our eyes have to adjust. But it’s not too bright. Only one of the three bulbs work.

She stands there. Waiting for my next command. I grab an old bandana. And fold it, i turn it into a blind fold. Wrapping it around her face and over her eyes. “Can you see” i ask. “No” she replies. I smirk. “I’ll be right back. Do. Not. Move” i order. I walk to the kitchen and come back with some ice cubes, a spatula, and some clothes pins. I walk back in to see that she hadn’t moved an inch “mmm, good kitten” she smiles. “Now let’s have some fun”

“Who do you serve” -M

“Master” -N

It was the exact response i was looking for. I loved hearing it. I grab an ice cube. I pinch it with my finger and thumb. I walk behind her. And run the ice cube along her back. She winces, and lets out a very feint whimper. I smirk. I run it along her back. And over her side. Before circling her tits and nipples. She bites her lip and whimpers a bit louder.

“Master likes this. What does kitten think” -M

“It hurts a small bit, but it feels good as well” -N

“Good” i put the ice cube in her mouth. “You’ll need this”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/8yg25l/what_a_night_part_1