Remembering Daddy [FM][Mf][non-consent][Murder]

She stirred in her bed from a strange dream. It was a very hot night and she only slept in a long t-shirt that she had stolen from one of her ex’s. She moved in her bed uncomfortably as her shirt was sticking to her from her sweat. She moved over to her right side and opened her eyes checking the time. It was only 2AM. She sat up and stood out of bed feeling the need to pee, her shirt clung to her from getting damp by her sweat and she decided just to take it off.  She threw the shirt onto the floor and headed to her bathroom. She flipped the lightswitch on only to be reminded of the power outage. She felt around the darkness of her windowless bathroom as to not bump into anything and found the toilet and sat to relieve herself. She headed back to her bed and laid down. She looked at the window in her bedroom wall. Thin white curtains draped over the entrance and did not move on this breezeless night. The weather man had called for this hot night and it would be her luck that they would lose power because of it. She sighed again trying to get comfortable. It was impossible in this heat and she sat up in her bed putting her bare back onto the headboard hoping to feel the coolness of the wood. She looked at the still curtains wishing even a small breeze would pass through, when she saw a shadow go past the curtains.

    She was startled as it was definitely a human figure. It was only a monday night so no teenagers should be cutting through her yard. She very carefully opened the drawer to her nightstand and pulled out her handgun as she heard someone messing with lock in on her front door. Her daddy’s words echoed through her head.

“Keep it close, and one in the chamber. You never know.”


She was happy she listened to him. She sat with her back square against the headboard and the gun pointed at her bedroom door. She heard the front door unlock and very slowly open. She looked at the gun, it was shaking from her adrenalin. She took a deep breath and waited. Footsteps echoed through her house as the stranger quietly looked around. It was a moonless night but her eyes were adjusted to the dark and the faint glow from her alarm clock was enough to just see the entrance to her bedroom. She waited for an eternity for the stranger to finally enter her bedroom. She waited and watched as the figure pulled something from behind him and she pulled the trigger. The stranger gasped and fell straight back onto the floor hard. The bang from the gun echoed in her ears as she quickly got up and walked over to the body. She had shot the stranger in the chest he was having a hard time breathing as blood filled his lungs. She smiled and rubbed her foot over his groin feeling his hard cock underneath confirming her suspicions.

“Tsk tsk” She said as she looked down on the stranger.

“It’s so small that even if you were successful i don’t know if you would even be able to get it in.”

She giggled as she slowly ran her foot up and down the strangers cock. He groaned and shifted and tried to say something but his lungs were filling with blood and he was unable to speak.

“Oh well.” She said as she undid the strangers pants

“It will have to do.”

She pulled his cock out of his pants and straddled over him sliding it slowly against her slit. She slowly moved down pushing it inside of her and she released a small breath of pleasure. She slowly rocked back and forth on the man’s cock as the stranger laid there only trying desperately to catch a single breath. She increased her speed and closed her eyes.

“Mm yes. Fuck me daddy it feel so good” She said as she increased the pace of her rocking.

The stranger began to seize and buck his hips as he blew his last load into her. She was glad he came so fast as she wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to last and orgasmed with the stranger. Hard. The stranger was no longer trying to breath and she slowly rocked back on his still hard cock and closed her eyes remembering her father.

    When she was twelve her father would often come into her room drunk and crawl into bed with her from behind and hold her close. She hated the smell of alcohol on his breath and did not dare move. She was a good girl and let her daddy do as he pleased. Sometimes if he was drunk enough we would simply pass out and begin snoring. Other times he would molest her. She was too young and his large cock would not fit into her still growing body so he would simply slide it between her thighs and thrust depositing his load on her thighs and bed. This continued almost every night for two years. She loved her father but she hated what he did to her and dreaded night. He had gotten her a gun a year prior and taught her how to hold it and use it.

“Keep it close, and one in the chamber. You never know.”

    It was two days before her fifteenth birthday and she heard her father come on late one night. She grabbed the gun and waited for him to enter her room. As soon as she saw him she pulled the trigger. The shot was very loud and startled her as she had never fired it without ear protection. She saw the shocked look on his face and she dropped the gun and quickly hurried over crying. She immediately regretted what she had done and started crying.

“Daddy! No, i’m so sorry daddy. I’m so sorry”,

    She stroked his face and he could not speak as she had shot him in the chest and his lungs filled with blood. She looked down and saw that he had already undid his pants and had his cock out and she smiled.

“I know daddy! I’ll make you feel better. Just hold on. Some kids were messing with lube at school and laughing about it but I kept it. I’ll get it.”

    She quickly ran over to her dresser and grabbed it out of her underwear drawer and ran back to her father. She put some on her hand and began to stroke her daddys cock making sure to get the whole shaft wet. She poured some on her stomach and slit and began to finger herself working it into herself.

“I’m older now daddy. It should fit now.”

She smiled at him as he was gasping for air. She straddled him and tried to get it in. It wasn’t as easy as she saw in the dirty movies daddy had shown her and it hurt but she was a good girl. She pushed harder and harder before her daddys cock made it’s way in. She gasped and let out a yelp from the sharp pain but she was ecstatic.

“See daddy! I told you It would fit now! This will make you better!”

She began to ride his cock slowly as it filled her completely. At first it still hurt but as she moved more it slowly began to fade away and it felt good. She moaned as she began to ride her daddy harder and faster. Her daddy began to convulse and shake as she felt his cock twitch inside of her and felt a warmness fill her womb. She smiled down at him and slowly pulled his cock out of her and laid next to him.

“Are you okay now daddy? Did that make it better? Daddy?”

He did not reply.

    She had another orgasm again on the stranger’s cock as she thought about her daddy. The strangers cock, now limp slowly slumped out of her pussy. She grabbed the knife that was knocked out of his hands when he fell and put it back into his tightening his fist around it she made cuts over her arms and hands. She wiped the blood on the stranger and on the bed before grabbing the phone and dialing 911. She sobbed on the phone that she got raped and she thinks the robber is dead. The operator on the other end told her someone was on the way. She walked back to the stranger’s body and kissed him on the forehead.

“I love you daddy.”


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