She Can’t Be Stopped [MF] [crazy] [horror] [forced impreg]

Thank god that’s over.

My phone keeps going off, but I’m not responding. She was fucking crazy, and now I’ve broken up with her, and its over.

It’s dark in my room, except for the lightning outside. The rain is coming down heavy, and the wind howls outside. I get a bad feeling from storms, it beats the summer heat obviously, but I can never sleep alone in a storm.

The entire room glows for a microsecond, and then immeadiately the thunder shakes the house to its core. Nope, I’m not gonna get any sleep tonight.

I ventured downstairs, the lightning lighting my way. The hardwood floors creak under my feet, I find my chair and my remote and turn on the television. National Geographic. Something about a lioness hunting a lion.

I hear a tree creaking outside, and then… a knock on the door? Is someone out there? I should let them out of the storm, its only getting worse out there.

I answer the door, in the background I hear the the TV announce the death of the lion. No one is there. Maybe a big rain drop hit the door just right? I close the door, and I make sure it is locked. Storms always give me spooks.

On my way back, the living room lights flickered off and on briefly; I slowly made my way back to my chair as the TV returned to normal.

I thought a lot about Jessica. She was crazy hot, I loved her big, natural breasts. Her long legs and thick thighs, her innocent face with green eyes and black hair. She was classy, when she was behaving like a sane person. Most of the time when we were alone, she was insane. She would constantly tease me about being together forever, even if we had only been together for two weeks. When we fucked, she wanted me to pound her without a condom or pills. She would watch me every second, keep track of everything I said.

The lights flickered again, and in the window lightning struck and illimunated a shapely figure on the other side of a window, obscured by thin white drapes on the window. I jumped in my seat, then I frozen.

The lights flickered again, and this time they didn’t come back on. The wide-hipped figure was gone. Was I drifting off and just seeing things?

“Hey honey. Let me in!” I hear. From the patio door, muffled behind a glass panel, there stood jessica. She was completely naked, the lightning shone across her smooth pale body, making her glow weakly blue as she stared at me, not moving at all, not even blinking. Her massive tits pressed against the glass, rainwater bouncing off her shoulders and running down her body.

“LET ME IN!” She screamed, clearly getting frustrated. I said nothing, speechless.

“LET ME IN YOU FUCK!” She screamed again.

From outside, her womanly figure turns and bends over. Is she trying to seduce me? She turns toward the glass door again, wielding a metal chair. The glass shatters and I jump back. She walks over the broken glass, towards my still body.

“Now listen here future hubby… hey, don’t run away from me!” She yelled. As I ran upstairs, I could feel her naked legs hitting every step. She tried grabbing at my ankles, and at the top of the steps, she pushed me down onto the floor. She got on top of me as I starred up at her dripping form. I couldn’t think, I didn’t know what she was going to do, so I punched first.

The first punch landed straight across her cheek, a perfect hit. I went for a second hit but she grabbed my arms and forced them down. I felt her body press into mine, her legs spread and she straddled me.

“Now just… hold still! ” She panted, as she started to hump into me through my jeans

I kicked at her, causing her to release her grip on my arms – I pushed her with all my might, and she went tumbling back down the staircase, her body thumping and rolling over each step. I moved to the my bedroom, where I locked the door and searched for a weapon in the dark room.

I heard her footsteps, just as fast as before, racing up the stairs to find me. Does this bitch ever get it? How is she even moving? She ran at the door, trying the lock.

The door shook loudly as she barged into it; her footsteps traced backwards, and the door shook again. The wood creaked. She hit it again, and again, throwing her voluptous body into it over and over again. The door cracked and splintered, chunks hit the floor, and her body bursted through the door, her feet confidently planting themselves on my carpet. I watched her feet trace the room from under the bed, hoping she would give up. In the dark room, I lost sight of her; I could only listen as she paced, searching for me.

She flipped the bed over on its side and grabbed me. I pulled her around and pushed her where the bed once was, and the bed fell on her.

I ran out downstairs as fast as I could. I searched desperately for my keys, lightning again showed me my way, on the coffee table by my chair. I heard her footsteps at the top of the stairs as I raced out into the garage, and out into the rain. I opened my car and struggled to get the key in. When it turned the car stutered, its engine turning but not igniting.

From the garage door emerged Jessica, a hammer in her arms, the lighting showing me only instants of her running at my car.

“Come on, come on!” I yelled.

But the car would not start, and her hammer drove through the glass. As I shielded myself from the exploding glass, she grabbed the handle and opened the car door. Her wet body was once again on me – I struggled to fight her off but once again she held me down, and this time I couldn’t kick.

“Come on honey.” Her sweet voice said. “Let’s stop this. I know you want this!” She said, trying to kiss my neck. I bend my head over and bit her, bit her all over her face. I managed to get an arm free as she yelped with pain, grabbing the hammer and hitting her right in her shoulder blade.

“FUCK!” She cried, fighting for control of the hammer. She kept grinding into me the whole way, this crazy look in her eyes. Through the pain she was still horny, and getting worse. Finially I managed to get her off of me, I closed the door and threw the hammer at her as hard as I could.

I turned the key, and the car started. I pulled out of my drive way, knowing I was finailly safe.

I took a right turn onto the road, and another right. I would go to the police station, they would arrest her, throw her into jail. I would never see her again. I could get a good, calm, sane wife – have a sane family, and thank god I didn’t ever fall for jessica.

Lightning struck and I saw her figure. She ran out onto the road – cutting me off. I swirved to miss her, reacting just in time to not kill her. My car hydroplaned as I made the hard left, and I slid directly into a power box.

She was there in my dizzy state, opening the car door and pulling me out. She dragged me away from the destroyed car, thunder shaking me as I trembled. There on the asphalt, I was unable to move. The rain poured over our bodies in the center of the street. Her hands grabbed at my belt, I tried to throw another punch but she kept undoing my clothes anyway.

“Don’t you get it yet sweetie?” She panted, but laughed. “I like it when you hit me. I like hitting you – I love chasing you. I love it when you run. I love it when you fuck me, I love it when you pretend like you don’t love me. I love everything about you, hubby.”

With my cock out, she blew me until I was hard, and then forced me into her. I throbbed inside of her. She laughed while she rode me, fucking deep and hard. Our wet skin slapped together in the rain, lightning illuminating her overwelming passion. She laughed and laughed more, feeling pride in her success and laughing at my inability to get away. I still tried to get her off of me but she held down my arms and her legs forced mine to be spread.

Her hips became a blur, she moaned and smiled and tried to kiss me. I fought and fought, but it was building up inside of me, and I was far too weak to stop it now.

“No, no no no…” I stammered.

“Yes baby. Come on you piece of shit, cum inside me! CUM IN ME! IMPREGNATE ME NOW! CUM! I KNOW YOU WANT TO KNOCK THIS PUSSY UP SO DO IT ALREADYYYY!!!”

The last thing i felt in the cold, wet rain – was an incredibly hot pulsing, my whole body contracting, Jessica moaning and laughing. Then, just sweet silence.


My head felt funny. Full really, over-preasured. Slowly I realized I was hanging upside down, strung up in her apartment by my legs, completely naked

“What the fuck…” I said, as she walked in, dressed in an apron and jeans.

“What?” She asked. “You think I would raise our kids without a father figure? Someone to show them the ropes? Well, maybe I’ll have to do that part – I am oh so good with ropes. But still though, you should be around. I’m gonna have so much fun raising your kids. Your kids! Oh honey, I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Let me go you fucking psycho bit-” A strip of ducktape went across my mouth. I screamed and shouted, but she ignored it, and instead went to work milking my cock, and my soul for all it as worth.


The End. Want more like this and other stories? Feed me feedback.



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