Lunch in the Mall [MFF] [FF] [Oral]

The noise levels in the mall were not too bad for a lunch crowd. I was heading back to my home office after dropping some network sketches and solutions into my employer’s office when I decided to stop at the mall. There is this European cafe, run by a genuine European family that makes the most delicious coffees. I was sitting outside, al mallsco I expect it was, reading a new novel I had just bought, on my smart phone.

The coffee was steaming in front of me, the crowd, not loud but moving, people enjoying a meal or just talking surrounding me in a pleasant moment of self indulgence. I felt something odd. You know, that little sensation that says someone is taking an interest in you. You look up and someone is looking at you. It was that. I looked around and on my left there was a mother with two small children at one table, an older couple, not talking, at another, a few people scattered around and when I scanned right, there was a couple of kids, girls who looked like they should be in school, looking at me. Well they were looking in my direction, but when I looked at them, they both engaged my eyes, and looked away. I lingered for a few seconds when they both looked at me again, I do mean, at me.

They weren’t bothering to hide it, they were looking at me. They looked away again and began a discussion. I started reading my book again, not paying them too much attention. I didn’t want them to think I was a pervert who loves ogling school girls. I am, and I do, but that’s not the point. I looked up again with that same feeling, and they were both looking at me. I turned my eyes down and tried to read, but looked up again and they were still looking. I sipped my coffee, read my book and made quick glances at them. Both had light brown hair, both were about, if not, the same age, about fifteen, sixteen, maybe seventeen, eighteen at most. The one on the left had small tits, the one on the right much fuller tits. That was about all I could get until they stood. I did see flesh extending under the table so both were wearing skirts or shorts.

Then the one on the left turned directly towards me and opened her knees. She was looking right at me and could see me looking at her. At the angle I was, I could see her spreading her legs, but I couldn’t see what was under the skirt. I didn’t look away, I didn’t flinch but kept my face as passive as I could. She gave a slight smile, and turned to her friend, said something and they both grabbed their hand bags and stood. Show’s over, I thought and went back to my book.

A few seconds later, I felt this presence next to me, looking up it was the two girls, “Hello,” they both said.

I made the really cool reply, “Hi.” and made a quick scan of them, taking an inventory of their assets.

“We were wondering, maybe, if we could talk to you for a few moments.” said big breasts.

“Sure,” I said, being as suave as I could be, “Take a seat.” I put my phone away.

“Can you help us?” small tits asked.

“Perhaps, if I can. What do you need help with?” Smooth as a baby’s ass.

“We want to go to our prom,” said small tits. I nodded.

“And we want to buy a really nice gown.” continued big tits. I nodded.

Silence for a few moments, “And…” I prompted, just knowing where this was going to go.

“We were – wondering – if – maybe – you could help us.”

“How can I help?” I wanted them to get it out now. Playing dumb is not a bad strategy here.

“Well-” said small tits and stopped, her face flushing.

Big tits broke in and said, “We could do something for you, a job, and maybe get paid for it?” Small tits nodded.

“Oh, what kind of job did you have in mind?”

“Anything, anything at all.” big tits said.

“Well, that could be a lot. How about you introduce yourselves first?” Smooth, I thought.

“I’m Jaymie,” said big tits, “And my friend is Alice.” I nodded at Alice, who was slightly smaller and a little darker than Jaymie, more athletic in build. Jaymie was a lot of seriously nice curves and a little shorter than me, I would think.

“I’m David, and what kind of work can you do?”

“Well, – ” Alice started, “What would you like us to do?”

“I can think of a lot of things I would like you to do, but let’s start with something a little more concrete, shall we. What are you offering and how much?”

“We thought-” “Well, how-” They echoed. “A Hundred” And “Fifty” in unison. “Fifty “Each” they stumbled out.

“For what?” I asked.


“You mean for sex.”

They both blushed, “Well…”

“This the first time you done this?”

They nodded, in unison.

“Well, okay, but it’s day time, so you have to have somewhere private to go and the backseat of a car in the parking lot is not ideal.”

They looked at each other, and I just knew they hadn’t thought it through all that well.

“How much do you need, all together?” I asked.

“About eight hundred bucks” said Jaymie.

“The same,” said Alice.

“So how old are the both of you?”

“Eighteen,” they parroted.

“OK, then proof of age?”

They looked at each other and said, “Driver’s license OK?”

“Sure,” I replied. They fumbled in their purses, and Jaymie pulled her license out, followed by Alice. I shook my head and said, “OK, you’re both eighteen, barely, but you’re legal. OK, so how about discussing a business proposition?”


“Yeah. Look, at fifty bucks, you’re going to take a while, so how about we speed that up a bit?”

“Like how?”

I looked around and said, “Not here, this is not necessarily a good place to do anything. So do you have a place to go?” They shook their heads and I said, “Well, I have an apartment nearby – if you’re interested.” They nodded, “OK, then. You have your own transport?” They nodded, again, so I gave them the address and told them I would meet them there in about twenty minutes. The apartment was closer than that, but I wanted to go to the hole in the wall and get some cash.

I pulled up at the apartment, went to the door and heard a car door opening. Looking around, it was the girls, they were certainly keen, I thought. I let them in and closed the door behind us. I invited them to sit on the lounge, and went to get the video camera I had already set up in the bedroom. When they saw the camera, they looked quite startled.

“Please, don’t worry. This is for my private collection. I don’t do anything with these, just make a video for my own memoirs.” I started, “Introduce yourselves, tell me your name and age and that.”

“I’m Alice,” said Alice. “I’m eighteen and-”

“Better not your real name Alice,” I said. “I don’t really want to know it, and I will forget it, so better a fake name. OK, I know it’s fake, but I won’t remember your name and all I will have is the video.” I stopped filming and showed the girls I was deleting that part. “So we start, OK?” They nodded and I again said, “Introduce yourselves, and how old are you?”

They both gave fake names, Alice was Emma and Jaymie was Bunty, said they were eighteen and I actually interviewed them. I think they were relatively honest, they had known each other since middle school, neither were virgins, they had sex for the first time at fifteen, they both like doggie but they like fucking in any position, yes they had watched porn, with their current boyfriends. I then asked them if they had sex.

“We just told you,” Jaymie replied, but Alice looked a little startled.

“I think he is asking if we’ve had sex, if we’ve slept together.”

“Euwww, No! Definitely not.” Jaymie said.

“Why not?” I asked, “Did you practice kissing on each other first, before kissing a boy?”

“No,” Alice replied, “Never thought of it.”

“Ever shared a guy?”

“Not before this,” Jaymie said. “No, boyfriend sharing was not high on our agenda.”

“What about the porn you have watched? Did it ever show threesomes?”

“A few,” said Alice.

“Lesbian scenes?”


“The guys ever comment on it?”

“No,” said Jaymie, “But he just went real quiet and he watched while I sucked his dick.”

I looked at Alice and she said nothing. “Emma?” I invited her to reply – using her fake name.

“Yeah, he did.”


A pause – “He said that he would like to watch me and J-Bunty together.”

“Oh?” I watched Jaymie’s eyebrows climb up her forehead. “And what about you? What did you say?” She hesitated, “Or thought?”

Another pause, then a longer pause while I looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

“I said- well I thought, yeah, I’m sure you would.” She was lying.

“He asked?” Jaymie asked, “And you said?” She must have picked up on the lie too.

“I didn’t say anything.” The lie was becoming more obvious. Jaymie wasn’t buying it either.

“OK,” I said, “Before we go any further, here is my proposition. We meet here over the next few weeks and we talk, I film. I pay you for modeling. But-” I paused, “You have to follow the Director’s instructions.”

“How much do we get paid?” Jaymie asked.

“Hundred dollars an hour, each.”

“So eight hours is eight hundred, each?”

“Yep. In cash, at the end of each session.” I thought a moment, “Rounded to the next quarter hour.” So I might need to keep a number of fives about and pay them in twenties. “No session will be for longer than two hours.” So a maximum of four hundred in twenties, “So can you cover yourselves in making that much money in such a short space of time?”

“My mom won’t notice,” said Jaymie.

“My folks will notice, but I can say I worked extra hours and got a cheaper dress.”

“OK, your first model ling gig,” I said. “Time to make up for missed opportunities, Bunty. Kiss each other.”

Jaymie looked a little startled, like a jackrabbit caught in headlights I thought, but Alice moved closer. She put her arm around Jaymie’s shoulders and pulled her closer. Alice certainly didn’t need any encouragement, I thought. Slightly smaller than Jaymie, Alice turned her face up to her friend’s and moved forward. Jaymie just pecked at Alice’s proffered lips, and moved back.

“No, Bunty, a proper kiss.” I urged. There was a repeat performance from Jaymie, so I said, “Look, Bunty, kiss her like you mean it. It’s only acting after all. You can act, can’t you?”

“I suppose,” Jaymie replied. I can edit all this later, I thought, but then, why bother? This time Jaymie did kiss Alice, and Alice kissed her back.

“That wasn’t so bad was it?” I asked.

“N-n-n-o-o-o, not really,” she replied.

“Don’t stop,” I said, “Things are just warming up, I think.”

I let them make out for a few minutes and Alice was not holding back. She got more and more sensuous, and Jaymie was now responding. Alice’s hands began wandering and her touches became increasingly intimate.

“Emma, why don’t you show me Bunty’s breasts.” I suggested, gently.

Alice reached down and gripped the bottom hem of Jaymie’s blouse, shirt whatever. Jaymie tensed and ALice stopped. Looking into Jaymie’s eyes Alice leaned forward and kissed Jaymie, softly, sensuously, and whispered just loud enough for me to hear her, “I won’t hurt you, and we agreed to this, whatever he wants.” Jaymie nodded, and then Alice went on, “Besides, it might be fun.” She smiled and kissed Jaymie, and Jaymie responded with a little more enthusiasm than she had yet shown.

Alice lifted Jaymie’s shirt off her and then, kissing Jaymie’s neck reached around and undid the clasp of Jaymie’s bra. I couldn’t see much, but the bra sagged a little, and Alice pulled away, drawing the bra with her. Fuck, nice tits. Young, fresh, firm, I am going to love getting my lips around them.

Without any prompting from me, Alice dropped her lips to Jaymie’s already hardened nipple. Jaymie gasped as her swollen teat felt a tongue touch it and then lips surround it. Alice’s hand gently squeezed Jaymie’s 34D breast, it had to be that, while her mouth suckled the teat. Alice swapped breasts and Jaymie gently held Alice’s head, accommodating her suckling.

After a few moments, I said, “Bunty, why don’t you help Emma undress?”

Jaymie again took on that look of the startled rabbit, but Alice kissed her then whispered loud enough for me to just pick it up, “I want you to. And then I want you to suck on my tits.”

Jaymie nodded, but there was an air of uncertainty or confusion about her. Standing up, she lifted Alice’s shirt off her and then undid the button on Alice’s skirt, pulled the zip and let the dress fall to the floor. Alice reached around and undid the clasp of her bra and shrugged it off. letting it join her dress. Alice stepped in and kissed Jaymie, their breasts touching, their lips now seeking each other’s, their arms holding each other.

I didn’t notice it but Jamie’s skirt dropped off her and they were holding each other in dressed only in their panties. I saw Alice hook her thumbs into Jaymie’s panties and then bend down a little. uncovering that firm round ass. I saw Alice kiss Jaymie on the stomach, then guide her back to the couch. Sitting her down, Alice spread Jaymie’s knees and gave me a glimpse of this dark fur covered mons with a pink slash below it. Alice then hid it from view as she leaned in and again kissed Jaymie on her stomach.

I saw her head move down and then cover Jaymie’s pussy. At the first touch of Alice’s tongue, Jaymie surged up with an expression of absolute delight on her face. Her eyes were closed, her mouth opened and she thrust her pelvis upward, onto Alice’s mouth. I tried to maneuver the camera to a better angle but couldn’t get a shot of any tongue action. Alice was just munching on that muff like she had real experience. Jaymie was responding incredibly well, I thought, taking the pleasure that Alice was giving her.

The camera was taping and I was getting a little frustrated because I would’ve like to get some of that action. Then, I thought, Jaymie hadn’t been interested in a lez thing before, so maybe better to just let it run out as it will. Whatever Alice was doing, it was having a serious affect on Jaymie, that’s for sure. Her gasps and moans grew more and more urgent then the dam burst. Jaymie spasmed, gripping Alice between her thighs, grunting and moaning at the same time as she orgasmed. She had a small cum blush across her chest and up her neck, but she clearly orgasmed. She hadn’t said a word, no obscenities, nothing, just grunts, groans, moans and squeals of pleasure.

Alice was held captive by Jaymie, but when Jaymie relaxed, Alice kissed her way up Jaymie’s torso and then her breasts, and finally kissed Jaymie on the mouth.

“Ohhh fuck,” said Jaymie, “That was un-fucking-believable! I’ve never cum like that before!”

“And you tasted nice too,” Alice said and kissed her again.

“You can do that to me again, if you like.”

“I will, anytime.”

Obviously they had forgotten about me. “Wow, that was hot!” I broke in. “Want to move this to the bedroom?”

The stood and I directed them to the main bedroom, me following with the camera still recording. I mounted the camera on a tripod making sure I got the whole bed in frame. They got on the bed and I suggested they continue. Jaymie kissed Alice and then started working her way over Alice’s neck and chest. Jaymie took a nipple into her mouth and suckled for a while. Neither of them were talkers while they were making out, they simply concentrated on what they were doing. Jaymie started to work her way down Alice’s body but when she got where she was going, she couldn’t do it. It looked like it all might go to shit so I had to do something, this was my cue, I thought.

“Jeez, you guys are so fucking hot!” I said, “Emma can wait a little while, but I can’t. My turn. You can wait a bit?” I looked at Alice who was building a little steam I thought and she nodded, but disappointed.

I undressed and got on the bed, between them and lying on my back, said, “Bunty, suck me and Emma, come sit on my face.” I was already hard, my six and a quarter inch tool poking upward. Alice moved and straddled my face and Jaymie took hold of my cock. I felt her tongue running up and down it, and then her lips wrapped themselves around it. At the same time, I ran my tongue along Alice’s scrumptious little muff, her labia lips poking out and a well defined clit standing proud of her vagina. She shuddered as I hit the pink button and gently rocked herself over my mouth.

I ignored what Jaymie was doing, she was not that good at sucking cock, just concentrating on Alice. Muff diving is an art, a skill, learned through many years of licking women. Knowing when and where to put your tongue varies between women, but not by that much. The clit is the most obvious place, but a lot of guys just lap at the clit and don’t vary their movement. I have found that some women are more responsive to stabbing their vaginal opening, tonguing the top, then tonguing the bottom, it’s two movements, first the top and second the bottom.

Some women have a clearly defined love canal, and this is easy, but most do not, at least until they are well and truly aroused, some, even aroused, have a clear pathway to their fuck chute, but the chute itself remains obscured. Alice is in this last group, her swollen labia lips clearly pointing out the path to the vaginal canal, but closed over, stopping me from feeling with my tongue where it is. That didn’t stop me from trying though so I alternated between the clit and the labia, bringing her on as quickly as I could. In the meantime, I could feel Jaymie’s somewhat inept sucking on my cock not distracting me at all. It wasn’t long before Alice really started pumping my face.

Alice went from a slow gentle rocking motion to a full sweep push and over and over until she squealed her cum and juice flowed from her snatch. Mmm not too tasty, but not real bad, I thought. Alice fell off my face and Jaymie lifted off me, I looked at her and raised an eyebrow, she took my cock back into her mouth and continued her ministrations. A horizontal submissive, I thought. OK, time to push the master’s orders button, soon as Alice recovered sufficiently.

Watching Alice, I motioned her to come and rest her head on my shoulder. She did and said gently, “That was nice, you have a talent there.”

“Thank you, but now I would like Bunty to please you.”

“Oh yes, please.”

“Bunty, come here,” I said, firmly, “Time for you to repay the favor!” In my best, no nonsense voice.

Jaymie stopped sucking my cock and looked up at Alice with a rather anxious cast. “It will be good.” I said, “As you will do the best you can, and then some.”

“B-b-but I have n-” she started.

“Doesn’t matter,” I interrupted, giving her no room, it was clear who was in command here and it wasn’t her. “Eat her pussy, make her cum.”

Alice lay back onto the bed and beckoned Jaymie to come to her. Jaymie did, somewhat hesitantly at first, almost shyly, but when in each other’s arms, you could see she relaxed and was enjoying herself. They kissed for a few minutes and Alice gently pushed Jaymie’s shoulders down. “I want you to,” she said.

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Of course you can, you sucked David’s dick didn’t you?”

“It’s different-”

“No, it’s not.”

“I don’t know how!” Jaymie objected.

“Of course you do, just do what I did to you earlier, and what you would like to have someone do to you.” Alice urged.

Jaymie lifted her head and wriggled her way between Alice’s legs. Without much foreplay, Jaymie’s head swooped on Alice’s mons and I could see her tongue lapping over the fully swollen clit.

“Yes, like that!” Alice cried but with a look in the eyes that was more reflective of exasperation than enjoyment.

“Slow it down, Bunty,” I said, “And smile for the camera.” Well that was definitely the wrong thing to say, Jaymie lifted off Alice and looked at me, and I knew she was thinking about walking.

“Look,” I said, “You’ve never done this before, have you?” I knew I would get a shake of the head, I did. “You remember the first time you sucked a cock?” She nodded so I went on, “Not easy was it.” More a statement than a question, she replied, “No, it wasn’t.” “OK, then. Same thing here. You doing the same thing, but instead of a penis majora, it’s a penis minora.” The names Latin name for a cock and a clit didn’t throw her at all, “Yeah, I suppose.” So I continued, “Takes practice too, but you still have to get past that initial yuck factor. Just try it like this, you on your back, I will be eating your pussy, and Emma can sit on your face. Think you could try that?” She thought about it and then nodded.

Jaymie rolled on her back and spread her legs with her pussy near the edge of the bed. I knelt on the floor and lowered my mouth onto her mohawked cunt. Watching Alice, I saw her lower herself onto Jaymie’s mouth and commence that same rocking action she used when I was licking her pussy. Now she was enjoying it. We kept this up for quite a while, well more than a few minutes. Jaymie started shaking and her thighs increased their pressure on me as she squeezed her knees together. I lifted my head before it got too hard to lift off her and blew on her swollen clit. I didn’t want to make her cum before she had made Alice cum. She relaxed and after a few seconds of letting her come off the boil, I went back to gently caressing her labia with my tongue.

It wasn’t long after this that I saw Alice started the same pumping motion on Jaymie as she had done with me as she started cumming. I immediately increased the pressure on Jaymie’s clit and licked at her furiously. Alice squealed as she came over Jaymie’s face and just moments after that, Jaymie’s muffled cries of delight was music for me. She grabbed at my head with her thighs and held me as my tongue poked her clit over and over as fast and as hard as it could.

Alice gently rolled off Jaymie and they were both gasping for breath. Alice moved and started licking Jaymie’s lips and chin, wiping her own cum juices from Jaymie’s face. They kissed again and Alice said. “Fuck, that was really nice.” “You taste nice too,” Jaymie replied, “Different than guys, and once I got started, I found I was liking your pussy. Weird, huh?”

“Not at all,” Alice said, “I loved your pussy and want to eat it again.”

“Fuck! Are we really lez’s?”

“No, because right now, I would like a dick in me.” Alice said, “Would a lez want that?”

“I don’t know, but I think I have the same feeling.”

I looked at the bedside alarm clock and realized we had been there for over fifty minutes. “Not today, ladies. You have been here for nearly an hour now, and I have to go elsewhere.” They were both, surprisingly, disappointed. “Next time I really want your bodies, naked and open, if you want to come back of course.”

They both nodded and Jaymie asked, “When?”

“Next Wednesday, here, if you can make it.”

“How can we get in touch if there is an issue?” Alice asked. I gave them an email account I had set up a number of years ago, for another reason, and they were satisfied they could reach me if needed.

I got off the bed and picked up my trousers, pulled my billfold out and counted out six $20 notes each.

“That’s $120, David,” Alice said, “Yes,” I replied, “Deposit for next week, if you like, or bonuses for cumming twice each.”

“But you didn’t cum at all!” Jaymie said, “And I didn’t get to suck your dick,” Alice said, “And it looks nice too.” “And tastes good as well,”Jaymie continued, “Better than Paul-.” “Her boyfriend,” Alice said after a moment, “And I really want to try it.” “Yes, let her,” Jaymie urged me.

I looked at them and my dick started moving. Alice jumped off the bed and got on her knees right in front of me. She took hold of my now growing tool and slid it into her mouth. Ahh, I thought, this one is good. She didn’t just swallow it, she let it open her lips and used her tongue on the knob as it passed into her mouth. “She is better than me at sucking dick,” Jaymie said, “Lot more practice I think.” Alice snorted at that, but continued sucking me. Oh yeah, she was really good at it. How the fuck did she get so good at her age. I couldn’t believe it, she was really getting me quite worked up, I was really liking this.

We were putting on a show for Jaymie here, but I really didn’t mind. Alice’s head bobbed in and out on my cock and her lips wrapped themselves around it making the knob even more sensitive with every swipe of her tongue and lips. She was using her cheeks to wipe the shaft and caress the lip of the bulging knob. She would stop her outward movement the moment the lip of the knob touched the inside of her lips. Her tongue would then caress the meatus, the junction or the inverted v under the knob, all the way in as my cock filled her mouth and touched her tonsils.

Shit! She was going to make me cum! I gripped her head, not hard, and cried I was going to cum and she just continued. “I love the sound of her guy cumming when she is sucking him,” Jaymie said. I looked over at her wondering if this was really the first time they had shared a guy. “But this is the first time I have ever seen it.” Jaymie said. “I gotta learn how she does that.” I shot my load into Alice’s mouth gasping as surge after surge of cum shot out of me.

I was weak at the knees, I can tell you. Alice then wiped my cock with the inside of her mouth and then turned to Jaymie, beckoning her. “You want to share?” Jaymie asked and Alice nodded. “This is a real day of firsts, isn’t it?” Alice nodded again and Jaymie knelt next to Alice and they kissed. I could see their tongues going inside their mouths, sharing my love juice. They both hummed their pleasure, like sharing a milkshake, I thought.

“Mmmm, nice.” Jaymie said, when they broke apart, “We gotta do this gain, and you can show me how to suck dick properly.” Alice nodded and they kissed again. “I love you,” Alice said to Jaymie. “I know,” Jaymie replied, “And I love you too, but I didn’t know how much until now.”

On the floor right in front of me, two girls who had known each other for several years professing their love for each other. Unbelievable. But what happened next was entirely unexpected. Jaymie pushed Alice onto her back and turned herself around, positioning herself into a classic sixty-niner. Without any thought to the fact they were on the floor, or I was there watching, they pleasured each other in the best way, I thought. This must have been coming for a long time. As I got to know them, intimately, I learned it was.

There was a lot more about their story than I realized. But that is for another day.


1 comment

  1. Definitely need more of this story. Thanks for the hard work.

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