First submission here; be gentle.

The sun glistened off the water as it lapped gently up onto the sand. The sun was warm and the smell of the sea mixed with the tanning oil freshly applied to your skin made you smile as you took another deep breath. It had been a long time coming and finally you were able to relax and just let loose. Last night’s festivities were wearing off and as you allowed your body to sink a little more into your towel and the sand. You casually allow your head to fall to the side and notice for the first time a man on the beach too. Until now you had presumed you were alone and you’re startled at this new development. Your small multi colored bikini bottoms are all you’re wearing and despite your best efforts to be alone and secluded he is seemingly unaware or (less likely) unconscious of your presence. You immediately reach for your top and as you fumble with its blue straps around your back, neck and shoulders you smirk to yourself because he isn’t even facing your direction.
While you’re checking to make sure the ladies are contained your eyes again rise and find the stranger looking in your direction, smiling a warm and charming smile and give you a slight nod. It’s subtle, but you feel a warmth from this small exchange and you smile back. He turns and as his arms spread to each side opening his own towel you notice his back and arm muscles first. Strong and smooth, his tan skin seems to glisten in the sun and when he bends forward your semi-smile grows as you enjoy the view of him bent over and what you can only
imagine are well cared for firm legs and butt.
As he spreads the towel along the sand he turns his head back towards you to find you’re still staring and your smile has given you away. Your heart begins to race as you quickly look away, back to the sea and try your best to act casually and cool. Closing your eyes, you lay back on your back and try to get back to that relaxing place that seems long since lost.

It’s seems only a few second have passed, but the warmth of the sun has grown and it’s now enough to wake you and prompt you to turn over. Suddenly remembering where you are and what had transpired earlier you glance to the side to see if your beach companion is still around. Mildly surprised, you find his towel and bag unaccompanied and that you are once again alone on the beach. Glancing around, you do a full sweep of the beach and the water only to find nothing. At this point you’re convinced that you were alone again regardless of the items left behind and think to yourself casually that you’re lying facedown anyway so you remove your top once again and lie down with your face in a comfortable position to the side. The warm sun feels spectacular on your back and your only regret is that you can’t apply any oil/sunscreen to keep you from burning. “Where is that guy from before, and why can’t he be helping me lather up right now?!” you think as you smile to yourself and the conversation you have with no one in particular. While you enjoyed yourself last night at the bar, returning back to your room alone was just fine with you. The large queen bed seemed just right and although you weren’t exactly opposed to the idea, no one exactly caught your eye all evening. As you close your eyes, you reminisce about the drinks, dancing, and what a freeing evening it was.
Unsure of how much time has past, you find yourself startled awake at the sound of splashing at the direction of your feet. You open your eyes and dip your chin toward your shoulder to look back and see what all the noise is about. Immediately you smile as you are getting a frontal view of the man from earlier. He’s wearing board shorts, and holding a diving mask. While the shorts fit, they are just loose enough to ride low on his hips and reveal two V-shaped lines descending, teasing you and leaving your mind to wander. As your eyes scan back up you are pleased to find his fit abs, well defined chest and broad shoulders. The sun glistens off of his tan skin as he exits the water and shakes
out the remaining water from his mask. His opposite hand runs through his hair as his head tilts back and he smiles at you. Once again you’ve been caught, only this time you don’t look away but smile right back. Something about his eyes and his smile make you immediately warm and tingly.
It’s at this point you realize he isn’t walking towards his towel, but is continuing his path toward you. His legs are as fit as you imagined, and his arms flex his strong muscles as he slightly waves upon his approach. “The water feels great, you should definitely take advantage of it!” He says.
Without a word you smile and close your eyes take a deep breath and stretch a little allowing him to see that you are enjoying the sun just fine. “Wow, the sun is really doing a number on you. Would you like some help with a bit of sunscreen, or tanning oil?”
It’s all you can do to keep from shouting “yes!”, but you casually reply “I don’t know if I should trust you, I don’t know you.” ”
I’ll tell you my name while I apply the oil I can see in your bag.” he replies just as casually and reaching for the oil kneels next to you. “Well, since you were already here, I suppose I could use the help.” you say, trying to sound as conceding and defeated as possible with enough sarcasm to get the point across.
Even though he just came out of the water as he is applying the tanning oil from your bag the warmth of his touch relaxes you even more, surprising you as you previously thought you were actually quite relaxed. His hands begin between your shoulders and move towards your neck and then out to the edge of your shoulders drawing a triangle shape from your armpits up and it feels amazing! His hands glide down your back, and stop just above your bikini line and then find their way back toward your shoulders again. You’re unsure if it’s the oil, his hands, or this whole experience actually happening, but the smile on your face must’ve been enough for him to comment “tell me if I am too rough, or you’ve had enough.” “I’m actually a trained masseur, and find a certain “need” to get feedback as my job is to bring pleasure to those my hands touch.”
“Oh really? Is that how you pick up on EVERY girl, or just the vulnerable ones alone on the beach?” You joke as he continues his oil lathering magic on your back. Without a reply, he only slightly chuckles and you can see him shake his head side to side dismissing your comment as ridiculousness.
As he continues, you find that his hands have made their way toward your sides and as his fingers trace your ribs you hold your breath as his warm hands caress the sides of your breasts and a warmth between your legs grows. His touch, is so inviting and sensual, you’re unsure if this is by design, or all in your head. Regardless, you say nothing and allow his hands to wander. Emboldened by your lack of resistance he quickly informs you that he thinks you need an equal amount of attention on your legs. “Well, you ARE the professional and I think you know best.” you reply just as coy and submissive as before.
You dig your toes into the sand as he begins at your ankles, and calves. Both hands wrapped around each leg, first the left, and then the right. Massaging, and gliding up-and-down your calves and down to your heel, do you think to yourself “he really does know what he’s doing.” Without skipping a beat, he uses both hands and begins working on your left hamstring, his thumbs join together as he slides up the back of your hamstring and rubs slowly and methodically from side to side. As his fingers trace your inner thigh you find once again you are holding your breath as you feel his index finger rub ever so gently the material that is now wet between your legs from all this excitement. It’s a brief moment, but enough to make you aware of his touch and the softness of it. In your mind you’re almost sad that he stopped and changed his attention to your right leg. Just as before, his hands mirror the pattern he created on your left leg and as his hands caress slowly up, you oblige his movements by spreading your legs ever so slightly with anticipation. Smiling he slows his movement even more and his thumbs spread along the line of your bikini bottoms, tracing up towards your hip and the left hand finds its way too. Pressed more firmly now, you push back against his fingers (much to your own surprise) and this bold move has allowed you just a moment longer with his hands touching your dripping wet bottoms. “Any thing else I can help you with?” He asks still kneeling at your side.
“Too many things really!” You reply as one of your one hands finds his thigh. Firm and tight you squeeze to add emphasis, and realize that in so doing, you’ve given him a nice peek at your perfect breast hanging just above the towel. You don’t hide it, but as your eyes meet, you smile as you can tell he’s enjoying the view and you collapse back down sarcastically and with a sigh of gratitude for the rub down.
As he rises you notice the rather impressive bulge as his shorts are a bit tighter than before and his butt peeks out the back as he makes his way to his towel. “What a great afternoon this just became!” you think as you once again continue your mental conversation with no one in particular.
The sun continues to shine and as the afternoon rolls on you find ironically you’ve had probably too much sun and decide to make your way inside and back to your hotel room to shower off. Purposely and deliberately you pretend to search for your bikini top and slowly put it back on hoping your new found beach friend will sit up and notice you leaving, but to no avail. Only slightly stirring he seems either asleep or too far away to notice you’re movements and that you’re packing up. Then your mind begins to race, “Wait! How can I make sure I see him again? What will I say if he asks my plans, my availability, my…anything!?” suddenly distraught and worried you’ll blow it you fumble around gathering your things and make such a ruckus that ironically THAT is what gets his attention, not your perfect breasts, gorgeous smile or spectacular ass?! “Whatever!” you think to yourself as you begin walking along an imaginary path towards him forming a line that could have been well away from him, but mysteriously right above his head.
As you draw near you slow your walk and take in the view. He’s lying on his back with one knee bent up and his arms gently resting with his hands crossed over his stomach, the bulge has diminished, but enough remains not leaving a lot to the imagination. A T-shirt lies across his eyes and head and as you are drinking in this spectacular view you are startled when he says “where are you going already?”
“Back to my hotel” you reply quickly, but as casually as you can muster.
He quickly lifted the shirt off his head and rolled onto his side to properly face you. “Are you really? Not be too forward, but I can’t get into my room since my friend has taken the only room key and I desperately want to rinse off and get out of my board shorts. I’ve been wearing them since last night and I am sick and tired of carrying this bag around too!” Your confusion at what exactly he is asking/saying becomes clear to him as your head cocked to the side in confusion. “Is there anything I can do to talk you into letting me shower off in your room? I promise to not take long and get out of your hair right when you kick me out! You’d be doing me a massive favor and perhaps I could repay you later by buying you a drink?!”
Problem solved, official excuse to see him later taken care of. You smile as he has single-handedly carried out the conversation you were stressing over in your mind only moments ago.
“Well, I guess it can’t hurt. Sure, why not?!” you reply as casually as you can muster without sounding too overly excited while in your mind you were doing somersaults and jumping up and down with excitement!
As much as you’d enjoy the view of him walking in front of you, he remains by your side as you make the journey out of the sand on to the paved pathway back to the hotel. Fumbling through your beach bag, you find the plastic key that has been hiding at the bottom covered in sand. You smile as you try to casually wipe the sand from it and wait for the elevator. “This must be the longest, slowest, most excruciating wait for the elevator of all time!” You think to yourself as it’s all you can do but smile and let your mind wander. So many possibilities, and so many fantasies run through your head you almost don’t notice the doors opening to the elevator and are startled when people begin to push past you to get inside. You sigh internally as you realize it will be more than just the two of you in the elevator up to your room. Thankfully, once you reach your floor, you are the only two to step off.
As you approach your hotel room door you take a deep breath and try to insert the key card without showing how much you were hand is shaking. With the harmonized beep and a click your door unlocks and as you reach to push it open his arm slides behind you and he opens it for you. Gathering your bag the cool air conditioning from inside welcomes you and a smile returns to your face as you remember this little detail was premeditated on your part and the welcomed relief from the heat is marvelous. You try to act casual as you toss your beach bag to the side and enter the vanity area that separates the shower and tiled area from the rest of the room. It’s nice, because there aren’t any doors anywhere and it’s a very open floor plan. “The TV remote control is on the bed, feel free to watch anything while I go first.” You say as you can hear him sit on the end of the bed and fall back with a thud, relaxing into the comforter. “If it’s not too much to ask, please save a little bit of warm water for me.” He shouts as you turn the water on in the shower. “No promises.” You reply with a giggle. As you reaching with your hand to test the water you realize the smile hasn’t left your face and a plan develops in your mind. “Don’t get any ideas, but I tied this thing awfully tight. Could you give me a hand?” You say as sweetly as you can. “No problem!” He says as a quick rustle in the other room produces a shadow and then his presence seems to immediately be behind you. “Seriously, I don’t know what I was thinking tying this so tight.” You say as you point to the knot in your bikini top. Without turning around you smile knowing full well it’s tied in a pretty little bow and you don’t need any help at all. “This looks like a tough one, maybe a little water will help loosen it up?” He says and his hands find their way smoothly and quickly down your sides resting on your hips.”Well I think you’re right, you should probably join me if you want any hot water too!” You say as you step into the shower now that the water is nice and warm. “Well, you did say I could watch ANYTHING!” he replies not letting his hands leave your hips and enters the shower behind you.
Letting the shower water fall onto your face and chest you enjoy the warmth in contrast to the air conditioned air outside and lean back into his chest as he steps forward to meet your movement. His broad shoulders are much wider than yours and his strong, firm chest catches you and allows you to give in a little more. Suddenly, you turn around and face him. “What about that knot?” You say with a smile. Without a sound his hands slide up your sides and pull on the string and tying your top allowing the strings to dangle at your sides. Slowly your hands reach behind your neck and pull the strings apart unfastening the bow you carefully tired earlier. You smile a devilish smile as you allow your top to fall in front of you and see his eyes track downward taking in your perfect breasts. His smile widens and his eyes do not stray from what you’ve just revealed, you look down to admire as well seeing the water run down your chest and off your erect nipples clearly is turning him on, as the shorts he’s wearing have become quite tight in the front.
His hands have fallen down and by his side so you reach for them both simultaneously and place them on your hips again. Turning around you bend forward slightly pressing your hips towards him and just as you planned his hands guide them straight into his pelvis. His strong hands grip your hips and the firmness you feel behind you makes you smile as you turn back to look at him around the spray of the water from the shower. Your eyes meet, but only for a moment as he turns his attention back to your body, and his fingers slide down the sides of your bikini bottoms and as he squats down he slides them over the perfect roundness of your ass and you oblige by wiggling your legs a little to let them fall all the way to the shower floor. As he stands back up you turn around to meet him and place his hands on your shoulders. As though you were dancing, you step to your right and he to his left, trading places allowing the hot water to attack his musclebound back and block the water from your face.
Still smiling, you step on your toes and lean forward kissing him quickly, deeply and finding his tongue with fervor. He taste so good in your mouth and his lips are so soft, it’s everything you imagined it would be and more. After wrestling with his tongue you begin to break up the kiss with smaller pecks and nibbles of his lips and move to his neck. Your fingers quickly find the waist band of his shorts and begin untying the laces in the front. Thankfully, there are no knots and the Velcro surrenders to your grasp allowing you to slide your hands down along his hips and down his thighs as his shorts submit to gravity and find their way next to your bikini bottoms on the bottom of the shower. Having done this, springing to life is a raging hard erection in front of your face begging for attention. Pleased at the size and excitement he clearly is experiencing, you can think of nothing more but to take it into your mouth and taste that too! As your lips wrap around the swollen head, you take him into your mouth and he lets out an audible moan of pleasure. This only encourages you to continue and his continued groans/moans turn you on even more as you take as much of him as you can.
Cupping his balls with one hand your other hand begins to stroke the shaft that extends out of your mouth and his pleasure is clear as you look up and can see it on his face.
Suddenly, without warning, he pulls his hips away and in the same movement, using his strong arms, lifts you up to your feet and pulls you in close. As your tongues wrestle once again his hands cup each of your butt cheeks and he presses his body into yours firmly and confidently. His mouth moves to your earlobes and down your neck to your collarbone sending shivers throughout your body and exponentially increasing the warmth between your legs. As his hand moves forward between your legs he finds the warmth you offer and your head falls back at his touch. His mouth has now made its way to your breasts heaving and begging for attention, his tongue pays attention to each curve and goosebumps it creates while tasting your skin. He pauses taking special care to give attention to each nipple sucking, licking, nibbling them to an even more erect and hardened state. His hand between your legs begins rubbing and his finger has found its way between your lips as you lift a leg to encourage him to explore more. Somehow, he knows just where to rub and it’s as though he can read your mind, his pace and pressure feel so perfect that you don’t realize until it’s too late that you’re cumming. Just as your leg begins to buckle he takes you in his arms and hold you close as this intense wave travels through your body back-and-forth causing you to quiver.
“Holy shit!” You say as he turns off the water and carries you out of the shower into the bedroom. You wrap your legs around his waist while he does this and find his mouth again kissing him deeply and wrapping your arms around his neck. It occurs to you, you don’t need to hold on as he is more than strong enough to hold your body up, but you do nonetheless. As you draw near the bed, you unwrap your legs and arms and face him with the bed in front of you. Using all the force you can muster you push him backwards onto the bed and he obliges by slow motion falling. Still erect, you crawl over his legs straddling him and begin kissing him again. He’s raging hard cock points up against his belly button and you position yourself above him allowing you to grind on his shift back-and-forth freely. His hands find your hips again and as he progresses your hips down into his you feel another rush coming on and your second orgasm has come so easily you can believe it. It’s all you can do to hold yourself up above his chest and take several deep breath’s trying to control your breathing. Once you feel that you have recovered, you reach down between your legs and lift his erection straight up and down like a saddle to be ridden.
At this point, you are literally dripping wet. As you center the tip just below you, it spreads your lips around it and as he enters you and fills you up you allow your knees to slide on the comforter away from his hips until you take all of him deep inside of you. Pausing, to take it all in, and bask for a moment in this sensational feeling, you then use your legs to lift you up again bringing your knees to his sides only to quickly slide back down again. Over and over and over again you repeat this motion bringing you to wave after wave of tingling and blood rushing throughout your body. You lose track of how many orgasms, and realize that it might just be one, long, constant almost overwhelming feeling. Finally, he takes his strong muscle bound arms and lift you off of him. Taking his shaft in his own hand he tells you to lay on your back and you oblige. Enjoying the show you watch as he finishes and sprays a warm stream of white across your chest and abs.
He smiles and collapses by your side. Reaching for a towel, or anything really, you clean yourself up and him. This allows you to look him up and down again and you smile as you realize what an incredible experience you just had. As you lay back down resting your head on his shoulder and snuggling up next to him he whispered “you never did tell me your name.”


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