[MF] Strangers on a Commuter Train Part II [BBW, Voy, Dom]

Link to part 1 in the comments.

The seed was planted and I could tell as he awkwardly exited at his stop that he was mulling it over. Before exiting he made one last glance back at me. I put on a coy look and just subtly licked my lips. It all felt so naughty. The seed had been planted in his head but also in my own.

My office wasn’t far from the train station and my desk by the window made it difficult for me to forget what i had said. Every hour or so the train whistle outside would blow, distracting me from my work and sending my mind into that naughty place. Would he take the bait? What would I do? What would he do? My imagination took hold and my body was reacting. I pressed my legs together to feel the wetness forming in my panties. They were a nice new cotton pair and I could feel that the hourly train whistle was going to have them quite damp by the end of the day. My pussy was a Pavlovian dog responding to that train whistle. I got very little work done that day. Around 3 I thought i couldn’t take it anymore and went to the bathroom. I considered just fingering myself to climax right then and there to take the edge off. Instead I had better plans. I slipped my panties soaked by my wet pussy and put it in my purse. The rest of the day I would be going commando. Back at my desk by the 3:30 train I had probed myself under my desk. Fortunately it was a friday and the near empty office did not hear my soft whimpering at my desk. As the clock hit 4:30 I grabbed my purse and sped out to the train.

On a good friday the train was damn near empty when i got on. This was a GREAT friday. It was sweltering hot When the weather is hot the air conditioning doesnt work in some cars. People tend to crowd into the other cars just to avoid the sweltering non A/C car. I was looking for some privacy and the heat was actually kind of a turn on. As I sat down and turned in my ticket. I looked around. The car was empty. Could I be this lucky? Would he even show? Or was this all just folly. Time would tell. As the train pulled out of the station the anticipation was making me breath heavy again. When the train reached his station I swear the gods were shining down on me. There was hardly anyone on the platform. They all went into the AC cars. Except for him. My seatmate. He was clever and he figured out what to do really quickly. He gestured into the hot car and the engineer took his ticket. The engineer warned him about the AC and I could overhear my seatmate say into the car “No that’s ok.. I can take it if it gets too hot” The engineer left. It was too perfect. I had my seatmate all to myself. He walked up to me and asked with a hint of sarcasm

“Is this seat taken?”

I was ready for this. I had some of it planned out. With this amount of freedom with nobody else in the car. I had to make it somewhat of a game didn’t I?

“No, but for now i’d like to stretch my legs in this heat. Maybe you should sit across the aisle, Here… something to wipe your brow with.”

I had him all to myself and I was ravenous. Subtlety was gone. I reached into my purse and pulled out the still wet panties and handed them to him. He took the balled up cloth without thinking and looked perplexed again. It wasn’t til he sat down on the seat opposite me and looked at the cloth before he realized what it was. He turned to face me with a shy but pleased smile on his face. He slowly but confidently buried his face in the cloth and no longer made any attempt to adjust his pants. While he was still facing me I swung my legs up on the seat and looked around once more to confirm we were still alone. In one motion I undid the top button of my blouse, arced my back, and let my legs slowly part. He almost cartoonishly gulped as he saw the fullness of me. Breasts heaving and pressing hard against my now straining shirt, down to the subtle and unmistakable fact (especially considering he had my panties in his hand) that he could see all of me. I ached to be touched. The heat was getting to me. Less the heat from the train seat which was growing quite hot on my bare thighs and more the radiating and wet warmth coming from between them. His hand drifted downward and he started shamelessly massaging the big bulge in his pants. .Pausing for only a moment to take another deep inhale on my panties in his hand. I was positively panting from the heat.

“Oh fuck” I said as I pulled my legs apart even more. MY legs were straining as they tightly pulled at my shifting skirt. The skirt gave way and pulled up. Leaving me almost full spread eagle there on the train seat facing my stunned seatmate. His face changed and he no longer carried an air of shyness or even politeness. He shook his head to indicate he couldn’t help what he was about to do. He damn near jumped across the aisle and dropped to the floor, I half moaned/half squealed as he buried his face in me. I looked around to confirm nobody had entered the car and shifted my hips to give him better access to me. Sitting there on the floor of the train below my seat he had buried his tongue deep inside me and was working overtime to draw out more moans from me. At first I stifled them as I stroked his face while it bore down on me. I was trying to get him to take it easy as I was afraid we would get caught. But the harder he worked the less i cared. The entire train could fill up at this point and I wouldnt care. I’d let them all see this big fat hard working girl get eaten out by her dutiful seatmate. I grinding into him. It felt so good there in the sweltering heat to bury him deeper and deeper into my dripping crotch. For his part he didnt let up one bit. He would pant for moments to gasp for air before working even harder. And oh god the moans came. His grunts and sounds of pleasure just spurred me on. I let myself go. I grabbed one of his hands and placed it on my breasts as he started to massage them. More noises of pleasure from him resulted in more deeper and louder moaning from me. The wave took me as I came hard with his tongue deep inside me. As I looked down midway though my frantic orgasmic groan I growled at my seatmate who showed no sign of stopping.

“You are going to get off at my stop… and you are going to fill me up. Do you understand? You are going to fuck this pussy and fill me up like nobody ever has, Do i make myself clear?”

He almost whimpered in enthusiastic agreement.

“Good now be a good seatmate, take a break and get up here. We are almost at my stop and I dont want to make a scene. “

He looked almost embarrassed as he wiped off his face from all my wetness. He dutifully sat next to me as our panting slowed. I put my hand on his lap and gripped hard but not painfully on his swollen cock.

With my other hand i adjusted my shirt and skirt. I kept my hand slowly massaging this cock while the train finally pulled into my stop. I had never in my life been this aggressive but something about this situation got to me. I hated my commute and I was going to get mine to make up for it. “Mine” apparently was this cock. Was this how people got into the whole dominatrix scene? I don’t know. What I knew was this cock was mine for me to use and I was going to use it. We exited the train with nobody noticing. Once the train rolled away I turned to face my place.

“I live over here. Follow me. And… because I want you to. Keep your eyes here while we walk”

I gestured coyly to my ass. It felt so good, so liberating to be in this kind of control. I could feel his gaze on me as we walked.

Authors note: Admittedly this story is taking me to a new place. Clearly our beautiful big woman here is testing her newfound boldness on her happy seatmate I hadn’t planned it as a domination story but its a fun exploration for me. Stay tuned for part 3 and thanks for reading. Comments super welcome!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/8uce2g/mf_strangers_on_a_commuter_train_part_ii_bbw_voy