Female Reader Feedback Needed

I am writing erotica for a book with short stories that will target the married female demographic. I’m attempting to come up with a title that will be attractive but not offend, such as using the word “housewife.” It’s a touchy word for some and others don’t have a problem with it. However I’d rather just avoid the situation altogether.

Any words in an erotica title such as this that would attract you to it? And what words in the title could possibly ward you off?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8u0twq/female_reader_feedback_needed


  1. What will attract or turn people off is highly subjective. I’m quite put off by the term “cheating“ or any variation thereof, but I am super into openly sharing in any variation. I’m a stay at home mom, so housewife doesn’t particularly bother me, but it seems a little old fashioned. Even so, people that like that type of story will be attracted to that terminology.

  2. Maybe a empowering term along with a submissive adjective ?

    If you could provide a little more detail to the sub genre of your short stories I’m sure I could be of more help :)

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