Force in Balance, Part 1 [sci-fi, MF, Fdom, oral, light huml, light reluc] (Star Wars)

*This is a response to a story prompt on /r/DirtyWritingPrompts (which I’m apparently not allowed to link to). It’s taken me a while to write (and I’m still working on more) because I’m no expert on Star Wars lore and only had the motivation to do a moderate amount of research, but the prompt interested me so much from a character point of view that I couldn’t get it out of my head until I actually sat down and wrote it. That said, I’m open to all feedback EXCEPT for complaints about it being inaccurate or non-canonical, because, duh. Anyway, enjoy! More to come as soon as I finish it…*


The atmosphere on Tenori Prime turned the light of its sun a dreamy honey-brown, the seas that covered almost all of its surface shimmering like silver and gold flowing together. It was well after noon on the rocky atoll once known as the Latanae when two small ships sailed down from the sky, landing on two separate buildings on opposite sides of the ring of islands. From each craft emerged two figures, and from each pair, one departed and began the walk along the series of bridges that chained together the northern islands of the atoll.

At the midpoint, the two slowed as they approached each other.

“Greetings,” said the taller figure, lowering the hood of her plain brown robe. “I am Lai Phen. May I express my sincere hope that our conference here will mark the start of a new age for the galaxy, bringing together the Light and Dark sides of the Force, the Sith and the Jedi, in a harmonious relationship to the benefit of all.”

The other person raised her eyebrows almost imperceptibly, clearly bemused by Lai Phen’s monologue. She gave the Jedi an obvious once-over: the clothing plain and unremarkable, in the Jedi’s predictably faux-ascetic style; her skin, coral-pink and leathery, but soft-looking; the twin appendages curling down from her head suggesting Twi’lek heritage, but other features – such as the long, slender tail swishing out from the hem of her robes – hinting at perhaps a distinct but related species. Interesting.

“Hey,” she said. “Makhet. *Darth* Makhet to you, I suppose. Eager little thing, aren’t you?”

Lai Phen was somewhat taken aback. And not just by this creature’s unfittingly brash attitude. Her appearance, too, was intimidating. Darth Makhet was so slender, yet at the same time muscular and impressively toned – the body of a fighter. She was dressed, if you could even call it that, in a fashion most unseemly to the old-fashioned social mores that still ran deep in Lai Phen’s blood, from her early childhood before… well, before her time with the Jedi, at any rate. Her charcoal-grey skin was patterned all over with blood-red stripes and spots, her bald head was topped with two horns that curled around to the side, and her eyes – was it just the light? – seemed almost to glow with a fiery orange.

Makhet almost looked guilty for shocking Lai Phen into silence. “I… share your hope,” she said in the most sincere tone she could muster. “May we all learn to come together, and have a little fun doing it.”

Lai Phen gave a nervous smile, nodding as she raised her hood back over her head. “May the Force be with you,” she said quietly, earnestly.

Makhet couldn’t resist a smirk, though she spared the Jedi the indignity of an eye-roll, Swinging her pack back onto her shoulder, she was briskly on her way again, with only a “Ditto,” as she brushed past Lai Phen. Silently, the two carried on past each other, each hiking through the heat of the afternoon to where the other’s ship had touched down.


Three hundred years ago, this ring of islands had been the site of a convent of sorts for a now long-defunct religion. Tenori Prime was otherwise uninhabited, and the sparsely-vegetated red sandstone, surrounded by endless golden ocean, made an ideal spot for whatever sort of enlightened hermitude the devotees of this forgotten faith sought for.

A hundred years before that, it was just a circle of rocks in the water.

A hundred million years before *that*, it was the caldera of one of the tallest undersea volcanoes on the planet, before it slipped into a deep, and ongoing, dormancy.

At the moment, however, the two surprisingly cushy dormitories on the eastern and western sides of the atoll made the perfect rendezvous point for this most secretive of conferences. Never, perhaps, in the long history of the Jedi and the Sith, had agents on each side gone against their Orders to secretly meet with each other in the hopes of working towards reconciliation. Such an act, potentially treasonous, required a meeting place that would ensure they would never be found out, at least not until they were ready to put their plan into motion and try to unify the opposing sides of the Force.

The history of the relationship between Jedi Master Jal-Or Rinn and the infamous Darth Votrus is far too long and complex to tell here, but suffice it to say they were ready to move into a new phase in their quest for reconciliation. Hence the plan for this meeting – they each would bring their closest, most trusted protégé to this place, where they would exchange places and each spend a few days learning from the other’s master. What form of learning this would take, what exactly would take place during these days, would be up to the two masters, but it was hoped this exchange of trust and understanding would constitute a vital next step in their journey together.

And what *shall* we do together, young Jedi? thought Darth Votrus as he sat on the terrace of the eastern dormitory, watching Lai Phen mount the steps toward him. How to properly bring this padawan to understand the intricacies, the beauty even, of the Dark Side, to understand the value of the power it offered? He would have to come up with something… interesting. He grinned to himself as he rose to greet her.

“Lai Phen. At last we meet in person. Your master has told me much about you, but I look forward to getting to know you myself.”

“Likewise, Darth Votrus. I-it’s… an honor. I mean, I-I appreciate your attitude of… of… working together.” Lai Phen kept her eyes downcast. Poor girl. So young, so inexperienced. But Rinn insisted she was ready for this, insisted she could be trusted as a member of their cause. And perhaps she could be ready, soon.

“No need to bow your head, padawan. We’re here to get to know each other.”

Lai Phen seemed to muster her confidence, looking up at Votrus, meeting his gaze. And what a gaze. If Makhet’s eyes were orange like embers, her master’s were like stars being consumed by black holes. Dark like the void, burning with the fire of a red giant or a lightsaber’s blade. She felt at once a comforting numbness, and an uneasy sensation of being held in a trance. Then she snapped back to herself, taking in the rest of him.

The Sith master was tall. Lai Phen herself was nearly six and a half feet tall, but Votrus looked to be perhaps a foot taller still. He was broad to match his height, a muscular torso draped in a simple red tunic. His ashy skin had a hint of blue, only putting his eyes in starker contrast, and he had long black hair spilling down past his shoulders. He looked to be human, though one could never be sure from a first glance. Altogether he gave off an imposing energy, and despite herself Lai Phen almost cringed at the overpowering aura of the Dark Side that assailed her Force-sensitive senses.

“Come,” the Sith lord said hospitably. “Join me inside. You must be tired. Have you eaten?”

Somewhat reassured, yet still uneasy, Lai Phen followed the beckoning man. With one last glance across at the island where she left Master Rinn, she entered the home she would share with Darth Votrus for the coming days.


Jal-Or Rinn was torn. Was this really the right thing to do? All his life, he had been taught to shun the Dark Side, to not even think of it too much, to revile it as a base perversion of the Force, one that corrupted and fed upon fear and hate. And here he was, trying to learn more about it, trying to become – friends? partners? comrades? – with a Sith lord and his apprentice.

Votrus he was sure enough about; their long history together, their countless secret conversations, had assured him of that. But what of this apprentice of his? Did she even agree with their cause? Sith apprentices, he knew, very often killed their own masters when they felt it was their turn to be in power. With a system like that, how could Rinn trust that this Makhet would follow where Votrus guided her?

Speak of the devil. Quick, confident footsteps strode across the ancient stone bridge below and up the staircase carved into the sandstone, up toward where Rinn sat, on a bench near the open bay of his ship. Darth Makhet appeared at the top of the stair, and without hesitating stalked right up to Rinn. He stood, perhaps a bit too suddenly.

“Master Rinn,” she said curtly. “You can call me Makhet. I look forward to our time together.”

Was that sarcasm in her tone? Was she mocking him, or implying something? Rinn’s insight into her feelings was clouded. He was unbalanced, uncentered by his doubts. He would have to pull himself together.

He inclined his head in greeting, taking a moment to sink comfortably into the steady current of the Force, focusing his thoughts in the here and now. “Makhet. I am glad you came. Your master and I hope that this meeting will mark the start of a new era, bringing balance between the Light and the Dark sides of the Force.”

Makhet smirked. Didn’t even try to hide it. “Right. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Shall we?” She gestured toward the stone-brick dormitory building.

“Of course.” He rose calmly and led the way in, directing the ship to close its doors as he walked past.


Darth Makhet sat cross-legged at the low table in the dining area of the western dormitory while Rinn brought over two cups of tea from the ship’s hospitality droid. “Nice place you got here,” she said, nodding in acknowledgement as he handed her her cup.

“Yes, the droids did a nice job of cleaning it up while you were walking over. There’s a kitchen area over there, some couches, two bedrooms made up, and any other facilities you might need are on the ship.” Rinn made as if to keep talking, but nothing came out. He sipped his tea.

Makhet appraised him, fixing him with her steady gaze as she ran a finger around the rim of her cup. Not bad looking. He certainly didn’t show his years. Smooth, tan-brown skin, his dark hair shaved close except on top, where the curls bunched out a little. Maybe six feet tall, maybe less, about the same as her. Draping robes and calm, deliberate movements; a deceptively strong, well-tempered build; impressive physical power concealed beneath monkish blandness. A Jedi’s Jedi.

Now what would she do with him?

She drained her cup in one motion. “So,” she said, setting it down with a clack, “Are you a virgin?”

No spit-take, but probably just because he had already swallowed. “I… excuse me?”

“I guess so. The Jedi way, right? No lust, no anger, no hate, no love. None of what makes life life.” Why not stir the pot a little? Get things moving.

Rinn smiled diplomatically. Paternally. “That’s not exactly how I would put it. The Jedi way teaches that intense, raw emotions – including, yes, anger and all the rest – cloud one’s connection to the Force, open one up to corruption and improper use of the abilities it gives us. We have a duty to use the Force responsibly, to maintain peace and order and the natural flow of life in the universe.”

“And you do this by denying yourself of all your most natural urges. How exactly does that help?”

He was starting to look a little flustered. “Well, we’re not like other people. We need to keep a clear head, and emotions like-”

“See, the Sith way of things is much more realistic. We lean right into those emotions. You deny your feelings, flagellate yourselves, tell yourselves you’re above all that. We don’t bother with such high-and-mightiness, no, we embrace those intense, carnal cravings. Rage. Revenge. Lust for power.” She leaned forward over the small table, letting her tight, leather-strapped top emphasize her cleavage. “And of course, plain old lust.”

Rinn was almost indignant now. He averted his gaze, standing up to walk over to the window. He looked out in silence for a moment. “In this world,” he said slowly, “There are many distractions. Material fears, self-doubt, fear of death… Too many to count. The Jedi get our power from moving past these distractions, learning through a lifetime of study to… bypass them. Not out of a lust for power, but because we use our power for the good of the galaxy. To protect people.”

“Mm,” said Makhet, looking down at the dregs of her tea. “Like on Shok-sa IV?”

Genuine shock. He turned away from the window. “What… what did you say?”

She locked him with her magnetic, cat-like gaze. “Real shame what happened there. All those families. All those children. You and the whole posse of Jedi you had on that planet couldn’t stop what happened. Not even your poor, late padawan. What was his name again?” She would say no more than she needed to say.

“No!” he shouted, stomping back toward the table. “Enough! How did you know-” But he knew it was a stupid question. She was of course too young to have even been alive then, but no doubt the Sith had their sources, and knew exactly what would get to him. They knew what tools to give her to jab at him, hurt him. He leaned against the countertop, his eyes glistening, and was silent for a long moment. “What is this, then? Why did you come here?” he asked, his voice quiet again.

Makhet walked over to him, placing a hand on his arm. “I came here,” she said, looking in his eyes, “To do exactly what we agreed to do. To talk. To learn from each other. To teach each other. Nothing is going to come of this if we don’t come to understand each other’s ideology.”

Rinn met her gaze, searching her. Still she felt opaque to him, his Force sense giving him little to no clue as to her true intentions. Her physical appearance didn’t help either. While her expression conveyed a somewhat neutral look of sympathy, he couldn’t help but think how much she looked like one of the devils he had read about in the books of faith from his home planet. He had never believed in such things – but it was as if one of them was standing before him right now, with her fiery eyes, her skin like slate with rivulets of magma, her horns seemingly curling towards him, her surprisingly soft hand squeezing his right arm…

He was a mess of emotions, and she could see it. “Now, how can we come to understand each other, when you don’t even understand your own feelings?” Her other hand was now sliding up his left arm. “You *do* have feelings. That’s clear enough. You’re well-trained to suppress them, and you may believe you have control over them. But I feel your passion… flowing. In all its various forms. I feel it here–” She lifted a finger to his head, wiping away a tear or two that had managed to escape. “Here–” Her hand went down to his chest, still thumping like a war drum under her touch. “And even…”

He broke away from her before her hand could continue down. Not quite fast enough.

“*Ohhh*,” Makhet purred, “Did I catch a blush on those cheeks?” Rinn said nothing, but moved a few more feet down the counter he was still leaning against, his head angled down. He said nothing.

She gave him a minute, then moved up behind him, slowly now. “Come now,” she said, “I can feel it from here.”

Confidently, leisurely, Makhet’s slender hands slid around Rinn’s sides, caressing his chest as she pressed herself against his back. Down they continued, over his wide but firm torso and muscular hips, to grasp hungrily around his undeniably erect cock. Yes, it was so hard, so thick and pleasing to the touch even through his heavy robes. Makhet let out a low, satisfied moan as she gripped him, kissing him under one ear. Then she broke away from him, sauntering towards a circle of couches in the lounge area.

Rinn had both hands on the counter now, breathing deep as he took in what was happening. Was this real? Were his emotions really so powerful, so voluminous, so overwhelming? Surely he couldn’t let himself be undone this easily, this quickly. “I… I can’t,” he said, turning at last to face Makhet.

“Can’t what, Jedi?” said Makhet from a low chaise, utterly naked.

For a devil, she sure had perfect tits. He had never really thought much about such things, but he couldn’t deny the appealing affect of two such round, perky breasts, enhanced further by the curving red lines that patterned their skin and encircled the two erect nipples. She casually spread her legs, revealing an intricately shaved bush and a delicious-looking pussy, as he gaped, dumbstruck. “Can’t… get it up? I can see that’s not true.” She was right. Even his robes couldn’t hide the tent-pole beneath any longer. Makhet beckoned. “Come. Familiarize yourself with some of the more enjoyable passions. Learn some more about my way of life. Or, if you want…” – she gestured at the table and the doorway beyond – “We could continue our philosophical discussions, or you could leave if you see fit.”

Rinn glanced at the door, still agape. Then, for the first time in many years, he pushed aside the thought of the Jedi path and made this decision for himself. He could hardly undo the sash of his robe quickly enough.


“Ah, ah, ah,” said Makhet, holding up a finger as Rinn approached the chaise. He was now shirtless, his cock straining against the light linen trousers he was starting to remove. “We’re not there just yet. Here. Sit.” She pointed him to a larger, more comfortable looking couch. He did as commanded.

“Good boy. Obedient,” she smirked, walking towards him at a maddeningly slow pace. Her left hand caressed her breasts, teasing the nipples. Her right crept down to her pussy, tracing indulgently around her clit before parting her dark red pussy lips, now slick with arousal.

Rinn watched in amazement, utterly rapt. *So like a pet*, thought Makhet, presenting herself to him like a treat. He leaned forward unconsciously as she neared, his face pulled like a magnet towards her pussy, an enticing and unknown mystery. Her left hand stopped him with a finger on his forehead. “Not there yet, either.”

He waited motionless as she took her torturous time sinking her knees onto the couch on either side of him, resting her hands on his shoulders and her warm, wet vulva right on his aching bulge. His eyes gazed up into hers in ecstasy, and she closed them with a brush of her fingers. Their lips touched, and she pulled away, leaving him quietly gasping. She gave him a peck on the cheek. Then on the lips. She took his lower lip between her teeth, tugging gently and making him moan. Then she locked him in a full-on kiss, breathing intensely, lips pressing against each other almost painfully, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth, playing with his tongue, as they kissed again and again and again.

Meanwhile, Makhet bucked her hips slowly, rhythmically, grinding her wet lips against Rinn’s erection through his thin, smooth pants. His cock twitched with every stroke, the tension rising in his body. After very nearly a minute, Rinn’s head rocked back and he let out a louder moan as his face contorted in pleasure. Makhet stood up while his hips were still thrusting.

“As I thought,” she said, “You’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

Rinn sat catching his breath, then looked down at his crotch, now soaked through with his load. His dick still twitched as it slowly went soft. He seemed deflated in much the same way, muttering sheepishly to himself and to her. Makhet tossed him a towel.

“I didn’t want… that… to happen the instant you got inside me,” she said. “We both deserve better than that. Now clean yourself up. You’ll be good to go again pretty soon, I’m sure, and in the meantime I know just what you can do.”

Rinn felt a little more clear-headed following his orgasm, but if anything he felt even more certain that he wanted to pursue this new path, to do whatever Makhet instructed. Hurriedly, he stripped the cum-soaked pants and undergarments off and wiped himself clean. Makhet watched in silent, discerning approval, eyeing his flaccid but still-sizeable cock for the first time. Then she went out to the terrace, sitting against the edge of the railing as she waited for him to join her. He did so as quickly as he could manage.

“Now,” she said, gripping his soft dick as if she owned it. “While this guy recovers, *you*… may reciprocate.” She leaned back against the railing and pushed Rinn down to his knees. He did not resist.

Rinn knelt on the overgrown cobble, took her ass in his hands, and gazed hungrily at her nearly dripping lips. He seemed to hesitate, not totally sure of what to do, and she set a hand gently on the back of her head in case he needed guiding. He took the hint, however, and practically buried his face in her pussy.

Makhet half-gasped, half-cackled as Rinn’s display of eagerness temporarily overwhelmed her sensitive genitals. She pulled his head back, meeting his gaze with surprised approval. “Good,” she said, “But…”

She pulled him up to her face, locking him in a kiss. Just as passionate as before, but this kiss was more instructive than purely indulgent. Using her tongue to demonstrate, she gave him a few helpful pointers on how to more gracefully, more efficiently put his own mouth to use. Then she pushed him back down to her other lips.

Now Rinn’s passion was guided, concentrated, enlightened. His tongue ran up and down her labia, probed farther in to taste her more deeply, then stroked and pressed against her warm, swollen clit. He sucked on her, wrapping his lips around the clit as his tongue slid as far in as he could reach. Finally, he found a rhythm as he licked and she thrust into him, and her hands locked firmly around the back of his head. He breathed heavily through his nose, never thinking of pulling his mouth away from her. His fingers grasped her ass cheeks more and more firmly. Makhet’s breathing grew deeper too, and she told him not to stop or slow down, a command he absolutely did not need to be given. Soon, Makhet tensed, one hand gripping the railing for support as her thighs began to shake. Rinn could feel her tense and squeeze around his tongue, his face, as she shook with orgasm. A final flow of cum gushed out as she released his head and he pulled away, panting.

“*Fuck*,” she breathed, lowering herself shakily to join him on the ground. She looked at him sleepily, half-smiling, and said, “Got a taste for it now?”

Rinn laughed out loud, still catching his breath, and wiped his mouth off. “I think I do.”

“Good,” said Makhet, reaching out a finger to dab some of the glistening precum from his throbbing erection. She brought the finger to her mouth, sucking it clean. “Because it looks like you’re ready for more.”


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