Training His Property to Crave Pussy [BDSM] [FFM] [oral] [D/s]

She couldn’t wait to see him. She had arrived early at the house they had rented and made sure things were all set. It had an expansive view of the secluded lake, which she admired as she stocked the fridge. Dinner was just about ready when he texted to say he was running just a few minutes late due to an unexpected stop, but he had a surprise for her. She loved surprises.

As she finished her dinner preparations, he texted her rules for his arrival. She was to be naked, kneeling, and collared by the door with two glasses of wine poured waiting on the table. She giggled with anticipation. She poured the wine and then assumed her position by the door. Her heart leapt as sure her footsteps approached. It didn’t quite register that there were multiple footsteps. Odd.

She saw him first. Handsome, relaxed, confident. His cocky belt buckle peeking out from under his black T-shirt. His stonewashed jeans hugged his hips. Then, she saw her. Who was she? It was shocking to be naked and kneeling in front of this unknown woman, but her Master’s stern face told her not to break position.

The stranger didn’t speak as Bella tried to discreetly size her up. She seemed enormously tall from Bella’s position on the floor, but that may have simply been due to her sky high five inch heels. She wore a black micro mini shirt that left nothing to the imagination, and a cropped white ripped T-shirt that equally showed her pierced belly button and perky nipples. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, but her most striking feature were her full lush lips painted almost black. She was strikingly beautiful in her own edgy way.

“Hello Sweetheart.” Her Master finally addressed her, and stroked her hair. She looked up at him searching his face for an explanation.

“This is my friend Erin. Erin, this is my slut, bella. Bella, say hello to Erin nicely.”

Bella was stunned. He brought another woman with him, and her name was Erin. Was this THE Erin or just any old Erin? She couldn’t be sure. All Bella knew was there a beautiful brunette by her Master’s side. While lost in her thoughts, Bella forgot to address Erin.


His slap echoed through the room and shocked more than hurt Bella.

“I said…. say hello to Erin, slut.”

With no more hesitation, Bella turned her eyes up and addressed the visitor. She arched her back and presented her tits as was expected in position one.

“Good evening, Erin. Very nice to meet you,” Bella replied trying to hide the shake in her voice.

Erin smiled a deviant smile.

“You have trained her well, Sir. Good evening slut.”

Sir??? Did she just call her Master Sir. And slut?? What was that about?? Bella’s head reeled. This was no ordinary guest.

“Come, Erin, sit. Let’s have some wine.” He escorted Erin to the dining table where Bella had placed the wine glasses. His hand rested lightly on the small of her back where the bare skin was revealed from her short top. Without looking at her, he uttered a finally command.

“Bella, stay.”

Bella held her position on the rug by the door as she watched her Master pull out a chair for the leggy brunette. He smiled down deviously at Erin as he handed her a glass of wine and took a seat next to her. Bella couldn’t believe she actually thought the wine was for her. Master and Erin entered into casual conversation as old friends do. He made a joke and accentuated the punchline with a hand on Erin’s thigh. Much to Bella’s chagrin, his hand remained there. Erin’s short skirt had slid all the way up her thigh, so he had vast amounts of skin to stroke as they continued to talk. Just when Bella thought they had forgotten she was even there, her Master summoned her.

“Bella, Heel!”

Bella crawled to the table to join the pair. She rose to her feet, legs spread, and placed her head as close to his waist as she could while he was still seated.

“Good girl. Slut, whatever you have cooked up smells delicious. Erin and I are hungry. Please serve dinner.”

Bella was still confused as to what was going on, but she scurried away to do as she was told. She returned to the table with the roasted chicken and homemade risotto she had prepared earlier. She placed the plates in front of each of them and turned to return to the kitchen to fetch a plate for herself. She stopped in her tracks as she heard his voice.

“Bella, sit. Join us at the table, slut. We have a few things to discuss.”

While Bella’s was starving, she was relieved to finally be able to join them at the table. She wanted to slide a chair in between them to remove her Master’s hand from Erin’s thigh. Unfortunately, the logical seat was beside Erin. He waited for Bella to find her seat before he began.

“Bella, I am sure you are surprised that Erin has joined us this evening. Aren’t you?”

Bella blushed. “Yes Sir,” she admitted.

He continued. “Erin and I ran into each other recently, and while catching up, I explained to her how I have been training you, particularly the part about training you to crave pussy. This seems to be a mutual interest of me and Erin, so I invited her to help continue your training.”

Bella had no words so remained silent as he continued.

“Erin is our guest, and as our guest, her wants and needs should be taken care of. Bella, you will be taking care of her needs. All of her needs. Anytime or anywhere Erin has a request you will provide her with prompt, obedient, and eager service.

Erin, please feel free to make use of Bella freely. However, as we discussed, Bella will continue to service my needs as well, and you will join her in servicing me. That’s the pecking order. My needs come first. Then Erin’s.

Ladies, is this clear?”

In unison, which Bella found somewhat irksome, the girls replied, “Yes Sir.”

“Good! Now Bella, I expect you to show our guest how well you have been doing with all your training. If she isn’t happy at the end of her visit, there will be severe repercussions. Don’t disappoint me.”

Bella nodded and assured her Master she would do her best.

“Excellent. Now, I am famished. Let’s eat!”

He picked up his fork but paused with a twinkle in his eye.

“Bella, feed Erin.”

He began eating not noticing Bella’s surprised expression. Bella picked up a fork and careful gathered a bite. Erin sat up straight and instinctively put her hands behind her back. Bella carefully placed the fork in Erin’s mouth, and her luscious lips closed around it. It was awkward at first as Bella tried not to stab the poor girl. Even she couldn’t help but get lost in watching Erin eat. Her full lips and provocative tongue exuded sex. Her Master was obviously enjoying the two girls first real interaction as Bella fed Erin. After a few bites and quite a bit more wine, Bella saw that her Master’s mood was growing darker.

“Fork down. Erin stand.”

He positioned His chair diagonal to the table.

He summoned Erin to stand between his legs. His eyes fucked her as she stood. Bella was relieved to see her fidget under his gaze. No one was immune to her Master’s dominance.

His hands explored her legs and up over her stomach.

Matter of factly, he stated, “Erin, I have missed your tits.” He licked his lips as Bella was sure she saw a blush cross Erin’s face.

“Bella, show me Erin’s tits.”

Bella had been lost as if watching a show on television. Now, she was part of the plot.

Bella rose and approached Erin. Erin didn’t even acknowledge her as she was busy eyefucking Bella’s Master, or so Bella presumed. Once within reach, Bella took a deep breath and pulled the flimsy white tee over Erin’s head. Her hair fell in waves, and Bella caught the scent of the woman before her. It was surprisingly intoxicating. Bella glanced back and forth between the two almost feeling like she was intruding on an intimate moment. Her Master broke the silence.

“Mmmm Erin. So lovely. Good girl, Bella, but my girls are always naked.”

With a smirk, he made the next command.

“Remove Erin’s skirt, Bella.”

Fuck. The T-shirt was easy. It was loose and easy to simply pull over her head. The skirt however. This skirt was painted on. The zipper was located in the back, and once down, it would still take some effort to remove the skirt.

Bella kneeled behind Erin to get a better view and leverage on the zipper. As she reached for the zipper, his next command came.

“No hands, Bella.”

Ugh. No hands. She struggled to get the tiny metal zipper in her mouth. It hurt her teeth as she pulled and readjusted then pulled again. Finally, it started to give and Bella dragged her face down Erin’s ass. She released the zipper, and as expected, the skirt did not fall to the ground. She swore she heard a low chuckle emanating from her Master. He was enjoying her struggle a little too much. She grabbed the hem of her skirt in her mouth and dragged it to the floor revealing Erin’s curvaceous ass which was framed perfectly by a black g-string.

Bella remained on her knees awaiting his next direction.

“So lovely, Erin. That tattoo really suits you, and I enjoy the g-string. Let’s keep that and the shoes. Come sit. Let’s finish dinner.”

Bella was pouting inside that she hadn’t yet been allowed to eat.

“Bella, please kneel beside Erin. She is still hungry, aren’t you sweetheart? Now Erin, a new rule for you. Knees spread at all times.”

Erin obeyed promptly and spread her legs. Bella kneeled beside her. She was directly eye level with her full tits and couldn’t help but wonder if the piercings made her sensitive. Bella tried to avoid glancing down, however, it was impossible. With each glance, Bella was rewarded with the view of the black strip strung through Erin’s pussy. As she reached for the fork to resume feeding her, her Master abruptly snatched the silverware away.

“Pets don’t need silverware.”

Holy crap! He wanted her to feed her with her fingers. He pushed his plate away with a few bites left uneaten, leaned back in his chair, and watched the show. Bella tried to gracefully scoop up some of the rice in her fingers but there was nothing graceful about it. She brought her fingers to Erin’s mouth and paused. Erin seemed to be enjoying the attention and special treatment. She looked from Bella to her Master and locked eyes with him. As seductively as she could, she slowly enveloped Bella’s fingers in her mouth. She held his stare as she licked and sucked each morsel from the tips of her fingers. Bella was stunned. It was almost indescribable how it felt to have her soft feminine mouth sucking and licking her fingers. Bella fidgeted at the sensation.

“Again,” he commanded clearly enjoying the fun.

Bella selected the next bite and brought it to Erin’s awaiting mouth. Maybe it was her nerves or the heightened atmosphere, but Bella dropped a small bit of food that landed squarely on Erin’s breast.

“Tisk tisk Bella. Such a sloppy girl. Clean your mess.” He seemed almost pleased she had messed up.

Bella hesitated. She would be licking Erin’s tit basically.

“Clean her Bella. Now!”

His tone was serious and made Bella jump. She leaned forward and carefully cleaned the food from her breast. It tasted good as did Erin’s skin. She took her time making sure she did her job well.

“Good girl Bella. Continue.”

She took the next bite from the plate and was about to bring it to Erin’s mouth when Erin ever so subtly bumped Bella’s breast with her arm. She was unsure if it was deliberate or not, but the end result was that bite landing directly between Erin’s spread legs.

“Uh oh. Such sloppiness. What a little mess maker you are today Bella,” her Master chided. “We can’t have you messing up all these nice things, slut. Clean it.”

Bella slid between Erin’s legs staring at the mess ever so close to her pussy. Erin smirked making Bella believe she knew exactly what she was doing when she bumped her. There wasn’t even time for Bella to hesitate. She felt her Master’s foot pushing the back of her head down to Erin’s pussy as he reclined in his chair. He held her there as she licked the chair clean as well as Erin’s inner thighs. Bella’s nose was pressed into Erin’s g-string with the scent of her wet pussy filling her senses. He deliberately held her there much longer than necessary. When he finally released her, Bella’s head was spinning. She had no idea where this evening was headed, but it was sure to be a crazy new experience.

“Alright ladies, time to get this evening really started.” He removed a leash from his pocket and attached it to Bella’s collar.


He led her into the living room and locked the leash to a pillar.

“For making such a mess, you will merely watch as I get reacquainted with Erin. Be quiet and still or I will ensure that you do.”

Bella’s bottom lipped quivered. Watch? She was going to be made to watch? And watch what? She struggled to find words that wouldn’t sound like whining. She hated the idea of watching him with another woman. He was hers, and in her mind, hers alone. Expressing that in this moment would do her no good. Instead she blurted out the only thing she could think of.

“But Master, I haven’t eaten!!”

Even she inwardly rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness of the proclamation. He sighed heavily.


He turned on his heel and walked back to the table. He collected Erin’s plate and dumped the contents of it on his own plate. With a quick stir, he mixed the remnants together and returned to Bella. He plopped the half eaten leftovers on the floor before her.

“There, slut. Your dinner, and make sure that plate is clean.”

Ohhh, He was in a mood. She was shocked he was feeding her table scraps, but she was hungry. She cautiously began to nibble at the food.

Master returned his attention to the lovely slut waiting patiently at the table.

“Now, let’s have a little fun. If the goal is to get Bella here to continue to work on craving pussy, we need to provide her with a nice wet pussy to play with. Let’s see just how wet we can get you Erin. Come to me. Crawl.”

That definitely caught Bella’s attention. His goal was to have Bella practice worshipping pussy. She wasn’t sure if she was ready, but clearly her Master was.

Erin began her seductive crawl across the floor. Her breasts swayed with the movement of her hips. As she reached Master, she assumed position one complete with a smile.

“Such a good girl. Good memory,” he praised the woman staring up at him from her knees.

He took a moment to retrieve a few things from his bag. This allowed Bella and Erin a moment to assess each other. It didn’t last long as he returned quickly. The first accessory was rope that He used to tie a chest harness to accentuate her lovely tits. With the extra rope, he secured Erin’s hands behind her back.

“Stand slut.”

With more grace than Bella could have mustered in those five inch heels, Erin stood. She immediately spread her legs as her new rule required.

He circled her and inspected her. He pulled her hair yanking her head back revealing her slender neck. He slapped her tits which actually made her moan with delight. Little pain slut. Bella watched as he groped her. Erin’s face changed as she slipped further under his spell.

“Always have been such a good whore. Will enjoy using you. Would you like that ass filled?”

“This dirty cumslut’s ass is ready to be used however You please, Sir”

“Excellent answer, whore. Bend at the waist, slut.”

He dropped to one knee as she bent at the waist. He brought his face ever so close to hers as he fingered her pussy, pressing her g-string in her wet slit. Her mouth opened instinctively as he teased her.

“Looks like your ass isn’t the only hole that needs filling, fucktoy.”

Erin squirmed under his touch. “Please Master. Use my holes. Fuck them all,” she begged.

“Oh don’t worry. You will be well used.”

As she continued to squirm, he slid her wet g-string over her plump ass and down her toned legs. Erin carefully stepped from the panties maintaining her position. He stood and pressed her face against his jeans letting her feel his hard cock as a reward. Then, he took two steps to where Bella was leashed watching the scene unfold. She had finished all but a few scraps of her food. Without so much as a word, he stepped behind her and stuffed Erin’s soaked g-string in her wet cunt. Bella tried to relax as he roughly stuffed her full of the other slut’s panties. The look Erin shot Bella was smoldering. She seemed to enjoy watching her be degraded so.

As quickly as he approached, he left and returned to Erin. He removed a large plug from his bag and approached her. Bella shuddered at the size of the plug even though it wasn’t her ass about to be stretched.

“Let’s hope you kept up with your anal training, slut. Open.”

Erin opened her full lips wide and accepted the ass toy in her slut mouth. He fucked her mouth a bit with the toy pushing deep making her eyes water slightly. He clearly was letting all of his Dominance out for the two girls to enjoy or suffer through depending how you looked at it. He removed the plug from her mouth and approached her ass. He rested the plug on the small of her back.

“Don’t let it fall, slut.”

He began caressing her ass as she continued to stand bent at the waist. She had to be getting sore and tired Bella assumed. Erin’s face didn’t give away any pain she felt at this point, at least not yet. Without warning, his caress of her ass turned to a loud crack as his palm crashed down on her ass. The plug resting on her back shook but didn’t fall. Erin closed her eyes and absorbed the pain.

“Thank You, Sir,” she whispered.

Again, his hand spanked her ass hard enough to leave a palm mark. Erin looked to slip deeper into sub space with each hit. He reddened her ass, but she stayed perfectly still and didn’t let the toy fall.

“Good slut. Very impressed. Did you see how good Erin did, Bella? Compliment her, slut.”

Bella stammered. She found it hard to find the words.

“Wonderful job…umm… Erin. You are a strong sub,” Bella managed to reply.

“Isn’t she?” her Master concurred. “Beautiful and sexy. Don’t you think she is sexy, Bella?”

Ugh…. Bella’s wanted to hide but was still locked in place.

“Yes Sir,” was all she managed to say.

Both Erin and Master watched her respond. It made Bella very self-conscious.

“What makes her sexy, Bella?”

Fuck! He knew exactly what he was doing. She was new to playing with women, and she was not good speaking about her desires. As if to encourage her, Erin opened that sexy mouth and licked her lips. Bella couldn’t help but to mimic the action.

She took a deep breath and answered her Master. “Her tits look amazing hanging down, and her mouth looks luscious.”

“I agree. Her mouth does look luscious. Can’t wait to fuck it.”

Erin whimpered. Bella blushed and fidgeted knowing Her Master’s Cock would be used to explore that mouth. He turned his attention back to Erin. He picked up the plug she still balanced, ran it once through her mouth to wet it, and stepped behind Erin.

Only then did Erin speak, a small tremble of fear in her voice.

“Sir please! My ass is for your pleasure, but this graciously asks for more lube.”

“Hmmmm,” he pondered. “You have been a good girl. Do you have lube, Erin?”

“No Sir, but Bella is available for all my needs, correct?”

A slow smile crossed his face.

“Yes, yes she is. my property is yours to be used as you see fit.”

“Sir, my need is for a well lubed and pliable asshole. Your slut’s mouth should do the trick.”

Bella bristled. She couldn’t be serious. This is the first time they had brought a sub into their play, and this was diving deep fast. He knew she had limits, but he also had said her limits were negotiable. Her mind raced as he approached her. There was no dialogue. No discussion of limits. He unlocked his slut and pulled Bella across the floor.

“Erin, position 2, well, as best you can with your hands tied behind you.,” he commanded. Bella rested on her hands and knees as Erin slid into position with her ass in the air and faced pressed to the floor.

He finally turned to Bella with the large heavy plug in his hand. He juggled it back and forth between his hands letting Bella get a sense for its weight.

“Sweetheart, see this plug? This particular plug is going to be buried in one of you sluts. The easy way will be for you to enjoy Erin’s sexy ass until you are able to slide this into her hole. The hard way is I slam this plug in your ass now just as it is. Dry and unforgiving. This is where you get to choose. What do you decide?”

He knew damn well that wasn’t a real choice. Bella couldn’t take a plug of that size, especially without lube. She knew she had no real choice.

“Your whore chooses option 1, Master,” she replied tentatively.

“And what’s option one, slut?”

Again with the questions.

Bella hoped her answers sounded as confident as Erin’s had earlier.

“Your cum whore wants to pleasure her sexy ass then fill her with that enormous plug.”

He smiled and stroked her cheek, one of the first signs of affection all night. She relished his attention. His hand slid down and grabbed her chin. He held tight and lifted her chin until their eyes met.

“As my property, your role is to make our guest happy in all things she asks of you. Do not disappoint me!”
