Flying High [mf] [oral] [penetration] (criticisms would be appreciated)

I still don’t know his name.


I’ve taken to calling him Drake due to the large dragon tattoo that started on his chest, trailed over his shoulder and ended on his lower back. It was massive and it was absolutely stunning to say the least. I met him in the lobby bar. I was a very nervous flier and found a drink or two beforehand was just enough to calm me. He was sullen and moping in a corner. I sat nearby. He made the first move.


“Which flight are you on?” His voice was deep, it didn’t really match the bleach-blonde hair and slim figure he had. He was wearing a nicely fitted charcoal blazer and a pair of dark blue jeans, a tie hung loosely at his neck and the top button on his shirt was undone. My initial impression of him made me think he was a writer, or out of work PI.


“315 to DC. Work obligations, you?”


He smiled, and it brightened his soft brown eyes, “Oddly enough the same, though I’m going home from a work obligation.” He motioned to my drink, “looks like you don’t particularly enjoy flying, huh?”


I nodded, “I actually hate flying. However, when given a free first class trip from your boss, you can’t really say much about it. You close your eyes, have a drink and go.”


He laughed a bit, “I know that feeling.” He held up his own drink, “Cheers to a fair flight with no troubles, right?”
I tapped my glass to his and smiled. “What kind of work do you do?”


“Flight attendant. Quite possibly the most infuriating profession there is. What about you?”


“Journalist. Probably not as infuriating as yours, but still infuriating. My boss thinks there’s a big story with this new Presidential candidate, I think it’s just junk leads for free press,” I grumbled as a boarding call for our flight was announced. “Onward to the deathtrap!”


His smile turned to a deep belly laugh, “Hopefully not!”


He walked me to the gate and we waited. He wasn’t actually working the flight, just hitching a ride home courtesy of his employer. I settled in after boarding and he disappeared into the crew section of the plane.


I had never been in first class before, it was nice and roomy. I was fairly certain I would die just as effectively in first class as I would in coach, should we crash. Drake kept coming out of an area hidden by an old red curtain and sitting next to me to chat before the plane took off. Thankfully it was a late flight and the majority of the plane was empty so he was able to stay in the first-class cabin with me through the worst of the turbulence.


I was gripping the armrest so tightly that my knuckles were turning white.


Drake noticed and disappeared behind the old red curtain only to reemerge a minute later with a large glass of white wine, “It’ll help take the edge off,” he smiled and handed me the cup.


I gratefully accepted it. It didn’t really help but his kindness was definitely reassuring. I looked over to him and attempted a smile, “What I need is a way to forget that I’m on a plane for the next hour or two.”


He seemed to be in deep thought and then walked away to talk to one of the other flight attendants. He seemed to nod in agreement and walked away while Drake came back over to me.


“I think I can help with that problem, come with me,” He reached out and took my hand, I followed him.


He showed me around the plane, where the meals were prepared, where the flight attendants sat, where emergency supplies were. We were starting to head back towards my seat when he got a notice from one of the pilots that they were about to announce some bad turbulence up ahead and he wanted the seat belt lights back on for a bit. Drake sat me in a flight attendant’s seat and fastened the belt for me. He went and helped the attendants on the flight, then came back and sat next to me. He held my hand through the turbulence and managed to keep me calm.


My nerves got the better of me and I found myself digging my fingernails into the palm of Drake’s hand. It was unintentional but the look of pain on his face was unmistakable. He was just bearing with it.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” I let up on my grip as I was apologizing, appalled with myself.


He shrugged it off, “We have another two hours on the flight.” He reached over and pushed my hair out of my face, “I can think of some fun ways to pass the next hour or so at least.” His smile was a bit on the devious side as he looked me over.


I had an inkling of the intent behind that smile and I was completely on board with his plan. Once we were out of the turbulence he unfastened my seatbelt and pulled me over into a little cutout area, it looked like a storage room actually. He started kissing me as soon as he got the door shut. The light was just bright enough to illuminate us, the rest of the room was pretty dark. He pulled his shirt off and that was when I first saw the tattoo of the dragon.


We maneuvered awkwardly in the cramped space but he managed to unbutton the top I was wearing before he pulled it off of me and tossed it to the floor. I leaned back against the shelf and let him pull my tank top off. I wasn’t wearing a bra, so he seemed rather ecstatic as he unveiled my bare breasts.


The fact that we were on a plane was long gone from my mind. We were just two people off in a storage room having a quick go at each other.


It was a rather nice distraction, to be honest.


He pulled at my jeans and managed to maneuver them down and off my legs, I helped, quickly kicking them away from us. He ran his hand over the silk panties I was wearing and smiled up at me.


“You really don’t mind this?” He seemed a little hesitant all of a sudden.


I pulled my panties off and let him slide his fingers along my flesh. He could feel the slick fluid that had begun to cause a wet spot on my panties.


I just looked at him and smiled, “What do you think?”


He lifted me onto the shelf behind me. Kneeling in front of me made his lips line up perfectly with my cunt. He very happily leaned into me and began lapping up the juices my body offered him. I was completely uninterested in being shy about this. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to me. He took the hint and began hungrily eating my pussy. His tongue and lips teased and explored me internally and I gasped softly in pleasure. A slight pocket of turbulence resulted in a deep tonguing that was starting to make my legs feel weak.


He didn’t let up until he felt my body convulsing in an intense orgasm. Before the spasms in my body subsided he slid back up my body, kissing and fondling every inch of me as he worked his cock into me. I whimpered a bit and clung to him as he slowly inched his way into me. He was much thicker than I had anticipated. He started kissing my neck each time he thrust into me. I wrapped my arms around him and let him use my pussy for his own pleasure.


we hit another pocket of turbulence and he penetrated much more deeply than he had intended, I shifted uncomfortably. He pulled me down off of the shelf and positioned me with my hands on the table in front of him. He climbed behind me and penetrated my pussy again. The girth of him was much more comfortable this way and I found myself pushing myself back against him as he grabbed my hips and thrust forward. Being on an airplane was the farthest thing from my mind as he fucked me against the counter in a supply closet.


When I felt him thrusting harder and faster I stopped him for just a bit. I pulled him from me and turned to face him, his cock was covered in my juices and he was standing at full attention in front of me. I smiled and started sucking him off. He put his hands on the shelves behind me to steady himself. He tried so hard not to thrust into my warm, wet mouth. I swirled my tongue over the head of his cock then tightened my lips and lowered them down over his shaft. I had one hand on his hip pulling him closer to me, the other hand was placed on the base of his cock, gently stroking his skin towards my lips.


The light caught my eyes as I looked up to him, he was looking down at my face. When we made eye contact there was no holding it back anymore. He came in my mouth and while I tried to be a very dutiful fuck and swallow it, he let go of a massive load and it overwhelmed me a bit. I had cum dripping from my lips and chin, down over my neck and breasts, onto my thighs and absolutely covering my hands. I licked him clean and he knelt down on the floor next to me.


I began licking the cum from my fingers while he watched. I tried to make it as erotic as possible by very slowly dragging my tongue along the length of my finger before slipping it between my lips and sucking the remnants of his cum from my skin.


He smiled at me, panting slightly, “Please tell me your return trip is on the 435 on Friday.”


I shrugged, “It is now.” He pulled me over onto his lap and began kissing me passionately.


He slipped me a folded up piece of paper as I got dressed and we prepared to land. His e-mail address and phone number, but no name. I suddenly didn’t mind flying as long as I could coordinate with him ahead of time to make sure he was on my flight. Maybe one of these times I’ll actually bother to read his name-tag until then I think Drake suits him.
