Trapped at the Rock Gym [mf]

Trapped at the Rock Gym

(disclaimer: this is a FANTASY which involves depictions of people doing things in a manner that might not be acceptable in real life)

Marcie’s car was accumulating so many problems that she wasn’t even sure it would make it to the gym. But that wouldn’t matter soon. Marcie had in her possession a ticket that said “Thirty Gyms in Thirty Days” and 29 of the gyms were crossed out. The prize for completing this ticket was a lifetime membership to one of the gyms and, more importantly, a cash prize of $1000.

Marcie hadn’t actually completed all of the climbs herself. In fact more than half of them had be done by better climbers in exchange for favors…but there was no way anyone at this gym could possibly know that. As long as she could make it up the final route, that prize was hers! And she would stay there all fucking night, no matter how exhausted she felt or how raw her skin got, in order to make that happen.

The guy at the front desk was at least 5 years older than her, and tall with short hair. When she paid for a day pass and showed him her ticket, he did a double take, then looked up at her, his eyes raking all over her body. Marcie couldn’t tell if he was staring at her rack or her biceps, or both. Either one made her uncomfortable for different reasons.

“Well this is impressive. Since this is your final gym, the finally will be several top rope courses. Do you have anyone to belay you?” he asked.


“That’s not a problem. I can do it when my shift is over…about 45 minutes. Feel free to do some bouldering to warm up, or lounge in our Luxurious Cafe.” He pointed to a few folding chairs next to a soda machine. The words “luxurious cafe” were written on a piece of paper taped to the wall.

“Thanks,” said Marcie.

“I’m Mark, by the way.”

“Marcie,” said Marcie. She shook his hand and then left for the locker room, swapping her jeans for yoga pants and tying on her climbing harness, which as always, took a very long time. The harness was made of two heavy loops that circled her thighs, and a thinner loop for her waist, and no matter how neatly she tried to packed it after climbing, it always became tangled again. She also frequently put it on upside down at first.

Marcie realized that If Mark could see her struggling with her harness he would know she was too inexperienced to have done all those other climbs. She also realized that the thought of Mark seeing her change excited her…but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind. She had to concentrate on the task at hand. Marcie pulled a small rope out of her bag and practiced tying an S knot a few more times. Screwing up that knot would be even more embarrassing than struggling with her harness.

Then she walked around to survey the gym.

A typical rock gym is basically a series of vertical walls with lots of hand-sized fake rocks called “holds” that are bolted into the wall. “Routes” are created by moving the holds around and marking a set of them with colored tape. In order to climb the route, the climber must use only the marked holds.

The type of climbing Marcie was about to do involved being tied onto a rope that went up to a pulley at the top of the wall, and back down to a belay device attached to another climber’s harness, who was responsible for tightening up the rope as she climbed.

Marcie walked around staring at the top rope routes, her emotions swinging wildly as she studied each one. The easy ones made her swell with confidence, as if the $1000 was already in her bank account, and the hard ones made her want to shrivel up and leave before she embarrassed herself. But even though she might be a cheater, she was not a quitter. She would see this thing to the end. She could always lie and say she hurt or ankle on one of the climbs.

Marcie spent the last few minutes in the locker area, drinking a few energy drinks for a final boost. She hoped she wouldn’t have to pee before this was done — getting the harness off and on again would be a pain in the ass. She watched Mark at the front desk. He was making some calls on the phone, occasionally glancing her way.

Marcie’s heart sank as he walked over. Did he know?

“Well I hope you feel special,” said Mark.

Marcie’s hand accidentally crushed her half-full can of energy drink.

“I’m keeping the gym open just for you.”

Marcie looked around, elated at not being caught and surprised to realize the entire gym was empty.

“I didn’t have anyone else to belay you, and I couldn’t leave the front desk,” he explained. “Are you ready?”

Marcie nodded and followed him to the first wall. Her heart jumped when she realized it was one of the easy ones.

Soon she was tied on, and climbing, with Mark behind her, tightening the slack on the rope. Marcie realized she kind of liked this; maybe when it was all over she would really use that lifetime membership.

Marcie was so focused on her goal that it took her a while to realize that there was so much slack in the rope that it was practically draping over her shoulder. She turned around and what she saw nearly made her fall.

Mark was gone.

Even the most beginner of top ropers knows that the person belaying never, ever, ever takes both hands off the rope. That rope is the climber’s life line, and for the belay device to work correctly the belayer must keep their end pulled tight. Mark, though, had not only taken both hands off the rope, he had taken off his harness and just walked away. It was unbelievable for a climber, and unconscionable for a gym manager.

Marcie hands started to hurt and she realized that her death grip on the holds was tiring her hands out. She breathed deeply a few times, trying to counteract the mixture of red bull and adrenaline that was making her heart race.

Then she changed her footholds. All bets were off now; she didn’t give a fuck about the contest, only getting down alive, so she might as well use footholds that were not on the route. There was a nice, big, luxurious foothold for a beginner route near her right foot. She planted her foot on it and managed to loosen one of her hands. She squeezed and flexed it until the knuckles were no longer white. After that, it was steady climbing down.

It was steady until, that is, she was close to the bottom. Suddenly there was no more slack on the rope, and with a sudden jerk it pulled her off the wall. She looked behind her and saw that the other end of the rope was, in fact, tied to a tie point on the floor. Mark must have tied it off and walked away just as she was starting her climb.

“I was hoping you would hang around for a while,” said Mark.

Marcie looked up. “I…”

“You’re stuck, aren’t you? You know I’ve often wondered how long you could trap someone by simply not lowering them all the way down. I guess it works…”

“Please let me down,” said Marcie.

Mark didn’t say anything. He just stared.

“I don’t care about the contest. I just want to go…” Marcie tried to untie herself, but the knot was too tight. Even the extra, safety knot wouldn’t budge.

Mark slapped her hands away from the knots. “Don’t care about the contest?” he said with mock surprise. “Bullshit.”

Mark smacked her right ass cheek, hard enough to make Marcie swing a little.

He smacked her again just as she swung back towards him. “Very few people can actually do the 30 routes in 30 days.” Smack. “In fact, at each rock gym there are probably only four or five that would even try.” Smack. “By the time anyone gets close, pretty much all of the gym managers have heard about it.” Smack. “I knew you were a cheat before you even walked in the door!” Smack.

Tears ran down Marcie’s cheeks. “I’m sorry.”

“Aw, that’s ok. Here, drink this.” Mark handed her an unopened can of energy drink. Marcie cracked the top with shaking hands.

“Walk with me,” said Mark. He grabbed her leg and walked around her in a circle, making her turn with him. Marcie took a few big gulps to get rid of the lump in her throat. “Why were you so desperate to do this?”

“I n-needed the money,” said Marcie.

“You needed the money? What for?”

“My car.”

“Tell me about your car…” said Mark. He continued walking with her, talking, spinning her in place, until she finished the can. “Here, I’ll take that,” he said, taking the can from her. He also let go of her leg.

Marcie didn’t think it was a problem at first, that the rope was starting to unwind, but then as she spun faster and faster she realized that Mark had spent a great deal of time winding her up. By time time it was all over she was thoroughly dizzy, and hanging onto the rope with both hands.

She felt something tugging at her pants and looked down. Mark had a strange looking pair of scissors, and was inserting one of the blades in her pants, which were right at his eye level.

“Careful,” said Mark. “These are EMT shears. They are very sharp. I would hate to accidentally cut something that I didn’t mean to.” As he said those words Marcie felt the cold metal sliding along her inner thigh.

Marcie felt the cool air hit her ass as he cut the fabric away. He kept going, cutting away everything, and moving down to her legs to that the only scraps of fabric left of her yoga pants were the ones pinned to her legs by the harness loops.

With a flourish, he finished by ripping her panties off. It wasn’t like in the movies, either. They didn’t go quietly, and instead stretched very, very painfully until he needed to make a final snip to sever the loop of fabric around her right leg.

By the time the dizziness passed, Marcie was completely naked from the waist down.

Mark reached out and ran his fingers over her pussy. Marcie jumped but there was nowhere she could go.

“Mmm, completely shaved. You know, I’ve always wanted to know what cheater pussy tastes like.”

“What?!? No. No no no no no no….”

Mark’s tongue hit her pussy lips before she could close her legs. Marcie realized she was hanging at the perfect height for him to do this. Her clit pretty much lined up with his nose.

Mark grabbed her naked ass and pulled her cunt onto his tongue. He swirled it around her entrance, and then up and down her slit, finally paying attention to her clit while inserting three fingers inside her.

He ate her out for a good ten minutes, but taking his time, so that the orgasm built slowly inside her. Soon, Marcie was sweating and breathing heavily and moaning just as she reached that edge…and then he pulled away.

Marcie opened her eyes, twisting in her harness at the loss. She had never been brought that close to an orgasm before without immediately having one.

Then there was a flash of hot, stinging pain on her left ass cheek.

“That one was a warmup. I wanted you to know what it’s going to feel like to be spanked on your bare ass.” Mark paused. “Now, I’m going to spank you once for each person that helped you each, and after each one, you’re going to say their name loudly and clearly. If you mess up, or forget one, we are going to start over. Got it?”


Mark spanked her right ass cheek.

“Lisha,” said Marcie. Lisha was a friend, and had only been too happy to help.




“Wes.” Wes had done the climb for her in return for a handjob, which she performed in her car in the parking lot of the rock gym.

“Jeff.” Jeff had also done it in exchange for a hand job. He made her come over to his apartment to do it, and Marcie had happily started sucking tip of his cock when he was about to cum. Thinking about it made her realize that the spanking was actually turning her-


“Jeff–Jess. I mean Jess! Jess!” But it was too late.

“I’m sorry. You fucked up. Let’s start over.”

The second round was even worse than the first. Marcie did everything she could to just concentrate on the names, and bear the pain. When it was over, she was so turned on that she could feel a tiny trickle of moisture just start to run down her leg a little.

Mark walked away, which gave her a chance to catch her breath. Marcie realized that she needed to pee, and hoped that it would all be over soon. He was probably getting a condom so he could fuck her and let her go. He must be. Marcie tried not to think about finishing that orgasm.

When he came back, Marcie felt something cold and slimy pressing against her asshole.

“Woah! No….” She jumped and twisted in her hardness, scrambling at the wall to get away. She actually managed to loop a finger onto a ring shaped hold, and swung herself towards it. She wedged the toe of a climbing shoe into a foothold and started climbing, but Mark used the end of a rope as a whip, and when the tip of it flicked across her leg, just under her ass cheek, it hurt so much that she lost grip in every limb.

She was defeated, both mentally and physically. And horny on top of that.

The cold, lube-covered nose of the butt plug pressed against her ass again, and this time she didn’t fight it. The pressure grew steadily as Mark pushed it father in. The girth grew wider as it entered, until finally her ass swallowed the bulb and she could feel the flange between her ass cheeks.

Mark began eating her out again, and this time the sensation was much different. She could feel both his fingers and the butt plug filling her up. It felt amazing.

Once more he brought her just to the edge of an orgasm, and once more he backed off before giving her a release. It was twice as frustrating the second time.

“Please…” said Marcie.

“Please, what?” asked Mark

Marcie didn’t say anything. She was not going to beg this fucker to let her come. Ridiculous! Besides, she had another problem. Marcie really, really needed to pee.

Marcie hung her head. “I need to use the bathroom.”

“Oh really?” asked Mark. He walked away and came back with a folding chair and a bowl of cereal. He sat down in the chair, and started to eat the cereal, watching her as if he was watching tv.”

“I need…I need to use the bathroom!”

“Mmm hmm,” nodded Mark.

Marcie started to realize that this was deliberate. Mark expected her to relieve herself, suspended in the air, for his amusement. She gritted her teeth and resolved to hold it. There was no way she was going to give into this sick fuck.

Marcie held out for as long as she could, watching him take every selfish bite of his goddamn cereal. She knew it was inevitable. Three or four energy drinks, plus an hour. There was no way she could hold back her biology. The pressure was going, and, especially in this position, it was taking every ounce of will she had to hold it back.

Mark finished his cereal and came back with a large, rifled sized “soaker” water run that had a tank larger than a soda bottle. Mark poured a pitcher of water into the tank. He seemed to be doing it slowly on purpose, to draw out the sound.

By this point Marcie’s legs were shaking from trying to hold it. Finally, she just gave in, and let it go. She closed her eyes and tried not to hear the sound of it hitting the crash pads below her. She knew her face was crimson.

Then a blast of ice cold water hit her crotch and she screamed.

“Now hold still. I’m not actually into any kind of watersports. I just wanted to humiliate you. So now we need to get you cleaned up.

Marcie couldn’t help but squirm. The water was far colder than tap water. It felt like it was only a few degrees above freezing. It probably took no time at all to empty the tank of the water gun, especially since it had started half full, but it felt like an eternity, and by the end Marcie was completely soaked and dripping.

“Ok, I think it’s time to let you down.”

Marcie couldn’t believe her luck when he finally lowered her to the floor. She took a few tentative steps, taking care to avoid stepping in any puddles in the canvas, and then bolted for the front door. Climbing shoes aren’t the easiest to run in, and the crash pads aren’t the best surface to run on, but still, she was pretty fast. She was sure she could outrun Mark at least.

The rope was still tied to her harness though, and all of a sudden it became tight, yanking her straight down to fall on her face. He must have not completely untied it….

Marcie looked up to see Mark standing over her.

“Don’t you want your prize?” he asked.

Marcie didn’t answer.

“You can leave,” said Mark. “The front door is unlocked. I’ll untie you. You can walk straight out. Or…” Mark gestured to the floor not far in front of her, “You can take your prize money.” Tthere was a trail of dollar bills on the floor. One after another, so many that they were touching and still there were enough to snake the trail all over the gym.

Mark helped her off the floor and started relieving her of her climbing harness.

Marcie looked at the door, and then back at the prize money. Marcie had a feeling that getting them all would not be anywhere near as simple as walking out. She looked at the door again. She wanted to leave. But there was a tingling sensation, a sort of electric current running up her spine from her pussy. She needed to stay.

Mark made her crawl for it, on her hands and knees, picking up one bill at a time. She took her shirt off, tied the sleeves and used it as a bag. Mark walked behind her, staring at the butt plug between her ass cheeks as it wagged side to side. She could feel him staring. She could feel is eyes going over every visible in of her body, like tiny, invisible, slimy hands. Still, she kept picking up dollar bills.

The trail ended in the office, where she was adorned with a new type of harness. This one was made of just climbing rope and it went around the back of her neck, down between her breasts, around her back and front again, both above and below her breasts, until finally securing her hands behind her back.

Then she was bent over the desk, naked save for the rope and her climbing shoes. Mark slid his erect penis inside her in one, long stroke, and proceeded to fuck her senseless, using the rope harness for leverage. She begging him to let her cum, and this time the orgam came rushing up like a tidal wave, flowing over her. Mark kept thrusting the whole time, and soon she was in the throes of a second one.

An hour later, the still naked Marcie had her hand on the outer door, gym bag and money shirt scooped up in one arm, when Mark said, “Wait.”
Marcie felt a sudden urge to bolt out of the door, but instead she turned, keeping a vice grip on the door handle.

Mark slid a small, glossy card between her teeth.

“Your lifetime membership card. Even if you don’t want to climb, you can drop by and hang around any time.”
