Natalie Vs. Faith

Natalie was heading home when she decided to take the L train home. It was the train that most people knew about but didn’t talk about. As she waited on the platform it seemed others were slightly suspicious as to whether this was the L train as well.

Many glanced at each other just to make sure this was actually happening. They were all female presenting it looks like and to Natalie’s comfort today there were a lot more brown bodies in the audience.

Who would she possibly be matched with?

The train came to a screeching halt as they all walked forward. They walked around and found seats. Natalie went down to the lower deck to enter into the contest. She had only done this a couple times and had lost both times.

The thing is, she loved what she got as a loser. She couldn’t tell them that but they were happy to let her join since someone needed to take the punishment. Natalie filled out the form and paid the fee. She found her seat as the train sped across town.

The train would stop at key stations but only truly went in a circle. It didn’t stop to go anywhere just to keep the entertainment going.

As Natalie’s anticipation grew she got to prep herself mentally for what the other woman would be like. Tall? Short? Boxed braids? Natural hair?

She got wet at the thought of being pressed under another woman. It was so bad she got a little itchy and had to shift in her seat.

Finally, they called her number and she stepped into the aisle to meet the woman she would be wrestling. Natalie herself was a curvy person. She was naturally on the chunky side.

The woman she was matched with had long dreadlocks and was taller than her. This woman smiled while shaking her hand. Her name was Faith. Natalie was already a little in love with her.

Faith had an athletic build. It made Natalie’s heartbeat while her breathing came short. She would most definitely be losing just by being distracted by Faith being so beautiful.

Natalie nervously petted her short buzzed hair as they set themselves up for the match. They were stripped down to their underwear and oiled. The cameras were angled at them and they were introduced.

It was stated that Natalie had lost her past two matches while Faith had won her past five. At hearing her losses Faith corked an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Maybe she thought this was an easy win?

The rules were stated once again even though both women knew them by heart now. The bell rang and they were on each other.

Natalie used her weight to knock over the lankier woman. This had them fall and they were rolling. The bikinis could barely hold up the fight and soon Natalie’s top was gone.

Faith got them into a position where she had Natalie’s arms pinned above her head. She stretched pressed her nipples against Natalie’s and began to rub.

Natalie couldn’t help but groan and press up. Her nipples were so sensitive.

“Giving up so soon beautiful? You want me to fuck your face that badly?” Faith whispered directly in her ear. Her smooth voice made Natalie hot.

The question did make the woman push Faith back. The pair were now wrestling again and both their bikinis were gone. Natalie kept trying to pin her but she kept getting out of her grip.

Finally, she was able to pin Faith to her stomach but didn’t realize her mistake. Her pussy lined up perfectly with Faith’s ass. Natalie’s clit was pressed right into her round ass.

Faith lifted her butt up to grind back against her. Natalie couldn’t help it as she let out a whimper.

“You like my ass right? Go ahead and fuck me. Come on my ass,” Faith taunted her. Natalie ground down as her hips shook. She bit her lip as she groaned through her orgasm.

They paused for a minute as the point was announced. They reset for the next round. Round two usually determined the winner. Natalie and Faith collided as they fought. Faith got Natalie in a bear hug on the ground. Her face was lined up with Natalie’s nipples. She began to suck them as she held Natalie. The other woman shook as her arms became weaker.

“Oh fuck, that feels good, suck harder,” she begged. Natalie began to leave marks with how hard she was sucking her breasts.

At the same time Faith was rubbing her stomach against Natalie’s throbbing vagina. All the stimulation made it very easy to push Natalie over the edge again.

The bell rang as the point was declared. Natalie stood up slowly in her orgasmic haze. Faith was given her cash prize while Natalie was asked to stay on her knees.

A chair was brought out for Faith to sit in but she declined it.

“I like to stand while I fuck someone,” Faith smirked down at Natalie. The woman on her knees felt a shiver of want go through her. Faith gripped her head as she stuck out her tongue.

“Oh fuck, you love this don’t you, I can see it in your eyes. You want my pussy juices all over your face right?” Faith pulled back so that she could nod her head. She immediately brought her back to her dripping pussy after.

“I could sit on your face all night, you want that? To fuck me with that little pink tongue, shit you’re good.” Faith stopped talking to let out a groan. You could hear Natalie slurping as she worked hard. She began to suck on Faith’s clit hard to see how fast the other woman would come.

“Fuck, just stick out your tongue, stop all that sucking,” Faith commanded. She took Natalie’s head in her hands as she began to rub herself all over Natalie’s face. She covered her cheeks, nose and chin.

“You look like mine now, with my pussy juices all over you. I’m gonna ride your tongue now, fuck, you’re such a good pussy licker. You listen to what I tell you to do and love it. Oh, I’m gonna come on your face, oh shit,” with one last groan Faith squirted onto Natalie’s face.

The two parted ways that night but Natalie licked her lips the whole way home. She couldn’t wait to take the L train again.

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