The reward

This is part 3 of my stories. I will include a link to part one and two in the comments. Please enjoy and feel free to let me know what you think!

It has been 3 months since the camping trip. I thought I could handle the punishment Mistress has given me but it has really taken its toll. When Mistress isn’t playing with me u have to wear her chastity device. It is so small that my cock bulges out of every possible opening. It is difficult to get in since now it’s is nearly impossible to get soft anymore. I haven’t spilled a single drop of cum and I am so horny from being constantly denied that I have a perpetual hard on. Mistress has thought of some creative ways to help with that issue. At first she would use ice to reduce my erection but it only worked for a few days. She then would smear numbing ointments in me when we are done so there would be little stimulation and I would go soft. That worked for a while but as my desire to cum had grown so did the difficulty in going soft. She tried squeezing my balls and digging her nails into them that used to work as a way to set me back and lengthen the time before making me have a ruined orgasm but again it didn’t take long for my desire to over come the pain. Currently she is using a spiked sleeve she wraps around my cock. She tightens it so the spikes dig in. At first it only took a few minutes but right now it has been an hour since Mistress toyed with me and left me tied up until able to move with spikes digging into my still hard cock. There are tears leaking down my face but not from the pain. I have grown used to the pain of trying to go limp. My body is not dealing well with the constant edging. I really don’t know how much more I can take. Mistress no longer gags me. After a month, I think she stopped so she can hear my whimpering and frustration better.


I hear her coming now to check on me and see if it’s time to put the chastity device back on. She comes in walks in front of me. I close my eyes because just a glance and my cock will try and spring to full attention. “You’re still too hard to fit in your cock cage. Hmm, we have tried numbing you, icing you, hurting you, but your cock always finds a way. The spiked sleeve will have to due as your new cage until a better idea comes to mind” she said to me. She had a look in her eye that was a little hard to place. She almost seemed grateful, no not grateful, proud. Yes proud that her slave can keep an erection through everything she could throw at me. She let me down and took the lock from the chastity device. There was a small hole that aligned in two parts of the sleeve. It wasn’t meant for a lock but it would due from now to ensure I didn’t remove it through the night. She left me in my room and as she walked out she looked back, shot me a smile and said good night. That look sent my cock back into the spikes again.


I barely slept. All these thought kept racing through my head. I kept thinking of Mistress and my cock would go from semi hard to full hard making the spikes loosen and dig over and over again. When morning came I was wide awake. Mistress came down to check on me since she wasn’t sure what the spikes would do over night. “How did you sleep slave?” She asked in a soft voice that melted through me. “As well as I could” I replied. I didn’t want to tell her how bad it was. I had to take whatever she dished out for fear of a new punishment, or worse she may no longer want me as a slave. “Let’s take a look at how the sleeve worked” she said as she glanced down at my still hard cock newly refreshed by her presence. Her eyes went wide in shock “WOAH how are you still this hard. Did you have any relief at all last night?”

 “Not really Mistress, my cock would get slightly softer then my mind would think of what was to come the next day and this is the result” I hoped she didn’t think I was sucking up I only told the truth. She grabbed the key and removed the sleeve. It hurt more to remove it that it did to wear it but the extra pain was brief and followed by relief then the fullest swelling of my cock. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as Mistress looked at my polka dotted dick and she smirked “It looks so pretty, like it was decorated for me!” She said as she kissed the tip and my cock twitched. “Well let’s begin!” She said as I looked confused. We usually only play in the evening, never in the morning. She lead me to the stocks bent me over and put my head and hands in. She started by spanking me with a paddle. This was her usual opener recently before my first edge. She will edge me 3 times before she is done with me. Twenty hard whacks and I start to get scared because I know the edging is coming. She puts the paddle down. Grabs the numbing lube so I don’t accidentally cum and she gets a little more time with me. “This isn’t going to be a full session. I just wanted to get a quick edge in since I won’t be home this evening” she says as she stares at my cock licking her lips. She can’t suck my cock to tournament me anymore because she knows that not even she could stop in time to only edge. ‘Ok only one edge today I can do this’ I think to myself. As it stands, applying the ointment is risky itself. She takes a thin rope and ties my balls tight and pulls them so it helps keep me from cumming while she spreads the lube. While waiting for the numbing to set it she grabs her paddle and smacks me in the balls to pass the time. Even though they are held in place by the rope, I can feel them jiggle with each hit. I let the endorphins from the pain I love some much fill my head with bliss. The pain of the spikes fades as my cock goes numb and I relax as my balls are pleasantly pounded just the way I like them. Each smack sending little electric tingles through my body as that strange sweet agony and bliss wash over me. This is the only time I can feel happy and forget about the torture that is to come next. When Mistress is sure my cock is numb she begins to stroke. I can barely feel her hand but my body reacts anyway and the pleasure still builds up. It takes no time at all for precum to start to pour out of my cock. I felt the orgasm build and I start to shake. I’m getting to close… I THINK I MIGHT CUM THIS TIME! She stops and stands in front of me to watch my reaction as the feeling inside me remains right at the spot of purgatory. So close to a ruined orgasm that my cock is twitching but not close enough to even let a single sperm see the light of day. I think I’m going to cum every time. EVERY GOD DAMN TIME! I know she is too good to make that mistake but my messed up endorphin filled head can’t accept that. I have cried after each session for the last 2 weeks, but I have managed to hide it from her. I can usually hold back the tears long enough until she is gone but this time was different. Maybe it was because I couldn’t rest maybe it was because there was less time since she played with me last but in any case I stared balling my eyes out. “Please Mistress! Have pity on me, I can’t take the punishment any longer.” I said in a voice like a small child who skinned his knee begging his mom to make it all better.

Mistress’s eyes went wide. I was waiting for her anger to fly forth as she was about to speak “FINALLY!” She shouted. “I expected you to only last a month before breaking down. I stopped gaging you so you could beg me for mercy.” She quickly took me out of the stocks and untied my balls. She actually hugged me as she stood my upright. “You are such a good slave your punishment is over. I finally broke you and I couldn’t be more proud of how strong you are. Clean yourself up. I have to go. I will be back tomorrow morning with your surprise! You will finally be allowed to cum and there will be no stopping just to ruin it. You have earned it. That is if you are able to cum.” She said that last part with a wicked smile. I didn’t care what she had planned as long is it didn’t involve me on the edge I would do anything. If she told me to cut off my big toe or receive another edge right now then I would find the sharpest thing in the room and ask ‘ left or right big toe?’


She ran out the door all excited but she still managed to pause to look back, shoot me a smile and say goodbye. I took my shower and lay down to nap. With my cock free I could fall asleep. I woke up refreshed and went about the rest of the day thinking about what it could be that Mistress had in-store for me. What did she mean ‘If I can cum, I’m ready to explode right now? I feel like a stiff breeze would set my cock off’ I thought to myself. Either way, she was gone until morning.


The next day I woke and heard footsteps upstairs. My door was once again locked so I knew it was Mistress that was home. But she was talking to someone. Whoever it was wasn’t responding. I only heard Mistress’s voice. She was ordering this person to stay on their knees until called for. Did she get a new slave? Was I being replaced? Flashes of jealousy flew threw me. I didn’t want to share Mistress! I calmed myself. Mistress was not mine to decide whether or not she could be shared. I was her’s and there was no other way it could be. I would get all the attention she felt I was allowed and I would make the most out of it. I could hear Mistress coming down the stairs. She opened the door and had the biggest grin on her face. “I’m so excited about what we will be doing today. She walked over to the stocks and readjusted them to a new position. Instead of having to be bent over horizontally to get in them, they could be adjusted, rotating the split wooden plank 90 degrees to face up instead of outward and raised up high to make a person stand upright. “Get in!” She ordered. I moved quickly and put my head and hands in. She locked me in and secured my legs to either side. The stocks prevented me from seeing directly below me. She walked over and gave my balls a good hard kick. I couldn’t see it coming since she was so close. She put my gag in my mouth. “I don’t want you to be able to protest what will be going on soon” she walked behind me to the door. “Crawl on down and stay low” she shouted upstairs. “Don’t speak and don’t let him see you just yet, stay behind him” I could hear the sounds of someone crawling down the stairs. “Go over and kiss his butt cheeks to say hi” the other slave crawled over but I could see her. Her lips were warm and soft and she buried her nose between my cheeks. It felt very nice. “Now he likes having his balls sucked on, start doing that from behind but don’t touch his cock or you might set him off. I don’t want to numb him so neither one of us will be touching his cock today.” The slave began sucking hard on my balls “you can suck as hard as you like, he REALLY enjoys a good amount of ball pain” as the words left Mistress’s lips the slave sucked harder. I was already slipping into my bliss full state. This was going to be a great day. Mistress came around front and sat in a chair that was far enough for me to see her as she watched her other slave send me to my happy place.  “Are you liking the way my new slave is pleasing you?” She asked. All I could do is not my head. “Good, this slave’s name is Jess. Jess, show him how big your cock is by rubbing on his ass then go back to sucking his balls.” Shock and terror went through me as I felt a hard cock bigger than my own rubbing on my ass then the warm soft lips of slave Jess taking my balls back in. I am straight and have no desire to be touched in this way by a man. Mistress laughed as she saw the terror on my eyes. “Jess crawl to me, I’m getting so wet watching you. My pussy needs some over your special oral skills.” Jess crawled over to Mistress. I looked to see the man who moments ago had his lips on my balls. I was relieved to see the figure of a woman with a strap on crawling toward my Mistress. Mistress laughed hard and Jess looked back and shot me a smirk. She had pale skin, fire red hair and green eyes. It was a pleasant contrast to Mistress’s lightly tanned skin dark hair and sparkling brown eyes. “Did Jess’s cock intimidate you? Don’t worry she can be gentle when she needs to be. She only gets rough when I tell her.” Jess made her way between Mistress’s legs and began to taste her sweet nectar. I was jealous that it wasn’t my tongue causing Mistress’s head to lean back. Mistress then locked eyes with me. She wanted to see the look of envy on my face and she smiled with delight. “She is so good at this but I need her to stop for the moment. Lay down Jess.” Jess didn’t hesitate. She laid on the ground with her strapped on dildo pointing straight into the air. Mistress climbed on top of her and slid her wet dripping pussy down onto the strap on. Jess let out a slight gasp. It must be pressing against her clit. Mistress rode Jess’s cock and they both moaned together. Mistress would lean in and kiss Jess deeply as she rode faster. Jess just lay still as she was instructed enjoying the feeling of the back end of the dildo on her clit. Mistress came hard as she bucked and convulsed on top of Jess. She collapsed over and let herself fall on to Jess’s breasts for a moment while she gathered herself. She got off of her looked at me and said “I have lubed it up nice for you slave. Jess you know what’s next” Jess got up and went behind me. She spread my cheeks and worked the tip of her cock around my virgin asshole. I felt my butt clench as it instinctively tried to resist. Mistress came in front of me and massaged my balls “Come on slave let her in, how else are you supposed to cum if she can’t stimulate your prostate with that huge cock of her’s.” I tried to let it relax but I couldn’t figure out how. “We can always go back to edging you again, I’m sure between the two of us you will be nothing but a puddle of tears and suffering in about a week” I was starting to feel tears form at the thought of being edged again. Jess managed to get the tip in. “Good boy,” she said “she is just going to start with about 1/3 of the cock to warm you up. Just let her in a little further” Jess couldn’t push in any further at the moment. “Ok then I’ll go get the numbing ointment.” At this words I bucked my hips back on to Jess’s cock and managed to take her in further. Mistress was not expecting that bit it was pleasing for her to see. I felt my ass being stretched out and it hurt a bit. It was actually easier to take her in if I pushed out. Jess worked her cock back and forth slowly to open me up. She really was gentile as Mistress said. I felt myself loosening and Jess pushed very slightly further with every few thrusts. I felt it hit my prostate and my cock began to drool from the stimulation. Mistress got a bottle of lube and poured it on as Jess thrust into me. It made her slide so much easier. “I think he can take it a little faster and deeper now” Jess quickened the pace and was going further and further. I thought she was already all the way in. Was there no end to this cock? Did she swap it out when I wasn’t looking?


Mistress looked at Jess’s progress “2/3 in very good slave.” She took off her shoes set them aside and stepped in front of me. Her foot came swiftly in between my legs and her dainty perfect food made contact with my balls. Over and over her foot collided with me and I was back in my happy place. The endorphins rushed through me making my head swim like I was floating. I could feel the pain from the cock in my ass slowly fade away only to be replaced by a growing pleasure. My cock sent little ribbons of precum all over with each impact. I could stay like this all day and Mistress could see the smile on my face through my gag. She smiled back “You are enjoying your reward I see. That cock in your ass and my foot in your balls is the only stimulation you are going to get. You have permission to cum any time if you can from this. Just a little warning you might regret getting all this pleasure.” I didn’t care. I could feel the orgasm building as I let it take over me. I was not in control. I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t slow it down. I was going to cum. Mistress saw I was getting close. She moved down where I couldn’t see her. I felt her sucking my balls. That was the last straw. My cock erupted and drenched Mistress in months worth of sticky white cum. She didn’t stop sucking my balls and Jess only pushed deeper now that I was cumming. Neither one stopped while my cock kept twitching. When there was nothing left to give my cock stopped dripping but Jess was still pounding away. Mistress stopped sucking my balls, and began sucking my cock! I was so sensitive it hurt. I could feel her reaching around to pull Jess in. She was using Jess’s thrusts to force my cock deep down her throat. It was painful and beautiful all at once. I had never experienced a blowjob after cumming let alone a cock in my ass. I needed it to stop it was too much to handle and I couldn’t take it! They kept going and going! I felt another orgasm building up in me but it wasn’t as pleasurable. I was going to cum again right down Mistress’s throat! I felt the muscles contract in pain as my body squeezed out more cum. They felt as if each muscle had run a marathon then had to run back home. It hurt to cum but I had no choice. As I spurt into Mistress’s eager mouth she pushed Jess off if me. I had the feeling of going suddenly from overly full to entirely empty in just a moment as she pulled her cock out of me. As Jess’s cock left me it passed again over my prostate letting just a little extra few drops drip to the ground. Mistress lifted up off the ground in front of me and with her hand motioned for Jess to come to her. She made sure I could see both of them and shared her mouthful of cum with Jess in a deep kiss. Cum poured out the side of their mouths as they kissed and swallowed my second load. When they stopped, Jess proceeded to lick every last drop of cum off of Mistress. “Let him down he will need his rest. I have lots of plans for the two of you. But for now he has his reward.” Jess let me down and I collapsed to the floor. She removed my gag. “It’s ok, just leave him there, he will get up eventually. Time for you to draw me a bath and clean me up before your session begins. You did remember to pack you nipple clamps and other odds and ends Jess?” Jess nodded and the two of them left me to bask in the after effects. I was a puddle of a man, drained, and exhausted, but happy to be out of my punishment period. I can’t wait to see what the two of them will do next time.
