Eileen Relapses [FMMMMM][int][bbw][bbc][exh] [cuck][cumplay][spit][anal][dp][quint-p][longform]

I’m back, you beautiful bastards! (not that I expect any of you to remember me) I figured the world might want to know what old Eileen has been up to lately. This story is not for those with weak constitutions. Shit is about to get real weird in a minute. Enjoy

The taste of them still lingering on her tongue and in her cheeks stained the flavor of the coffee she drank. She held her head high, not because she was particularly proud of herself, but because the men sitting in the circle both to her right and to her left were wearing sweatpants, and she couldn’t handle any more temptation. Her stomach was still churning, and she wore long sleeves to cover the bruises and scrapes.

“Would anyone else like to share,” Pastor Wally asked, crossing his arms across his black turtleneck. “Remember. There is no judgment here. All have sinned in the eyes of the most high—”

“I killed my husband,” Eileen said to the room. Everyone turned their heads, intrigued.

“W— Wow… Was it an accident?”

“Yes,” she said. Then she looked down. “Not really…”

**24 Hours Earlier**

Eileen left the gym with a nice sweat and a rosy, exhausted smile on her face. She was in the process of thinning out, though she still had a long ways to go, by the grace of God. Every pound she shed made her feel like a new woman, and she was losing them by the week now. She stretched her arms up to the sun and filled her lungs with the crisp, sweet, summer air, amazed at the upswing her life was on.

Only two years ago, she was a registered sex offender, had been fired from her job, and had indecencies performed on her by a creature that she no longer had a reason to repeat. She was in a new city, with new friends, a new job, and a new outlook on life. The blood of Jesus had washed her past sinful actions, and freed her from her old life.

Her personal trainer came from the door behind her, a tall, swarthy man with intense, sharp blue eyes. Fit, muscular, and a genteel smile, he was the kind of man that could approach any woman he wanted and take them wherever he was heading. And today, his eyes were on Eileen; on the generous, tantalizing curve of her hips into her thighs, and the slight fluff of her midsection that made her so soft and huggable. He slipped his arm behind the small of her back and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Eileen giggled a bit, as he held her. “Not to make a scene, because you are a good man who maybe got the wrong signal, but I would like for you to let me go.”

“Huh…? It’s just a hug,” he replied, releasing her.

“I am nice, but I’m not naïve,” she said. “I would hate to have to find a new trainer. We work so well together. Professionally.”

“Fair enough,” he said. “Can I take you out—”

“I’m married. But thank you.”

Eileen waited until she was in her car to take off her cap and let her light brown hair down out of its bun. The sweat made it clump and stick to her face; she needed a shower before heading to work. She always enjoyed just thinking the thought “I’m going to my house”. She had been an apartment dweller her whole life, even as a child. All of this was new to her. Even the house itself was only six months old from the day the contractors finished putting it up.

She washed herself for a respectable amount of time, not lingering in any one phase for too long. She had to make it to work soon, after all. Not to say that she rushed herself, either. She pushed the bar of soap between her thighs, surfing across her mound and back through her cheeks. Her rim was in a permanent state of puckering, even fuller than her lips, a reminder of her past life. She still had a hoop piercing through her asshole, with a knob on the ring, inside of her ass. She could never bring herself to remove it and let it heal over, as it would make the pain she received to get it for nothing. That’s what she told herself, anyway. She found herself toying with the ring, rolling the stud along the inside. Her husband never made use of her ass. In fact, they had only ever done it missionary style, or given each other a handjob or a fingering. She didn’t think less of him for it. That was the extent of his sexuality, and it made him happy, so she was happy too.

Only a few seconds passed before she stopped herself. “No, no, I can’t get off right now,” she said. “I want to save all of my ardor for my husband to quench.” She removed her hands and turned on the cold water to calm her body down. With a clear mind, she rinsed off and finished preparing for work.

Her job wasn’t anything special, she insisted. She was just the manager of the local ‘Nanner Split’s, an ice cream, fro-yo, fro-nana hybrid restaurant. It wasn’t what she went to school for, but managing an ice cream parlor was fun to her, and she was good at it. It was a completely bad-karma free profession; she didn’t even use real milk product. Only soy. And the people loved it.

Even though she had plenty of staff, she enjoyed delivering orders herself when she could find the time. She could afford to stand and chat with her customers, exchange a few sentences, and then return to her duties without missing a beat. She enjoyed connecting with people this way, and it helped her to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

A group of four women sat in the corner booth, and all of them ordered the Big Banana Choc (all of her employees referred to it as the BBC despite all of her efforts to get them to stop.) The most calorie laden item on the menu, it consisted of three frozen bananas pressed together and dipped in chocolate shell, and covered in crushed nuts. “Enjoy,” Eileen said to them as she set down the tray. They all opened up their Snapchats, and began to record themselves taking the first licks, puckering their lips around the caps, and sucking the nuts clean off of the chocolate. Eileen sighed and spoke up before she left. “Listen, ladies, I don’t know who you’re all doing this for, but if you don’t respect yourselves, no one else will respect you.” They glared at her. “I know it sounds corny and judgmental. And you’re not trying to hear this from some stranger. It’s just… I see you all as queens, and you’re worth so much more than feeding these slathering apes for free. Is that fair?”


“We’re all God’s children,” she said. “No matter what you believe. We’re all destined for so much more than what’s in front of us right now.” One of them locked her phone and started sniffling. “What’s the matter?”

“You’re absolutely right. What are we doing,” she answered. “I dropped out of law school to be a cam girl. I’ve betrayed my own potential and settled for mediocrity. I should be ashamed of myself.” She looked around the table. “I’m going to go right to the library and start studying. Are you coming with me girls?”

“Heck yeah,” another of them answered. “Let’s go out there and be something.”

“Amen, sisters,” Eileen said, moving aside for them to leave. “Praise Jesus.”

The rest of the day went along like a typical day for Eileen. No drama, no big happenings. Just work, smiles, laughter, and then community outreach with her church on Wednesday afternoons. She had no fear going into the projects. She was past the hateful thought that she needed God to protect her from the people that lived there. Her prayer was that the people she met would be receptive to the word of truth.

She liked to witness by wheeling a cooler of pint sized water bottles to the basketball courts and wait on the bleachers to hand it out. She didn’t even preach at them. There was a Bible verse printed on every bottle, and it was up to them if they wanted to read it or not. Plenty of conversations started this way, and it rarely ever turned sour.

Usually at this hour, there would be high schoolers at the court, but for some reason, today, there were grown men. Big men, with dark skin, shirtless, sweat pouring off of them in buckets. They were shredded, without a single ounce of fat, and she felt like handing them only one pint of water was an insult. She doubled up for them, and they smiled and took them graciously, until she ran out. Then, they started to take the ice cubes and press them against their chests until they melted over their abs, and soaked into their already drenched gym shorts.

Eventually, they sat down on the bleachers around her, worn out from their games. They were breathing hard, and steam rolled off of them, as they talked over and around her.

“You come here damn near every day, girl,” one of them addressed her, leaning on his arm. “So what’s good? What’s up?”


“Ja’Quan, don’t you see the ring,” another one said. “She ain’t here for you.”

“Man, you sure? Look at her. She been eyein’ us up and down since she got here,” he said. “I’m just askin’. Damn.”

“I’m just here to spread the g-gospel,” Eileen said.

“See? She’s here for the Lord,” the second one said. “So you need to stop swearing, too.” Her phone started to ring. Her husband, Gene, was requesting a Facetime call. Her fingers trembled away from the answer button, and she froze. She didn’t know how to explain where she was sitting and why. The optics weren’t great.

“Ha. Want us to put our shirts on,” Ja’Quan asked.

“Huh? Oh, no, it’s fine. You’re fine. He knows I’m not doing anything,” Eileen said as she answered it. Gene opened his mouth to say hello, but he saw the entourage around her first, his brow dipping in confusion. “Hey, honey!”

“When are you coming home,” he asked. “I just picked up some italian, and I need to know if I should leave it out or not.”

“I should be home soon,” she said.

“Who are your friends,” he asked.

“I uh… Well, I was doing some community outreach and—”

“Outreach? Yeah I *bet*,” he said.

“What’s that tone for,” Eileen asked.

“And you just go right back to them,” Gene muttered. “Just call me when they’re done.”

“Gene, that’s an awful thing to say,” Eileen said. He rolled his eyes and hung up. “Wow…”

“Not surprised,” Ja’Quan said. “Guess you’re gonna head out then, huh?”

“…You think you know someone,” Eileen started, furrowing her brow. “I’m not going anywhere.” She looked around at the group. “Listen, I’m really sorry you had to hear that. I’m ashamed that it came from him, and I don’t even know what to say. Can I make this right?”

“I can think of a way to make this right,” Ja’Quan said. “Okay, it won’t change anything, and it will probably make it worse, but—”

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll do it.” She looked around again. “I can handle five.”

“You think that just because we’re all here at one time,” the second one spoke. “We’re all just ready to run a train on you? Just out of the blue?”


“Because we are.”

Three monster black cocks claimed her asshole at once, her own personal record, while the other two filled her pussy. She rocked back and forth on her knees on the hood of one of their cars. It was so easy for her to relapse; she was always vindictive like that. If she found a strong enough cause for anything in her mind, nothing would stop her from retribution. And racism seemed like the strongest cause of them all.

Her tongue lolled out of the corner of her mouth, drunk on her blissed out reflection in the windshield. She was getting absolutely mauled back there; both of her legs were suspended in the air, speared up on five different ten inch rods. Only three of them at a time could actually move, while the others sat passively, soaking up the friction of her walls and of each other.

She lost all sensation in her lower half, as mind melting chills ran up her spine. “Fuuuck. Fuck me! Break my fucking asshole wide open,” she begged. “Ruin me!”

“Damn, this bitch is crazy,” one of them muttered.

“I want all fifty fucking inches of *dick*,” she shouted. Pedestrians turned the other way and went back down the sidewalk where they came from. She signed up for Snapchat and Manyvids while she was being piped down, and put up an entire hour of premium, interracial fucking.

She didn’t notice them cumming until she felt a harsh heat in her belly. Then she felt them pulsing, each of them on their own tempo, hitting her from so many different angles at once that she came too. She sprayed all of their legs at once like a stuffed garden hose. The torrent of hot, black spunk snaked up through her stomach, up through her throat. She opened her mouth, ready to puke it on the windshield.

“No you don’t,” Ja’Quan said, as he snatched his cock out of her ass and ran around to her mouth. “Not on my car!” He pinched her nose shut, and shoved his dirty, cum soaked cock down her throat, plugging the flow. Her neck bulged as her gag reflex was overridden, and she thrashed around, fighting the sensation of drowning. One by one, they pulled out, leaving her ass gaped and ruined all over again.

She stumbled backwards and fell onto one of the water bottles, plugging herself with the plastic. She was heavier than she remembered. Her stomach roiled and burbled, spilling out of her shirt, with every pound that she had lost in the past year, and then some. “Mmmm. Thanks, niggas,” she said, rubbing her belly.

“Any time,” Ja’Quan said. “Welp, we should all get home to our wives and children. We have work in the morning.”

Eileen limped into her house, cum still leaking down her thigh. Gene was in the kitchen sobbing. “You actually did it?” She nodded. “How could you? How could you do that to me?” She limped towards him, sizing him up.

“You have an erection right now,” Eileen said, as she noticed the bulge in his pants.


“You’re a cuck, aren’t you,” Eileen asked. Gene blushed, looking away. “Does it turn you on knowing that your wife just fucked five sweaty dicks at one time, and it’s your fault?” He started to back away, but she grabbed his shaft in between her fingers, dragging him towards her. “The worst kind of cuck is the one that can’t admit it, you scum.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Gene said, his cock twitching against her fingertips. She grabbed a butter knife off of the table and scraped the top of her tongue, collecting the thick film of cum still coating it. Then, she grabbed him by the chin, and forced the knife into his mouth. He shook his head. At first. Then, he sucked the knife clean, his own tiny cock leaking through his underwear and his pants.

“I fucking thought so,” she said, before she spat onto his mouth. He licked his lips, and she forced him against the counter with a rough kiss. His tongue explored the inside of her mouth, collecting every drop he could find, from the insides of her cheeks, behind her teeth. He squeezed her waist with his urgency, and forced up a cummy burp. Salty-sweet air violated his lungs, and made him shiver.

“…Jesus, how much did those niggers cum?”

“A *lot*,” Eileen replied. He squeezed her harder, and she burped again. “Wait, not so hard. I’m gonna—”

“I *know*,” he said, a twisted look in his eye. He leaned his head back, and opened his mouth. She didn’t have time to talk herself out of it. The deluge was coming, and he wasn’t going to let go. The first wave came out wild and unfocused, coating his face with secondhand semen. The second wave, Gene grabbed the back of her head and forced their lips together, sucking the juices straight from her spewing throat.

Something hard passed through, clinked off of her tooth, and vanished into her husband’s mouth. He shoved her away all of a sudden, clutching his throat, and he staggered towards the opposing counter, where his cellphone was. “Gene!? Gene, what is it!?”

“Hos—” He gagged. “Hospital!” He started to dial 911, then he deleted the number.

“Gene, call the hospital!”

“N-no… Not like… Not like this,” he said, coughing. His breathing grew more labored, as he fell to his knees on the floor. “Promise me. Not like… this…” His eyes rolled back, showing the red beneath.

“Gene? Gene!? Gene, wake up. Gene, please, for the love of God, please wake up.” Sensation was returning to her. To her lower body. She squeezed her cheeks together to confirm. Her asshole piercing was gone; it had travelled through her entire body just to get lodged into her husband’s throat. “Oh God…”

**Present Day**

“…And so I performed the Heimlich and got the ring out,” Eileen told the group. “He’s fine now. But the fact of the matter is that for an entire minute, he was dead. Basically.”

“…You fucked five niggers at once,” Pastor Wally asked. “What the fuck is wrong with you, you goddamn whore?”

“Huh? But I—”

“Get out,” he shouted at her, pointing his finger to the door. “Jesus doesn’t love you. Nobody pray for Eileen. Go.”

“Here we go again…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/8ovj4t/eileen_relapses_fmmmmmintbbwbbcexh