Fucking Intense with Girlfriend’s Cousin

A couple of weeks ago I went camping with my girlfriend, Katie, her cousin, Hannah, and her cousin’s boyfriend for a three day trip. We spent most of the days hiking or swimming, and most of our nights drinking way too much alcohol, but it really was a great time.

The last day her cousin’s tent got ruined. They forgot a tent cover at home and when it rained while we were out on a hike, most of their stuff was completely drenched by the time we made it back.

It didn’t end up being a huge deal because our tent we had was big enough to fit the four of us, it was a little cozy but not cramped.

That night we got pretty drunk again, but it was bittersweet knowing it was the last night we were there. Katie convinced us all to go skinny-dipping at about midnight, as I had actually never been before. I couldn’t help but look over at Hannah. It was dark, but it was worth just seeing the silhouette of her naked curvy body.

When we got back to our camping lot, we were all pretty tired and only stayed up another hour before heading into our tent and sleeping. I fell asleep like a baby, while spooning Katie.

I wake up what felt like a couple hours later, still spooning Katie, but I realize her cousin, Hannah, is spooning me as well. I didn’t think much of it at first because, you know, it’s a little cold and cuddling is just second nature for couples, maybe she just did that in her sleep and didn’t even realize it was me.

But I don’t know, I wanted to avoid an awkward situation just in case, so I turned over onto my back. I looked over for a moment and realized that Hannah was actually awake, I could see her staring at me with the dim reflection of the moonlight in her eyes.

That’s when she extended her leg out and rested it over mine, I whispered out her name, still half awake and confused. She just put her finger in front of her lips, in a seductive smirk, making the universal “be quiet” gesture.

She put her hand on my chest and started rubbing it softly for a minute and then pulled up my shirt and continued rubbing her hand underneath it before she leaned in and whispered in my ear, “just tell me if you want me to stop.”

All I could think of was how Hannah would confide in Katie about her relationship. Apparently her boyfriend, Tyler, we were on the trip with, didn’t have much of a sex drive and it left her feeling unwanted. Katie would usually feel bad telling her that our sex-life was still great, thinking it might leave Hannah jealous.

I feel like I had frozen there, I’ve never had a woman come on to me like this. Before I knew it, she was running her hand down my body and under my briefs. I turned my head towards her and our eyes met as I watched her smile widen, realizing I was already hard.

She pulled my briefs down to my ankles and began stroking away. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t help but turn my body over to face her. I don’t know if it was me turning over, or the quickening pace of her strokes, but we both stopped still as we heard Katie begin to stir. I slowly laid down on my back and tried to fix myself, my heart racing. Katie turned over, barely opening her eyes, and Hannah started to sit up.

Katie asked “What’s happening?” and Hannah apologized for waking her, saying that she was just getting up because she had to pee. She stood up off of the air mattress and put some sandals on, but as she unzipped the tent and stepped out, she turned back towards me and made a “come here” motion with her finger, before walking off, leaving the tent fly still open.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8nveic/fucking_intense_with_girlfriends_cousin

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