Walk Home pt. 3 [Fantasy, Beast, Elf]

(Check out [Story 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oviposition/comments/8iwedu/planting_season_a_short_story/) and [Story 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/consentacles/comments/8kobtz/the_gathering/) to get an idea of what is happening her)

Tucked away between two mountains laid a thick forest with a hidden cave. This cave sees many forms of life, both prey and predators. Here though, life is calm and no life is wasted. It is a place to rest and grow for plants, animals, insects and other lives. Today though, there was something different found at the center of this sanctuary.

Jae, a half elf-human woman, was preparing to leave the cave after successfully foraging for the nectar of the Cooey plant. She placed the jars into her satchel, keeping the clattering of the glass silenced by using the tattered remains of her clothing to protect the prize. As she closed the lid of the bag, She noticed the silver white nectar let off a glow that made her feel like she captured the moon.

The sun had set and Jae was vibrating with energy and excitement to make the hike home. Her first few steps from the cave proved that being stripped naked might just be the best way to travel this evening.

In the evening air, a warmth from the long summer day made Jae’s flesh heat up instantly. Had she remained clothed, she’d surely have been too warm during the hike back. She looked to the West as the orange glow of the sun shown over the peaks of the mountain. It was one of the few simple pleasures she enjoyed during the hot days of summer.

Jae began her walk home. She took her time following the marks she made on her way her. Simple things, like a broke branch or small marking on a tree. Mostly, Jae followed the creak that flowed out through the valley from to join with river near her home.

The sun began to set and the sky began to grow darker. Thankfully the warmth of the day clung to the earth and Jae was making fantastic time. She seemed to continue to have a constant stream of energy that almost made her soul vibrate.

Normally Jae was an upbeat and energetic person. She enjoyed the morning and would stay of to the early hours of morning and still be ready for the next day. This feeling was different to her. It seemed to push her. It made her eager to release the stored up energy. Jae wanted to comply by running all the way home. The distance was far enough that it would normally tire her out by the end, but she felt like she could make it there and back to the cave without even stopping to breathing right now. The only issue was the jars that made muffled clanking sounds in her bag.

If she decided to run now, she’d risk braking the jars of nectar or bruising some of the rare plants she collected. So, Jae walked a brisk pace, holding on the the urge to release her unrelenting stores of stamina.

Jae attempted to keep her mind occupied. Today was an important day for her. Not only had she located the Cooey plant, but she found a way to save so much on herbs and plants year round. She was already doing the math of how much she’d have had to spend on all of the goods she now carried home. Her mind kept wandering back to the Cooey plant.

She couldn’t help be feel her lady parts tingle at the idea of the nectar on her skin. The way the plant filled her holes with it’s vines, stretching her. How good it felt to have the silver white nectar gush inside of her and distend her stomach. The way her body seemed to explode with pleasure.

That’s when she felt the slippery feeling on her thighs, telling her she was enjoying the thoughts more than she realized. Part of her wanted to go back, to have to Cooey plant take her again, so she could feel it’s warm nectar, to taste it as it spilled into her mouth. The only problem was, she knew it burrow underground, it’s pods emptied. A pang of emptiness filled her.

Jae was still drenched and could feel her body aching to be touched. Not one to deny herself some simple pleasures, she unslung her bag and placed it against a tree. Jae sat next to the bag and spread her legs. She ran her fingers circular around her soft pink nipples. She felt them harden as she pinched them between her fingers. Jae bit her lip as she squeezed and pulled lightly.

One hand grabbed her supple breast and massaged it. Her other hand slid down her stomach and between her legs to find the soft pink lips soaked. Jae hand her fingers up and down her slit with a soft pant. All her senses seemed intensified compared to normal. Each stroke seemed to make her body erupt more desire, more passion, more energy.

She teased her clit now with two fingers as she continued grabbing her breasts. Jae gasped for air as if starving for it. Her heart pounded against her chest wall. A loud scream of pleasure came from her, though she wasn’t sure it was really hers.

Jae needed more though. The simple stimulation only antagonized her further. She slipped her fingers inside and massaged the soft pink flesh. In and out her fingers slid in a rhythmic pattern. Her hips arches as she thrusted her finger in and out, faster and faster. Her moans growing inaudible as she felt herself growing closure to climax.

This was a new feeling to her. She’d enjoyed many orgasms with men, woman and beast, but now she felt like they were only petty meetings as she felt her body washover with a mind altering climax.

She took a long moment to recover. Though she wasn’t entirely sure what happened, she definitely wasn’t positive either that she blacked out briefly from this sensual moment with herself. Jae felt wet still. Her arm soaked from herself squirting. The ground under her now a small muddied spot.

It took a moment for her to get her bearings before standing on weak legs to head to the creek where she clean up a bit. Then Jae grabbed her bag from under the tree and began her walk again.

Strangely, she wasn’t tired though. Contrary to that, Jae felt perkier and more vigilant to her surroundings. Her hearing seemed sharper and her vision seemed as clear as if it were day. She also appeared to still feel like she needed to fucked hard.

Her mind continued to drift in and out about having her holes fills. She imagined the nearby farm whom always took a shine to her. Jae knew he’d have enjoyed her company. When he met her for the first time, Jae was topless. The thought was not bothering to her, since the weather was nice and she only was trying to tan out evenly and not overheat. Now, it seemed every time she talked with the man he’d become blustered and erect, though she never made any attempt to take advantage of the situation.

The idea of luring him into the nearby barn now seemed to keep her occupied though. She imagined stripping him naked and pleasuring him slowly. Teasing him with her hands and mouth. Letting him touch her breast and feel her wet lips. Then she’d let him take her in his animalistic need to fill her with his seed.

Jae blushed after at the thought. She’d never thought of him this way previously, but now the idea was just one of many that filled her mind. The thought didn’t sicken her, but it did disturb her that they were so raw and passionate now. It was when she tripped over a root sticking out the ground the thoughts passed.

Such a strange sensation that bubbled inside of her as she kept walking. Normally she could keep her sexual desires in check and had little daydreams about the subject, but now they just seemed to tumble from her mind without a care in the world.
Jae finally exited the valley and looked up the hill toward field at the edge of her farm. While she expected to be exhausted from the long day of traveling and gathering, Jae remain energetic and ready to unpack, organized and catalog all of her new plants. Each step seemed light and effortless as she hurried to the barn.

Across the river she went, over the old stone bridge and up the hill. She crawled under the fence and into the field she kept some over her more docile creatures at during the evenings to graze and stretch their legs. She’d have to put out her two perytons tonight and let them enjoy the warm night breeze.

She thought of the massive animals and how hard it has been to breed them. For three years now, she has tried and tried to induce mating between the two, but to little success. Jae was considering just doing an artificial insemination, but didn’t have any of the equipment or personnel to actually get them things in motion. She kind of considered she have to do the work herself.

Jae’s mind seemed to slip towards the idea of having to manually massage the creature and have him spill his seed into a empty jar the normal way. This was part of the reason she had gathered the nectar after all. But now there was more to her though. She thought of how it must taste having that massive cock in her mouth. It hung low like horse and the idea of just coating in with the Cooey plant’s nectar and then letting it…

A spark of energy filled Jae again, but this time she broke herself from the spell. This wasn’t normal thinking for her. She’d do a lot for her work and was willing to accept that it required her to do some more naughty tasks, but this was just out of bounds for her. The warmth of her cheeks was evident, even in the warm night.

At the barn, Jae went to the storage room and began pulling all the plants and herbs out of her bag, slowly packaging and labeling each one. The process kept her mind busy as she checked and cross checked each one to make sure it was the correct plant and how to properly store or prepare them. The process wasn’t one of her favorite jobs, but she knew the simple importances of it and continued labeling each container.

Finally, Jae is done with all the plant and it was time to move onto the jars at the bottom. A total of six medium size jars were removed one at a time and the unwrapped from the tattered remains of her clothing. She tossed the rags into a pile to use later for other purposes. After the were lined up, Jae grabbed a book that contained the proper way to treat the liquid and store it. She then grabbed the cask where she’d kept her previous shipment and and brought it to the table.

First, she filtered the liquid out. Due to the warm air, it seemed to make the nectar more compliant with the thing wired net she passed through to remove the dirt and other things from it. Then, Jae pour the Cooey nectar in slowly, making sure to as a small amounts of alcohol to help purify the substance.

The first five jars were placed with only a little room to place the sixth. Jae pour ever so slowly to the point where the lid would need to be set to keep the ward active on this cask. Then she stopped, placed the lid and hefted the now full cask back to the corner.

Remaining in the jar was a small amount of the nectar. It seemed that the moonlight that shone through the nearby window made it almost glow. Jae felt a shiver run through her as she stared at the silver white liquid.

She couldn’t waste is, since that small jar alone would have cost her a weeks worth of road rations if she bought it from a trader. She couldn’t sell it either, since she wouldn’t be able to find a buy with the longest day of summer only a day away. So, she needed to take advantage of this nectar tonight.

The sound of hooves kicking the wall of a nearby stall told her exactly what she was to do with it. Jae grabbed the jar from the workbench and excited her shop. She head to the stall around the corner and stared up at the massive creature. The back of this massive creature stood 20 hands tall. On top of the massive head of the male was a massive rack that would put any deer stag to shame. Then on it’s back were a pair of dark forest brown wings folded close to its body. The front legs were that of a dear, but the back were of a large predatory bird. In the dim oil lamp light, when you looked at the shadow of the massive creature, it wasn’t it’s physical form, but a humans. This was the perytons.

His name was Jorge and he was found harassing sailor years ago. He was believed to be one of the last of his kind, until a year after Jae located a female was found and caught near one of the southern trading islands. Jae now had them both, after many favors and a promise to a shipmaster friend to sell him their first young stag. Sadly, she still had no luck making the two mate.

Jae watched him closely. When he first came, he attempted to gore her with his horns multiple times. This finally stopped when she managed to jump onto his back and saw off his horns. That pair was now mounted in her house as a personal trophy. Jorge’s horns would eventually return, but not his attitude, but that didn’t mean Jae wasn’t careful around him anyways.

Jae reached for the lock and slide the cold metal to the side and slid into the stall with the massive beast. She approached slowly with empty hand out. In the other was the half filled jar. Jorge stopped and scraped his hoof against the cobble stone floor and snorted. Jae waited, knowing that to approach him was an insult and would leave her in predicament.

The moment passed slowly as those big black eyes stared at her. Jae waited until he bowed his head for her to scratch between his horns. He was really a very nice creature once you got to know him, Jae thought to herself.

She pet him briefly before slipping to the side of him and running her hand up and down his short hairy chest. He was soft to touch and Jae loved to groom him on her days off, just so could feel his soft fur. Her hand continued to drift though as she pet him.

Further and further down she went. She felt both frightened at the idea and excited. She stopped short of the flaccid member though and pulled the jar out from behind her back. She took off the lid and poured the nectar onto hand hand and watched it fill her palm and spill slightly between her fingers.

A flash back to the cave returned as she felt her pink slit pour out the nectar into the jars. Her body hummed with anticipation and her thoughts went to a very bad place as she reached out for the massive creature. There was no hesitation now as she grasped the member into her comparably smaller hand and stroked.

Jorge flinch at first, but the relax with a groan. He grew thick and hard in Jae’s hand as she stroked. The nectar coating his shaft and the tip. Jae moved her hand up and down the long shaft. The length of which was longer than her arm and thicker as well. She being still naked from the days adventure could feel herself growing moist.

Images flashed in her mind as she continued to slide more of the nectar on his shaft. She thought of the taste and how it felt in her hand. Her cheeks grew warm and she just kept going.

The load grunting sound coming from Jorge was unmistakable for pleasure. His rear talents scraping against the stone floor. Every stroke made his massive cock throb hard in her hand.

Jae was couldn’t seem to control her thoughts. She needed to try it, at least once to see how it felt. Slowly, she lowered to her knees and slid under the massive creature. Grabbing hold of his stuff member she began to rub more enthusiastically as she place the tip in her mouth.

Jorge’s hips thrusted almost knocking little Jae over, but her grip was strong and she held on. He tasted of the nectar and of musk. Her eyes roll onto the back of her body as she felt herself start to drip on the ground. Her rhythmically sucked and tugging make her entire being ache.

The slick surface of Jorge’s steel hard cock continued to attempt to bury its way into Jae’s mouth. Though the idea was tantalizing, her mind reasoned it just not possible and decide on a safer and safer alternative. A turn of the hips, Jae spun around around was on all fours, her bare ass no hanging in the air.

There was a brief moment of awkwardness as she attempted to grab hold of the now slippery cock and slide her drenched lips up and down the shaft. The peryton nayed and the thrusting become stronger. Jae lined him up with tight hole and felt as his massive meat slid in with ease. She could feel it spreading her apart and screamed for joy as he pushed deeply inside of her. The nectar that coated him now left her insides tingling, like little explosions going off all over. Her hold body shuttered and she pushed herself further onto him.

Jae could feel her stomach push and the steel cock that no buried itself in and out of her hole was push against her stomach. The screams of passion flowed from her lips as she grabbed hole of the massive beast front legs to keep from falling over. Each time he pushed inside of her, it was as if being stuck by a renegade wagon at full speed. She loved it.

Drenched in sweat keeping herself in position, Jorge began to pump harder and faster now. She knew what was coming and prepared. The thrust slowed, but he held inside her longer with his cock pulsating in her. Jae clenched her pussy tight held on has she fell the hot load spill inside her. She giggled as it flowed in her. The tingles were everywhere now and she felt so alive.

Jorge slid off of her and Jae collapsed to her knees. Her brain too a moment to acclimate to what just happened and then she remembered the goal. She looked around flustered for something and saw her jar that had the nectar. Jae grabbed for it and squatted, letting as much of the cum pour from her and fill a good amount of the jar. She threw the lid on it and got up, patting the sweat sheened peryton before exiting the stall.

Jae returned to the little room and stored to fluids in a cooling box and then headed to the pump near by to clean herself. After bathing quickly and cleaning out her cunt, Jae went inside, dressed and headed back to the barn to lead the two peryton to the fields. Jorge seeming a little more friendly towards her now.

The two perytons took off in the same direction and Jae watched as Jorge seemed eager for a second round, mounting the female and having at it. She guessed that she just might not need that sample after all, but didn’t mind the work. With her thoughts wandering around, Jae finally head to the cabin for some food. Her body was sore and now sleep sounding delightful.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/8mm0ch/walk_home_pt_3_fantasy_beast_elf