The Magic Library Part 1 [NSFW] FF / Voyeur

This story is set in the world of Magic Means, an upcoming book series about a group of magicians and magical beings. This chapter is more of a set up and a little more soft core than what follows. It’s all rough draft at this point, and I hope you enjoy it!
(Copyright 2018 Damon Rain)

Nella noticed him weeks ago. A young man with charisma, and unlike so many of the young neophytes, he didn’t show up in the library in a T-Shirt and jeans. He always came dressed in at least a fine shirt and slacks that were perfectly fitted. The Tate Estate Library had the largest collection of black magic knowledge in North America. It also had plenty of witches, warlocks and supernatural beings who took care of the collection.

As a young succubus training on the other side of the compound and working in the library to pay for her classes, she wasn’t allowed to sustain herself by drawing on just anyone’s energy. She had to make her own by pleasuring herself in the privacy of the dorm, or a closet if she couldn’t make it, or by making out with her roommate, or by finding a lover. The last one was best, because happy lovers cast off the loveliest sexual energy and it was a lot more fun to play with someone.

After watching Patrick for a while, she started wearing her kilt higher, undoing a few buttons on her blouse, teasing people with glimpses of her sexiest lacy bras. Her friend and elder by a few years – she was only twenty-four, while Nella was nineteen – caught her while she was high up on a ladder. Nella’s plan was to make sure she was in the Physical Magic section when Patrick was in the library to give him a generous view up her skirt. The G-string would leave little to the imagination.

Inez climbed up the ladder behind her and gave her buttock a pinch, making her squeak and half-turn. There was no space between them and Inez’s hand was cupping one of her cheeks appreciatively. “I’m trying to get Patrick to look at me, and I’m not allowed to use my power to force him,” Nella explained in an urgent whisper.

“I like what you’re doing, but it’s no way to get Patrick’s attention,” Inez’s thumb grazed her sex, feeling the shape of her through the small triangle of white fabric. “I like you, and bored, so I’ll play with you whenever you’re in the mood, but he’s one of the finest men on campus, and he likes a little more class. I catch him looking at me all the time.” That thumb teased, slowly tracing the edges of her panties before slipping over the swell of tenderness the fabric covered. Nella stared at her for a moment, shocked.

Inez’s other hand caressed her waist through her loose white shirt and slipped inside to trace the shape of her lacy bra. The woman’s brown eyes stared into hers, as though she was watching for any sign of refusal, but Inez wasn’t about to turn her attentions away. These were the hurried fondlings of a woman who had been thinking, perhaps daydreaming about touching her for some time.

The hand exploring her breast found her nipple and felt it through her bra. Those experienced fingers had it hard in only a few seconds. “You know you’re gorgeous, right?” she asked as her fingers gently pinched and played with that nub. Her other hand cupped Nella’s sex in her palm, holding it firmly for a moment before going back to gently tracing her intimate space through her panties. “I’m never so bold, but I don’t have time to take my time today,” Inez whispered.

The sexual energy Inez radiated was well aged, it had been pent up for a while. The older woman was giving in to a temptation she’d avoided for a while, and Nella absorbed the intoxicating aura fumes, her spirit and body growing more excited by the encounter as it continued. She took the sight of her superior in, looking at her as a potential lover for the first time.

Inez’s makeup wasn’t overstated, just enough to suit her olive complexion, bring out her eyes, and a little soft colour and gloss on her lips. Her glasses and brown hair could have made her look mousy, but it only made her more intriguing. Even though she was well breasted, and no one would complain about her wearing the minimum uniform for the library – a white collared shirt and a skirt or kilt – she stepped it up with a dark grey vest that was fitted tight like the matching pencil skirt.

They both had a stretchy panel built in down the middle that featured the Tate tartan plaid. Black stockings and her thick, high heels completed the outfit. “I can help you,” Inez said, her hand cupping Nella’s sex gently. They were at the limit of flirtation allowed in the library, touching over the clothing and some kissing were allowed. Magic and sex were complimentary, and many encounters began in the Tate Library for that very reason. Inez’s fingers lightly caressed her through the triangle of her panties before slipping away. “I can give you a few things to wear and we’ll tone your makeup down a little so he notices you more. That’s unless you don’t want to change for him, which I understand.” Inez started climbing down the ladder. “I like you the way you are, especially if that’s how you want to look.”

Still tingling from Inez’s touch, Nella climbed down quickly. “I don’t know how I want to look,” she said. “I was taught to dress to catch what I want, who I want. I love the way you look, it’s so sexy but it’s classy enough to suit you. I’d love to have your confidence and style.”

“Oh, I fake my confidence sometimes,” Inez stepped up to her, they were almost nose to nose. “But my secret is knowing what I want, making a plan, then going after it with the belief that I’ll have it. Or him, or her. Do you want my help? You can start exploring new looks with my little classy librarian number tomorrow.”

“Yes,” Nella replied, expecting that there was a condition she’d have to meet. This looked like a trade, maybe a fun one, and she was interested.

“I’ve never played with a succubus before, and I’ve been admiring you for a while.”

Nella smiled nervously. “I didn’t notice.” It was unusual for a succubus to miss an opportunity to explore a new playmate, especially someone like Inez.

“I made sure,” Inez said, fingering the silver pentacle dangling from her black choker. “I used a concealment spell. I’ll help if we can play a little, but I don’t have much time, so it’ll have to be in the storage room.”

“Okay,” Nella replied, grinning, hungry for a large helping of her sexual energy.

Patrick was astonished by what he was seeing. He was on his way to pick up the next book in Practices of the Warden, a book on using physical magic to shield others, when he saw Inez – the prettiest, classiest young librarian in the Tate Library – trap Nella at the top of a ladder and slip her hand up the younger woman’s short skirt. He rushed to the other side of the shelf and looked between the books, removing a few so he could see up the ladder from a sort of side angle. He could just barely see Inez’s hand up Nella’s skirt, and he was in time to see the senior librarian slip a hand into her subordinate’s blouse.

He couldn’t make out what they were saying and he couldn’t use a sound enhancement spell because he’d get busted. Most magic was forbidden in the library, something about keeping the books safe, so he strained to hear. At first Nella looked surprised, her pink, glossy lips frozen in a pretty O, dark eyes wide. Those pretty eyes closed as Inez spoke to her while she caressed the younger woman’s sex and the surrounding tender skin around her tiny white panties.

Did they forget they were in the Library? He knew flirting, petting and kissing were allowed as long as it was quiet and not a distraction, but Inez was still a supervisor, Nella a neophyte trusted with only the basic tasks of re-shelving and cleaning. Patrick couldn’t see exactly what Inez was doing, but her hand was up there, moving against Nella’s panties. The younger woman’s bottom was beautiful, her legs a dream, and her calm, but reserved arousal was simply beautiful.

He’d noticed her before, but thought she was a little too trashy looking for his father’s approval. Any girl he fancied had to stand up to his scrutiny eventually, and Nella seemed too special for a short-term fling, so she’d eventually have to stand up to his father’s tests. It wasn’t fair, she was beautiful, especially while she was being teased or pleased – it was hard to tell which – by someone. He should be allowed to pursue anyone he liked, regardless of how they dressed, but he wouldn’t chase after Nella only to ask her to change for his father. He wouldn’t try to charm her into the back room for a quick encounter, either. Something about her made her seem so precious, even as her superior caressed her most intimate space with that salacious little smile.

Inez was a beauty as well, but she seemed so stuck up that he’d only consider her for a quick encounter or two. He scoffed at himself quietly, immediately disbelieving the very idea that he’d have a chance with Nella or a ghost of a chance with Inez. Even though he was admiring the bare shape of Nella’s legs and bottom while Inez teased her intimately, he knew the idea of being with either woman was pure fantasy. Ladies like that were simply out of reach, mysterious creatures that chose their mates from teeming crowds of eager suitors using criteria that was maddeningly secretive. He might be the son of one of the most powerful dark magicians on the Estate, and a quarter demon, but not even magic would give him more than a fleeting chance with either one of those dark angels.

Inez withdrew her hands from beneath Nella’s clothing and began her descent down the four rungs of the ladder. Patrick quietly straightened up, his manhood straining against his dress pants, and retreated. From a few shelves over, he caught a glimpse of the ladies beating their own quick retreat into a storage room.
