Wedding Night [NSFW] [18+] [mf] [Roleplay]

**Note:** This piece of romance/erotica is a writing that I did a **VERY** long time ago and is about an old role-playing character I had and her NPC (non-playable character) husband sharing a night of passion after being newly wedded to one another.

In other words, this is **ENTIRELY** fictional and/or fantastical (though, I wish it was real, sadly). Anyway, I hope all you Erotica readers enjoy it!


*”Ugh, that was hard.”* Slumping down on the grand, luxurious bed which was provocatively placed within their hotel room, Isobel watched as the billowing black and silver skirts of her dress fluttered alluringly around her. This distraction thankfully took her away from the ache of which was building in the soles of her feet from the amount of dancing she had been doing over the course of the evening. She heard a husky laugh from the other side of the room and lifted her head to fix her – as of that afternoon – husband with a teasing glance within her grey eyes, letting him know that she wasn’t serious.

Propping herself up on her elbows then, she watched as Gabriel made his way over to her, an almost wicked grin stretched across his ridiculously handsome face as he did so. Slipping down onto the bed beside her, he propped himself up on his elbow so that he was facing her. His fingers brushed her cheek slightly as he tucked a stray wisp of a curl of her black-as-midnight-colored hair behind her ear where it had escaped her up-do, his blue eyes suddenly solemn.

**”It was hard to marry me?”** he asked and Isobel’s heart jumped into her throat before she detected the playful undertones in his voice and immediately relaxed. She smiled back at him, reaching up to cup his strong jaw even as she met his steady gaze.

*”No, it was just hard to wait so long to do this.”* With that, she bridged the gap between them and touched her lips to his. The sigh he made as her lips caressed his own and the feel of his arms drawing her nearer was enough to make sparks of electricity rush down her spine.

With much difficulty, however, she pulled herself away from his grasp mere moments later and, after jumping up from the bed, practically danced over to the window; her wide black and silver skirts swirling around her legs as she did so. She didn’t look behind her because she knew that if she did, the sight of Gabriel looking at her so lasciviously with those blue eyes of his would have her begging him to take her into his arms in mere seconds. She wanted him to, in a sense, earn her. She didn’t want to seem ‘easy’ or like a ‘pushover’ when it came to sex.

*”The city looks so beautiful tonight,”* she whispered, knowing that he would hear her perfectly, as she stared out of the large French windows at the bright lights that formed intricate but also beautiful patterns across the dark silhouette of the Earth. When his breath suddenly caressed her ear and his arms constricted about her corseted waist, she knew. His lips then pressed against the soft, delicate as well as tender skin of her neck and she allowed her head to fall back onto his shoulder even as her hands reached up to weave themselves in his dark-brown hair.

A moan, his name, formed on her tongue as she felt his mouth feast upon her throat and bare shoulders. As if only realizing that one of his hands had disappeared from about her waist, Isobel suddenly felt his fingers dancing up her spine toward the zipper of her rather elegant but quite constricting concoction of a dress. She never knew that the sound of a zipper as it slid down, parting layers of gossamer and lace, could be so enticing yet so sensual as well.

The silky, flimsy material began to fall from her body and she could hardly hold back the satisfied sigh that escaped her as the many layers of taffeta and lace caressed her frame upon making their way to the floor. Gabriel’s lips then seemed to pause against her neck as if in an attempt to compose himself and that was when she could hear his unsteady as well as ragged breathing. She could also see their reflections in the moonlit glass of the French windows and watched as his blue eyes met her own grey ones and then travelled down the length of her reflection, admiring the concoction of black and silver lace that her maid of honor bestowed upon her only that morning as a wedding gift.

**”You’re the one who’s beautiful, Iso,”** he whispered in the heady, sensuous air that suddenly surrounded them. **”What have I done to deserve you?”** Before Isobel could cover her composure from the mere removal of her dress and reply, she felt the hand that had previously rested at the small of her back, where the zipper had ended, travel around to the front of her body and cup one of her breasts. She could feel the heat of his palm through the thin filigree and gasped at the sudden sensation it produced.

*”Gabriel…”* she murmured almost breathlessly as his hand than began to move across her silky skin, touching and teasing the delicate flesh. In the reflection of the glass, she could see his now hooded gaze watching her reaction to his ministrations. His other hand moved up from where it had rested on her waist and cupped her other breast, eliciting sounds of pleasure from her lust-swollen lips and danced his fingers lightly over her nipple. Her head fell back against his shoulder again and she closed her grey eyes to let the numerous sensations wash over her. Suddenly, Gabriel’s lips were at her ear and his breath tickled her cheek.

**”Open your eyes, Iso,”** he whispered, voice husky and erotic. **”I want to see how beautiful you are.”** One of his hands moved away from her sensitive breasts and she whimpered at the withdrawal only to have it turn into a gasp as the clasp of her bra was flicked open, causing the garment to tumble to the floor and her flawless ivory skin to be revealed. Her breathing became more rapid as she anticipated the return of his hand to her neglected breast but what happened next had her grey eyes leaping to his blue ones in astonishment. Instead of his hand returning to partner the other on her breast, it had instead journeyed the length of her body and Isobel gasped again as his fingers finally settled on her most intimate of parts.

*”Oh God, Gabriel!”* she barely uttered aloud as, even through the material covering her, she could feel the heat of his fingers against her as they started to move. She didn’t realize what it was doing to him until she heard his muffled moan along her skin, its vibrations sending shivers right down to her core. Her breath then caught in her throat as his thumb hooked into the waistband of her panties and gave a hard pull, tugging them off her hips so that they fell to the floor, joining the pile that had been created from her beautiful black and silver gown and matching bra.

His fingers returned to their task and, in response to that, she brought one of her hands down from where it was entangled within his hair to cup his jaw and draw his mouth down to hers. As their lips met, his fingers suddenly dipped inside of her and she groaned, the sound caught in his mouth as their tongues danced in erogenous passion. One by one, two more of his fingers inserted themselves into her, causing her knees to go weak and her eyes to slide shut while wave after pleasurable wave cascaded over her.

*”God!”* she then cried out, separating their mouths from one another as the pleasure building up inside her finally built to a climax and was released. She collapsed against his body, panting heavily as he then withdrew his fingers from within her and turned her around so that their bodies faced each other. Gabriel was still fully clothed so Isobel, once stepping out of the circle that was her discarded dress as well as lingerie upon the floor, led him back over to the bed and pushed him down onto the soft coverlet. She watched his blue eyes light up as she proceeded to straddle his waist, all the while feeling the pool of lust in the pit of her stomach begin to build again.

Bending down, she latched her mouth onto his once more in a fiery kiss and deftly began to slip his black tuxedo jacket off as well as undo the buttons of his silver waistcoat. Thankfully, he had removed his bowtie before this all started so she was free to begin the long descent down his white shirt, revealing his smooth, hairless chest as she did. It was only when she had peeled the shirt off his shoulders and thrown it away from him, that she was really able to comprehend the fact that, as of today, he was all hers. That thought alone caused her stomach to start jumping and her mouth to curve into a wolfish grin even as she bent down and lightly brushed the tips of her breasts against his bare chest, watching as his eyes took on a rather dangerous sheen in response.

**”Iso, you’re killing me, you know that?”** he moaned aloud as she lightly brushed her lips against his once more and then climbed off his body, settling down beside him so that she was better situated to undo the zipper on his tuxedo pants.

*”I do hope not,”* she teased with yet another wolfish grin curving her lips, *”considering I’ve only been married to you for half a day, if that.”* He returned her grin with one of his own, but it quickly turned into a moan as she inadvertently brushed the tent that was forming in his boxers. Ignoring the effect that motion had on her new husband, Isobel merely busied herself with pulling his pants down his legs and then discarding them on the floor somewhere. Locking eyes with Gabriel before continuing, Isobel could see the desperation building up inside of him, only getting stronger with each passing second that she did not touch him.

Wishing to tease him somewhat, she then reached towards his boxers but – upon seeing his blue eyes light up – she moved away again. She could also see the anticipation in the quickness of his breath and the way he seemed to be restraining himself from simply grabbing her and consummating their marriage right then and there, in utter passion. Straddling his waist again, she moved down slightly so that their bodies touched, causing a hiss of breath to leave his lungs as his eyes darted up to lock gazes with her grey ones.

**”Iso…”** She didn’t look away, but only shifted slightly from where she sat and saw his expression change and his eyes darken even more in desire. Finally edging his boxers down his hips in a slow and teasing manner, she watched his face – loving the power she had over him in that very moment. Grinning, she pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before taking him in her hand. The gasp that came from him only fuelled her lust and she watched his blue eyes flutter up to lock with hers once more.

Moving her hand slowly up and down his length, she increased her speed fractionally and saw his knuckles go white as he gripped the coverlet beneath them. Licking her lips so as to lubricate them, she then bent her head down and slowly took him in her mouth; the ensuing moans from his lips making her shiver in pleasure as well as satisfaction, knowing that she was able to undo his composure, just as he had done to her.

**”Iso…Iso…don’t…”** he murmured between panting breaths and she looked up, her grey eyes darkened with lust. Cocking an eyebrow in a questioning manner, she simply continued with what she was doing. She knew what would happen when he let go – she was experienced with sex, just as she knew he was.

They had spent many a day in bed together before, pretending to be sick to the rest of the world just so as to be able to spend more time with one another. This was one of the few things they hadn’t attempted but she knew how it would be, knew what he was trying to warn her about. Smiling, she released his cock for a moment and glanced up at him; a sheen of sweat had coated his skin, just as it did on hers, making the both of them glisten. His blue eyes met her grey ones and she gave yet another wolfish grin.

*”I love you, Gabriel,”* she whispered and he nodded back, eyes burning with lust. Lowering her head to press her lips against his again, she could barely contain the little cry of shock when he suddenly flipped them over so that she was on her back. Pressing her hands to his smoothed, toned stomach, she then moved them up to entwine around his neck upon hearing his growl of desire.

**”God, you have no idea how much I love you,”** he whispered in a husky tone through their ragged breathing and connected their lips once more, their tongues entangling together enthusiastically.

*”Gabe, Gabe…”* she panted as he then fastened his mouth upon her neck. *”Gabriel, now, now. Please!”* Chuckling slightly, he barely hesitated before placing his hands on her hips, holding them still, as he then lowered himself to her. Feeling his cock lightly brush her entrance caused Isobel to simply go crazy – so much so that she immediately tightened her arms about his neck and proceeded to pull him down into her, moaning as he finally did so after the long build-up to it.

*”Yes…yes…”* she groaned out as she then wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him to move. Her grey eyes fluttered shut as he began to move their hips gently together and all she could hear was their ragged breaths and the sound of flesh upon flesh as they collided. Feathering kisses down his throat, she could feel the heat emanating from the both of them, seeming to almost engulf them in an inferno.

**”Iso…”** Gabriel’s blue eyes were shut tight but his mouth was curved up into a smile. **”Iso…I need you to…you must…”** Iso knew what he wanted but wasn’t ready to give it to him just yet, simply because she wanted him to beg for it. Using all her strength and willpower suddenly, she pushed against him as well as arched upwards, causing them to flip over again so that he was on his back instead. Now on top, she began rocking against him even as she felt his hands fasten in her long, black curls and pull her down for another kiss.

**”Iso…please…please…you’ve got to…”** he moaned aloud in a fervent manner and Isobel could feel the heat once more building up inside her. She tightened her muscles slightly and heard him moan yet again. Drunk on power and lust for the man beneath her, Iso felt the heat within her build to a fever-like pitch and allowed it to wash over her. Crying out his name, she then collapsed upon his smooth, bare chest as his release also rushed through him and into her. Locking gazes with one another, they simply burst out in laughter.

“God,” he murmured as, after catching her breath a bit, she rolled off him and snuggled in against his side. **”There’s nothing better than wedding day sex, is there?”**

Letting out another laugh, Isobel shook her head and said softly, almost sleepily, *”You certainly got that right.”*
