Trust Me, Bruise Me [MF, teasing]

These events took place in my late 20s. I’ve cleaned up the notes from my diary.

*March 2005*

For the last month, I had noticed the change in my therapist since I started discussing sexual difficulties I was having. She started dressing a little differently; tighter tops, lower cuts, shorter skirts. She started leaning forward more when I would hesitate giving the details she requested.

After describing one event from my life, I could have sworn she had bit her lip. Last week, she had suggested some role playing might help me while she left her legs a little too far apart, giving me a glimpse of pink fabric between her thighs.

I knew things were going off the rails when Amber sucked on her fingers briefly and said, “You know, I was a beauty queen once…” She looked down and then peaked up as she subtly leaned forward and her necklace dangled between her breasts. “Do you think I’m still attractive?”

It was a weird question to be asked in general, but especially by your therapist. I assured her that she was still very attractive despite being in her early 50s. She actually was quite sexy and I became self-conscious about if she had picked up on me catching glances at her cleavage and legs.

I had been in therapy before, but never experienced the sexual tension like I had with Amber. It certainly didn’t help matters that my wife was seeing Amber as well. Before long, Amber was making comments to my wife about how much I liked her and what a great guy I was. It started to feel like a triangle was developing, but I dismissed the idea. Surely, I was reading too much into this.

But then the beauty queen comment came up.

We went through the remainder of the session without revisiting the topic. As I rose from the couch, Amber held her arms out. “I think an important part of your treatment is to receive a comforting hug from an older woman.” Before I could react, she walked over and wrapped her arms around me, pressing her small frame into my broad chest. “Mmm…doesn’t this feel nice, Roger?”

“Yes, Amber. It feels very comforting.” I felt her nipples harden slightly through her thin shirt. “I like how you feel against me.”

“We should incorporate more touching into this therapy. You need to feel how loving touch can be.” She pulled back. “Is it okay that I say that? It’s a little more than just caring and comforting, isn’t it.”

I nodded. “Yes, Amber. I like this more than just a normal hug.”

She grabbed my biceps and squeezed as she pushed away. She licked her lips quickly. “Hmmm…well, we probably should stop for today. Your wife is waiting for her session.” She glanced down at the forming bulge in my pants and I caught the smile before she put it away.

She escorted me out of the office and my wife was waiting in a chair outside. “Hi Karen–I hugged your husband today.” Then she laughed entirely too exuberantly. My wife looked puzzled and I shrugged. “I think he is making a lot of progress.”

Things were feeling really weird, so I excused myself and left to run an errand. As I started to walk away, Amber called out. “Roger–I’ll get with you about rescheduling that next appointment due to your conflict.” I nodded again, but I didn’t tell her I needed to reschedule.

The next day I received a call from her assistant for a 5 PM appointment, which was usually when her office closed. I wasn’t sure what I was going to be getting into, but I was curious and agreed to the reschedule.

The next week I arrived as the assistant was leaving. She looked at me sheepishly and then locked the door behind me before heading to her car.

“Come on in, Roger.” I walked back to the office, half expecting her to be in lingerie. I relaxed a bit when I saw she seemed to be in a normal outfit and seated in her normal place across from the couch. I felt something else when I took in the scene. Was it disappointment?

Amber was reading from her notes as I walked by. She smiled after I sat down and I answered her normal questions she opens the sessions with.

About 20 minutes in, she put down her notepad and moved her glasses down her nose. She smiled, started to speak, and then stopped. She fidgeted and then smiled again, a little unsure this time.

“So, uh, Roger, do you trust me?”

“Of course, Amber.”

“I know what’s best for you, sweetie.” It wasn’t the first time she had called me that, so I just smiled.

“I understand.”

“We need to move things in a different direction now. For you and for me. This tension is going to keep getting in the way and you need to let go.”

“Let go?”

“You want something, but you won’t take it.”

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“You want to fuck me because I’ve been teasing you. Which is really inappropriate for a few reasons, not the least of which is I’m treating your wife.”

“I don’t want to fu-” Amber held up her hand.

“Please, Roger. Being dishonest with yourself isn’t going to help you. So, what are we going to do about it?”

“I’m not sure we should be doing anything about it, Amber. Maybe I just see someone else if this is going to be weird.”

“Roger, part of the reason you’re here is because you won’t take what you want. Now is a chance for you to break that pattern.”

“Do you think this is a good idea?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think, Roger. What do you want?”

I stared blankly. She nodded. “Tell me precisely.”

I looked down. My pants were straining from the erection that had formed without me noticing. “I want to hurt you for making me feel this way and then I want to claim you.”

“Very good, Roger. I think that’s very understandable. I have done things to bring your feelings out and you’re reacting to being vulnerable. You should punish me for that.”

My expression had to be putting my skepticism on full display.

I held up my hands before she shifted position. “I’m not sure about this. Amber, isn’t this all very improper for therapy?”

Her frustration was obvious, but she gathered herself and adopted a more sympathetic face. She took a deep breath and smiled. “You are a very unusual case. I’ve not done this kind of thing before, but my mentor has described it being used when I was in training. I assure you this is strictly therapeutic.”

Amber stood up and smoothed out her skirt. It was much looser around her hips and legs than what she normally wore. Then I realized she must have chosen it for this session.

“I’m going to get up on the couch and bend over facing the wall. I want you to lift up my skirt, pull down my hose and underwear, and then spank me hard enough that you leave a red mark.”

She moved towards me slowly, keeping eye contact as she got closer. I must have imagined her little smile as she approached, but I was certain she was accentuating her hips as she walked. I had noticed them before since they didn’t fit with her thin frame. She had a firm body, from what I could tell, but her ass seemed to belong to another woman. I began to imagine touching it and seeing it jiggle as I stuck it with my large hand.

My growing arousal triggered my normal response. I felt like I had to stop where this was going and fast. “B-but shouldn’t we just be talking about this, instead of having me do it?”

Amber smiled and shook her head. As she arrived in front of me, she took her hand and rubbed my shoulder. Soothing me. “For months we’ve tried that. You are afraid of your power. You complain about your loneliness and detachment during sex. It’s because you are denying a huge part of what you want. It’s not your fault–you have a horrific story, but Roger you need to move past this block. I promise you there are so many women who would love what you can offer them.”

Still I couldn’t give into my desire, but feeling her touch was making it harder to resist. “I feel so anxious about this. I didn’t come in today expecting to do anything like this. Maybe we should just try this later?”

“No, if we delay this, you’ll never come back here. You need to face this. I need you to do one thing for me. Feel your power. Let your sexual energy flow through you.” Her hand moved slowly down my arm, tightly feeling the contours of my triceps and forearm, until she arrived at my hands.

She interlocked her fingers with mine and squeezed. “I want you to use your hands to tell me how you feel.” She bent over in front of me, waiting to be spanked.

She faced the wall as she waiting for the strike. “I’m here to make you feel better. Don’t you want to see what it’s like? Just once?”

She turned her head over her shoulder to look at me struggling to act and arched her back further, shaking her ass a little under her dress. “Trust me and bruise my pale ass.”

I noticed she had one hand between her legs, moving quickly. She moaned, “And then fill me up.”
