The Slave Market [MF][F Slave]

Light streamed through the open blinds, filling the college dorm room with early morning sunlight. Haley squinted a she looked towards the brightness as she slowly pulled her jeans up, sliding up her legs and around her pert ass, covering her thong. Turning, she slid her shirt over her hair and down over her body. Moving her hands behind her head, she flicked her long brunette hair free from the shirt and ran her fingers through it, combing it slightly. Checking the time quickly on her watch, she sat down on her bed and slid her shoes on rapidly. Standing, grabbing her jacket and her bag, she opened the door to her room and vanished into the hallway. Checking her watch once again, Haley’s slender form zipped down the hall. She was going to be late for her class again if she didn’t hurry. Bounding out of her dormitory building, she raced across the courtyard and towards the class buildings. It was a beautiful summer day, the sun was shinning and plenty of other people were hustling and bustling around, going here and there any everywhere.

Racing along, she ducked down between the buildings in order to make up some time. If she was late again, her professor was going to kill her! Hurriedly walking along, she walked around the corner and suddenly felt something hit her head. She went limb and slumped to the floor, darkness enveloping her. As she finally began to come to, her head starting to feel its own weight again, she slowly blinked her eyes and opened them. A sudden intense pain from her head began shooting through her body as she tried to make a moan of pain. Suddenly tasting rubber in her mouth, a large rubber ball had been placed in her mouth, to be exact a ball gag. Becoming more and more aware of her surroundings, she felt restraints around her wrists and ankles. Realizing that she had been tied arms open wide above her head and legs spread apart too, on some sort of rack contraption. The room she was in now was dark, her eyes began to adjust and she looked around. It was a blank room, cold and steel everywhere. A number of speakers in the corners of the room and a large Television set was sat on a table in front of her. She shivered slightly, as she felt the chill of the room catch her. Looking down, she realized that she was completely naked. Her pert breasts, exposed to the cold air, her nipples rock hard. She felt the air whip across shaven pussy, starting to struggle, she moaned through her gag.

As she did so, a loud noise rang out into the room behind Haley. She strained to turn but struggled as she heard a door swing back and close, followed closely by footsteps. To her right, a suited gentleman appeared and stood in front of her. He was dressed immaculately from head to toe, slicked back black hair, perfectly pressed black suit and tie. Smiling, he looked her up and down before looked her in the eyes and shaking his head.

“Welcome Haley…This is your new life now and if you want it to go well i’d suggest you stop struggling and get with the program…”

Finishing his sentence, the gentleman opened his suit jacket and tucked the right hand side behind his arm, exposing a shoulder harness and Beretta. Instantly, Haley stopped struggling and stared intently at the man in front of her. She began to gently weep, her body shaking as the enormity of the situation began to sink in. The gentleman continued to shake his head and began tutting at her, allowing his jacket to fall back to his side.

“Now now my dear…there’s no need to cry, you’re here now so we are going to re-educate you…Once it’s complete…You’re free to go…”

Turning to the television, he flicked it on, the scree illuminating the room slightly with a warm glow. He turned back to Haley and ran his hand down her body, from her cheek down to her stomach. Smiling as he turned away and walked behind her, She heard the door open and close again. Looking around, she turned suddenly as the television screen kicked to life. A loud sound emanated around the room, a flurry of images flashed on the screen in front of her. Numerous pictures of naked and bound women, overlaid with large words saying ‘OBEY’ and ‘SUBMIT’. Included in the wail from the noise were subliminal messages, ordering the listener to ‘obey their master’ and ‘submit to his will’. Haley was kept in this situation for 7 days. The only interaction she got was when someone would enter to feed her simple foods and water. She was even expected to sleep in that situation and got very little rest for seven days straight. On the afternoon of the seventh day, The suited man returned to the room, stood before the sleep deprived naked girl.

“Now now Haley….What have we learned this week?”


“Good Girl, I think you’re ready to be released…”

Raising his right hand above his head, he clicked his fingers and the door swung open again. A flurry of people entered the room, releasing Haley from her straps, removing her ball gag and carrying her out of her room. The next few days, Haley found herself in another room. A small room with bed, a simple tank top and sweat pants laid out waiting for her. Haley spent the next two days here recovering from her ordeal and slowly returning to her old self. Laid on her bed, she saw the door to her room swing open hard, the suit stood in the doorway.

“It’s time for your big day sweetie…”

Haley looked towards him and stood up, nodding her head, she held out her hand to him. Taking it, he lead her out of the room and eventually into a car.  Driving for over an hour, Haley sat prim and proper in her seat. Occasionally looking out of the window but waiting patiently to arrive. As the car pulled to a stop outside a large warehouse, she stepped out of the vehicle and was escorted inside. Lead into a large communal shower block, her escort asked her to undress and shower. Haley nodded and stripped naked, stepping into the showers and turned the shower head on. Hot water rained down upon her, soaking her hair, the droplets cascading down her slender frame, running down her pert breasts. Running her hands across her body, she massaged in soap along her curves and gently rinsed it off. Finishing her shower, she stepped out of the shower area. Immediately surrounded by a flurry of helpers, drying her and preening her hair and make up. Eventually placing a silk robe on her body and black heels. Haley was lead out of the showers to another waiting room, where she was sat on a large leather chair and instructed to wait. She did, just as she was instructed and waited patiently. After about twenty minutes, the door to the room opened and a middle aged man entered. Closing the door behind him, he walked over to Haley and looked her over from head to toe. Circling her chair, he gently brushed his hands across her shoulders and running his fingers through her hair.

“Can you stand up for me Haley?”

Haley stood, almost to attention and awaited her next order.

“Remove your robe Haley…”

Once again, she did a she was requested, sloping her shoulders and allowing the silk garment to drop to the floor. Exposing her naked body to the stranger, she placed her hands on her hips and waited for her next instruction. The man walked around her, tracing his fingers from the nape of her neck along her spine. As he reached the base, he gently squeezed her ass and spread it, inspecting her tight little ass hole. Releasing her ass, he walked around to the front her and cupped her pert breasts in his hands. Haley felt her nipples harden instantly, her pussy began to moisten dramatically. She couldn’t work out why she was feeling this way or even why she was completing all these instructions without incident. The man lent in closer to her and his right hand traced down from her breasts, along her stomach and cupped her now damp pussy. Haley moaned suddenly as she felt his hand between her legs, feeling horny and desperate for sex. Pulling away, the man sucked the fingers that had been between Haley’s legs and turned to exit the room.

“You can get dressed and sit back down now Haley….I’ll be trying my hardest to win you…”

Closing the door behind him, he exited. Haley picked up her silk robe and redressed before sitting down waiting patiently. Hours rolled by as more and more people entered her room and inspected her, touching her body and requesting her stand in various poses. Eventually, the visitors came to an end and she sat alone in the room. The door opened once again for the final time, the suited gentleman strode in and held out his hand. Haley took it instinctively and was lead out. Her heels clicking on the concrete whilst being lead down the hallway, eventually reaching a large set of double doors. Lead through them, she was suddenly blinded by a bright light. Eyes slowly adjusting, she realized that she had been led onto a large stage in front of a huge crowd of people. Stood in the center of the stage, she looked around at the crowd, recognizing a large number of the audience. A loud voice boomed over the speakers above her.

“And now Ladies and Gentlemen, You’re bidding on this beautiful specimen….Young, Slender and very pert…Remember everyone all of those girls and guys tonight have been conditioned to obey every command you give them. After you win your prize, we will reprogram them for your own personal use. They will believe themselves in love with you and will be at your beck and call…SO plunge deep into those pockets..We’ll start the bidding for Haley at $5000”






The room fell silent as everyone in the crowd turned to see a young man, dressed in a suit with his hand raised. He smiled as all eyes fell on him and gently shrugged his shoulders.

“GOING ONCE!? GOING TWICE!?…..SOLD! To the young gentleman with the raised hand, please sir, come around to the side of the stage so that we can complete the purchase”

The young suited gentleman stepped through crowd, finally escaping the melee, he strode towards the side of the stage. Haley watched as this young dark haired man walked closer towards the stage that she was currently be shepherded away from. She could make out that he was not one of the many people that had inspected her previously. Once again led into a side room, she was sat down and told to wait patiently. The young buyer entered followed immediately by Haley’s suited handler. The handler positioned, Haley’s buyer to stand in front of her and he stepped to her side. Leaning in, he gently whispered in her ear. As he did so, her eyes began to light up as she looked at her new master. A smile broadly crossed her face and she blushed slightly.

“I’m all yours master, yours to control….I love you…”

“No no don’t call me Master…Call me Todd and just act naturally around me”

Something clicked inside of Haley, it was as if she had dropped out of her robotic mode and back into her old self. She stood up and walked over to Todd, snuggling up to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Can we go home Todd? I’m tired and it’s been a long day…”

“Sure we can sweetie, I just need to write this cheque…”

Reaching into his inside pocket, Todd pulled a cheque book and wrote out the payment for his new slave. Handing it over to the handler, who smiled, nodded and retired. Allowing them to leave the room, casually strolling out of the warehouse and locating Todd’s sports car. The doors unlocking as they approached, opening the door for Haley, Todd bowed to allow her to enter. She giggled slightly and sat down into the low sports car, her robe riding up slightly, giving Todd a quick peak of her shaven pussy. Biting his lip, he closed the door and walked around to the drivers side. Climbing in, he closed the door and started the engine. It roared to life, he turned to Haley and smiled.

“Should we go home Sweetie?”

She smiled back and nodded, pulling her robe down her legs as much as she could get it to stretch. Todd put his foot to the accelerator and the car sped off into the city night. Zipping around the city, gave Haley a real thrill, watching the lights whip past the car window. She lost herself in the view and before she knew it, they were pulling outside of a penthouse. Killing the engine and climbing out of the car, Todd opened Haley’s door and allowed her to step out. She drank in the sight of the house, awestruck. Todd smiled and took her by the hand, leading her into the house. Closing the door behind them, he lead her into the large living room and sat her down on the sofa. She smiled and looked up at his expectantly.

“I’m so glad we’re home now Todd…so what shall we do now?”

Todd smiled and began un-knotting his tie, loosening it and pull it from around his neck. Dropping it onto the adjacent chair, drinking in the sight of his new slave sat on the sofa across from him. Her robe only slightly covering her modesty, he felt his cock twitch in his trousers just from looking at her. Taking his jacket off, he dropped that onto the adjacent chair too. Before looking Haley in the eyes.

“Well Haley my sweetie…I never got to inspect you…so how about you show me what’s under that robe?”

Haley smiled and nodded. Opening her robe and exposing her pert breasts to her new master. Obeying his commands had been programmed into her to excite her. She could already feel her pussy moistening. Todd stood, looking her up and down, he motioned for her to stand up and drop the robe. She did as she was asked, standing and removing the robe. He then again motioned for her to sit down and spread her legs, giving him a perfect view of her tight pink pussy. He could see her wetness glisten on her damp lips. 

“Now…it looks like your quite excited Haley…so maybe you should do something about it…”

Biting her lip, she nodded deeply and traced her right hand down her body. Stopping at her wet pussy, she began to rub at herself, moaning loudly with the bliss of a release as she did so. He watched intently, watching her fingers probe her wet hole. Feeling his cock bulge in his trousers, he knew that he wanted her but not just yet. Haley continued moaning as her fingers gently pressed into her pussy for lube and then continued their assault on her hard clitoris. Moaning and writhing her body on the large sofa, playing with her pussy for her master. Todd could feel his cock straining against the lining of his trousers, sitting down on the chair across from her, he began to gently rub his hard on whilst watching. 

“Mmmmm Todd, my pussy is aching…”

He smiled, watching her rub her pussy, near reaching ecstasy. Breath shortening, ragged and difficult. Haley began to feel her orgasm building, her legs beginning to shake as the waves of pleasure built up and up. Until eventually she could no longer hold back and her body throbbed and pulsed. Moaning and screaming as an explosion of pleasure came forth from her pussy. As her eyes began to focus once more, she looked over at Todd who was now sat on the chair, cock in his hand, slowly stroking it watching her. Still pulsing from the orgasm, Haley laid transfixed.

“When you’re ready Haley…come give me a hand….”

Haley nodded and stood up from the sofa, her naked body glistening with perspiration from her orgasm. Climbing to her knees in front of her master, she grabbed a hold of his cock and gently wanked it from base to tip. Todd began to moan loudly as he felt her delicate hands around his hard member.  He was certain that she was money well spent, as he rolled his head back, enjoying the pleasure he was feeling. Haley was transfixed with her masters cock, gripping it tightly she couldn’t take it anymore. Leaning in, she gracefully swallowed him whole. Inch by inch disappearing into her mouth and throat. Todd jumped slightly at the surprise of her warm wet mouth around his member. He could feel her tongue swirling around his length and tip. As the lust and feeling built up inside him, Todd could no longer be the nice master that he had first appeared to be. Grabbing the sides of her face, he began to thrust into her mouth. Fucking her face with his hard cock, Haley laid perfectly still allowing him to use her as he pleased. 

Thrusting deep into her mouth, he could feel her gag slightly. The noise coming from her throat, slopping and slurping. Todd looked down at her, slight tears in her eyes as he continued to fuck her face. Pushing her face down hard, he pressed his cock right to the back of her throat, causing her to gag loudly and struggle for breath. Pulling her face back, he gave her breath for a second then pushed the length in once again, repeating it. Haley was in sheer bliss, she was compelled to do nothing more than pleasure her master. Her pussy continued to dampen, her juices slowly trickling down her thighs. Todd grabbed a handful of his slave’s hair and pulled her face off his cock, pulling her up and staring into her eyes.

“Time for me to get my moneys worth…Stand up and bend over the coffee table”

Haley moaned loudly, stood up and spun around. Bending at the waist and placing her hands firmly on the glass table. Spreading her legs and in turn spreading her soaking wet pussy. Todd stood, his cock stood to attention, trousers around his ankles. Grabbing her by the hips, he positioned the head of his cock against her wet slit. Holding for a second before pulling her back hard, every last inch of his member vanishing inside of her in an instant. Haley moaned loudly, her tongue lolling from her mouth as the feeling of her master’s cock inside her was sheer bliss. Using one hand to hold her hip, Todd reached out and grabbed Haley’s hair with the other, pulling her back hard into his dick.

“Oh god yes Todd, use me…”

Todd moaned loudly and pounded into her pussy deep and hard. The noise of her wet slopping pussy driving him crazy. His cock throbbing and pulsing inside of her, feeling her pussy grip his cock as its convulsed in turn. Pulling her hair back again, making her arch her back into his cock. Pounding into her hard, his balls slapping against her. Both moaning louder and louder, the noise of their pleasure and love making filling the home, echoing around the walls. Their orgasms building until finally, they exploded in a crescendo of ecstasy. Todd’s legs shaking as his cock exploded deep into Haley’s pussy, filling her up with ounce upon ounce of hot sticky semen. The feeling of this cause Haley’s orgasm to boil over, causing her to moan loudly and quiver. Her pussy massaging his cock, milking every last drop of his cum into her. As the final drops of cum, dripping from his member into his slave, Todd fell back into the chair behind him. Thoroughly exhausted and breathing heavily. Followed closely by Haley, dropping back into the chair onto her master’s lap. Gasping for air, her wet slit still throbbing. Trickles of cum escaping and running down her thigh and dropping as droplets onto the chair. Snuggling into her master, Haley purred gently.

“I love you master…you complete me…”

“I love you too Haley…and don’t get too comfortable…We aren’t done for the night just yet..”

Moaning gently, Haley looked into Todd’s eyes and smiled. Her eyes full of pure lust and fire.


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