Teddy Bear (Part 1.) [MF] [Sexual Tension] [Mouth Fetish?]

Andrew took a deep breath, inhaling through his nose with his eyes closed and then exhaling through his mouth, as he stood, naked, with his hand on the wall for support. Hot water ran from the shower head over his body, causing steam to rise from his back and shoulders into the cool air of the bathroom and fog up the glass shower door and the mirror. He took another breath and then opened his eyes, watching his ejaculate slowly move over the light brown tiles and head into the drain in the corner.

Straightening up, he took one last deep breath, feeling his heart rate return to normal. Swearing to himself that this was the last time he did it in the shower (as he did so often) Andrew turned and faced the shower stream, letting the warm water run down his chest. He ran his hands over his neck and then his torso, feeling himself relax under flow of heat coming from the showerhead. Then he grabbed his now-limp dick and absentmindedly started playing with it, swinging it around. Suddenly, he froze, and his eyes snapped open. His heart skipped a beat. How long had he been in the shower?

He wondered if she suspected.

Andrew turned and looked at the bathroom door, standing completely still, as if he was listening for her footsteps outside in the hallway. Those perfect footsteps, that somehow made him feel butterflies whenever he heard them. They were often muffled by the cute little socks she wore. If she had to use the bathroom, they were quick and light. If she was leaving her room to get something from the kitchen, they were slow and meandering, and they often stopped altogether while she leaned against a wall to text on her phone. If she was leaving the apartment, her footsteps were more purposeful, and they often had a little bounce to them.

However, he didn’t hear any footsteps from the other side of the door. Aside from the sound of running water the apartment was completely silent. Andrew turned back to face the shower and silently cursed himself. He had gotten distracted and probably showered for too long. She probably knew what he was doing. She was probably sitting in her bedroom, listening to the sound of water running through the plumbing, marvelling at how much of a loser he was for jerking off in the shower that they shared together. Andrew turned the water off with a scowl and began drying himself.

He didn’t normally masturbate in the shower, because it often left a slight funky smell in the steamy air, and this smell was not something Andrew wanted her to notice if she entered the bathroom after him. But she had made the decision this morning to leave her bedroom wearing nothing but a cut off t-shirt and some grey panties. Not only that, but she just had to walk out of her bedroom door when Andrew was in the hallway, she just had to turn around and close her door behind her, and she just had to be a klutz and knock the spare house keys off of their little table as she turned. And of course she had to do that captivating little squat to pick them up. And of course she had to bend forward to put them back onto the table. And of course she had to turn her head, while she was bent at the waist, and make eye contact with Andrew.

Those goddamn fucking eyes.

After Andrew witnessed the cruel perfection of her eyes and her backside in those grey panties, he decided going right back into his room would look suspicious, so he hopped into the shower as he had originally intended and was forced to massage his aching cock there, exploding all over the tiled floor. It wasn’t his fault.

He didn’t normally masturbate in the shower, or at least he didn’t used to, but now everything was different. Andrew regretted procrastinating on searching for a new place to live as his time at the school assigned dorms was running out, and when it was too late, he regretted taking his sister up on her offer to stay at her place while she went on a trip until he could find a new room. He probably could’ve stayed with a friend or something, but now he had to endure the daily torment of living with his sister’s housemate. This housemate was simultaneously the most incredible and most awful housemate to live with Andrew could imagine, and he woke up every morning resigning to a day of torturous temptation and went to bed every night with a raging erection.

After getting dressed, Andrew stepped out of the bathroom, doing his best to leave his unbearable arousal behind him, and stepped into the hallway to walk towards the kitchen. He peered through the open doorway as he approached the kitchen, taking note of the open window, which had been closed before, and the recently used dishes sitting in the kitchen sink. He reached the threshold and paused.

There she was.

Karen was sitting by the counter. She wore cuffed jeans and a red blouse, and her small backpack rested against the legs of her stool. She didn’t look up as Andrew approached. Instead she stared at her phone, which was laying flat on the countertop, one hand lazily flicking the screen as she scrolled through social media while the other slowly moved towards a bowl of peanuts. Andrew leaned against the doorframe and watched her grab some nuts and move them to her mouth. This girl made eating a bowl of peanuts at 10 am both adorable and sexy.

Everything about Karen was adorable and sexy. Her large brown eyes made Andrew’s heart rattle in his ribcage like a ping-pong ball, and her soft skin seemed to call out to him, begging to be touched. He could spend all day thinking about what her skin would feel like pressing against him if it wasn’t for her mouth. The shape of her perfect mouth haunted his dreams at night, and he often lay awake, imagining that he could feel her gentle lips touching him everywhere, covering his body with soothing kisses. This was one of the many fantasies he had about Karen, and frankly one of the most innocent ones, but he didn’t just fantasize about her at night. When they were in the same room together he often thought about running his fingers through her thick dark blonde hair, or feeling her flawless breasts, or squeezing her round heart-shaped butt. He was usually able to get his thoughts under control, but Karen had an effect on Andrew that no other girl had; even his high-school crush that had given him head that one time seemed boring by comparison.

He watched her eat her peanuts for a few more seconds. She embodied peacefulness, beauty, and cuteness as she chewed with a musing expression, and he wished he could tell her that. He wished he could tell her how he felt; that although she did eat his cereal thinking he wouldn’t notice, and although she did constantly leave her toothbrush by the sink, she was perfect. Instead, he tore his gaze away from her, glancing around at the rest of the kitchen, and then strode forward.

Andrew grabbed her bowl and tipped it, spilling her nuts all over the counter.

“Morning, fuckface,” he spat.

Karen looked up from her phone and stared straight ahead, her expression hardening slightly as he sauntered past behind her. Then she looked down at the nuts all over the counter before turning to glare at him.

“Andrew, you little shit.”

Andrew managed to dodge the first peanut, but the second peanut hit him on the cheek, and he turned back to Karen to give her a sarcastic look of shock as she scooped the rest of the peanuts back into the bowl.

“Oh, are you throwing things at me now? Is that what we’re doing? We’re throwing things now?”

“What, you can’t handle a few peanuts?” she retorted, raising her eyebrows. “Because I have about fifteen more here, just for you.”

Andrew scoffed and turned away from her to open the fridge.

“I’m not scared of your peanuts, Karen,” he said, pulling out some cheese. “I just don’t want to have to deal with you throwing things at me.”

He turned to glance at her, and she moved as if she was going to throw another peanut at him. She started giggling when he flinched slightly. Andrew sighed and turned back to the fridge to grab some lettuce.

“Well, Andrew, I don’t want to have to deal with you being a little shit every morning, yet here we are,” she said, putting the bowl of peanuts back on the counter.

“Well, Andrew, I don’t want to have to deal with you being a little shit…” mocked Andrew with a high pitched voice, and his heart jumped as Karen got off of her stool and walked towards him.

“You can’t seem to leave me alone. Every morning you find me and try to be as annoying as possible. You know, there are other ways to get me to talk to you.” She drew closer to Andrew, standing behind him as he put a plate on the counter and got some silverware. “It must suck, being that pathetic.”

Andrew just turned and looked at her, and she stared back at him, smirking. He rolled his eyes before turning back to his sandwich preparations.

“Yeah, well,” he muttered, “at least I’m not sitting here eating peanuts from a bowl. I mean, who does that?”

Karen didn’t answer, and there was a small silence while Andrew reached for the bread. He opened the clear plastic bag the loaf was in and placed it next to his plate.

“What are you making?” she asked quietly.

“A sandwich,” murmured Andrew. He glanced back at her. She was still watching him, her smirk turned into an innocent smile. There was another small silence.

“Don’t you need bread to make a sandwich?”

Andrew frowned, a little perplexed.

“Oh, uh, yeah. I do. Thanks for reminding me,” he said, grabbing two slices from the loaf and putting them on the plate.

“Hmm,” was the reply.

He placed the two pieces of bread next to each other and then grabbed the package of sliced cheese.

“Andrew,” said Karen slowly after another pause. “What are you doing with my bread?”

Andrew turned back to Karen and narrowed his eyes.

“What are you talking about?” he said slowly. Karen stared at him with innocent wide eyes, a small smile on her face.

“I said, what are you doing with my bread?”

“Karen, this is not your bread.”

Karen took a step towards Andrew.

“Yes it is.”

“No it’s not.”

“Yes, it is, I bought it.”

“You bought-” stammered Andrew, his perplexed looked growing stronger, “okay, but you put it on the communal counter!”

“Yeah,” answered Karen, “but… I changed my mind.”

Andrew turned to face her, his head cocked, with a grin on his face.

“You can’t do that,” he said. “You put it on the communal counter, which means you bought it so that I could eat it. And you eat my cereal all the time, so you can fuck off.”

“Yeah, but that’s different,” said Karen.

“How is it different?” exclaimed Andrew.

“It’s different, because you’re a little shit and you can’t have my bread,” answered Karen, grinning now.

Andrew shook his head and turned back towards his plate, pulling out a couple of slices of cheese and placing them on his bread. Her hands suddenly shot past him, reaching for the plate, and he swatted them away. They came back, one on either side of his body, and her fingers closed around his wrists.

He struggled not to get hard as Karen tugged his arms behind him. She dragged him away from the counter, and he lost the battle with his penis when he heard her let out a little giggle. Her hands travelled over his torso as she maneuvered herself around him, and he noticed she was trying to put herself between him and his sandwich, so without thinking, he reached out to lightly shove her shoulders.

He missed, and her shoulders turned out to be her boobs.

Time seemed to slow down for Andrew as he helplessly watched his hands sink into the soft doughy orbs pressing against Karen’s red blouse. He felt terrible, but her breasts felt amazing. They felt better than he could have ever imagined. He knew breasts were soft, but he had never thought of how warm they would feel, how comforting the sensation of them filling his hands would be.

Karen gasped as she looked down, her eyes wide. He tore his hands from her chest and took several steps backwards, nervously breathing shallow breaths as he fought back panic.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” he stammered, wringing his hands nervously.

“Andrew, it’s-it’s okay,”

“I didn’t mean… I didn’t mean to, I-”

“Really, it’s fine, I get it-”

“I wasn’t trying to touch them- uh, touch you, I mean, I just-”

“-I get it, it happens sometimes, it’s really not a big deal-”

“-tried to grab you by the shoulders, or push you, I swear…”

There was a long silence as they both stood in the kitchen. Andrew stole glances at Karen every couple of seconds and then quickly looked away, and Karen looked at the bottom corner of one of the cupboards with her arms crossed over her chest. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, trying to think of something to tell her, and she poked the floor with her toe, her gaze darting around the room. He noticed she was wearing her dark pink socks again. She seemed to like those. Andrew refocused his attention to the situation at hand and opened his mouth to say something.

He didn’t know a human being could move as fast as she did as she darted towards the counter and snatched up the bread he was using for his sandwich.

Karen spun around and looked at him with a wide grin on her face, holding one slice in each hand. She tauntingly wiggled them around in the air as she backed away from him. He strode forward, doing his best to give her a stern look, and she immediately held the bread slices in front of her breasts.

“Go ahead, Andrew,” she said, “take them.”

Andrew hesitated, not exactly sure what to do, his gaze darting from the left side of her chest to the right.

“Aww, what’s wrong?” she murmured, and his heart almost imploded as he watched a teasing smile light up her already beautiful face. She moved the two bread slices away from her chest and wiggled her shoulders, and he watched her breasts dance under her blouse. “Can’t handle my boobage?”

“Shut up, Karen,” Andrew said, bravely putting a sneer on his face and holding out his hand. “Give me my bread back.”

“Your bread?” Karen’s face was a perfect mask of sarcastic confusion, and she wildly looked around the kitchen, frowning. “What are you talking about? I don’t see any bread that belongs to Andrew.”

“God Karen, you’re so full of shit.”

Andrew took another few steps, and she lunged forward as if to dart past him on his left side, so he took a step to the left, blocking her path. Then she danced over to the right, and he copied her so that she was blocked off again. He was unable to hold back a smile while he spread his arms out in either direction as he continued moving towards her, and she suddenly darted to the left again, scurrying straight towards his arm. He felt something come over him and snatched his arm back at the last second, and Karen slowed down once she passed him, stopping in the middle of the kitchen and turning around to look at him.

There was a mild look of surprise on her face as she looked at his left arm, but then her eyes widened as they moved up to his face, and her mouth dropped open into a wide smile, a smile of pure victorious glee.

“You’re afraid of touching me,” she said slowly.

“What?” responded Andrew, entirely too quickly.

“You’re afraid of touching me,” she repeated, and he heard laughter in her voice.

“No…” he said, his voice completely flat as he stood, frozen to the floor.

“Yeah, you are,” replied Karen, and she placed the slices of bread on the counter.

She turned away from the counter and slowly moved towards Andrew. Her gaze cut right through him, piercing his soul and making him feel a nervous sensation in his stomach. He didn’t know what to do. She just kept moving closer and closer, her brown eyes fixed on his, with a tiny smile pulling at one of the corners of her mouth. Her mouth was what Andrew ended up focusing on. That little smile, the way the corner of her lips curled upwards slightly, and the way her eyes twinkled as she watched him, made his brain go all fuzzy.

“Go ahead, touch me,” she said, standing a foot away from him. He stared at her blankly, not knowing what to do or say, and that tiny smile started to grow into a knowing smirk. Karen took a step closer to him, almost reducing the distance between them to nothing, but Andrew took a step back. Her smile grew as she took another step, and he automatically stepped backwards again.

“What do you think I’m going to do to you?” she murmured quietly. “Do you think I’m gonna get you back for acting like a little shit all the time?”

Andrew’s brain finally kicked into gear and he lightly pushed Karen on the shoulder.

“Give me my bread,” he said.

Karen pushed him back, and he shoved her a little harder, causing her to take a step back. She lunged forwards, but he managed to swat her arms away from him. She started giggling when he reached out to shove her shoulder again, and grabbed his arm. He grabbed her other arm and they struggled for a few moments. He felt excitement blossoming in his chest as she giggled again, and his grip tightened around her arm. With every tug and shove Karen ended up a little closer to Andrew, and he felt arousal blossoming in his crotch. Despite every fiber in his body screaming no, his penis started to stiffen and swell, and he eventually gave in to the resurgence of his arousal as he looked into Karen’s face, watching her smile widely at him as she struggled a foot away from him, her mouth open with silent laughter. He wished he could make her laugh like that all the time, but he didn’t know how.

Suddenly, Karen froze. Andrew leaned back so he could properly see her, wondering what was wrong. She was quietly looking at him with her innocent smile back on her face. He would have said something but he had just noticed the faint citrusy scent of her hair. There was a moment of silence as he appreciated her cute shoulder length hair, which was slightly messy from the struggle, and then, with a shot of panic, he wondered if she had noticed his raging erection.

“Andrew,” she began slowly, her gaze dancing from one of his eyes to the other, “do you really want those bread slices?”

He had to take a moment to collect himself, wishing his boner would go down, but it didn’t so he decided to just act normal and hope Karen didn’t notice the six person tent he was pitching in his pants.

“Yeah, I want *my* bread, please,” he said, giving her a cheeky grin.

She returned his sarcastic smile as she let go of him, and then she turned around and walked back towards the counter. He was unable to calm down his boner, especially after he automatically glanced down at her hindquarters as she slowly strolled away from him, and it raged on as she picked up the two slices sitting on the counter and twisted around to look at him.

Karen raised a slice to her face, and her lips slowly parted. The pink tip of her glistening tongue emerged, and pressed itself against the bread. She kept her eyes trained on Andrew as she deliberately licked the slice, moving her soft tongue back and forth and spreading the small amount of saliva that slowly oozed out of her mouth all over its surface. Her tongue then retreated back into her mouth, and he saw her swallow before lowering the slice and bringing the other slice to her lips, which were now parting into a wide goading smile. Her tongue emerged again, and she placed it against the bread before moving the slice down, rubbing it against her tongue. Then she moved the slice up, and the underside of her tongue slid over its surface as her eyes closed in mock bliss and pleasure. She finished licking the second slice and moved it away from her mouth, and Andrew saw a string of saliva hang between the bread and her tongue for a few moments before it broke as she licked her lips. Her eyes opened and she looked over at him, holding the bread out to him.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

Fucking yes please for the love of god yes.

“Hell no,” he cried, putting on his best disgusted face. “That’s gross! You eat the bread then, I’ll just have cereal. Or I would, if you didn’t eat it all!”

Karen gave him a snarky wink as she put the bread back on the counter. She looked at her watch.

“Well,” she said, “I think I’ve dealt with enough of your shit this morning, I have to go.”

Andrew swallowed as he watched her bend over to pick up her backpack, her jeans hugging her ass, and then looked up as she straightened up and turned towards him. Her eyes met his, and then, to his horror, they started travelling downwards. They landed on his crotch, where he was sure his cock was entirely visible, rock hard and throbbing against his pants. He fought the urge to run, wondering how he would explain his arousal as Karen’s gaze moved back up to meet his. However, her face betrayed no sign of shock or disgust; in fact, it didn’t really show anything.

“You have to take out the trash today,” she added. “It’s your turn. So don’t forget.”

Karen trotted out of the hallway, one hand holding her backpack and the other swinging by her side, and Andrew was left in the kitchen, contemplating the two slices of bread sitting on the counter, and fighting the urge to shovel them into his mouth. He eventually decided against it and put the slices in the trash before grabbing some new ones and finishing his sandwich. After eating, he headed back towards his room to masturbate again.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/8ipau4/teddy_bear_part_1_mf_sexual_tension_mouth_fetish

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