The Hunt Pt. 1 [Free Use]

The desk woman stamped down onto the letter “Sylvia May!”

She said as she walked to pick up her id badge. Sylvia walked to the middle of the lobby to wait

The orientation was a roaring success packed to the brim with new students.
Tall and anxious lanky boys alike, smushed between the occasionally stern and bulky athlete.The girls were mostly the same, mostly stark brunettes some quirky and short, others bright and bushy tailed, Sylvia being one of them. In general the UCET girls class usually outnumbered them by quite a bit at on the rural campus.They were packed tight,

A door opened with a loud smack and a flock of girls came in, loud and chatty, coffees in hand, two of them wearing graphic tees and levi shorts, others in leggings, seemed in awe at the lobby.

-Sydney stop being an attention whore!

Cassie yelled.

-He looks like my ex.

“Give me a break.” Sylvia said to herself as they walked past her.

Sylvia looked over and eyed the group.

“The out of state students always seemed to stick out, so dont feel left out.”

her mothers warning ringed.

Its like they shoved one of them onto a printer.

She looked over to a curly haired brunette. Much taller than her.At a loss of words in a way of sorts she sputtered out.

“Yeah, I think its that time of year, we should call them a flock of birds at this point right”

Fuck yeah, That be much more than appropiate. Marsha said as they both laughed.

Im Marsha. She said as she stretched out her hand.

Sylvia! She said as they both waited.

“ALL STUDENTS REPORT TO DITRO” the intercom barked


“Its short for the dining center. I have no idea what it stands for.”

“Oh, cool.” She said

“So Are you from Brunswick? “ Marsha asked.


What part?


“Near Sudie elementary?”

“Next to the park. “ Marsha said

Oh Yeah! I went to Sudie!

“Oh fuck. Well” Marsha said eager.

I was born and raised there. Maddie asserted.

“Daddy didnt raise no quitter”

she said as she eyed the boy behind her staring at her ass. The boy quickly smiled and looked down at his phone.

“I think well be just fine then Sylvia.”

“Cool,” she said with a smile.

Syvlia thought to herself . Shes up front I like her spunk.

Everyone in the room slowly mulled out of the lobby as Sylvia started to eye the guys.

There were alot of them, in a bunch, some of them conversing around but most of them just awkward.Incredibly still and waiting for approval.
It was usual for a rural town to have alot of shy apples but this pie took the cake.

“Excuse me. Girl.”

What? Sylvia said as she turned around.

There stood a dude, medium build in a blue university shirt
face filled with scruffy facial hair.

“What?” she said at odds

“Is Ditro the dining area?” he said at a loss of words.

Uhh I dont know.

“Oh, ok well the names Philip.”He said awkwardly.

“… ok ? uh…. Syvlia. Nice to meet you.”

“Uhm same. “

Phil walked away from the duo.

That was kinda weird. Marsha said as she scoffed to herself.

“Yeah, hes shy I guess.”

“You think?Marsga said jokingly.


They both walked into ditro. The smells were awe inducing. It didnt take long for Marsha to let out a moan of satisfaction as soon as the smell hit her.

“Oh fuck yeah!” Marsha said as she jumped up a little, not noticing that her ass was jiggling in front of the guys. Sylvia cleared her throat.

“Huh yeah.” She sniffed

Jesus christ* somebody murmured behind them.

The entire crowd in ditro grew restless as an awkward hungry aura permeated through the crowd.

The dining area was quite nice. Large and comfortable beij. It was less than busy as intended for the event was supposed to to keep people alert and ready for the main event of the day.

With a chime and a buzz. A slender woman in a dark blue dress walked to a nearby podium and turned on the mic with a crackle.

“She doesnt even look like a professor.” Marsha quipped.

“Good Evening UCET Students!”
“Im glad to announce that this years class is the biggest one we’ve probably ever had. I think there is more than enough of that UCET energy about, and it feels incredible, ill keep it short and sweet.”

Sylvia flinched.

“Be calm and stay alert, and remember to enjoy the day, and meet as many life long friends as you can.”

Her assistant walked up to the podium, bringing down the microphone to her, on her tippy toes.

“Alright were going to split up and let everyone move into dorms in a couple minutes and in an hour, there is going to be an assembly at 2:00.”

“Plenty of time to dilly dally and unpack ”the headmaster chimed.

Philip and a group of guys whispered as they eyed Marsha. Sylvia scoffed.

“Those horn dogs.” Sylvia said as she mean mugged them.

Marsha looked down st Syvlia and back at the group.

Id fuck all of them.

Sylvia stopped short.


“Sure, I would let all of them.”

Sylvia laughed.

“You’re fucking funny”

“I know I am.” Marsha said jokingly.

They laughed while sylvia tried not to focus on it, it mightve made her uncomfortable.

“Fuck em”

Marsha said as they both walked back to their dorms to unpack.

Sylvia and Marsha opened the double doors into the dorm room lobby.

“The coed dorms are being re-opened this year but remember this isnt a zoo. Keep it in your pants and always outside of the facility.” the headmasters words ringed in her head.

“Remember always respect the policy.”

Syvlia unlocked the door to her dorm and fumbled in. Marsha zipped right by her jumped and plopped on her new mattress.

“You’re not going to ..

“What?” She said.

…disinfect it?”


Syvlia froze

“I will in a minute” she said correcting herself.

“Cool.” She replied.

This girl* Syvlia thought

Took a minute for Sylvia to get aquainted to the room, better yet the entire campus.
It was a pretty big, one of the biggest in Brunswick.

The entire campus was shaped inside of giant diamond and the different layers of each diamond were sprinkled with buildings on the first outside 2 layers. The co ed dorms were about 3 layers in right beside the quad.

Syvlia’s mothers words came back.

“Dont forget to visit the Willfreed Forest, thats where I met your father surprisingly”

She looked out the window at the forest.

It was an intense cluster of wild oaks and sugar maples that glistened with dew in the daytime. As they rustled they almost looked like sparkling stars.

“Its beautiful.”She said.

“Yuhp”. Marsha said.

Sylvia shook out of the daze and walked over open her bags. This was wonderful. She thought as she opened her bags.

She could feel an insane energy take her over.

“Cant wait to see it”

She thought as she flipped open her sheets.

Syvlia let out a yawn and opened her sheets and looked at the intimadating sheets.

Marsha still laying on her bed groaned.


Now I dont want to put on my sheets.

Sylvia scoffed

“Its fine.” She told herself . It’ll only take a couple minutes. She said reaching for the top corner of the sheet as she pulled it over the right top of the mattress.

“There’s one.”

She stretched the other corner, slightly awkward but getting the left top corner.
She grunted.


As she stretched back to put the other one, nervously, each second slowed her down as the anticipation grew.

“Thre-“ fwap!

The sheet shot back faster than she could think.

“And there you go” Marsha interupted”

“Its fine.” she quickly replied readjusting it.

Im going to time you.

“thats fine.” Syvlia said fixing the jutted corner again, jumped on the bed and stretched out to make sure the bed sheet
wasnt going anywhere.

“Gotcha you little fucker”

Marsha sarcastically clapped as Sylvia reached out to last corner of the mattress.


A thump from the wall knocked both her focus and the sheet back.

“FUCK.” she exclaimed

Marsha laughed.

The wall thumped again.

And again and again.

A repeating clapping sound started..

Sylvia stopped and pressed her to hear delicate moans.


She pressed closely.

“ god oddd, unf fuck fuck fuck fuck yes”

“The applause of a great sex” Marsha interrupted.

Syvlia was in a daze.



“Its only been..”

“2 hours?” Marsha interupted


The claps started to emanate loudly Coiled between animalistic grunts and moans. Like slaps on a quite lake.

“He must know something” Marsha quipped in a evident daze.

Syvlia shook out if it.

“I think we should go get ..lunch,” she quickly said

“Isnt it kind of early”

“I just want to eat ” she asserted

“Oh, ok then.” Marsha said dismissingly .

They gathered themselves to get ready to go amongst the noises . As hard and memorably permeating as a loud speaker.

She was letting out intermitten gasps now.

The man at play was growling. The girl let out a screech, as if he had just bit down on her neck.

“fuck me right? “ Marsha said biting her lip.

Syvlia ignored it and sped up as she grabbed her keys.

The grunts and pants were stopping on occassion.
He was teasing her fondly it sounded. Revving up after abruptly slowing down again, and again . Syvlia quickly opened the door and closed it with Marsha quickly behind her.

It was clear thet everyone had heard the affair.There was a group of guys in the lobby worried. One of them laughing was immediately elbowed by his friend

*Who would want to leave this sort of impression??* she thought.

As they walked , a group of angry guys walked past them. One of them, wearing a blue shirt with a badge, started to ask around the guys.

“Hey,Is Will In there?”

One of the lobby guys smiled.


Syvlia and Marsha stopped. They walked out as the boy started banging on the door.

“WILL! Its not the time. Save it for.. like wednesday you fuck. Im going to report you.”

“Can he?” Syvlia asked.

Marsha scoffed.

“You’re joking right?”

Sylvia paused.

“Of course.”

*I need to read UCET’s policies” she thought to herself.

Marsha opened the doors to the lunch room first as the evening came to a close.

*There was that same aura again in the room.*

Syvlia thought.

A chime came in over the podium as the headmaster’s assistant spoke carefully.

“Announcements will be made at 5.” it ringed

*That seemed oddly abrupt* she thought .”

“Thats odd “ she said outloud

“Not if its for what I think it is.” Marsha butted in.


“And enjoy the brunch.” the woman announced said.

“French toast baby, cover me.”Marsga said aloud.

*This fucking woman * Syvlia thought as she laughed uncomfortably.

The dining bar was pristine, clean and chrome to the finish. It was engorged with a buffet of breakfast foods.

Slick dark oily sausages packed neatly to the brim, with the occasional rogue abbormal slick outlier.Followed by a plethora of fresh and fluffy yellow eggs.

Sylvia grabbed a plate and walked up amongst a line of students to wait.

“I cant see if they have any french toast.” Marsha said.

“Be patient,”Sylvia said

“Yeah yeah. “

Syvlia bit her lip in boredom as she eyed the room and wondered how she got here. It all seemed surreal. Highschool was in the past. Shed need to make more friends today.

“Act fast and act vicariously, a will freed.”
Her mothers words echoed.

Syvlia looked over in line. The minutes were going by slow.Every guy it seemed was filling their plate to the brim with as much food as possible.

“Jesus, What is this the Olympics? Whats with these diets.” A randomgirl said.

It wasnt odd to Sylvia. Shed seen her brother scarf down food without a care in the world.

“Prime prospects, I guess its ok to lose french toast if it means more energy at the end of the day
Sylvia ignored her rambles.

She looked outside toward the middle pf willfreeds forest to an electric mini crane perched out above the trees. A man put a weed sprayer can on his back and was spraying a black liquid on the leaves. A robin glided above the tree.

“Do you ride?” George asked breaking her focus.

Sylvia turned to a tall man, athletic and tan.

What? she blurped.

Do you ride? the guy asked.

Excuse me?

“You got a valley badge on your back pocket! I was wondering if you rode.”

“Oh.. Oh! fuck, yeah! I ride”

Some guys behind her flinched.

Sylvia corrected herself and spoke softly.

“Well yeah.”

Marsha laughed.

“Im Sylvia.” She said

“George.” he said as they both stopped.

“Save it girl.”

“This is Marsha.” Syvlia said slightly annoyed.

“Hey, How are you?”George said as he shook her hand.

“A gentleman”. Marsha exclaimed.

“I try.”

“A regular UCET man.” Marsha coined

Syvlia interupted it with laughed.

“No ones nice all the time.” She said to herself

Youll come to find that alot of guys here arent even nice to begin with. He said. Which is normal but I dont know this class feels like a.


“Exactly,” George said.

“Im fine with it if it means I can meet stars in the rough like you guys.”

“Im touched.” Sylvia said.

They gathered there food and walked to a table on the far corners of the cafeteria.

“Marsha, Sylvia” George said

“This is Cathy. “

A skinny short haired latina girl with a distinct smile, not a bitch face but almost a constant stern look.

“Hey! She said as she shaked their hands.

“So what do you think the big annoucement is?” Syvlia said.

Marsha looked at her condocendingly.

“Syvlia you were there. Our flatmate and Will.”

“We never even saw her.. and for what?

“Having sex.

“But its college?! Syvlia exclaimed.

“UCET.” George said.

Everyone at the table was quiet.

Syvlia looked out. Left out of the loop.

*Is this a religious school? she thought to herself

Yeah… I was just messing around she quooided

Of course its a big deal.

“Everyone let it go asif they were offended.

“Shame its always the best ones that get kicked out.”

“I guess”

*if you qualify rough fucking as a best trait.* She thought.

Marsha sighed as she ate her french toast.

“Good Evening students!Welcome to beginning of your first night here at UCET. We’re sure youve made new friends by now. Ive looked over the stats of this years class and based off of the sheer lack of male students in comparison to our girl class, we think its best to give priority dining to the male class. So if you are in line and a man is in behind you, let him eat first. Not doing so could lead to punishment.”

“The fuck” Syvlia said.

Marsha shushed her.

“In another string of news one of our prospects had to be let go this evening due to lack of self control.”

You gotta be kidding she thought to herself.

“Here at UCET we are always supportive of extracurricular activities but never outside of the boundaries of our policy.”

“Huh” Syvlia thought.

“We’re passing out orientation schedules starting this coming wednesday. Because tommorow will be … a free day.”

Everyone paused.

Sylvia still at a daze stood unaware.

*Another fucking thing I dont know.*
She looked confused.

George looked at her.

I think you should look at UCET’policy tonight when you get home.

Sylvia nodded.

“I havent come to the terms.” She whispered to him. If im being honest my mom kind of signed it for me.

George flinched..

“Dont tell anyone that.”


‘Class dismissed’ the assistant chimed.

Everyone got up in a polite silent cluster .

Most if not all the guys went back to get food Sylvia noticed. She had missed most of the announcements due to her chat.

This time the guys getting food were silent, like trained soldiers almost.

Marsha had her usual grin as she eyed them.

Syvlia ignoring the ordeal as they openend the double doors was perplexed by Georges words.

She was determined to read the policies now as she walked the path back to her dorm with Marsha.

7:03pm, The clock read.

Marsha was in a euphoric state as she skipped into the shower with a towel.

*Whats got her so bubbly.* Sylvia thought.

She sat down and unlocked her phone. Went onto facebook to check her feed , and looked to see a friend request from George.

“Jesus that was quick.” She said as she thought about it… and friended him.

She closed her phone and lay down tired. She had eaten a little too much and fell into a sleep.

Syvlia woke up from her bed.

It was 1:00am.

“Jesus ” She said in a sleepy daze as she grabbed for her phone.

The room was quiet as she yawned.

12 unread messages from George Pemmer.*

“Jesus George,” She said as she started to open her phone. A howl broke out in the distance. A gutteral and indescribable moan like yell, amplified like a great pain had been relieved.

“What” Sylvia said.

Sylvia usually wouldnt go out at night on a whim. But her curiosity came to her way too fondly. She was worried.

*What if someone had been stabbed? *

*What if someone was being raped?*

*What if it was a call to arms to a secret battle?

Her mind raced as she raced out of the dorm, and onto the quad, and almost sprinted toward the front gate of willfreed forest.

And there it stood.

‘The Willfreed Gate’

The black painted metal gate was a sturdy old one. She had never seen such an interesting gate.

It was an interesting one.

There were black dates along the top of each diamond spike. A gate for each class.

She looked for her mothers as she walked down the aisle of spikes along the gate.







“There it is” She s—

A man stood in front of her naked and fully erect.

She was at odds.

“Wh…… George?”

He stood there hungry

His eyes were like a fire untamed.

He was not the same.

Sylvia stood still.

Why are you—-what the …
Before she could even get anything out.
He turned around like a dog, as if he heard something. Looked at her and ran through the bushes into the dark. His hard cock
dangling between his legs

…. Syvlia stood there mouth open.




Sylvia ran to the front of the gate. Her mind a buzz.

*Oh my god.*

My mom, Marsha’s weirdness. The expulsion.

*Oh my fucking god*

She noticed a book hanging from the side of the gate. She couldnt have missed it.

The book read

Policies of Student Engangement

“This is”

She heard a yelp in front of her.

Marsha had been pinned down by a large man. They were wrestling, she was losing. They were both naked.


She immediately laid down on all fours.

The mans cock hard and flying into her

Before syvlia could talk another word. Marsga had spread her ass cheeks apart and as he fucked her hard in her ass.

She panted as he fucked her into submission,just across the gate.

Syvlia was still at odds amongst her sounds.

She was soaked as she held the book in her hands.

Each thrust was a call to her rose.

The mans thrusts sped up as he started to rip the grass from the ground. Her asshole was his playground as he growled. He had become innately primal with each last pump.

Marshas hair was starting to frizz from the heat. She was all for it.

She sounded like his, all of her. He owned her.

She had been oozing precum on the grass beneath her. Glistening and bright enough to see.

Syvlia was in a daze, and slowly slipped her right hand into her pajama pants and spread her lips. She submerged her fingers inside of herself and swayed them

He bit into Marsha neck as he fucked her harder.

The applause of sex, as they both let out sounds of heat.

Marsha let out a loud moan, dropped her head down into the grass, and laid it down, drooling onto the floor. He would not stop. She went quiet as he laid backshots into her. Her ass cheeks were red.

She was silent, each reverberation too satisfying, so full,she couldnt even let out a moan. She tried to grab his back as he pumped and grunted again but he violenty took it and slammed it onto the ground as he howled and grunted.

With a final thrust and a bellowing yell. Like a prize had been won, he emptied inside of her. he yelled and violently thrust one last set of pumps into her and revved down..

*five pumps of cum* Syvlia counted fingering herself so hard her knees started to buckle.

. The man still holding her neck in his teeth let out a gasp as his breath started to slow. They both lied there in the heat of the moment panting. Sylvia looked down at the book as she took out her right hand, laced with precum.

She stared at it and put it on the book, opened it as she rushed to look at the glossary, eying a section and flipped to the very end.

Chapter 23: The Free Days of Willfreed Forest.

A pin number lie on the page.

She looked up to something else she missed. A keypad. A timed lock.

She froze.

The time was 1:30.

The yelps and fucks ahead of her echoed. She could hear it all now. The call of the hunt.

She swallowed hard, reaching for the pad and pressed in the numbers


The gate buzzed and a chest hidden beneath the grass on her left opened.

It was a minitaure locker. She looked down at the page steps.

1. Clothes are not allowed within the hunt.

They dropped down on the grass.
She belonged there ..

She wanted to be taken in full
