The Body Swap [MF][Body Swap][Celeb]

The Body Swap

Celeb: WWE Diva Nikki Bella

People hustled and bustled within the convention hall. It was a hot and humid day in Philadelphia, thankfully the building was fully air conditioned throughout. Sam sighed, wiped his frown and scratched his head, ruffling his shaggy brown hair. Looking around at the throng of people surrounding him, he’d been to a few of these events in the past but never any that had attracted this amount of attendees. Pulling the convention guide from his pocket, he stepped to the side of the walkway so as to narrowly miss being flattened by a cosplayer in a huge costume. Opening it out, he looked over the map of the arena. Dealers area, Artists alley…Signing area! Hitting the place on the map with his finger, he then looked back up and at his surroundings. Orientating himself, he wasn’t that far away at all, it would just take a while to swim through the crowd of people. Smiling, he placed the guide back into his pocket and began on his way. Patiently making his way through the crowd, he eventually spotted his goal. As the crowd thinned, he could see a number of lines of people. All waiting eagerly to meet their favorite media stars. Sam scanned along them and his eyes fell on the person he’d came to meet. Nikki Bella. Since he was a young boy Sam had been a huge wrestling fan. He’d always favored the high flyers and power wrestlers. As he got older of course the Diva’s caught his eye and thus his love for Nikki Bella began. Not only was she utterly gorgeous but was one of the last female power wrestlers. Particularly, her finisher the Rack Attack was always a highlight in her matches for Sam.

Paying his money to the convention worker, he joined the long line to meet his hero and object of affections. There were a number of people in front of him but he stood patiently and watched as each one stepped up, said a few words and grabbed a selfie with Nikki. He could not take his eyes off her, the way she moved, the way her dark hair moved as she smiled and laughed. Happily chatting to her fans and pulling silly faces for selfies. One by one, Sam stepped closer and closer to her. At this precise moment, elsewhere in the convention center a young  man was sweating profusely. His hands fidgeting in his pocket, darting his eyes around. Suddenly, he leapt onto a dealers top adjacent to him, knocking merchandise allover the floor. The vendor stood looking at this individual, confused and angered but before he could act, the young man produced a square device from his pocket and held it aloft. The people surrounding the area, all stopped in their tracks to watch this guy. Confused as to what he was up to, they watched as he pressed a few buttons on the device. As he hit the large button on the machine, an invisible pulse exploded from it washing over the crowd of people and filling the convention center. 

As the pulse rippled over the unsuspecting crowd, their eyes became a white colour. Everyone stopped, the noisy convention hall suddenly became eerily quiet. Every person in their frozen in place, aside from the young man brandishing the device. He happily hopped down from the table and vanished into the crowd, eventually exiting the arena. It was a full two minutes before suddenly the quiet of the arena was broken by noise once more. Sam who had been stood patiently in the queue to meet his idol now found himself sat staring out from behind a desk. Confused, he stood up and instantly felt groggy. Struggling to steady himself, he wobbled away from the desk to a nearby walk and placed his hand against the cold marble for support. As he did so, he noticed that his hand was not the hand or indeed arm, that he was used to seeing. His mind racing, he looked down at his body and was shocked to see pair of large breast in a tight fitted t-shirt staring back at him. Slightly panicked, Sam looked around the arena and spotted a mirror. Running to it rapidly, he looked himself up and down. Sam was no longer looking the young twenty something guy with glasses and shaggy brown hair. He was looked at the slender body of a fit thirty something female wrestler, somehow he now looked like Nikki Bella! As his mind comprehended this fact, it was like a switch flicked inside him. In his head, he no longer referred to himself as male or in fact Sam. It was like his mind was trying to figure itself out and would only allow him to call himself Nikki and that he was female. This couldn’t be right, How could this have happened? Steadying herself, she straightened up and strode from the mirror back to the last place she’d been.

As she made her way through the crowd, everyone around her seemed to be in a similar situation. All confused and groggy, unsure as to who or where they were. People questioning each other, she heard a smattering of conversations as she passed. Individuals asking why they were now male or female, why they now looked like someone else. Nikki wasn’t sure what was going on but she knew she needed get to the bottom of it. Finally arriving at the signing area, She quickly scoured the area and then she spotted him. Sam was stood there groggy and confused. He was speaking to various people around him, desperate to understand what was happening. Nikki took a deep breath and stepped towards him. As she approached, Sam looked up from the person he was speaking to and his eyes widened. Before he could speak, Nikki stopped him in his tracks.

“I’m not sure exactly what is going on…but I think we have swapped bodies, So now i’m Nikki and you’re Sam…”

Sam stood stunned at the explanation but looking up and down his old body, he could not argue with the logic one jot. 

“So what do we do now?”

“I don’t expect we can do a lot here, perhaps we should go back to your hotel Nikki, it is very spacious”

“Ok…Ummm you’ll have to give the taxi driver the directions”

“That’s fine, grab your bag from behind the desk and we’ll go now”

Nikki nodded at Sam, it was so bizarre to be speaking to herself in a manner of speaking. It was also odd to hear her old body call her by her new name too but Nikki figured that whatever was going on in her brain, was clearly happening in his too. Moving around the table, she picked up her rucksack and followed Sam out of the building.  Waiting outside, she watched as Sam raised an arm to signal a cab. A Number of them zoomed passed without stopping, Sam sighed deeply and looked towards Nikki.

“Perhaps you should try?”

Nikki looked blankly back at him and slowly raised her arm. Within seconds of this happening, a cab had pulled up and was asking where they need to be. Nikki caught herself giggling a little, maybe this being a woman would have its perks? Sam instructed the driver where to go and opened the door for her, allowing her inside before boarding himself. Both occupants of the cab, sat squirming slightly uncomfortably. Both still trying to get a custom to their new bodies. The taxi ride was slightly awkward as the two made small talk and got to know each other a little more. Explaining to each other who they previously were and why they were there. Over time the conversation began to ease up and they started to feel a little more comfortable with one another. Eventually they pulled up outside Nikki’s hotel, the taxi pulled up outside ‘The Ritz-Carlton’. Nikki’s mouth dropped open in awe, Sam smiled and pushed her jaw back up.

“I’d never anywhere but the best when I travel Nikki”

Nikki nodded and followed Sam out of the cab onto the sidewalk. Looking in awe at the huge hotel before her, noticing that Sam had proceeded inside, she quickly followed behind. Traversing through the opulent lobby of the hotel and over to the elevators. She watched as Sam clicked the button. They rode the elevator in silence, Nikki stunned at the luxury of this hotel down to the minutest detail. Following him down hallways until they arrived at her room. Sam motioned for her to take the key card from her bag. Nikki jumped with surprise as she realized what he was saying, ferreting around in the bag, she found it and opened the door. They both stepped inside and sat down on the sofa within. Nikki looking around the luxurious room complete with the odd personal touches and the clothes that would now belong to her. They continued to chat for a while until Nikki saw Sam had a moment of realization.

“I could really use a shower and a fresh set of clothes but I guess those would be back at your hotel?”

“Yeah sorry, I can take you there if you want?”

“No no honestly it’s fine, I’m kind of interested to spend a little time in this body on my own anyways, the world sure treats men differently to women”

“I guess it does…My hotel is the Sofitel downtown and its room 236, the key card is in my wallet” 

She watched as Sam stood up and fished in his pocket for the wallet, locating it he pulled out the hotel room card. 

“Ok well i’ll be back in a little bit and we’ll see if we can sort this whole mess out ok?”

“Sure, i’ll just relax a little until you get back”

Sam winked and walked towards the door, opening it, he waved and closed it behind him. Nikki stood up from her seat and flopped onto the bed. Her mind began to race over what a crazy day this had turned into, how had she turned into a woman and even crazier Nikki Bella!? She laid there for ten minutes, letting her brain try to relax and readjust properly now she had a moment to herself. Sitting up from the bed, she began to become curious. There had always been a part of her that wasn’t confident in her old body and even found herself at times wondering what it would be like to be a woman. Well now was the perfect time to find out. Hopping off the bed, she kicked her sneakers off and began to paw through the clothes hung in the wardrobe. A plethora of different pieces from casual up to dressy. Pulling open one of the drawers, she was confronted with a large amount of panties and bras. She stopped in her tracks. Of course, she was a woman now and a woman that she’d lusted over for quite some time. Biting her bottom lip, she stepped in front of the floor length mirror in the corner of the room. Looking herself up and down, noting how good her body looked in the tight fitted t-shirt and tight butt hugging jeans. 

Cautiously, she looked to the door and back to her reflection. Steadying her breathing, she carefully pulled the fitted t-shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. Taking in the view of her pert cleavage in her bra, her breath continued to get faster and a strange new sensation began to tingle between her legs. Nikki wasn’t sure what it was but it felt amazing. Biting her bottom lip, she reached around her back and unhook her bra. Slowly releasing it and dropping it down her arms, finally exposing her new large breasts. Her nipples stood to attention, the sensation between her legs becoming more intense. Nikki gently reached up and tweaked one of her nipples, staring intently into the mirror. As she applied pressure, she felt a rush between her legs again and let out a small yelp of pleasure. Nikki looked down to her jeans and her hands frantically begun to unbutton them, yanking the zip down. Placing her thumbs in the waist band, she pulled them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. Standing in front of the mirror in just her thong now, she turned slightly to get a better view of her pert ass. Nikki impatiently then whipped her thong off and stood looking in awe at her new shaven pussy, noticing how wet it felt. She gently used her right hand to probe between her lips, as her fingers touched her new sensitive parts, she let out a loud and long moan. Biting her lip, she looked back at the bed behind her and quickly climb onto it. Spreading her thighs wide, she rubbed her now soaked pussy more. The sensation was amazing, a pussy was so much more sensitive than a cock and the wetness only added to that. Rubbing along her lips, she gently caught her clit which caused her to jolt with pleasure. Taking a second, she moved her fingers back to it and began to slowly rub. The ecstasy from this little love button was driving her crazy, she closed her eyes and focused on it fully. Moaning and panting as she continued to play.

Caught up in the throws of passion, she did not hear the room door open. Sam entered the room with slightly wet hair and wearing a new t-shirt and jeans. Confused by the noise he could hear, he stepped forward into the room and was confronted with the view of Nikki laid naked on the bed. Eye’s closed and legs akimbo, her fingers going a mile a minute on her pussy. Sam was in pure shock, he’d been in her situation many times before but he’d never been able to watch himself doing it. Suddenly, he felt a bulge develop in his jeans. Rapidly it grew and grew the longer he watched, He had no idea what to do with it but his sense compelled him to touch it. Struggling with himself, he unzipped his jeans and allowed his now hard cock the freedom that it craved. Gently stroking it back and forth as he watched Nikki moan and writhe around on the bed. Nikki felt the presence in the room and opened her eyes, suddenly spotting Sam now at the foot of the bed with his cock in his hand. She froze for a second, unsure what to do as she’d been caught with her hand literally in the cookie jar.

“I’m really sorry..I just..”

“No it’s fine, i was doing the same…”

“Do you wonder…what it would…feel like, if we…?”

Before Nikki had finished the sentence, she watched as Sam quickly threw his t-shirt to the ground and unzipped his jeans. Pulling his boxers down, he quickly climbed onto the bed and spread Nikki’s legs. She watched as he admired her soaking wet pussy and positioned himself between her legs. Feeling the head of his cock touch her lips, made her shudder with pleasure. Slowly, he began to push into her, first the head disappearing followed by every inch. Very part of his length vanishing inside of her made, her moan louder and louder. Eventually feeling every inch of her old cock now filling her new tight wet pussy, she tried to steady her breathing.

“Fuck Sam…This feels amazing…please fuck me hard…”

Sam nodded to her and grabbed a hold of her hips, pulling her hard into him. Nikki moaned loudly as began to play with her nipples once again, feeling the pleasure wash over her body and collect between her legs. Her orgasm already well on its way to building. Sam fucked her slowly at first, getting the rhythm but soon picking up his pace. Nikki could feel her pussy tingle with delight as her old cock pounded into her, deeply. Sex as woman felt infinitely better than a man and she never wanted to go back. She wrapped her legs around Sam’s waist and began panting and moaning in equal measure as her orgasm continued to build at an alarming rate. Struggling to keep her breath steady, Nikki could feel Sam’s cock throb and pulse inside in her and he thrust into her hard and deep. Causing her to scream out in pleasure, faster and faster he fucked her wet hole.

“Oh fuck..What..I think…I think i’m cumming!…”

The sensation in Nikki’s pussy was unlike anything she’d ever felt as the pleasure built and built until finally it overflowed and exploded. She let out a loud scream of pure bliss as the pleasure washed over her body reached up to the top of head and down to her toes. Her body throbbed and thrashed as this new feeling overtook her senses. Arching her back deeply, she continued to cum as Sam continued to pound into her, prolonging her orgasm. 


The feeling never seemed to end as she became physically exhausted but her body would not let her rest as more and more waves hit her as Sam continued to fuck her. Finally, she could feel her orgasms begin to gently subside. Her body starting to jerk a little less. Suddenly she felt Sam’s cock inside of her throb hard and pulse, quickly followed by a hot stream of cum splashing inside of her.

“Oh fuck Nikki..I think i’m…I’m cumming too!”

Nikki felt his cock flood her with cum. The sensation was something she’d never felt before and it caused her to explode with a second orgasm the instant the jizz hit her back wall. Both of their bodies shaking in unison as their orgasms ran through their bodies. Nikki’s pussy throbbing and pulsing, massing Sam’s cock and milking it dry of all it’s juices. The sensation continued for five minutes before Sam slumped onto the bed next to Nikki. As his cock left her, it caused his cum to begin leaking from her red pulsing pussy. They laid together in bliss, desperate to catch their breaths.

“Fuck…I don’t ever want to change back…”

“Me either…”
