New Jack (1 – 2)

This is my first attempt at erotica. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Jack dropped the box with a finality that he felt adequately expressed how sick of moving he was. It was the last box, one of the heavy ones containing books he couldn’t bear to part with. Most of his other possessions and accoutrement of the past 13 years of his life had either had been offloaded through a garage sales and outright donations to homeless shelters. He had split from his wife, Amanda, amicably enough: she had abruptly decided to start fucking her coach at the gym and, hey, who was he to stop her. Their sex life had gotten stale over the years and, if he were honest with himself, he would miss her body but wasn’t too fussed about losing her as a person. They had simply grown apart and maybe it was just inertia that had kept them together anyway.

This was his fresh start, a new beginning that he would use to re-invent himself. Since the bombshell of discovering the existence of her extracurricular horizontal aerobics he realized that he had often fantasized about completely uprooting his life and starting over. He suspected that many other people had the same fantasies. Either way, he had fled the bitter winters of the northeast for the warmer climes of Florida, settling into a house on a cozy cul-de-sac with surprisingly large lots just outside of Naples. The beach was all white sand with blue green water, and to the east were large tracks of undeveloped land apparently protecting panthers and big cypresses. His backyard had the requisite pool, hot tub, and trellis full of bougainvillea that were almost garish over the top of the outdoor bar. The house itself was of recent construction, a large open floor plan with a fantastic kitchen and a third bedroom that begged to be renovated into a man cave.

Jack noticed a few curious neighbors peeking out from behind curtains or watering flowers for too long, hoping to catch a glimpse of the new tenant but he was too busy directing the movers on where to place the few items of furniture that he’d brought along to start the herculean task of introductions. As the movers packed up to leave Jack busied himself throwing cups and dishes into the dishwasher, dumping clothes into the closet and dresser, and stacking entirely too many empty, broken down boxes in the garage. As the afternoon wore on and the shadows lengthened he saw a few kids riding bikes under the watchful eyes of parents and heard more than one mower roar to life. Suburban life has its own rhythms Jack mused. Back home, he had to stop thinking like that, they had only ever lived in apartments, cloistered away from neighbors and any sense of community other than the brief nods to each other in the halls or on the elevators. He supposed that the new Jack would need to become a much more social animal than the old Jack and wondered how many missteps he would make before he learned the routine.

He almost bounced out of bed the next morning, determined to make more headway on turning the house into his home. He had unpacked everything last night and realized that the house felt empty. There were no pictures on the walls, no art on sideboards, no rugs on the hickory floors: nothing but the fierce sterility of the stainless-steel kitchen appliances reflected in the gleaming granite of the counters. He took his morning cup of coffee out to the back deck and watched the sky change from midnight blue to gray and finally to pink. The weak sunlight brought the features of the yard into relief: he’d have to get someone to maintain it. But no, he thought, the new Jack cuts his own grass and gets his hands dirty. He’d never had a lawn to take care of before but figured it couldn’t be that hard. It was Florida in the spring time after all: how hard could it be to make stuff grow?

He dressed for a morning jog, figuring to get a better idea about the layout of the neighborhood and feel for how the community handled Sunday mornings. He had kept in shape, opting to forgo the dad bods that seemed so popular with men in their thirties. He had been a swimmer when he was younger, not good enough for the college team and as an adult with little time he had taken up jogging on a treadmill. How sterile was that, he thought to himself as he watched the sky take on a light blue hue, winding his way down the curving streets amidst the almost tropical vegetation in the well-manicured lawns.

Half an hour later found him turning back onto his own street, sweating profusely. He hadn’t expected the humidity, though he should have, he chided himself. As he cooled down and approached his house he was hailed from a porch on his right.

“So you’re the house on the end now, eh?” a high, though not unpleasant male voice called.

“That’s me” Jack replied, sizing up his interlocutor, a guy in his mid-30’s (Jack guessed) with straight, light brown hair that was thinning on top and one of the aforementioned dad bods.

“I’m Bill, nice to meet you” offered the man and extended his hand.

“Jack. It’s a pleasure” he replied.

“So Jack, how’d you get so lucky as to land here?” Bill asked. He stood as he talked, displaying a frame about 4 inches shorter than Jack’s 6’ that clearly spent too much time indoors in front of a desk.

“I haven’t been able to decide whether it was luck or not yet” Jack chuckled. “My marriage of over a decade just crashed and burned, so I figured it was time to get the hell away from the cold winters and get some more sun in my life.”

“Damn. Well they say no good marriages end in divorce. I’ll confess that mine is a happy one. Debbie and I have been together almost 10 years ourselves. You’ll have to meet her later – she’s one of the social butterflies of our little group here.” As Bill talked Jack couldn’t help but notice a curvy figure pass through the translucent curtains and mentally agreed that he and Debbie would have to meet. Not that he was looking to come between Bill and his wife, but who doesn’t like to meet curvy women?

“Group?” asked Jack, thrown a little. “What group?”

“Oh, nothing formal” Bill replied with a chuckle. “Several folks in the neighborhood like to hang out socially on the weekends, especially the ones not chasing their kids all over. Think rotating dinners with courses being served at different houses. Some of the ladies also have a book club and go to the gym together. The guys don’t really have anything so regular, but we do occasionally get together to watch the Dolphins lose” he said with a wry grin and a chuckle.

“I’m a bit of a gym rat and book worm myself, though I can’t see myself joining any clubs” Jack said with a laugh of his own. “And I’d be happy to watch the Dolphins lose. It’d be a nice change of pace. All there was back up north was talk of the Pats and I couldn’t stand it. Maybe I can host one of the games. I’ve got a big to-do list, but making a safe space for the guys to watch the game is towards the top of my list. Right after I figure out keep the yard at bay.”

“New to this, eh?” Bill said with a bark of laughter. “What equipment do you have?”

Jack held up his hands and looked at them as Bill shook with laughter again. “I’m happy to help. I’ll tell Debbie that I’m heading out and we’ll get you all set up.”

Fifteen minutes later, a freshly showered Jack picked Bill up and they followed Bill’s directions to the local big box hardware store. Their conversation had flowed easily enough, both men filling in the details of their lives to the extent possible in a short time. Bill’s suggestions on landscaping equipment made sense and Jack followed his advice, arranging for the larger items to be delivered later in the week.

“If only it would be that easy to fill the damn house” Jack grumbled.

“I may be able to help you there as well neighbor” Bill said. “Debbie runs a small art gallery and her best friend Allison is a freelance interior decorator. I’m sure they’ll treat you right.”

The phrasing seemed a bit odd to Jack but he didn’t comment other than to agree to meet with both women if Bill could arrange it. Bill explained that Allison and her husband Tony were currently traveling to visit Allison’s family but would be back by the following weekend. “The Millers used to live in your house. Nice family. We didn’t know them well but they had a pack of young kids that kept them busy. I think you’ll fit it well with our circle of friends: we all have similar interests and share a lot of the same activities.”

As Jack dropped him off, Bill said he’d have Debbie text him to arrange a meeting about his future artwork. Jack readily agreed and thanked Bill for his help. “I’m wondering whether I’m biting off more than I can chew!” he exclaimed as he put the car in gear.

“I’m sure that Debbie will make you feel right at home. Please feel free to let her know exactly what you want. I’m sure she’ll let you know what she’d like to see you do as well. She’s definitely not afraid to speak her mind and I’ve learned to let her do what she wants.” Bill’s words again had a bit of an odd phrasing, but Jack just raised a hand in farewell as before slowly driving the few hundred feet to his own house.


Debbie’s text arrived as Jack passed into the house proper from the garage. Apparently she had time this afternoon and wondered if he would be available to chat about his ideas. Having no plans of his own he agreed and shortly before 1 o’clock he heard the doorbell chime. Opening the door to the humidity and sunshine he found a woman of about 5’7”, the same height as her husband whose face was obscured by overly large sunglasses and a broad floppy hat. Her sundress danced lazily around her figure in the warm breeze, hinting at curves that Jack couldn’t quite keep his eyes from searching out.

“Debbie” she said, extending her hand. “I’ve heard all about you from Bill and am so glad you two have hit it off. He could use some outside influence. Most of the guys around here spend too much money paying other people to do the work that they should in the yard and too much time in the office. I’m hoping that you can provide the example for what us women want in their men.” Her eyes had held his until the last few words at which point she gave him a less-than-quick once over.

With that, she swept off her hat, revealing straight, silky, shoulder length dark brown hair. As the sunglasses disappeared into her purse he found her bright green eyes flashing mischievously at him. “So,” she said, “tell me about your preferences.” He attempted to, talking about his love for books, oddities such as hourglasses and fossils, his love of the simple abstract art, and his desire to create a warm yet masculine space. Her eyes never left his face as he spoke. She took no notes but seemed to drink him in as he rambled on.

Beginning to feel a bit embarrassed by how long he had droned on, he abruptly asked her if she’d like to take a look around. She readily agreed and as they walked from room to room she scrutinized the layout and space, making suggestions and continuing to probe him on his likes and dislikes. For Jack’s part, being in such close proximity to a striking, self-confident woman was a balm that he hadn’t realized he needed. He hadn’t dated anyone since Amanda. He couldn’t justify the effort once his mind had been made up to move.

“What are all of these?” her question broke him from his reverie and he realized she was looking at the heavy boxes of books.

“Books” he said, a bit guiltily. “I couldn’t seem to let them go after the divorce. I got rid of most of my stuff before coming down here. I suppose I’m not so much on an eastern ascetic journey as a southern one. Seems to be more my style” he finished with a grin.

Her teeth flashed brilliantly as her head tipped back in a full, throaty laugh. “Perfect” she said. “I suppose we should get used to the idea of entertaining what I’m sure will be a rotating harem of women lining up to get their chance at the most eligible bachelor in our neck of the woods.”

He forced himself not to blush: the old Jack would have done that. Instead he replied that his immediate efforts were on himself, the house, and managing the transition from the investment banking side of his organization into his new role as a venture capitalist. Her queries about his work genuinely excited him. “It’s basically like Shark Tank: you’ve seen the show, right?”

“That’s what you do? That’s so cool!” Again, flashing brilliant teeth and sparkling eyes. He gave his best short version answers, explaining much of his work will be done remotely from the home office/library he intended to convert the second bedroom into.

He asked if she wanted to see the back yard and deck and she agreed. As they walked out onto the pavers she whistled. “Nice layout! You’ve got everything! Your pool is much bigger than ours and I love the bar and hot tub! How many people do you think you’ll be able to fit in there?”

“I’ve no idea. I’ve got to see how well my soon to be harem gets along with each other” he said a bit recklessly.

“Well you just let me know if you need any help there. I’ll be happy to keep them in line for you” she said, not quite meeting his eyes.


“Bill would love to take a look at the setup you have here. Would it be to forward to invite ourselves over for a late afternoon dip and drink?” she asked, her eyes moving to his, searching.

“That’d be great” Jack replied. “What time should I expect you? Do either of you have any preferences on drinks?”

“I think we can get back here by four. I’ll never turn down a margarita, and Bill drinks whatever I tell him to” she replied and her eyes seemed to lose focus for a minute, searching either for a memory or a place into which Jack had not been invited. She took her leave in a swirl of faintly perfumed air, billowing dress and a quick hug and air kiss on the cheek which left Jack’s loins beginning to churn.

“Easy there tiger. She’s just being neighborly. Bill’s a nice enough guy but she definitely seems to wear the pants” he thought to himself.

He made a quick run to the liquor store for agave, limes, triple sec, tequila and salt as well as some fancy plastic cups and a case of the Cigar City beer brewed just up the road in Tampa. Once home he set up the bar, made sure he had plenty of towels and that the guest bathroom had been set up before realizing with a jolt that he had no clue where his bathing suit was.

As luck would have it the doorbell rang at that precise moment. Debbie was on his doorstep, enveloped in some kind of translucent wrap that hugged her curvy figure much more tightly than the sundress had. “Hi neighbor!” she squealed and wrapped him in a hug that pressed her ample chest into his and found his leg between hers.

“Thanks for having us over” she continued as she released him. He hadn’t even noticed Bill standing behind her, clutching a bottle of wine and a tote bag of what looked like towels and sunscreen.

Bill shuffled things in his hands before reaching out to shake Jack’s hand. “Debbie tells me you’ve got quite the spread here. I can’t wait to take a look around.”

Jack waived him in, taking the wine to the kitchen while the couple worked their way to the back yard. Jack started to follow them before catching sight of his sunglasses on the counter. Those would probably be for the best given what he hoped would be prancing around his house this afternoon.

As he stepped through the back door he immediately slipped his shades on, not wanting to miss the show. Debbie was unwinding the wrap, exposing tanned skin that appeared even more so in contrast with the brilliant white bikini. Jack supposed that you could call it a bikini though there wasn’t much to it. Two triangles of fabric struggled to contain what Jack estimated to be large C cup breasts while the two tanned globes of her ass were hardly covered at all. She wasn’t model thin and didn’t have six pack abs but she clearly took care of herself. He could tell that there were muscles under her curves though she was all woman.

She carelessly dropped the wrap into Bill’s hands. Bill wore a somewhat faded Miami Dolphins t-shirt and board shorts. After setting the wrap down carefully he stripped off his shirt revealing pasty white skin, random chest hair and a slight beer belly. The two struck Jack as an incongruous couple, but hey, who was he to judge.

“Where’s your suit?” asked Debbie, stepping towards him.

“Packed somewhere I suppose” Jack grumbled. He had really been looking forward to getting in the water. The heat and humidity down here were oppressive and he really hoped that he’d acclimate sooner rather than later. He had been looking forward to feeling the water glide past his body as he escaped the heat and the sun.

“Well I suppose you’ll just have to swim in your underwear or don’t you wear any?” She giggled and turned to Bill. “What do you think Bill? We’re comfortable enough with Jack that this won’t be a problem, right? After all, most of my underwear covers more than this little thing does anyway.” With that she did a quick pirouette to which Bill and Jack found their eyes glued.

New Jack does this Jack thought to himself. “You’ve convinced me” he said with a chuckle and began to unbutton his shirt. “Bill, there’s a pitcher of my special margaritas made up in the fridge under the bar. Help yourself to that or the beer.”

Returning to the task at hand he stripped off his shirt, feeling the sun instantly start to warm his shoulders. His chest hair, in contrast to Bill’s, was uniform and thick without looking like a rug. Amanda had loved to twirl her fingers in it as they lay side by side in post-coital bliss. He mentally shook himself. You’re stripping down in front of a married lady! Focus!

His hands moved to his shorts and he unbuckled his belt, unsnapped, unzipped and then pushed the linen shorts to the ground, stepping out of them easily. He was a boxers guy and today it was tiny pink flamingos on a white background.

“I love it! What are those? Let me see” Debbie had clasped a hand to her mouth and then quickly strode over to inspect the pattern.

“They seemed festive and to fit in with my southern ascetic journey” Jack replied with a grin, earning another giggle from Debbie.

“Bill, come here! You’ve got to see these!” Debbie called and Jack saw Bill approaching with two margaritas and a beer on a tray. As he set the tray down he brought them both margaritas, handing one first to her, then to Jack.

“Closer” she said, pulling him down so that he was almost kneeling in front of Jack. “Isn’t that cute? It takes a real man to have the confidence to strip down in front of people he hardly knows while wearing those” she continued, looking meaningfully at Bill. “I mean, there’s no sense of false bravado in Jack, is there. He’s got that quiet confidence, that look that drives women wild. I told him if he needed help with his harem to just ask. Would you be willing to help him too?” she said with a giggle.

“Help Jack with women? I’m not sure he’ll need my help. But if he calls I’ll definitely come running!” Bill exclaimed and all three laughed easily.

“A toast!” Jack called. “To new friends: may we grow ever closer.” And the glasses clinked before all three took deep draughts.

Jack winced: he had not noticed the salt on the glass. He hated salt in margaritas and quickly set the glass down.

Debbie must have noticed. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like your own recipe?” she asked.

“It’s the salt. I never salt my margaritas. I’ll just get another one” he replied easily.

“You absolutely will not. Bill, why did you salt his margarita without asking? I think you should apologize and get him another one properly made.” If he had any doubts about who made the decisions in their relationship before this sealed it. She was a hell of a woman Jack thought.

Bill seemed to wilt under her barrage. “Of course, I apologize Jack. I should have asked what you’d like. I’ll be right back” and he scurried off back behind the bar, quickly returning with one made to Jack’s liking.

Things settled down and the three chatted and laughed in the late afternoon sun. The palm trees danced in the breeze and the sun sparkled like diamonds in the rippling blue water. Eventually, Jack couldn’t resist anymore and said he’d be jumping in the pool for a few laps and invited them to join him if they’d like to.

He dove in and immediately felt the cool caress of the water as his body knifed through it. Setting a reasonable pace he began to do a crawl, back and forth, and felt the warm burn of long unused muscles stretching out. God it felt good to be in the water again.

After a dozen laps or so, just enough to get his heart pumping he surfaced and saw Debbie and Bill sitting next to each other on the deep end step, watching him. She began clapping once their eyes met and Bill joined in a moment later. Jack comically bowed and blew kisses to the imaginary stands surrounding the pool. Debbie shrieked and reached out, pretending to catch one and placing it on her chest.

Laughing Jack climbed out of the pool, dripping wet. He was heading towards the stack of towels he had laid out earlier when he happened to glance down and realized that these boxers were transparent and that the thin fabric was plastered to his skin. Debbie and Bill had been chatting animatedly as he had walked by but he realized that their conversation had halted. Jack wasn’t embarrassed by his endowment. He figured he was about average maybe a little bit thicker than most guys. Rather than mention anything he reached the towels and dried off as if there had been nothing to see. Hell, maybe they hadn’t even noticed. He wrapped the towel around his waist before sitting down and draining the rest of his margarita.

He looked up because of the splashing and saw Bill trying to hoist himself out of the pool on trembling, pallid arms. He finally managed to do so by swinging his leg up onto the side and clambering out awkwardly. Jack thought he now understood what Debbie meant when she said she wanted other influences on Bill.

Debbie meanwhile was climbing up the ladder, water slipping over the curves of her body. Her nipples dented the bikini top noticeably and the lower triangle showed a crevice between what looked like deep meaty lips. They both grabbed towels on their way over to the table. Their drinks were empty too and Debbie told Bill to please get them another round. “After all” she continued “Jack has been kind enough to offer us the use of his pool and bought the drinks. Don’t you agree that we can provide the service in return?”

Bill blushed a bit, confusing Jack. Jack mentally agreed that the statement was probably over the top and didn’t need to be said but his radar was flashing that there was a lot more innuendo to Debbie’s comment than what appeared on the surface.

Bill hastily dried himself, tossing the towel at a lounge chair before scurrying behind the bar. Debbie leaned forward to wring out her dark mass of hair and Jack couldn’t help but steal glances at the white fabric that was valiantly straining to contain her hanging breasts. He also found the roll of her stomach to be quite cute, spilling over the top of her bathing suit bottom. He felt the familiar tingling warmth spread through his loins, his cock slowly engorging as unbidden visions of her in much more compromising positions danced in his mind’s eye.

He looked up just in time to see Bill trip over the towel that had slipped from the back of the lounge chair. The tray flew up almost in slow motion: Bill had outdone himself this time and brought a pitcher of margaritas and a full cup of beer, apparently thinking to save himself some time. The beer sloshed onto Debbie, dousing her hair as she shrieked and causing brown stains to begin spreading over her brilliant white suit. Jack didn’t notice this right away as he was the recipient of a full pitcher of margaritas right into his lap. The pungent liquid completely soaked the towel and he could feel the sticky substance working its way onto his skin.

“Bill!” Debbie was shrieking “What the fuck?!”

Bill was mortified, beet red, shrinking back onto himself again. “I’m so- so- sorry” he stammered. “Let me clean you up. I can fix it.” With that he frantically cast about for cleaning materials but Jack wanted to calm him down.

“It’s no big deal. Accidents happen. Thankfully we weren’t wearing much” he calmly said. “And we can rinse off in the outside shower. I need to get the pool water off me anyway.”

Bill looked grateful, but Debbie was to be easily pacified. “This better come out” she warned and she turned and flounced over to the shower that Jack had just started.

“You know that neither of us will be able to really clean this off unless we strip” she said to Jack. Jack wasn’t quite sure what was going on at this point. Their relationship dynamic had been exposed in the moment of stress and he wasn’t sure if this was some type of invitation or punishment for Bill.

“Would you like to use one of the inside bathrooms? I’m not sure that I can find a robe, but I should be able to find something for you to wear” he asked somewhat chivalrously. He didn’t feel chivalrous at all at the moment. He felt his cock engorging with blood, rubbing against the side of his leg as it lengthened.

“Nope, I’m staying out here. If he wanted my clothes to stay on then he should have been more careful. Maybe that will teach him. And if I’m going to be naked then I’m not going to be alone. After all, this is your house and you should be able to do as you like. If the guests don’t like it then they can leave” she said with a proud, defiant look in her eye.

She reached behind her head, pulling at the white strings that had valiantly held her breasts in place all afternoon. As the bright fabric dropped away Jack was treated to the sight of two of the most beautiful tits he could have imagined. She either sunbathed nude or tanned frequently because there were absolutely no tan lines evident. Her areolas were large, almost three inches across though his view was obstructed as she leaned down to shuck the remainder of her suit. She wasn’t shaved bare but had the smallest of landing strips trimmed neatly above her lovely mound. Her inner lips protruded slightly and the sight of her body caused his cock to swell more, beginning to tent the towel that was still around his waist.

“Bill” she called “Come get our clothes and clean them. You can just wash them in the sink and then stick them in the dryer.” Her tone brooked no argument and as Bill made his way over Debbie turned her gaze to Jack.

“Let’s get you out of those wet clothes” she said with a wickedly naughty grin. “I’ve always hated cheesy pickup lines and never had the occasion to use one until now.”

Jack grabbed the towel and almost began to remove it until he felt her grab his arm. “He made the mess, he’s cleaning it up” she said in a low voice. “Trust me.” He looked into her eyes, managing to maintain eye contact to his surprise, and nodded his assent.

Bill was now standing before his naked wife who had just ordered him to strip another man. The humiliation burned in his face and chest: his ears were bright red and he could not make eye contact with either of them. “Are you sure?” he asked in a voice just above a whisper.

“Yes. I’m sure” she replied and he mutely nodded his acquiescence.

He stooped, hesitating before dropping to his knees in front of Jack. His thin, pale fingers reached up tentatively, his cold knuckles grazing Jack’s lower stomach. The towel fell away and Bill caught it, pulling it from around Jack, turning his head as he set it on the ground behind him. Jack’s erection hadn’t subsided: if anything it had grown as Debbie had commanded her husband to disrobe another man in front of her as she supervised wearing nothing but a thing film of beer.

Bill turned back to his task, eye level with Jack’s burgeoning manhood. The thin fabric was transparent, and clung to the sides of his thick shaft. Again, Bill lifted trembling hands, hooking his fingers into the waistband of the ridiculous garment. As he slid them down, Jack’s cock sprung free, waiving its introduction to the houseguests. Debbie let out a small gasp as Jack stepped out of his wet underwear. Bill’s head nearly bumped Jack’s shaft as he straightened up and he almost let out a squeak at the sight of Jack’s penis swinging inches from his face.

Bill rocked back on his heels before grabbing their sodden garments and standing. Without a word or a glance he made his way inside leaving Jack and Debbie in the mist of the forgotten shower.

“I’m sure you have some questions” Debbie said quietly, demurely. The change in her tone brought Jack back to reality. “The short version is that I love Bill dearly but he’s never been able to dominate me as I need in the bedroom: he’s submissive as well but he’s submissive in all facets of his life unlike me. I’d never leave him, but it’s something I’ve always craved and he knows it. On top of that, Bill has confessed that he would love to see me with another man and to be dominated by him as well. We’ve never acted on these impulses but you’ve struck a nerve with both of us. So, what I’m asking” she said, eyes now downcast “is whether or not you’ll have me, have us, make us happy?”

Jack’s head swam, and he stepped back into the spray to give himself a moment. As the water washed over him he thought about new Jack and old Jack. Costs and benefits. Risks and rewards. Fantasies never realized and over a decade of his life that he had lost. He wouldn’t even have considered it without her testimony to the strength of their relationship. He wouldn’t do to others what the gym trainer had done to him with Amanda. Hell, if it was to be a harem Debbie would be one of the crown jewels.

He stepped forward, wiping the water from his face and brushing his hair back. “I have some questions” he stated, still impressed with himself that he was maintaining eye contact. “What do you mean ‘have you, have both of you?’ And what type of domination do you seek? Pain? Humiliation? Denial?”

She answered quickly, the words coming in a torrent. “Anything you want. Any time you want. Our only requirement would be for discretion. You can humiliate me, name me as the slut I am at heart, beat me, use me in any fashion you want, at any time. Bill wants to be used as a tool for my pleasure: he wants me to humiliate him in tandem with you. And my pleasure would come from your pleasure and a desire to please you, to satisfy you. He wants to be completely humiliated, his desires ignored, his boundaries pushed or broken if you want.”

Her eyes had been everywhere but on his during the speech. Jack noticed her nipples hardening, crinkling as she talked, her arousal on display, unable to hide behind any shield of propriety. She had laid her body and soul before him, an incredible act of trust and faith.

As the silence stretched between them, Jack felt a sense of peace, of comfort. He felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips and blood began to flow to his cock which had flagged under the weight of her request. “Clean up” he said. “I don’t fuck dirty sluts.”

She looked at him, startled.

“Now” he commanded, and took a step toward her, pulling her under the spray of the shower by the upper arm. He could feel the softness of her breast against his fingers and he wanted to explore that feeling for hours, but there was something that must be done first. If it was domination and humiliation they wanted, then domination and humiliation they would get. He would push them all past anything resembling a boundary before this was all through.

“Bill!” he called. “You’re needed outside.”

Jack heard the slapping of feet on the floors inside before Bill appeared in the doorway, quickly making his way over to Debbie and Jack. Jack heard the water turn off and told Bill to stand next to his wife.

“This was unexpected” Jack began and then stopped. How do you say what he had to say now? There wasn’t a script for this but, he thought to himself, new Jack knows what to say. “Bill, Debbie told me that she wants to be dominated and humiliated in a way that you aren’t able to. She also says that you have a strong cuckold fantasy and desire to be dominated and humiliated by her and her lover. Is this correct? Is this something you truly want?”

“Yes” Bill’s voice was barely audible.

“Say it” commanded Jack. “I need you to say all of it.”

He did, at a remarkably similar cadence to his wife’s confession. “Use her for your pleasure, use me to please her, use me to please yourself, to show how much better you are in every way. Make me suck your cock with my virgin mouth to get you hard to fuck the love of my life. Let me lick her cum from your hard cock. Let me eat your cum from every one of her orifices. Tell me how pathetic I am, make me beg to be allowed to cum, own me completely, own us.” His voice was desperate by the end, driven by years of sublimated desires and needs, finally finding release.

“Thank you” Jack said. “I have non-negotiable terms that you must agree to before we go any further. First, if at any point, either of you feels your relationship suffering then this stops immediately. Second, if either of you wants to stop, then it is over, never to be re-started. I will not proceed without both of you completely on board. Finally, I fully intend to take other partners as I see fit. You will only take other partners if we as a group agree beforehand. Do you agree? If so, then we start now.”

Husband and wife looked at each other, hands finding each other, fingers intertwining. “Yes” they said in unison.

Jack felt a surge of power. He had never considered himself bisexual and wasn’t attracted to men but the feeling of power was heady: he could and would direct them into acting out the dirtiest fantasies that had ever crossed his mind. “Inside then, the bedroom, now” he commanded and he followed the couple, still hand in hand into the house.

Like the rest of the house the bedroom was sparsely furnished. A full-sized mirror was at the side of the king bed and the only other item in the room was a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall facing the foot of the bed. “Strip” Jack ordered, and Bill hesitated glancing nervously at Jack, then Debbie. Jack had noticed the small tent in Bill’s pants while he stood next to the shower and it had not dissipated.

“Now!” Debbie demanded, steel in her voice.

Bill immediately shucked his mostly dry suit and stood revealing a relatively small penis, or so Jack thought. It was probably four inches long and much thinner than his. It barely stuck out past his curly thatch of brown pubic hair. Jack kept his pubes trimmed and his balls clear of hair by using Nair. He had never felt comfortable with the thought of a razor that close to the family jewels. Bill’s balls were similarly lost from view beneath the thicket of hair. The small tip of his penis was leaking precum and it looked like the guy was about to pop Jack thought.

“I can see why Debbie needs more. I’m going to stretch her out so far that she’ll never be able to tell if you’re inside her or not. But the pubic hair needs to go. See mine? This is what you should look like by tomorrow” Jack’s statement was delivered to the top of Bill’s head since the latter’s eyes seemed to be very interested in the floor at that point. Debbie simply watched her husband, a flush creeping up her chest to her neck.

“But before I stretch her out, she’s going to suck my cock. She’s going to take my cock in her married mouth, the one she kissed you with on your wedding day, the one that you’ll kiss for the rest of your life. She’s going to swallow my cock and eventually my cum and you’ll think about it every time she kisses you good morning or good night. You think you’ll wonder if you can taste my cum on her breath, but you’ll become intimately familiar with the taste yourself. You’ve driven her into my bed with your inability to satisfy her needs and so I think it appropriate that you be the one to tell her what my cum tastes like. You’ll tell her about it tonight once I’m done with both of you.” Jack was rambling now, still drunk on the authority he had taken. “But I think it most appropriate, given the circumstances, for you both to suck my cock together. This is what you want, a big hard cock to fuck her hard. Well, here’s your chance. On your knees in front of me.”

Both Bill and Debbie looked slightly taken aback but it was Bill that moved first, sinking to his knees on Jack’s left side. Debbie quickly followed suit on Jack’s right. “No hands” was Jack’s admonishment as Debbie reached to grab his shaft. Jack grabbed the back of Bill’s head, pulling his face into the side of his shaft which pushed the head towards Debbie who caught it in her mouth. Jack felt Bill’s mouth open and his tongue begin tracing, licking its way up his hardening rod. Debbie swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, briefly making eye contact with those brilliant green eyes before releasing it with a slight pop. Bill was near the head of his cock now and lightly licked the ridge around the head as Debbie joined on the other side, mirroring his actions. Husband and wife attempted to kiss around his burgeoning rod and their tongues dueled around the head of his cock. Jack noticed Debbie’s hand dancing furiously between her legs. Placing a hand on her shoulder he said “Not yet. You’ll get there, but not like that, not like this.”

With a moan she grabbed her tits, pulling a darkened, hardened nipple out far before letting it go and diving at his heavy sack. As she tongued his balls, alternately trying to swallow each, Jack watched his cock disappearing into another man’s mouth for the first time. A man who apparently wanted to see his wife fucked so badly that he was willing to forever be known as a cock sucker for it. He felt his cock reach maximum hardness and watched as Bill gagged slightly.

“Bill, you will cum now. I want you to rub that little penis of yours until you cum while my cock is in your mouth. You are going to cum as much as those little balls have in them while your wife and I watch my fat cock disappear between those dick sucking lips.” And Jack tapped Debbie on the shoulder, indicating she should rise. It struck him as odd that this woman had sucked his cock and balls yet they had never kissed, never shared more than a brief hug as acquaintances previously. He felt her mold her body into his side, nipples like bullets in his skin. His hands roamed over her body, exploring every crevice and curve. She moaned as their lips met and his fingers found her wet folds. God she was wet Jack thought. He slipped a finger in, dipping it into her canal before removing it and offering it to Bill. Bill released Jack’s cock and licked greedily at his wife’s juices on Jack’s finger before returning the task at hand.

Bill’s hand was a blur now and his moans were almost continuous. Jack felt them more than heard them as the husband bobbed his head up and down on Jack’s cock. “Mmmpf, mmmpf” Bill moaned and then came, squirting onto the floor, Jack’s right foot and Debbie’s left. Bill let Jack’s cock fall from his mouth, gasping.

“Holy shit” he said. “Holy shit.”

“Now clean it up” Jack ordered. As Bill looked around Jack clarified. “With your mouth.” And he did: his ears burning with humiliation Bill licked the floor, Jack’s foot and Debbie’s foot, cleaning his cum off of them and swallowing it.

Jack turned and walked to the bed, laying down on his back. He patted the bed next to him, looking at Debbie. “Suck my cock while standing next to the bed. That’s it, just lean over here so I can play with those fabulous tits of yours some more. Bill, you are going to eat her pussy until I tell you to stop.” As the two dutifully moved into position Jack pointed his throbbing meat straight up. “You should maintain eye contact with me whenever my cock is in your mouth” Jack advised. “If you don’t you’ll be punished.”

A light kindled in her eyes as she leaned in, taking his cock deeply down her throat in one swift motion. He grabbed her nearest tit with his left hand, kneading the tanned fleshy orb before pulling hard on the nipple. She moaned from Bill’s ministrations and the eroticism of the scene, allowing his dick to flop wetly against his stomach. Relinquishing her tit, he wrapped his left hand in her hair and grabbed the base of his cock with his right. “Did I say to stop?” Slap. His dick lewdly bounced off her cheek and lips. Slap. “Didn’t I say that you’ll get yours?” Slap. “Stick out your tongue.” Slap. Slap. Slap. He hit her as hard as he could with his stiff rod, watching the light in her eyes burn with shame and lust. He re-directed and thrust his hips up from the bed, holding her head still. Repeatedly he forced his cock down her throat and he could feel her throat trying to adjust to his size, trying to milk the cum from him. Her eyes began to water but to her credit she did not break eye contact.

Releasing her he moved, sliding off the bed. She remained bent over, legs splayed as Bill continued to lick her, his head back facing her slick cunt. Jack noticed that Bill was hard again as he walked up behind Debbie. She truly had a gorgeous pussy. Her lips were full and engorged and dripping wet with her husband’s saliva mixed with her own juices. Bill stopped and began to move out of the way. “Stay” Jack said. “I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?”

Frozen for a second, Bill hesitated before resuming. Jack stepped closer, tracing the helmet of his pole against her outer lips, bumping against Bill’s lips. With one fluid motion he pushed into her. She shrieked, nearly collapsing on the bed as their hips finally met, fully conjoined. Jack could feel his balls resting on Bill’s chin as he slowly unsheathed himself, preparing to thrust again. Jack palmed the supple tanned globes of her ass, squeezing tightly before spanking her hard, once, twice, before plunging back in.

He worked his way into a steady rhythm, spanking her until that luscious ass was bright red over the tan and marveling at the ripples coursing their way through her curves. He could feel her starting to clench, and her orgasm built steadily, overtaking her. Her moans became shrieks which became imprecations and then finally supplications to deities that were wholly unable to help her now. She finally spasmed hard, arching her back in a wordless scream as Jack continued to pound her from behind. Jack felt a warm liquid splatter his legs. A squirter? He had never had a woman squirt like this before. Jack slowed as she came down from her climax and she collapsed forward onto the bed.

Bill’s face and torso were soaked. He looked stunned. Jack grabbed the top of his head and forced his angry cock into Bill’s mouth. “That’s it. Suck your wife’s cum off my cock.”

As Bill cleaned him Debbie was speaking from the bed “Never. Never have I cum like that. I didn’t know I could do that. I thought that was something porn movies faked. Jesus.” Her words came out in gasps, her voice low and rough.

Jack needed to cum, and while Bill’s oral proficiency had already improved Jack knew that he wouldn’t cum from Bill’s efforts. Stepping back and then around Bill Jack approached the tangled mass of sweaty limbs and tangled hair on the bed that was the other man’s wife. He reached a hand out, caressing her inner thigh from her knee up to her well used pussy, lips still engorged and red, and his touch encouraged her to roll over onto her back. Her ample tits pillowed to the sides of her chest and she looked up at Jack with half-lidded eyes.

“Up on the bed Bill. I’m going to fuck this slut until I cum. Kiss her while she takes my cock, while I use your wife for my own pleasure.” Bill moved onto the bed next to Debbie as Jack positioned himself between her legs. As he plunged his hard rod into her slipper folds she moaned loudly into her husband’s mouth. “Can you tell how much she loves my cock Bill?” Jack taunted. “Are you ready to taste my cum? What do you think? Would you like to eat it out of her wrecked cunt or would you like it straight from the tap?”

Bill’s answer was a moan, a muffled “Yes.” Jack had been thinking about where he would cum first with this couple. Obviously both needed to be involved: he wanted to demonstrate his power, to mark them permanently as his. His orgasms had always produced a lot of ejaculate material. Amanda hardly ever let him cum in her mouth, even when they had first started dating and never in the past few years because she was never able to swallow it all. He had loved to watch her try, to watch it pour from the sides of her mouth and drip down her chin. He knew this load would be enormous: the hectic moving schedule had precluded finding any time for release for days, and normally had to cum at least once per day or he would be irritable.

“Bill, come lick my slut’s clit. I want to look into her married eyes when I cum in her” Jack’s statement caused Debbie to positively howl and writhe underneath him, bucking back at his hips with her own. Bill obediently turned and attempted to get his mouth on her sex but her undulations were reaching a peak and it was difficult for him to gain purchase.

Jack could feel Debbie’s second orgasm approaching. “Tell me” he said urgently. “Tell me what I want to hear, what you need to say. Tell me that you’re my personal slut and that together with your husband you will be my personal cum dumps.” Jack reached out, pulling her nipple, twisting it, pinching it hard. Her shrieks continued to escalate.

“Yes, yes, yours. Yours whenever you want, however you want. We’re yours to do with as you will. Me and my sissy husband.” Her words were wrenched out of her, pulled by the animal lust that had overtaken her.

Jack reached out again, this time slapping her tit hard. Her back arched with his touch and she came hard, clenching hard onto his throbbing cock, squirting all over his hips and her husband’s face again. Her release triggered Jack’s own and he let the first burst of semen bust deep inside her womb before rapidly pulling out, the second rope splattering her nether lips, and finally shoving his pulsing member, slick with his cum and hers into Bill’s mouth. Jack watched as Bill’s eyes found his own and felt the thrill of control. Bill was his, just as Debbie was his. Bill knew it, he could tell. Rope after rope burst from his cock, splashing the inside of Bills mouth, forcing him to swallow repeatedly. Finally spent, Jack rocked back, turning to collapse onto his back on the bed next to Debbie.

“Clean up my slut. Eat my cum out of your wife’s freshly fucked pussy. Taste her cum, taste how much she enjoyed my cock.” Jack’s words were low, and he saw Bill swing down off the bed and bury himself between Debbie’s splayed legs.

She leaned over, touching the side of his face tenderly as her husband licked between her legs. “Perfect” she purred. “That was just perfect.”
