Chapter 2: Alison[Romance][Fiction]

Jackson stood leaning against the sofa with a glass of wine in his hand, his fingers gently covering the edge of the glass  something he always did when he felt impatient.

Ryan approached him with a sycophantic smile. ¨Sir, I sent someone over to check on her and they have assured me that she will be here. Perhaps we should start without her?〃

Jackson glanced over and then closed his eyes without saying anything, the soft light casting a shadow onto his handsome face. There was an air of tension in the room, and the colleagues around him were all in a cold sweat.

The party to celebrate Bass Towerˇs anniversary had already been delayed for more than an hour, and all because of one woman. A fact sure to be a source of great amusement later on to the various directors that dumbly sat there.

Inwardly, Ryan was feeling gloomy, wondering if he and Ann were ever going to get on.

¨Ann has arrived!〃

Mikeˇs shouting drew everyoneˇs attention and they all looked over at Ann, who was just entering the room.

A waiter eagerly opened the door and she walked casually in.

Her long hair was tied up in a simple style and she wore no jewelry. The black princessˇs dress she wore was just long enough to cover her knees, and the soft layers of black chiffon only served to enhance the shape of her slender legs.

On anyone else, the dress wouldˇve looked cutesy, but on her it somehow seemed elegant.

She wore no make-up, but standing there in the grand lobby, she exuded an easy charm that seemed to demand attention.

Jackson stood up and walked towards her, pulling her into his arms and away from the staring eyes. ¨Letˇs get started,〃 he said with a wave of his hand.

After knocking back several drinks, Matt came over. He was smiling and holding two glasses of wine. ¨My dear Ann, you really kept Jackson waiting. Now you must drink this as a forfeit!〃

Ann stood nestled against Jacksonˇs chest, and with a casual glance, answered, ¨No, thanks.〃

¨Itˇs only fruit wine.〃

Looking at the viscous smiles of the people around her, it was clear to Ann that they felt aggrieved at the way she had treated Jackson.

Perhaps they thought that she had embarrassed him.

What they failed to realize, however, was that the night before he had kept her up half the night, and that sheˇd hardly managed a wink of sleep. Even now, she could still feel the tenderness between her legs. Surely, she was the one that should be feeling aggrieved.

¨Well, Iˇm sure Jackson can think of another way to punish me.〃

She smiled at Jackson, her ruby lips in stark contrast to her snow-white skin. ¨Isnˇt that right, Jackson?〃

The glint in Annˇs eyes caught Jackson of guard, and he found himself unable to pull away from her gaze. He felt suddenly light-headed, the blood pulsing in the corner of his eyes.

Unable to control himself he kissed Ann. It was along and passionate kiss and everyone began to cheer.

¨Well, Iˇve punished her. Now it’s your turn.〃

Standing up, Ann reached for a bottle of wine. ¨What was it you just called me?〃

¨Well, err〃 Matt hurriedly turned to Jackson, sensing something was amiss. ¨I just wasnˇt thinking〃

Jackson was in good spirits after the kiss with Ann. Holding her in his arms he grinned and raised his eyebrows, silently observing the scene before him.

¨Come on; donˇt blame us, just drink!〃 Ryan and Ben were holding Matt down.

Gulping down the wine, Matt glared at his colleagues, much to everyoneˇs amusement.

¨Looks like someoneˇs having fun!〃

Breaking free of his captors, Matt made a dash towards a sweet-sounding female voice. ¨Alison, save me!〃

Alison was dressed in a full-length pink skirt, her make-up delicate and natural. ¨You again, Matt?〃

¨When will you ever learn? Why canˇt you be more like Ryan and Ben? You donˇt see them getting into trouble.〃


Ann stood up and greeted Alison respectfully.

Acknowledging the greeting with a nod, Alison walked passed Ann and went to sit next to Jackson. ¨Congratulations, Mr. President.〃

¨Thanks for coming,〃 said Jackson politely, a slight frown on his face now that Ann had freed herself from his embrace.

¨Letˇs find somewhere quiet to talk.〃

They talked for more than two hours.

Ann sat by the window watching the fireworks display. She wondered whether she should tell her sister that she had been thinking of returning home to see their father.

She was always so busy, but Ann was afraid that her father wouldnˇt see her unless her sister took her back home.

¨What are you thinking about?〃

Nathan patted on her head.

¨I was wondering whether I should go to work tomorrow.〃

Ann smiled at him sweetly.

¨Forget that I asked.〃

Ann worked for Nathan in his foreign trade company. When she felt like it she would turn up for work, but when she didnˇt she would request several days leave.

Rumors were rife in the company that she and Nathan were romantically involved. As a consequence, Ann had cameras installed and when she was in a bad mood she would find the gossips and put them straight, the shouting putting everyone in the firm on edge.

The company financial reports became increasingly gloomy, due in no small part to the high turnover of staff.

Nathan had offered Ann the role of company director on several occasions, promising her the funds to start up her own company. But she had been unwilling to move home.

¨Nathan, I miss my father.〃

Nathan sighed. ¨Itˇs okay to miss him, but donˇt go back home.

The memory of someone is always better than the reality.〃

Looking dejected, Ann remained silent and bit her lip.

On the way back, Ann looked tired. Leaning against Jackson on the back seat of the car, she didnˇt say word.

Jackson held her close and kissed her hair. ¨Whatˇs happened? Has something upset you?〃

¨Or are you just tired?〃

Ann, feeling gloomy and unwilling to answer Jacksonˇs questions, shifted a little in his arms. ¨What were you talking to my sister about?〃 she said after a while.

¨She told me Charles was back,〃 he sneered, his face suddenly overcast.

Jackson had in fact known of Charlesˇ return ever since his transfer order had come through. For days now he had been wondering how Ann would react to the news.

However, contrary to his expectation, Ann simply nodded. Without saying a word, she turned and gazed out of the window.

Jackson held her hand and stroked it gently. ¨Itˇs a lateral move, but this is his home turf and so no doubt he be playing a pivotal role.

¨Itˇs quite some achievement him getting to where he is at such a young age.〃

Charles was one of the few people that Jackson thought of as capable. Back when Charles worked for Donald at Grayson Global, he and Jackson would often have karate sparring contests. One of them had a natural talent and had studied with a famous teacher; the other had lots of practical fighting experience. But none could ever defeat the other. Something Jackson wasnˇt used to.

Ann, uninterested with his business affairs, answered with a perfunctory grunt, before turning to the window to admire the evening.

Jackson finally broke the silence. ¨Heˇs taking up a new role, and so as a matter of routine he already been to see Alison. And Iˇm sure at some point he will come and pay his respects to us.

¨Alison told me that he asked after you.〃

¨Oh,〃 said Ann casually, her brow furrowed.

¨Heˇs been back for a while. Hasnˇt he been in touch?〃

Jackson, seemingly indifferent, finally asks the question.

Ann still had the same phone number. If Charles had wanted to see her, he wouldnˇt need to do it through her sister.


Ann still spoke with the same measured tone, as if none of this was of the slightest concern to her.

His words seemed as ineffective as drops of water in the ocean. Frustrated, Jackson sighed and pulled her closer.

Ann sat, her eyes half shut, her thick eyelashes concealing the emotion in her eyes.

His name was like some curse repeating itself over and over again. As her mind wandered, all she could hear was the sound of her own teenage voice calling his name.

¨You fool!〃


Their lovemaking was especially gentle that night. Jackson had teased her with foreplay and she trembled under him, begging to be satisfied. Seeing her pink flesh quiver gave him a feeling of satisfaction, and breathing into her ear, he gently entered her. His thrust was slow and deliberate. And with the kisses that caressed her body, it was as though he was staking his claim to the woman that lay beneath him.

¨Ann, Ann.〃 Again and again he called her name as she writhed in ecstasy beneath him.

Ann moaned. She was drunk on his sudden tenderness. All she could see before her was white light. Finally, she fainted to the sound of his moaning.

¨You fainted!〃

Looks like weˇll need more practice.〃

Kissing her cheek, he hurriedly finished what they had started.


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