[GRP] Kas’s Visit – Part 4 End

Chris awoke to see golden light pour in from outside. He blinked to clear his eyes and then remained there, looking at the wall for several moments. Kas stirred behind him. Slowly adjusting himself to face her, they came up close almost touching each other’s noses. She made a half blink, and then another blink taking in Chris’ face and then the bright wall behind him. Meeting his eyes, she smiled a gentle smile. Her eyes were small and the bright green glistened. They were like beautiful green pearls he thought. They stared at each other for the longest few moments.

She put a hand on his chest, right where his heart was. He stroked the side of her cheek, where the little line separated her cheek with her mouth. He could only think of one thing to say. “I love Annja”, he whispered. It was a stupid thing to say but Kas had understood. She smiled, her eyes smiling with her, and she stroked his cheek as he had stroked hers. “And that is why I love and respect you”.

Chris wanted to open up. He almost felt like crying. His face turned soft and his eyes showed the sadness. “I am not sure if I was even the best I could have been with her in the time I had her”.
Kas had no immediate reply, but then whispered, “She loved you so much. Indescribable. If the whole universe was her love, she would have given it all to you. And the more time I am spending with you, the more I realize why. You aren’t just another man. That’s what I thought actually when I first met you. Smart, skilled, but just another man. But then I began to know you. She has told me literally everything you have done together. She has told me your deepest desires, as she has told me hers. You are not just her love. You are more. Even more than her love. You were right to marry her, especially now that she is away from you. You are her everything and I can clearly see that she was your everything as well.”

“I made a promise – ”, he began.

“So did she. And she is going to keep it. If I know my sister, I know she will keep it”. He was almost surprised that she knew what he was talking about, but then remembered that Annja had made the promise in front of her sister. Of course they had talked about it.

“But that is not fair! If we are apart, she is going to live the rest of her life alone just because of a promise. Even if the promise was made with good intentions – “

“Are you going to marry another?”

“No, of course not. I love her way too –“

“She feels the same way. Sure, maybe you will find another and have feelings for her. And maybe she will as well, but I know that both of you will stay true to your promise, only because the love that you shared with her was not one that another love can replace. You may realize and hate that you may miss out on amazing love with this other, but the love you shared with my sister was too valuable. It was no coincidence that you met, it was fate. You had a wonderful life with her and I know it and I approve, and I love you with all my heart for it. You took care of her. I thank you for it.”

Chris couldn’t bring himself to say anything back. Kas put her cheek on his, wrapped her arms around his back, and put a leg over his. She held him tightly and there was a feeling of appreciation and true love in the air. Chris hugged her back, with a clear mind and whispered, “I will stand by the promise forever”. She nodded gently and squeezed him tighter. They embraced and could almost feel each other’s happy memories flowing. They felt like they had lost someone so dear to the world.

Carol stirred and moved around. Whatever blankets Chris had put on them, she took with her. When she stirred again, she saw Kas hugging Chris and Chris’s face so peaceful, she could only wonder. Confused at first, and then realizing what probably had happened, she felt a sadness for the two and was amazed at how they shared each other’s comfort. It was so pure.

Chris flickered open his eyes and smiled at Carol. Squeezing Kas, he stirred her and they got up. Silently, Kas grabbed her clothes from the floor and went to the bathroom to dress. Chris left the room for Carol to dress. Waiting in the hall, Chris got both girls and led them down to the backyard. The sun was just about settling for its night. They had only slept a couple of hours at most. He got the meat he had been defrosting since the morning and lit the barbeque. Silently he began grilling. Feeling awkward, Carol didn’t say anything and sat at the table taking in the backyard.

Kas had gone and fetched plates and then sat across Carol. Kas broke the awkward silence. “Do you like barbequing Carol?”
“Oh yes, when I am with family, it is my chore and I like doing it”.
Kas laughed and then told stories of feasts in the village where people would get all of their wood in to the center of the village, get wagons and wagons of meat, and just share the good food.
Starving, they soon were all eating directly from the grill. Kas suggested making the deck like a dance floor and then Chris explained about the annoying neighbors. Kas marveled at the thought of neighbors and asked questions about the feeling of living in a city.

As they finished grilling, they looked up at the night sky and marveled at the big dipper and the few other stars they could see.
With full bellies, they went in and unanimously decided it was okay to sleep all together. With a shirt and briefs, Chris was the first in bed. With a shirt and panties, Kas followed. With Kas’s shirt and panties, Carol then followed. Jumping in bed, they laughed and fell asleep.

When the sun came up, Kas was the first to crawl over Carol and go to the bathroom. She smiled and giggled foxily when she noticed the little bump in Chris’s briefs. She had enjoyed his touch and wondered how he had touched her sister. She recalled an awkward conversation she had with her sister. She had marveled at her sister. She hadn’t wanted to open up to even Kas when she spoke about sex with Chris, almost as if keeping the pure love completely separate from how they expressed it. But they never had true sex. They had kept each other in check and Kas admired that most.
Carol quickly awoke and followed. Opening the door to the bathroom, Carol found Kas brushing her teeth with nothing but panties on. The shirt was on the floor. Carol said a shy “Hi. You look cute in the morning”. Kas laughed and continued brushing. Carol subtly moved in behind Kas as she spit out a load of paste.
Carol ran a finger between Kas’ butt cheeks and then moved away. Kas flicked her hair and gave a smiling laugh to Carol. Kas gave a final rinse and spit and then turned to Carol. “Come on, I want to share with you my morning routine.”
Enthusiastically, Kas went to her luggage, her breasts jiggling against gravity and grabbed a sport bra for herself. Then she led Carol to the living room and cleared the little table from the middle of the carpet. With both girls in Kas’s tight panties, and Carol in her shirt, Kas led Carol in stretching. Carol was genuinely interested and followed her moves.
It all started off easy with Carol copying Kas’s standing actions. Kas took her right hand and touched her left foot, then opposite. Then stood on one leg with the other outstretched, etc. Then Kas sat and invited Carol to sit facing her. Carol sat cross-legged and Kas followed crossing her own legs. It felt good for them to be in their underwear in room temperature. Carol told Kas so and Kas explained her preference. “I don’t like wearing clothes. I would try to wear the least amount needed at all times. Even at home or with friends. In front of strangers I would dress up of course. But if I felt comfortable enough, like with you, I could walk around naked in the house. And actually, I should be since I feel comfortable with Chris as well”.

Kas used her palms to push down on her knees. She made butterfly motions and Carol copied. With each motion, her panties crept up a little bit and Carol noticed.

Kas stood and made motions with her hips back and forth as if dancing. Carol followed and did the same and looked at Kas’s waist. Then Kas went to Carol and by touching her back, guided her to bend over and touch her toes. As Carol went down, she touched her from her panties and all the way to her neck. Pulling her back up, they lowered themselves together back to the floor and stretched their legs wide. Kas playfully pulled on Carol’s panties and she enjoyed the feeling of the tight fabric rub against her. The panties showed camel toe.

Then Kas lifted herself up with just her hands and plopped her butt back down a foot away, and outstretched her legs. Carol marveled at her thighs. Carol followed and stretched out her legs until the girls’ toes touched. They giggled a little as they rubbed and wiggled. Then Kas outstretched her hands and bent to touch her toes. She smiled at Carol as she noticed Carol’s eyes fell to Kas’s chest. Then, with a slight giggle, she lowered her face, making a wave of hair wash over her, hiding her boobs. Carol was taken aback having hidden the view. She was about to follow Kas’s stretch and touch her own toes, but found that she didn’t want to. She just wanted to look at the girl in front of her.

Chris came bounding down the stairs and smiled as he saw the two girls. As Kas came up from her stretch, Carol tried to quickly cover and made the same pulling up motion even though she hadn’t went down. Chris announced that he was going to make a nice breakfast.

Kas jumped up as powerful as an elk and asked, “Do you have one of those exercise balls?” As she asked the question, Carol took in her form for the second time in as many days. Her legs were powerful with a line crossing through her calves. Her thighs were even more powerful with a similar line. She recalled that Annja had similar lines on her legs. There was a gentle curve from her lower stomach to her pussy. She knew that Chris loved that. Her panties outlined her beautiful waist. It was not too wide, nor thin. It had a pronounced curve. The panties were low on her, covering half of her hip bones. Her stomach screamed at Carol. She looked even more defined than what she saw yesterday. Two beautiful lines ran up either side of her stomach and a subtle six pack showed. Her hair was all over her back and chest.

“Yeah”, Chris answered with a nod. He went to the basement and came back a moment later with a large red ball. “It’s a little deflated, but here”. He threw it at Kas who stopped it in the air with her palm and redirected its motion to the floor. Then she smiled at Carol.

Kas directed Carol to sit on the floor with her back against the ball. Kas held the ball in place with her feet as she gently eased Carol’s shoulders down. Carol smiled as she felt Kas’s fingers on her shoulders. Carol looked up and found Kas’s beautiful eyes. Gently, Kas pulled back on her shoulders. Carol felt her stomach being stretched out.

Kas looked at Carol’s stomach as she pulled on her. Carol’s abdomen was shaped like a V and a gap formed between her skin and the panties Kas had given her. Kas instantly loved the gap and wanted to put a finger down one side. As Kas lowered her, Kas looked at Carol’s chest. Kas liked her own chest size personally, but Carol had a nice shape to her boobs and were naturally supported well.

Pulling Carol back up for another stretch, Kas watched as her stomach stretched. Carol had automatically stretched out her legs. Her thighs had a nice color to them, and lower stomach had a small curve to her pussy. Kas made her hold the position with Carol’s back straight. Breathing in, Carol adjusted herself and put more weight on the ball. Her stomach and thighs became lined up and Kas said, “Good”. Then Kas let her drop. But not for long. Once again, Kas pulled her up. Biting her lips, Carol straightened out her back and thighs and aligned them once more. Her thighs began to burn and her stomach felt good.

Kas suddenly let go of her and she caught herself about to fall. She sat on the ball and allowed Kas to brush her long black hair to one side. Laughing as Kas pulled on all of her hair, Carol was then surprised and gasped when Kas’s quick hands grabbed the end of her shirt and lifted up and over her boobs. Carol looked down and bit her lip as she saw her bare boobs and Kas’s hands. Yanking the shirt as far up as it would go, Kas then began to stroke her boobs. Carol smiled and laughed as she embraced her fingers running over her tits. “Raise your hands as far up as they can go”, Kas said into Carol’s ear.

Falling under her trance, Carol obeyed as Kas felt her boobs lift with her arms. Carol closed her eyes as she felt Kas pinch her tits gently between two fingers. Kas was amazed at how small Carol’s frame actually was. And yet she had a good boob size. Lowering and then raising her arms again, Kas enjoyed the movement of the girl’s boobs.

Switching from the side, Kas then held Carol’s boobs from over her shoulders and wiggled them up and down. “you have wonderful breasts Carol”, Kas whispered. Pulling the shirt over her head, it fell to the floor. Laughing, Carol got up and stood before Kas. But Kas didn’t take the hint. Instead, she circled Carol and told her to put her arms on the ball. Carol stretched out her back. Kas ran a hand along her back and down to her panties. With both hands, she gently wiggled her panties off her bum and down her legs. Carol shook a little as she was turned on with every inch she went down. Kas then came back up and took a step back as if admiring her work. “There. Doesn’t that feel so much better? So much freer?”

It was then that Carol realized that for these two beautiful sisters, nakedness and sex were two completely different things. Even though Kas had touched her boobs, and undressed her completely, Kas was not thinking dirty, and not even turned on.
Kas then told Carol to sit. Carol sat facing away from Kas but Kas told her to turn around. Naked, and feeling silly, she turned around to face her. “With your knees bent, outstretch your feet” Kas said. Carol did so and Kas gently stepped on them. Both girl’s skin were soft and felt good in contact with each other. “Now sit ups” Kas said as she slowly crossed her legs and grazed Carol’s calves with her hands. Then she held her feet down with her hands.

Slowly, Carol lowered herself to the floor. Coming up, she used Kas’ weight on her feet to rise. First one. She repeated exhaling on the way down. Her butt moved a little on the carpet. She rose and gasped in air. Coming up all the way to her knees, she touched her elbows to them and then dropped. Again. And again. And finally again. With each time she came up, she met with Kas’s beautiful bright green eyes and felt her hard nipple touch her thigh.

Kas came forward and brushed her fingers against Carol’s cheek as she came up and then went back down. Hitting the floor, Carol felt a jolt in her stomach and she was more turned on. Then Kas ran a hand over her stomach and she nearly jumped. Kas took hold of her hand and told her to trade places.

Kas lay on the floor and Carol positioned herself so that Kas’ feet were in between her legs and she was holding her feet down with her hands. Kas then came up and down in one fluid motion. Her boobs stayed well in place given their larger size, but her stomach muscles caught Carol’s attention. After only three sit-ups, Carol couldn’t resist but trace her lower stomach.

“Do you exercise often? And for your stomach and ass?” Carol asked. Carol gently touched the back of her upper thigh. That was when Kas slowed down her pace and looked at Carol with curios eyes. She went down and broke eye contact, and then back up making contact again. As if wondering about Carol’s personality, Kas made a choice. On the next down and up, Kas pulled in closed and grabbed Carol’s head from behind and kissed her.
Carol’s hands went to Kas’s arms while Kas’s hands went to Carol’s thighs. As they kissed, Kas slowly backed away forcing Carol to feel Kas’s boobs as the only thing that was in range and to concentrate on the taste of her mouth. A sweet taste that she couldn’t place. Kas gently locked on to Carol’s lower lip and backed away. Adjusting herself for more comfort, Kas came back in for a kiss and touched Carol’s waist. Carol then had a little urge to kiss Kas’s little pointy nose and she did so as she traced her shoulders and then her firm boobs. Feeling her boobs more, Carol could only think of how much she needed to see Kas naked again. With her right hand, she slipped her fingers under her bra and lifted. But not all the way. Going back down, she traced Kas’ stomach and she traced hers. Carol lifted her leg and Kas traced her thigh. They kissed again, Kas holding Carol’s neck and pulling her in close.
Kas broke it off again and looked down at Carol’s body. She was a lovely girl she thought, as she traced her hips and stomach. Kas held her boobs as Carol played with her thighs and the ends of the panties. Carol then went for the bra and undid it, and touched her shoulders, then her chest, then her boobs as the bra fell away and into her lap. Carol went in and kissed her left boob as Kas arched her back and let her head fall back as well. Kas’s midsection came up close to Carol and she subtly angled her pussy to touch her thigh.

Carol then moved to lick her right boob and Kas dropped her hands. Carol didn’t like not having hands on her, so she pushed Kas backwards to the floor. As they lowered themselves, Carol tried to lick her nipple again, but Kas kept pulling away making them both laugh. Once, she was fully on the ground, Carol abruptly rose and forced Kas to roll. Now on her stomach, Kas adjusted herself.

Carol was stunned with the beauty of Kas’ back and lowered herself so her boobs were on her mid back. Stroking her shoulder blades, she wondered just how much work it had taken her to make such lovely angel wings. Slowly, she slid down feeling the drag of Kas’s skin pull her boobs up.

Carol’s attention was all on Kas, and she didn’t notice Chris casually walk in. But Kas noticed. Craning her neck, her bright green eyes met with his green eyes and there was a little spark between them. A fleeting thought came and went through Kas’ head. A longing for a lifelong friendship with her sister’s husband. But her attention was stolen when she felt Carol’s hand stroke her left ass cheek and then felt her fingers run up her underside. She closed her eyes and tensed and let her mouth fall open without a sound.

Carol continued touching her thighs and kissing her back. Kas put her cheek to the ground and allowed the girl to mingle with her body. Carol secretly looked up and marveled at the beauty of her face, but then went back to kissing.

Chris couldn’t help it anymore. He was starting to feel horny as he watched Carol, and Carol’s ass in the air, kissing Kas, and couldn’t shake the feeling he got when Kas looked at him. As if reading his mind, Kas opened her eyes to look back at him as he approached her. She was so beautiful, he thought, but not as beautiful as Annja… but still so beautiful. Carol was cute as well, but he felt a pull towards the Svitkona’s like no other.

Chris crouched slightly to the left of Carol and Kas stared at him. Carol, having not noticed, moved fiercely to remove Kas’ panties. Kas lifted her butt to the air and Chris stared at the skin revealed as they came off. As Carol pulled them off, she noticed Chris and gave a giggle. Both Carol and Chris marveled at Kas’ heart shape. As soon as the panties were off, Carol wasted no time in grabbing Kas’ ass cheeks and splitting her pink apart. As soon as it was open, a finger went in.

Kas jumped, jolting her ass into the air, and gave a big surprised gasp. Climbing on all fours, she turned around and faced Carol and Chris, only to pick Chris and move closer. Chris put up a hand that stopped everything.

With a shaky voice, Chris started, “I just want to be clear” he began. Kas began quickly tying up her hair in a messy but tight bun. “You are both my sisters. And I will only touch you, make you feel good, and do some playful things, but I will not go any further.”

There was a moment of silence, and then Kas leaned in. “Then make me feel good”, she whispered with puppy dog eyes. Carol took the invitation before Chris did. She pushed Kas gently back onto the floor, letting her fingers drop down her stomach as she fell backwards. Soon Carol was licking and kissing all of Kas’ lower stomach. Chris moved to Kas’ side and traced the sides of her body, then went to her chest and gently wrapped his hands around her boobs. A bulge quickly formed in his shorts, and he leaned in to kiss Kas. She was so beautiful with her hair up like that.

But Carol didn’t want to stay in place. Tapping Kas to flip over, she guided Kas into a position on all fours.
Carol never liked anal herself, but she decided to try it on Kas, since she had more experience anyways. With her thumb running up and down the line of pink, she poked her ass with her index finger. It slid in relatively easily, with more resistance than her pussy but not as much as she would have expected. Chris watched and then went to Kas’s front and began to kiss her on the eyes and cheeks.

With an arm reaching under her, Chris gently held and lifted Kas’s stomach while he kissed her forehead. Carol went in and out more rapidly as her hole opened wider. With her left hand toying with her pussy, and her right poking her butt, she was getting a workout.
Suddenly, Kas turned around and faced Carol on all fours. A look of panic flashed on Carol’s face, then Chris’s gaze went to Kas’ underside. She was so clean and sexy, just like Annja, he thought. Kas pushed on Carol’s stomach as she had done to her, and forced Carol on her back. With no preparation, Kas jammed a finger into Carol and Carol collapsed into the feeling with a groan. Quickly speeding up, she gave no chance to Carol. With no gentle touching as she had given the night before, this was more violent and harsh. It was all for the feeling of it.

But Chris had other plans. In a surprise move, he bent on all fours and put his mouth right on the top of Kas’ pussy, quickly licking her clit with his tongue, grabbing a sucking hold, and sucked as much as he could. Kas yelped and her arms buckled. Her boobs fell onto Carol’s stomach and Carol leaned her head back as Kas went in all the way with two fingers. Chris held his sucking grip and began sloshing his tongue around the top of her pussy. His nose rubbed the hole of her pussy. There was no taste, just like Annja’s, but he kept on going as she moved front and back and groaned with excitement.

Kas’ in and out movement in Carol changed to an up and down movement. Faster and faster. Carol felt as hot as a furnace and felt the urge to scream. Several cracks of her voice escaped her and she couldn’t believe what was going on. Kas was being so violent and yet it felt so, so good.

As Kas pumped Carol’s pussy, she recovered and straightened her back to kiss Carol. Biting gently, squeezing, and pulling, Kas emulated what she was feeling Chris do to her with Carol’s lips. In between gasps for air, she kissed Carol’s bottom lip.
Kas’s pussy became wet but she groaned less and less. With one final push of his tongue, Chris let her go and then adjusted himself. With a finger, he gently poked and went in. She didn’t have an apparent reaction, so he tried with two fingers. Kas’s pussy was wider and more accepting that Annja’s, so he went with three fingers. That’s when Kas started responding.

Carol began to scream little screams. Her pussy almost felt numb and yet so much pleasure and sensitivity was coming from it. White cream started coming out of her and covered Kas’ fingers. At the same time, Chris began pounding Kas from behind and switched his in and out movement to up and down. Carol slowly began to scream more and more as Kas kept up her rhythm. And Kas began to scream as well. Both girls’ pussies began making sloshing sounds and Chris loved it. White goo oozed out of Carol and down her butt cheeks.

Kas arched her back and began to shake violently but kept on pumping Carol. Both girls began to shake and shake and scream and scream. Kas’s screams were loud but Carol’s were sharp and short. Goo oozed around Chris’ fingers. Kas twitched and gave one huge scream and shake of her body. Her pussy contracted and a small load of clear liquid gushed out of her. Chris’s wrist was wet, but he kept going, fighting against the feeling of her pussy pushing his fingers out.

Kas was unable to get her breath but it felt so good. She could feel her pussy push against his fingers and wanted to do worlds of things to Chris. She almost forgot she was still pounding Carol. Carol’s back arched against the floor and she waved her arms up and over her head. She screamed loudest of them all as Kas’s palm brushed her clit. She felt herself orgasm hard and enjoyed it as it slowly passed. Kas’s hand stopped moving and slowly came out of her, with white goo strands on her fingers, but Carol could still hear the sloshing sound of Chris pounding her.

Kas dared not breathe and stared at Carol’s brown eyes. She felt so good inside. She kept on cumming small amounts. She took in one large breath and screamed it all out in a long scream. Then again and then shorter screams. Her knees shook violently, uncontrollably, and she gave out completely smacking her stomach against the floor. With one more scream, Chris quickly yanked out his fingers bringing with it another load of clear goo. With her legs wide, she could only concentrate, only feel, how her pussy was pulsating. Nothing else in the entire world mattered. Carol was in much the same state, looking at the girl next to her, collapsed completely, and with her mouth open. Slowly, she brushed her pussy with the tips of her fingers, feeling herself, as she huffed and puffed.

Both girls breathed laboriously, and Chris watched frozen in place as he observed Carol on her back, and Kas on her stomach. Kas then slowly turned over and faced him. They met eyes in wonder. She looked so amazingly pretty with her hair done up. Carol raised her head to look at the two.

Kas whispered. “There is only one thing left from this”. She stretched out a hand and Chris took it lifting her to an upright position. Letting go, her hand quickly flowed to his boxers. He gasped as she grabbed at him and then stripped him. He felt shy in front of Carol but tried to ignore it. “I want you to cum on me”, Kas said. She began to stroke him and he fell to his knees. Backing up, Kas went back on her back and gently stroked him. Given what he had just seen, he didn’t last very long. Carol watched in wonder as Kas expertly stroked him and then pumped him as he began to moan. He came out hard and Kas continued to pump with every shot he took. He ahed as he came with every pump. It all went to the middle of Kas’s chest as he leaned in, and she seemed to really like it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/8emzy5/grp_kass_visit_part_4_end