The Girl with the Blue Beanie (Part 3.) [Str8] [MF] [Public] [Fiction

“What’s your name?” she asked.

Her voice was like a warm breeze to Zack, a relief from the chilly air of the library, washing over him as her eyes moved over his facial features. Zack swallowed and answered, turning back towards the bookshelves.


“Zach,” she repeated. “What’s that short for? Zacharias?”


Zack turned to see her reaction. She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and looked away from him, but he noticed that she was unable to hold back a tiny smile. He looked away from her too, and there was a short silence.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Emma,” she replied, turning back towards the bookshelf.

“What’s that short for? Emmanuel?”

He heard a snort, and turned back towards Emma, just in time to see her look at him, a smirk on her face. He felt strangely proud. Emma took a step towards him. Zack turned to face her as she took another step, and then another, her smirk growing. Finally, she stood less than a foot away, her height causing her to look slightly up at him.

“Do you usually get hard while browsing library bookshelves, Zackalicious?” she whispered.

Zack’s eyebrows shot up, and he felt himself growing a little red. Emma giggled at him, and she suddenly walked away, her shoulder brushing against him as she marched past him. He caught a whiff of the flowery scent of her hair, and as his cock pressed itself against his pants, he decided the time for games was officially over.

He slowly turned around and watched Emma walk away from him. He glared at her grey cardigan, feeling a mild sense of deja vu, and then finally took a deep breath and started walking towards her.

Emma seemed to be pretending he wasn’t there again, which somehow irritated and excited Zack at the same time. He quickened his pace, glancing around at the still empty library, and began catching up with her. He noticed he was feeling a sensation he hadn’t felt in awhile: the quickened heart rate and the nervous excitement of pure arousal. He hadn’t felt drawn to someone like this for months.

Zack caught up to Emma and quickly strode around her until he was standing in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. She looked up at him with an infuriatingly blank expression on her face, and when he didn’t say anything for several seconds, raised one of her eyebrows.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

Zack sighed with exasperation and shook his head, briefly glancing away from her before looking at her with a stern expression.

“Yeah, you need to stop teasing me. It’s getting old.”

Emma look of fake innocence was the cutest thing he had seen in a long time. There was another small moment of silence as she gazed at him with wide eyes and parted lips.

“What makes you think I’m teasing you?” she eventually asked.

He accusingly pointed a finger at her.

“You know what you’re doing. Touching me, smiling at me. And what about that book you had? The one about the male human penis or whatever?”

Emma pursed her lips together and looked at Zack with a sad expression. She reached out and gently touched his raised hand.

“Oh Zack,” she sighed, and she took a step closer to him, glancing down to her shoes. “I was reading that book because…” She looked back up at him, and narrowed her eyes.

“I just really, really love cocks.”

In any other situation, Zack would have laughed. But now, he did not find what he had just heard particularly funny. His manhood pulsed angrily against his pants, desperate for attention. Seeing Emma’s beautiful lips form the word “cocks” made him lose the ability to breath for a second, and he felt chills that had nothing to do with the cold library run up his spine as her fingertips brushed over the back of his hand and started moving up his arm.

“I think about cocks all the time…”

Emma stepped closer to him and her hand stroked his arm, stopping and resting on his shoulder. All of the breath that he was holding in suddenly left him in a forceful exhale, and a small smile started to grow on her face. He desperately wanted to watch her full lips move around that word again, he wanted to hear her voice, which had become low and sultry, say it again. She slowly moved even closer to him, and her hand started moving from his shoulder, sliding down to his chest. The palm of her hand paused over his pounding heart.

“…I come to the library to learn about them, Zack…”

He drew a small shuddering breath as the side of her face brushed against the side of his, and he breathed in her flowery scent as her hand travelled down his stomach. Her hair was so incredibly soft, and her body was so warm, and his cock was rock hard, as hard as it had ever been. It was aching at this point. Marie had neglected it for far too long. After a while Zack hadn’t been able to fully satisfy his needs by himself anymore, and even the slightest thought would rouse it from its slumber.

“I love their taste, I love the way they feel…”

The tiny puffs of air that he felt against his ear as Emma whispered to him made him close his eyes as he tried to hold back the urge to start humping her. She would feel so good rubbing against him… holding him as he relieved himself of the pressure he had been feeling for the past few months…

Her hand kept moving downwards. It was brushing over Zack’s stomach now. He was hyper-aware of her feeling him through his shirt, and tingles rippled through him from the touch of her fingertips. His breaths were uneven, and he was staring straight ahead, his eyes unfocused as he tried to control and regulate his emotions. Her fingers reached his belt, and he squeezed his eyes shut again, inhaling shakily.

He felt her hand press against the bulge in his pants.

“Oh, hello,” she murmured.

Zack was unable to stop himself from letting out a whimper. His eyes snapped open, and he felt a little embarrassed, wondering where that sound had come from. That feeling was almost immediately washed away, however, by the sensation of her fingers exploring his bulge, travelling back and forth over his shaft. She chuckled softly, and her other hand caressed his side.

“Oh god,” whispered Zack. He held back a shudder as Emma started rubbing him in earnest, her hand gripping his bulge and her face nuzzling into his cheek. She chuckled again.

“It’s okay,” she whispered, “relax.”

Without knowing what he was doing, his hands grabbed her waist and pulled her even closer into him. His heart nearly failed as her soft breasts pressed against his chest and as her free hand moved from his waist to his neck. Her head pulled away and she moved her face in front of his until their noses were almost touching.

“Hey,” she murmured, her hand massaging his erection. “You’re okay.”

Zack felt her breath puff against his lips again, and he finally lost control. He needed to know what her mouth felt like. He closed his eyes, but before he could lean in, he felt her soft lips touch his.

Emma moved her hand off of his erection and pressed her pelvis against it instead, tightly wrapping her arms around him as her mouth joined his. He hungrily kissed her, desperate to keep her full lips against his as much as possible, and she kissed him back just as passionately, her mouth moving against his, her hand rubbing his back while the other moved to his head so she could run her fingers through his hair.

Zack held back a moan as he felt her hips rub against him ever so slightly. He didn’t know how much longer he would last before his cock exploded, but he knew if she kept this up he didn’t have much time left. Her lips felt better than he could have imagined, and her flowery scent was intoxicating. He felt like he was melting into her, and he didn’t know what to do. He thought he could control his emotions and his thoughts, but the feelings of lust and longing only grew stronger in his chest, becoming uncontrollable as he felt her bite his bottom lip. He ran his hand over her back and moved it down towards her butt. He squeezed, groping the firm flesh of her round buttcheek through her skirt as she nibbled on his lip, her hands grabbing the sides of his head, and one of her legs brushed against his as she started to wrap it around him.

He felt her teeth leave his lip, and she pecked him on the mouth, before pecking him on the cheek and then the corner of his mouth. He rubbed her butt as her leg wrapped around him, and then pushed her into him even harder. She moaned quietly with her lips still pressed onto his, and started grinding against him, standing on her tiptoes so she could rub her pelvis into his bulge. She continued kissing him, her mouth pecking his other cheek, then moving to his cheekbones. Zack let out another whimper.

Emma pulled away from him, her arms wrapped around his neck, her crotch positioned against his erection, and ground herself into him again. He opened his eyes, breathing heavily. Their faces were inches apart. She looked at him through half-lidded eyes, and his crotch pounded with near discomfort as he watched her bite her lip. He thrust his hips into her, and the corners of her mouth curled upwards. Before he knew it, she had leaned in and kissed him again.

He felt her hips start grinding against him in earnest, moving up and down as they pressed themselves into each other as hard as they could. Zack trembled, and he felt her mouth move into a smile as she kissed him, her hands roving over his arms and his back.

Suddenly, Emma pulled away and stepped back, untangling herself from him. She started turning around. Zack stood there, breathing heavily, his mouth open and his eyes narrowing.

“Not this shit again,” he growled, and he lunged forward.

She giggled excitedly when he grabbed her shoulders and forcefully turned her back around.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he hissed.

“I was just checking to make sure there was nobody-”

Zack didn’t let her finish her sentence, yanking her into him again and kissing her desperately. He enjoyed a few more seconds of her wonderful body pressing into his before she pushed him away.

He groaned inwardly, watching her give him that taunting smile again as she backed away from him. She snickered as he moved towards her and started walking backwards, her hand trailing over one of the long tables. Zack glanced around, but the bottom floor of the library still seemed to be empty, and they were out of sight of the help desk. He turned back towards Emma, his body tense with determination, and strode forward again.

She spun around and scurried away from him, heading towards the bookshelves on the left side. The sight of her black skirt swishing around her legs was the only thing he was able to think about as he chased her, aside from the titillating sound of her quiet laughter.

Zack strode into the bookshelves and looked around. She had sprinted ahead and somehow lost him. He gritted his teeth and looked around, determined to find her again. He did not endure a three month long dead bedroom just to be teased like this. She was going to pay.

He stalked through the bookshelves, his mind full of thoughts about what he would do to Emma once he found her, they ways which he would bend her over, or pin her against the walls. He heard a rustling noise somewhere to his right, and slowed down, creeping forward towards the end of the bookshelf.

He started wondering if the situation was going too far. They were in a library, after all. A public library, and although it seemed mostly empty, Zack knew that there were still people walking around here and there. He told himself that he shouldn’t pounce on this girl, but ask for her number instead, or maybe even take her to his place. A moment of clarity was what he needed. Some time to clear his head.

Zack rounded the bookshelf and turned into the next aisle where he thought the girl with the blue beanie might be hiding, and he realized he couldn’t ask for her number.

She was standing at the end of the aisle, her back to him, bending forward to peek around the bookshelf into the aisle from which Zack just came. The sight of her tight ass sticking out at him under her thin black skirt as she lifted herself on her tiptoes to look for him made him understand that there would be no asking for her number, or taking her on a date, or taking her back to his place. This had to be settled, now.

He sped up his pace, trying to walk as silently as possible, closing in on Emma as she stuck her ass out even more, craning to peek around the end of the bookshelf. He was unable to hold back a grin of excitement as he sped walked closer and closer, his eyes fixed on the provocative form of her butt.

Suddenly, Emma turned to look behind her and their eyes met.

“Oh,” she exclaimed, her eyes widening and her mouth dropping open.

“Get over here,” mumbled Zack, and her surprised look transformed into a wide smile.

Emma stumbled backwards away from him as he strode up to her, and then she turned away from him as if she wanted to run. But she only ran a few steps before slowing down, because they had walked into a dead end.

Now it was Zack’s turn to chuckle as Emma slowly turned around, smiling sheepishly, and watched him walk towards her. He slowed down, ambling towards her with a grin on his face. She took a few steps back, her smile widening as he neared her.

Then, when he was just a few feet away, she suddenly took off, leaping forward to sprint past Zack, but he lunged to the side, sticking out his arm, and managed to catch her. She giggled madly as he pulled her into her, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her waist. She playfully struggled against him as he slowly moved her closer to the wall at the end of the aisle between the bookshelves, and Zack’s heart sang as he felt her body move in his arms.

Emma twisted herself around until her nose was touching his, and her arms wrapped around his neck again.

“Is this where you want me?” she whispered.

She pressed herself against his rock hard bulge again, her hands stroking the back of his head and his back.

“Did you like it when I rubbed against you?” she breathed, her mouth millimeters from his. “It was frustrating when I stopped, wasn’t it?”

Zack was melting again. He nodded, closing his eyes, as the feel of Emma took over all of his thoughts. She kissed him deeply, and ran her hands all over him. However, no matter how tight he held her, or how much of the scent of her hair he inhaled, or how much of her tongue he tasted, Zack found that he couldn’t be satiated. He shoved her off of him.

“Okay, Emma,” he said, “this has gone on long enough. I can’t take it anymore.”

“Oh?” she said, raising her eyebrows.

“I think we should leave, go somewhere. Or maybe I could have your number, or something…”

She brushed a strand of hair out of her face and seemed to think about what Zack said for a few moments. Her gaze became unfocused as she looked away from him. Then, she spoke.

“You want to ask me for my number?” He nodded. She raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re going to let me get away with this that easily?”

Zack gave her a confused look. She took a step towards him, and then spoke again, her voice soft and conspiratorial.

“Zack, I’ve been teasing you since the moment I stepped through the doors of this library. I’ve been teasing you from the moment I first noticed you. I’ve spent the last twenty five minutes playing with your emotions and getting your cock all hard, and you know what?” Emma raised her chin up slightly and gave him a smug look, a tiny smile dancing on her lips. “I got off on it. It turns me on to see you so frustrated.”

She paused for a moment, looking at him, and Zack could tell she liked watching him react to what she was saying. When she spoke again, her voice was quiet and sultry, causing a tingling sensation to spread through his body.

“I love the way you tremble when I kiss you, I love the way your cock twitches so desperately when I grind against it. It gets me so, so excited.” She reached up and unbuttoned a button on her white blouse. “Doesn’t that make me a naughty girl, Zack? Yeah, I think it does. I’ve been so *bad*, and you’re going to let me get away with it? You’re just going to ask me for my number?”

Emma took another small step towards him, and they now stood half a foot apart as she unbuttoned another button on her shirt. A considerable amount of cleavage was now visible, and Zack swallowed nervously. Emma looked up at him and smiled.

“You don’t ask naughty girls for their number, Zack. Do you know what you do to naughty girls? You fuck them, hard, until they can’t think, and then you fuck them some more.”

A tiny noise slipped involuntarily from his mouth as she groped her chest, looking down as she squeezed her breasts and then glancing back up at him.

“You aren’t going to let me get away with this, are you? Aren’t you going to punish me?”

Zack took a deep breath. He seemed to have lost the ability to think. All of his attention was focused on the girl with the blue beanie, her stunning brown eyes, her light olive skin, her perfectly shaped full lips. He could only think about the curves of her body that were visible through her light gray cardigan, her white blouse, and her thin black skirt, which swayed around her perfect thighs as she turned so that her back was to him and walked towards the wall.

Emma turned her head to look over her shoulder at Zack and bent over, placing both of her hands on the wall. Her body was bent at an almost ninety degree angle as she stuck her ass out at him. His eyes bulged. Her hips started to move from side to side, the hem of her skirt swaying around the upper part her legs, and she gave him a teasing smile.

“Oh, come on, Zack..” she cooed. “You know you want to.”

Zack gulped and turned around, looking behind him. The bookshelf section they were hidden in seemed empty. However, he knew there were still people in the library wandering around somewhere, and the reasonable part of his brain stubbornly refused to give in. Maybe he should just walk away…

He turned back towards Emma, and her hands moved to the hem of her skirt. She spread her legs and pulled her skirt all the way up, her teasing smile growing wider. Zack’s eyes bulged, his mouth dropped open, and he visibly shuddered, shakily drawing breath.

There wasn’t a single hair.

A strand of grool hung from her left pussy lip, slowly lowering towards the ground as she swayed her hips. Her soft velvety labia was glistening with moisture, and it was completely shaven. Her vulva seemed to beckon to him as she sped up her swaying motions to a wiggle, which caused her buttcheeks to start jiggling slightly. Her skin was impossibly flawless, smooth, and naked.

Zack was experiencing what felt like intense heart palpitations as he stared at Emma’s bare backside. The thick moisture that coated her pussy seemed to tease him just as much as her smile did, and he realized he would love nothing more than to wipe that smile off her face by plunging his stiff aching shaft as hard and as deep into her wetness as he could.

But then he realized that this was exactly what Emma wanted.

He realized that he wouldn’t be punishing her by ramming her tight backside as hard as he could. That was what she wanted from the moment she first saw him when she walked in. He had to punish the girl with the blue beanie in another way.

“Fuck me, Zack,” she moaned softly, gazing at him with half lidded eyes, and he walked up to her, his cock now painfully hard. He told himself he would have to ignore his discomfort for a little longer, and placed his hand on one of her buttcheeks. He stroked her smooth skin, and then began to trail his fingertips over her thigh.

“Where are your panties, Emma?” he asked quietly.

“They’re in my bag.” Zack quickly glanced over to the leather satchel she still had slung over her shoulder, and then turned his attention back to her ass. “I took them off as soon as I saw you sitting by those tables earlier.”

“Wow,” he replied, making sure to speak extremely slowly while he brushed his fingertips over her legs and ass. “Wow, you’re right. You really are a dirty, dirty girl.”

He moved his left hand to her left buttcheek and squeezed it, while getting down to one knee behind her.

“Oh, come on…” whispered Emma. Zack was pleased to hear a note of frustration in her voice. He leaned forward and kissed her right buttcheek while massaging the other one. He could smell the arousal in her crotch, but he deliberately ignored it as he moved to her other buttcheek and gave that one a kiss too. He then pulled away and trailed both his hands over her ass, lightly brushing his fingertips down her buttcheeks and then over her legs. She shivered. He could see her pussy getting even wetter; a thick river of grool was now oozing from her inner folds, trickling down to her clit. He touched her labia with his finger, spreading her right pussy lip away from the other, and started stroking the inside, making sure to move as slow as possible.

“Zack, for fucks sake, please fucking fuck me, FUCK,” moaned Emma, her voice strained. She pushed herself back towards him, and her eyes squeezed shut as she trembled again. Zack kissed her again, making sure to touch his lips extremely close to her pussy this time, and she groaned. He pulled away.

“Hmm…” he muttered, “no, not yet Emma. You’re dirty. Your pussy’s so filthy, covered in your juices. It’s dripping. We can’t have that. I think I’m going to clean you up first.”

He leaned forward and finally brought his tongue to her hot crotch, running the tip over her puffy left pussy lip, and relishing the taste the thick wetness coating his tongue. He heard the most beautiful frustrated little groan, and finally knew what it was like to be in her shoes, to torment someone.

It felt terrific.


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