A Right To Rule: Chapter 3 [fm] [femdom au]

– [Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/85pvxa/a_right_to_rule_chapter_one_fm_slavery/)
– [Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/86vrks/a_right_to_rule_chapter_two_fm_slavery_inspection/)
– **[Chapter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/88lzil/a_right_to_rule_chapter_3_fm_femdom_au/)**

Not long after Jack’s first inspection, Abrams knocked on the door and entered with a small duffel bag.

“Lady Evelyn, your mother has commanded me to prepare you both for your journey to your new home,” he said.

“We’re leaving already?” Evie exclaimed with surprise. While it was tradition for a lady and her first boy to move into a house chosen by the woman’s mother soon after being paired, she didn’t think it would only be a matter of hours.

“Your mother is eager to get you both settled in. I think you will enjoy the home she picked out for you, my lady,” Abrams said. “But first, I need to properly package Jack for the ride.”

Abrams set down the bag on the bed and pulled out a few items. Jack eyed the bag nervously. Abrams, who usually maintained a serious demeanor, chuckled when he saw Jack’s apprehension.

“I remember when I joined your mother’s household, I was just as panicked. Of course, I didn’t have the pressure of being the first––your father, my lady, had that honor. But it’s a day I remember well to this day,” he said.

“First, we have to gag you, boy,” Abrams said, pulling out a black ball gag. He brought it over to Jack.

“Open wide.”

Abrams put the ball into Jack’s mouth and fastened the gag behind Jack’s head. Jack let out a little grunt as the gag was placed, and some drool pooled around the gag.

Abrams then pulled out a silver chain with clamps on either end, and put one on each of Jack’s nipples. Jack let out a wince as Abrams tightened the clamps.

“Quiet. Or these go on your balls,” Abrams said sternly. “Now, I want you to touch your toes.”

Jack hesitantly bent over to touch his toes, leaving him in a vulnerable position. From her vantage point, Evie could see Jack’s balls and shaft peeking through his legs, and his ass cheeks were spreading so that his anus was particularly visible.

Abrams put a little bit of lube on his index finger and almost surgically, stuck his finger in Jack’s asshole. Jack started squirming and grunting at this violation. Abrams then quickly removed his finger, and replaced it with a thin butt plug, no bigger than Abrams’ finger.

“Don’t let it fall out boy, or it’ll be replaced with a much bigger one,” Abrams said.

Evie wondered if Jack had any sexual experience with other men. Usually, Lythian men were very fluid in their sexual preferences, but she knew that it was much more taboo in the surrounding kingdoms. He did seem certainly tense around Abrams, but he was still sporting a rather impressive hard on.

Abrams finished up his work by pulling Jack’s wrists behind his back and putting leather cuffs around them to restrict his movement. He then clipped the leash that had been on the floor back onto Jack’s collar.

“My lady, there is a car waiting for you both. Your personal belongings will be sent along behind you once we pack them up, but all of your necessities are at your new home, already, so you should be quite comfortable,” said Abrams. “We must be on our way.”

Allowing Evie to leave her room first, Abrams followed behind pulling Jack along on the leash.

Jack was quite the sight to everyone they passed. A handsome boy, gagged with drool dribbling down his chin, nipple clamps jingling, and sphincter clenched to keep in the small plug. His walking was awkward because of his inability to use his arms, as well as the fact that Abrams was pulling him forcefully.

Understandably, Jack was flushed with embarrassment––compounded by the fact he was still flagging a rather large erection.

When they reached the car, Evie went into the back seat behind the driver. Jack was pushed into the car by Abrams. Abrams uncuffed Jack’s hands, and put them in cuffs that had been built into the back seat instead. Abrams then, as if Jack was an incapable child, fastened Jack’s seatbelt for him.

“My lady, I doubt you will have any trouble with this one during the ride, but if you do––here is a prod to control the boy,” Abrams said seriously, handing Evie a small cattle prod that was a rather familiar sight around Lythe, as it was the main way to subdue rowdy boys who were acting out of place.

Jack looked at the prod with fear. Clearly it had been used on him enough to cause such a reaction.

“I think we’ll be okay, Abrams,” Evie said, a little uncomfortable with being handed such an intense instrument so casually.

“I have faith in that, Lady Evelyn. Connor here can also be of assistance if you need it,” Abrams said, referring to the driver.

“We here at your mother’s household will miss you dearly, my lady. Please visit often,” said Abrams, looking at the young woman.

“Well, if my mother has any say in the matter, you know I will be over more than I’d like to be,” said Evie dryly.

Smiling, Abrams closed the door and signaled the driver that he was clear to leave.

“Hi, Connor,” said Evie. Connor was her mother’s main household chauffeur, so Evie knew him rather well.

“Hello, Lady Evelyn,” said Connor. He was outfitted in the standard uniform of her mother’s servants, naked except for a leather pair of underwear, a pair of sunglasses to aid with driving, and of course, a collar. Since he was newer in the household, his nipples piercings were silver rings.

“The drive shouldn’t be too long. Your mother did not want you farther than thirty minutes away from her, which shouldn’t surprise you,” Connor said with a chuckle. He was much more relaxed and playful with Evie than someone like Abrams, who took everything very seriously, and worshipped the ground her mother walked on.

“No, no it does not,” she said smiling.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/88lzil/a_right_to_rule_chapter_3_fm_femdom_au