A Right To Rule: Chapter Two [fm] [slavery] [inspection]

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/85pvxa/a_right_to_rule_chapter_one_fm_slavery/)

“Evelyn, meet Jack.”

As June introduced them, Jack went into a deep, yet stiff bow to Evie.

“An honor to meet you, my lady,” he said in a monotone voice.

“Uh, same,” said Evie, seeming unconvinced of herself.

June let out a sigh of exasperation.

“You two are a match made in heaven, I tell you. Now, Evelyn, darling, you know what the first step of forming your dynamic is, but before that, I have some logistics to go over with you both.”

Evie blushed a bit. She did know what the first step was.

“Jack did not grow up in Lythe, so you may find him a little more rowdy than a well-bred Lythian male, but I believe you will be up to the challenge,” said Evie’s mother. “The stables that he comes from seem to have done a decent job of taming him, but there still may be work to do.”

Evie looked startled. Not growing up in Lythe implied that he came here as some sort of spoil of war or as a refugee due to any of the various wars that Lythe was directly or indirectly involved in. While her mother was certainly not a pacifist, it seemed strange that June would have chosen such a potentially controversial match. Even more unusual was that she chose someone who did not come from noble breeding.

“Now, I’ll leave you two to begin the dynamic-forming process in the privacy of your room,” said June pointedly to Evie.

Evie got up out of the office chair, and looked a bit sheepishly at Jack, beckoning him to follow her. They left the office and walked back up the stairs to her chambers.

When they entered the room, Evie saw a hefty leather-bound book on her vanity that read TRAINING MANUAL FOR MALES. Evie knew the book well––all throughout her secondary schooling she was taught from that book, which was the country-wide standardized text on household formation and training of servants.

Speaking of the servant––he was standing, looking around the elaborately decorated bedroom, still naked save for the collar and leash, which was hanging down his lean body.

“Here, let me,” Evie said to him as she reached to detach the leash from his simple black collar. The collar had to remain on, for a male could be imprisoned if spotted improperly collared.

Jack tensed up at her light touch on his neck. Evie dropped the leash on the floor, trying not to take his clear unenthusiasm personally. She knew that the fairytale image of your First Boy being hopelessly in love and attracted to you was unrealistic, but barely suppressed revulsion was not what she expected.

You’re the one in charge here. Just, you know, be a mistress to him, Evie thought to herself.

Easier said than done. She never really identified with the way the best mistresses were portrayed on television as ruthless, all-powerful women whose slaves were conditioned through fear first, and then love. Most women in Lythe were not that way, but the pressure to live up to that ideal image was strong.

He’s probably expecting that of me, too. Especially since he grew up elsewhere, the image of a Lythian woman as cruel and hateful was rife in their enemy kingdoms.

“Hey, listen. This may not be the most ideal of circumstances, but I can’t do much about it,” Evie said, going over to open up the training manual to the chapter called FIRST MEETING: INSPECTION.

The opening paragraph read:

When you first meet your First Boy, the traditional way to begin the formation of your power dynamic, is through a thorough inspection of your new servant. This is to ensure that he meets your standards both physically and mentally, and to test his obedience training. If he does not meet your standards, then the subject may be returned to his original stables. The inspection also serves as an excellent way to assert your dominance over the male and to begin to establish your power in the relationship, for an inspection often leaves males feeling submissive and humiliated.

The rest of the chapter focused on great detail on how to properly inspect the male and how the woman should assert her dominance. However, Evie didn’t need the rest of the book, for her schooling drilled the rituals and procedures into her brain.

“You can address me as the following: my lady, mistress or Lady Evelyn. Anything else will not be accepted,” she said.

“Yes, mistress,” Jack said, eyes on the plush carpeting.

“Good. Now, the first thing I’m supposed to do to you is inspect you, to gauge your suitability for me,” Evie said, trying to sound confident. Jack just nodded in response.

“I require verbal responses, Jack,” Evie added.

“Yes, mistress,” Jack replied.

Evie walked closer to Jack so that she was facing him. Without her shoes, Jack stood at least 8 inches taller than her. She looked up into his dark brown eyes, trying to read his face for any sign of emotion. He only looked distant, as if he had shut down in some way. Well, Evie embraced a challenge. And getting a reaction out of this boy was one she was ready take on.

Feeling a little more confident now that she had a goal in mind, Evie drew her finger down his hairless chest, feeling the outline of his lightly defined muscles. She drew her fingers up again, brushing them against his pert nipples.

Evie noticed him twitch a bit when she did so, and said with a smirk:

“Sorry, my hands are cold.”

She continued her exploration of his body, running her hands along his arms and down his back, intentionally avoiding his ass or penis. Feeling emboldened, she brought him close to her with a sudden pull forward, so that their bodies were pressed together.

Evie had to admit she was enjoying this a bit more than she expected. Maybe she was a natural, as her mother said.

She brought her small, soft hands up to his face, brushing them against his neck. He seemed to respond to this in the same way that he did when she touched his nipples.
Noted, she thought.

Looking back up at him, still holding him close to her, Evie became aware of how intimate the pose was. She could have reached up and kissed him if she desired.

But now was not the time for kissing. This was about unraveling his control, his composure. Evie brought her left hand down to feel for his penis.

The movement was sudden, and Jack let out a noise that was a mix between arousal and surprise.

“Not as stoic as you come across, I see. Then again, males lose all sense of propriety when it comes to their dicks being touched,” she said smiling, slowing stroking his member with one hand while the other rested on his tailbone. She could feel him slowly hardening in her hand.

Males are at their most controllable when aroused. Keep them in this state for as long as you can, and deny release frequently for best results.

She pushed him onto her bed to get a better look. He lay on her red duvet with his arms spread out, looking like a sacrificial lamb. His collar stood out even more against his pale skin. Most noticeably was how his dick was getting harder, bobbing against his stomach.

Evie could feel herself getting slightly aroused at the sight, but she didn’t let on.

“I guess this is fine,” she said, nonchalantly flicking the head of his penis. Jack let out a wince, but stayed where he was.

She said next to him on the bed, using one finger to stroke the length of his cock. She then moved her hand down to lightly cup his hairless balls. They looked and felt full.

“Have you been denied release for a while, Jack?” Evie asked, with both genuine and sadistic curiosity?

“Yes, mistress. It’s been two weeks,” Jack said, flushing a bit.

Evie simply smiled.

“Get on all fours with your butt facing me,” she ordered. He did as she asked, turning his muscular ass toward her. They both knew what was coming next.

The examination of a male’s anus may prove awkward or uncomfortable for both parties involved. A mistress should remember that anal penetration is one of the best ways for a male to feel put in his place, and to experience a heightened sense of sexual arousal.

She walked over to her vanity and picked up a tube of lube and a pair of latex gloves that had been left there for her with her textbook. She then knelt on the bed behind him, pulling the gloves on with a loud snap.

“Have you ever been anally penetrated before?” she asked.

“A few times, but only with fingers, mistress,” he replied.

A virgin, she thought. Probably brought a higher price then.

She herself had a little, but not extensive experience with the bodies of males. It was common for noble or wealthy girls to sneak into the nearby boy’s compound to fool around, since the genders were highly segregated during the day.

She lubed up her index finger, and spread open his cheeks to find a waxed asshole. Evie had always had a thing for boy butts, and Jack’s was no exception. She took her lubed finger and slowly worked her way into his cavity.

“Agh!” Jack said as her finger slid in.

Evie, noticing that his cock was still hard, turned her finger and felt for his prostate. She was not an anatomy expert, but the groan he let out next clued her in she was doing something right.

Not wanting him to enjoy anything too much yet, she removed her finger quickly and gave his round cheek a slap.

“See, that wasn’t so bad,” she said to Jack, but also to herself. After all, she had a beautiful, naked boy on her bed to play with.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/86vrks/a_right_to_rule_chapter_two_fm_slavery_inspection


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