The Perfect Five Days [MF][Str8]

Wednesday night was show night. An overnight stay in the city once more. We caught the train and the lads looked like they were keen for a drink beforehand. Me? Not so much.


It was Blake. Blake was someone who had so much faith in me as a musician, he had been in every band I had ever been in.

*“Yes, darling?”*

*“I want to give you this. We have talked about it. I managed to wrangle an invite for you and Minnie. I am sure only good will come out of it.”*

*“What makes you say that?”*

*“Having met the Master, I am sure he is your type. A lot of other musicians and people into music and you get to wear a pretty dress.”*

*“I am sold then. How often do they have the parties?”*

*“There was one last Thursday night but I didn’t invite you because the Master had a prior engagement. Played the new Monkees album. Dress code is no sloppiness and dress to impress. First of June is the next one.”*

*“So tomorrow. Dress to impress?”*

*“He doesn’t want guys turning up in running shorts or ripped t-shirts. I suppose they just want a classier kind of person there. What would you wear?”*

*”Probably a dress that has been floundering in my wardrobe for a while. Some Pacific themed silk dress Minnie made.”*

*“Don’t overdo it.”*

*“I won’t.”*

Did I overdo it? Not quite but I suddenly felt anxious. Was the Master all everyone said he was? Handsome and intelligent?

*“And what are you wearing tonight?”*


*“What do you mean?”*

*“I bought something down here a few weeks ago, it is a mesh playsuit that is black with pink love hearts. Flared sleeves. Belted front. I tell you what, I am really happy I waxed my
downstairs because this thing is high cut. It is going to hug my ass cheeks something shocking. Add to that the black thigh high stiletto boots.”*

*“Yeah, that so is sex. Why the sudden about change?”*

*“Why, did I not have a sexy element before?”*

*“Yes you did, but it was steeped in relative innocence. This is a far more ‘go get them tiger’ thing.”*

I am what, thirty-seven now? Appearing on Call Me Back Again in 1967 ranks amongst the very top of my achievements. The Incident was making traction when we quit, mainly because hearts were elsewhere. There were whispers a record deal could have been forged but I made it clear I wanted to finish study – it was a sentiment shared by the rest of the band. The set was
very much like those we played in the past. We hadn’t written any new songs. They seemed to know the words and I did wonder – did they hang out at the vineyard or the Pines?

*“One thing I have noticed with my show over the years is how the young seem so keen to make a go of a music career yet most of my guests over the years end up going elsewhere. I think it is
fair to say you are most talented, Ms. Tune but why are you are not pursuing music?”*

*”Justin, I think we would all answer the question the same. This country is such a small market.The Incident had some local success but even if you can catapult into the national psyche, going further ahead is far more difficult. We are not a rich country. Music was something I was desperately passionate about at a young age and indeed, that was because of one of your former guests.”*

*“Let me guess, Master Stephen?”*

*“Yeah, he was very popular in the Tune household and in everyone else’s. I heard his playing and thought well, I want to be like that. He didn’t just play the piano, he had personality. But yeah, it
always pays to have a backup career in mind. Hence why university is seemingly a bigger priority. I dare say that is true for most of your former guests. I do hope to be a professional musician one day, but now is not the time.”*

*“You certainly look the part.”*

*“Thank you!”*

As soon as the first song started, I noticed a very tall gentleman who was not quite by the front but close enough for me to see him and think hmmm…do I know you? He seemed very familiar and I did wonder if I only recognised him because he looked like a tall guy I had seen at Green
Shades earlier in the year. He pretty much gave me the perspective I wanted. You know you want to seduce the audience…there was my target. It had been a hell of a lot of fun. Despite my initial misgivings, I remembered how enjoyable it was to front a band and what a damn shame it was that such a thing could not be sustained. Once filming was over, we were invited for refreshments in the green rooms backstage. I thanked Justin for the exposure had given me.
I know I had done well but for really no result. I heard the Monkees playing as Blake thrust a flute of champagne into my slightly quivering hand.

*“You do realise you are now old enough to actually have a recording contract. What a shame.”*

*“I know. I want to do something about it but how…not unless I form another band but with people who are less interested in study. It is not a guaranteed career of any sort, darling. I
cannot be in a band with Seth, I think. I am not in love with him anymore but tonight I felt
somewhat awkward about singing “On Top”. Reminded me a lot of sex – speaking of which do you see him?”*

*“Who, the tall one over there?”*


*”I do”*…Blake waved at the man I noticed in the audience.

*“Do you know him?”*

*“I possibly do, did you want me to…”*

*“I have to speak with him. He made me breathless. I can do this on my own, I am carrying all the confidence in the world at the moment!”*

The tall dark stranger had arrived and the room suddenly opened up. In with the mix of the hippest people you could meet, was quite possibly the coolest of them all. I said to him, in a somewhat coquettish tone – *“Hey…haven’t I seen you somewhere before…you look familiar.”*

His face registered something.

*“Miss Tune?”*

*“You can call me Kitty, you know.”*

I was a metre or so away from him.

*“Perhaps I am familiar. I know I caught your gaze up there. It was as if you were flirting with me with eyes and lips alone.”* I had come over all coy.
*“Don’t do that shy stuff with me. I know you want me.”*

*“Wow, a man so forward. I like that.”*

*“I know what I want, that’s why.”*

He seemed so much wiser.

*“So you moved here from up north. You are eighteen and you study at university.”*

I did wonder how he knew those things but then he was in the audience when Justin interviewed me. I did mention my age and what I was currently doing.

*“Yeah. But how about you?*

*“I am a classically trained musician, often seen tinkering about with odd instruments like pipe organs. I have had a pretty well publicised way to that title. From a very young age, I showed I had unheard of skills in learning music. Even though they could have, my parents didn’t market me out and let me at least have some sort of a childhood until I was sixteen. I became one of only six students aged sixteen to be given university admission. I of course, opted for a degree majoring in music theory. I had all but finished it by age nineteen. I was allowed to skip the last year because I was such a smart cookie. Finished my masters last year. Now working on my PhD and an associate lecturer at the same university you attend.”*

A light bulb went off in my head. I imagined Seth and I in my parent’s lounge, listening to National Radio on a Sunday. All impatiently awaiting the latest performance of a certain child prodigy whose angle of attack was the piano.

*“That sounds familiar.”*

*“My name is Stephen Wilcox. Formally known as Master Stephen.”*

I couldn’t believe it. I was face to face with someone I idolised as a child. Except he was now a grown man who was absolutely gorgeous.
“Stephen Francis Wilcox – you were a child prodigy – I used to tune into you on National Radio when I was a small child. You were pretty talented and here you are. My parents heard you on the radio, they listened to National Radio’s “Call Me Back Again” show incessantly. I used to tune in – not quite at full strength if you catch my drift – and here would be this young child banging away at the keys. No one quite believed it. The TV was not around for a few more
years yet. You were in the newspaper all the time. You are a clever cookie if you were able to attend university full time at age sixteen. I never knew that key playing boy would grow up to be such a looker.”*

He blushed!

*“Well thank you. I do think you are certainly the most gorgeous thing to ever walk through those doors. You have been looking at me, and I have been looking at you, so such a meeting was bound to happen. I feel like my birthday present arrived a good six months early.”*

*“When is your birthday?”*

*“December. Born in 1945,”*

*“You have got to be kidding.”*

*“Why do you say that?”*

*“I am December too, but three years later. That makes you twenty-one then.”*

*“And I have seen The Incident perform before. I was at The Palace last week. I was aware of your existence and yeah, well I wanted to meet you.”*



*“They certainly didn’t lie about your height. I thought you would have been more obvious on campus but no. The Master is Stephen Wilcox. He is the elder statesman of the younger university professional set. Blake Castle has told me all about you and I didn’t put two and two together until just now.”*

*“To think you were only two floors away. I trust Blake passed on my invite for my next party. It is tomorrow night and it would be a shame if you couldn’t come. I may well be trained in classical music but I really do enjoy good pop and rock songs.”*

*“He did. I will be there. I am heading back home tomorrow.”*

*“Unfortunately I have to drive back tonight. I took today off work so I could be here and well I do have to put in a full day tomorrow. It is a shame, I do want to get to know you. But then you will be at my party tomorrow night. It sounds like the most exciting Thursday I have had. Sorry to leave you…”*

When I laid eyes on the tall drink of water proper, something made me twitchy. This was instant lust for Stephen Wilcox. He just seemed so intelligent and not some idiot like the rest of the eighteen year olds. That was a resume worth reading. I thought he was the most damn attractive man I had ever seen. He set me alight. In my head I could imagine Minnie’s reaction.

*“Ooh, Kitty likes a guy, Kitty likes a guy!”*

Then he kissed me. Not just any kiss. Never mind the fact there were several people around. Ooh that was nice! I hadn’t had one of those since Blake Castle.

*“So I will see you tomorrow night?”*

*“Good. I can now have the drive back home with pleasant thoughts and other things I cannot relieve until I get home.”*

*“It was nice to finally meet the man who inspired me to get into piano.”*

*“Must have been written in the stars…ciao.”*

He said goodbye to Justin and left. My band looked at me, dumbfounded. It was Blake who broke the silence.

*“Fucking hell. I knew he was in the audience but didn’t realise he would come backstage. I was going to introduce you tomorrow night but he had me beaten there.”*

*“Blake…my universe has just been blown apart. He kissed me. The Master, the man the university newspaper is seemingly obsessed with, is Stephen Wilcox who was a child prodigy on “Call Me Back Again”. He is now twenty-one. It was about time I got back in the saddle after Seth Barker…and the best part was, I am looking my best. It is a damn sexy outfit, I sang like a trooper, carried myself well in the interview and I dare say my face is like the cover of a magazine. It is all perfect.”*

*“Would you object to a nightcap at the hotel?”*

*“Of course not!”*

We returned home the following day with our heads held high. First port of call
was Minnie. Of course, they didn’t have live television back then so the show would not air until the following Saturday.

*“Faithful, are you decent?”*

*“Yeah I am, come in. I am reading the world’s most boring textbook.”*

When I went in, I had the shakes.

*“So…how was it?”*

*”The performance went perfectly but cast your mind back twelve years ago – “Call Me Back
Again” when it was a radio show.”*

*“Religiously listened to it. Because my mother has a crush on Justin Lodge. But yeah…go on.”*

*“Do you remember the piano playing kid who was all the rage back in 1955?”*

*“Oh…Master Stephen?”*

*“The Master in the music department is Stephen Wilcox. The piano playing kid is all grown up..and he has grown up into the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on. Damn, he takes my breath away.”*

*“Other than being tall, what does he look like?”*

*“Slightly long dark brown hair. Dark blue eyes which radiate when the light hits them. Slightly angular yet thin eyebrows. I don’t know if he reminds me of anybody. I am glad he doesn’t. Yes, he is tall. Very tall. Yet not a skinny lithe kind of guy. Built nicely.”*

*“Did you speak to him?”*

*“Yes. He happened to be in the audience at the taping. He of course, is still very friendly with
Justin and the crew so when I was having a glass of champagne with the other guys, I saw him. I approached him. Now he is expecting me to turn up to his party tonight. You are coming aren’t you?”*

*“Sure. Mum’s offcuts from last week were great. I made me a new dress in red. I heard you can only get an invite if you knew someone who was going already…Kitty likes a guy, Kitty likes a guy!”*

> **The University Music Social Club (UMS)**

> This Friday is a very hotly anticipated date. For
the Beatles will be releasing their latest long
player “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”
the day before. Yes, I will have a copy of this
album in my hot not so little hands ready for
next Friday. It pays to be friendly with the
record executives you knew as a child.Doors open at seven, album is on at eight. Let
your hair down and have a dance. Men dress
sharply, woman dress nicely. I will make sure the
drinks are kept at their usual cheap prices
provided Dr. DC hasn’t taken all the
beers…usual place on floor four!

Minnie was a master seamstress. Ever since we left home, we didn’t need to trawl the stores for something to wear. She just made it with the tonnes of fabric offcuts her mother dropped off for her. It meant what we wore was unique. Paired with store brought hosiery and the go go boots
and I had my hair up like Jean Shrimpton once more. Minuet spotted him straight away.

*“Oh Kitty…he is the physical embodiment of every sexual fantasy you ever had.”* We giggled so hard.*“Shit…he just saw us laughing. He is looking right at us.”*

*“Last night was physically painful. The ache in my thighs. The bottom of my playsuit was damp. I haven’t felt like that in quite a long time.”*

Listening parties were considered a highlight in the social calendar. Albums being played on the Friday after release. The music was then discussed or deplored at depth over drinks and sometimes drugs. I spent the first while being absorbed by the album playing. It was Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles.

*“He hasn’t stopped looking at you, Kitty…”*

The room seemed so much darker.

*“Oh my, what a bold and beautiful smile he has. He is ever so striking, the man who is six foot

My eyes met his and it was the look of *“hey…I noticed you last night and I was hoping you would be here tonight too”*. The music stopped. The crowds dispersed.

*“I swear, this is the ticket to weaning yourself off Seth.”*

*“I don’t know if I can, Faithful. Be careful, I thought Blake wasn’t here, but he seems to have turned up…”*

*“Dutch courage, this wine…”*

*”It is now or never. Minnie, I have never wanted someone so badly in all my life.”*

*“I have enjoyed this party. Lots of eligible bachelors. Not the usual university boy trash. Now from what I can detect, I swear to god this Stephen fellow fancies you rotten. He is just waiting for you to make the move. Do it now. Yes, it is truly a now or never situation! Don’t stop looking at
him. Hold his gaze.”*

I did precisely that and that smile remained on his face. Before he could say anything else, I offered him a proposal.

*“Hello, you.”*

*“I see the entertainment has arrived. You looked like you were enjoying yourself.”*

*“What can I say? I love The Beatles.”*

*“I do too.”*

*“I wasn’t sure what I was looking for when I came here tonight. But I was determined to seek out the master. Now I am having an audience with him. I would love to get to you know better…”*

It was not in my nature to be that open but what did I have to lose other than my sanctity? I took a sip of my bottle of drink, in a way that only Kitty can…the men could visualize the bottle being something else instead…

*“Get to know me better…does this have anything to do with a certain act that would require the removal of underwear?”*

*“Yes…say when.”*

*“Is now a good time?”* How forward of him. I loved that. Now was a good time, I had nothing planned for at least another two hours.

*“In fact, I know the perfect place…”*

He knew a great place we could go. The offices in the Humanities building were dingy and dark places with old unused instruments. It was where music went to die. It was also apparently the place where one could get their drums beaten and their pipes blown. If you pulled the right strings with the virtuosos and band geeks, well…their instruments were well played. Musicians can be kinky you know.

Dingy, dirty, fucking whore sex was what it was going to be. No sooner had we got in the room, he had me against the wall, pants down. He just pulled his hard cock out, put a condom on, forced my dress up and just fucked me against the wall. Just being banged for the hell of it. There was something about the angle that had his cock rubbing my clit with each thrust. I felt the power within and I desperately tried to stay quiet. I felt myself force down on him. I had not cum like that ever before. I felt that sex flush come across my chest. He moved slightly. Maybe only four more strokes before he shot his wad. That was a damn good quickie and just the pickup I needed. Pulled my dress back down, reapplied my lipstick. He zipped himself back up and he made sure we exited singularly and while no one else was around. The party suddenly felt boring.
He reunited with me momentarily in the kitchen while I recollected myself. I could see Minnie in a dance frenzy with Blake.

*“Why don’t you come with me around the corner? It is too loud to
have a decent conversation here.”*

I followed him into an alcove behind the bar, so we were still part of the party. Just not at the actual party.

*“I am glad you came tonight. I saw you last night and I was thought I was too shy.”*


*“As someone who does*I must have really liked the look of you.”*

*“I was hoping you didn’t think my friend Blake was my boyfriend.”*

*“I knew he wasn’t. I have known him for a while and he told me he was in a band and he told me the keyboard player was a woman. I did ask if it was The Incident. I saw you
on Justin’s show for two years. I was intrigued. We ought to have more women musicians. I jokingly asked if this keyboard player was single and he said yes. He said you were doing a warm-up show at The Palace…and there you were. Pretty as a picture.”*

I blushed.*“Blake will talk me up to anyone he meets. We have been friends for the last three years. I met him at high school when he was dating my best friend’s sister. He has been looking out for me and her ever since.”*

*“He seems like a good sort. Is your best friend the one I saw you with tonight?”*

*“Yeah. That is Minnie. Been friends with her since we were thirteen. She is loud and boisterous and well…just good fun to be around. I can be those things too, so we make a good pair.”*

*“What do you girls normally do to blow off steam?”*

*“At least one night on the weekend, we like to go out dancing at Meet-A-Mixy and occasionally during the week, we go for the cheap drinks on a Tuesday.”*

*“Green Shades?”*


*“I have been there a few times but I didn’t notice you. But then I did have a rather bad girlfriend up until…six weeks ago? Do you think you will keep coming to my parties?”*

*“I will if you are there.”*

*“Always, it is not a listening party without the almighty Master being present. The uni newspaper talks me up so much when really, I am just a university lecturer who likes to go a bit wild on the weekends. I am very fond of pop and rock music.”*

*“How do you swing getting new releases so soon?”*

*“As you are aware, I was a child star. During that time, I made contacts in the industry. Contacts that were hellishly disappointed I didn’t go on to have a recording career. Once I hit my teens, I just wasn’t interested in being a star anymore. So I went to university instead to study music. I kept those contacts and told them of my plans. They help me out.”*

I spent the next hour talking to him and before I knew it, it was midnight. Closing time. I said goodbye and just as I was about to head off.



*“Same as yesterday, unfortunately, I do have an early lecture tomorrow but…you are welcome to
swing by my office if you so desire. My timetable is on the back of the card. O
Office 4.14. Knock, say it is Cutie Pie and I will answer.”*

*”Why Cutie Pie?”*


Then he kissed me. Not just any kiss. The kind of kiss that makes you wanna strip naked there and then! It was a good thing I was so forward on this occasion. It was not in my personality to do so, but he struck my inner core so much. Minnie and I started walking back home.

*“Oh my gosh…Kitty! Tell me!”*

*“I told him I wanted him. He wanted me. You were right. We just had sex in his office and he has asked me to swing by from time to time.”*

*“Kitty…that is the biggest and most fantastical thing that could happen to you!”*

*“Indeed. The perfect arrangement.”*

*“Do you remember he used to be in the papers when we were wee ones? I am sure he was just as popular in your household as he was ours. I remember seeing a picture of him when he was eleven and my sister Celeste thought he was the bees knees. Makes me giggle just a bit.”*

*“Mum was rather fond of National Radio. This really complex melodic piece of music would come on. Then the host…what was his name? Temporary brain malfunction.”*

*“Justin Lodge.”*

*“Yeah him…would introduce the kid wonder – the piano virtuoso – Master Stephen Wilcox.”*

*“Ooh – the Master! So that is where it comes from!”*

*“Now it all makes sense. Blake didn’t let much slip other than he was better known in the Fifties through the sound waves. Yeah, he was right. Then we never heard from him again. Family put him into obscurity. Now he is here teaching and studying music. I cannot quite believe it. That talented sweet looking kid in the newspaper is now this six foot six tall drink of water I just had
the most amazing sex with. I had an orgasm during intercourse, Minnie. Seth learnt how to do that too. How lucky am I?”*

*”You are so incredibly lucky…I still have fond memories of our time together.”*

*“Yes. I kind of miss being with a girl. Maybe it is just you I miss being with. I knew what the deal was and it was just to get each other off, right?”*

*“Yes. But what about Frank?”*

*“He seems so arrogant? I wish his leather pants would split or something just to see how he reacted…”*

Stephen could not have happened at a better time. He took my mind right off Seth. Blake had momentarily disappeared and when we hit the hostels, he was waiting. Just to make sure we got home fine.

*“Are you okay there, pretty lady, you are flush red in the face.”*

*“You know that feeling…like your life is never going to be the same ever again? I just had that. Love and sex on tap.”*

*“Sex on tap…who with?”*

*“Never you mind.”*

The feeling of being light as air. Indeed, the following afternoon after class, I went up the stairs and was greeted with the darkened corridors. I saw Room 4.14. It sure did look different during daylight hours. The most sheepish of knocks.

*“Yes, who is it?”*

*“Master Wilcox…it is me, Cutie Pie.”*

*“Ooh, Kitty. Yes, you can come in!”*

There was the office. Books galore. Stereo in the corner and a rex begonia on the table.

*“You know, I woke up this morning, wondering if I had dreamed about last night. Since when did a giraffe of a guy like me get to spend time pleasuring a beautiful girl like yourself?”*

*”It was not a dream. Because here I am.”*

*“Indeed. I am real pleased you have come to see me so soon. I didn’t want you to think that I was just after a one night thing. Actually, last night and the night before, I was not in the mood for anything until I saw you. Last night, I decided I wanted you to become familiar with what these parties are like. Last night, I had trouble concentrating on anything else. Now you were with your friend and I thought…just wait. Well you came over. You won me over. Now that I
have you alone, would you be adverse to getting on your knees and sucking my cock?”*

I giggled. *“I like the idea but I have never done it before and do not expect me to know what I am doing.”*

*“That is okay. I am a teacher of things after all. I cannot imagine a better thing to teach. That is, if you want to. I am not into making you do things you may not want to do. I will return the favour when I get a chance.”*

*“I haven’t done that before either, with a man.”*

*“Does that mean you have done it with a woman?”*

*“Well, yeah. My friend Minnie and I…we kind of explored each other when we were sixteen. That was before I even dated Seth.”*

*“Well, I figured you weren’t a virgin. So why not? You attract quite the crowd! I told Blake he should encourage you to come to one of my parties.”*

*“My band?”*

*“Oh yes. The band is pretty damn good. A lot of original songs in the set. Did you write those?”*

*“I did. Most of it is my writing. You know the drummer? Seth – he was my boyfriend at high school. Yes we lost our virginity with one another, and we did a lot of other things – but we never got as far as oral sex. To me, it seemed like too intimate an act. I was too embarrassed tocontemplate it. Well, I am not shy now.”*

*“So will you go under my desk?”*

*“Of course..and if I do something not quite right, please let me know.”*’

There it was. One rather hard dick which I then took into my mouth. I likened it to a salty lollipop – I am sure just sucking wasn’t going to do a damn thing. I was right. Suddenly Stephen was getting
quite breathless.

*“Fuck, Kitty…you said you hadn’t done this before yet you seem to know what you are…doing.”*

The saltiness intensified when he suddenly jerked and I felt the splash of liquid on the back of my throat. Oh! Of course – but I hadn’t experienced this before and I felt a bit sick. I swallowed it. Of course, some ended up on my face. It was not so much the fact he had cum in my mouth, more the sheer force of it. I got the giggles.

*“Can I see you?”*

I peered up from under the desk.

*“Oh dear. Maybe I should aim straighter next time. Did you swallow?”*

*“Yeah, what else was I supposed to do with it? Not very ladylike to spit, I would think!”*

*“Nothing. I feel like I don’t have to teach you. I didn’t last long at all. Now I suggest you try and get to the bathroom at the end of the hall and clean yourself up. Then come back here. I would like to go out for a drink.”*

*“Won’t people talk?”*

*“So what if they do? I know the university newspaper is a bit obsessed with me for some bizarre reason. I was deemed the most eligible bachelor. Well it is not like I set out to find a hot date. Then there you were. I can imagine the headlines. Like I said, you were not some once off. I need to get to know the girl behind those luscious lips. I do like the red lipstick. A lot.”*

*“Good. Red lipstick is my favourite. As are short skirts.”*

*“I of course like short skirts too. I like you a lot already. Green Shades?”*


*“The Shade has a better range of beer and isn’t so full of stupid young louts. So yes, go freshen up and off we go.”*

I ended up being out until 1 a.m. A few drinks and I was a bit tipsy. I learnt Stephen was born to English parents who had married in Liverpool before his older sister Samara was born. Emigrated after her birth and shortly after,
brother Stuart appeared. Moved to the countryside when he was a nipper. Parents took him away from the showbiz career when he was eleven. Accepted into university aged sixteen. Mother passed away then. Proficient in many musical instruments. Fond of cricket. Lives in the middle of town and he hadn’t been in the academic game long. I didn’t want to go home. We
ended up getting a taxi back to the hostels.

*“It was kind of you to help me get home.”*

*“My pleasure and yours.”*

*“Do you want to come in? My room is tiny.”*

*“Do I ever? I want to wake up next to you, and that is the least of my wants.”*

I tell you what, it was comical to have this very tall drink of water and I in this single bed. I couldn’t quite believe I had someone so gorgeous with me. Seth was a distant memory. Stephen pulled off all the sheets. I had sobered up enough to know what would happen next. His head went between my legs to lick my pussy. What a cloud of the most happy of happiness – I was so
wet – his fingers went in me and I broke out into a sweat. Never mind anyone else who was awake at the time – I know the sweet coos of my orgasm echoed through the hostel. He got up and kissed me. Then we had sex but it didn’t feel like just sex…

In the morning, I heard the giggling of girls. The walls were not thick. I rolled over and noticed he was fast asleep. Yep, still cannot believe my luck. I heard the knock on the door.

*“Kitty, are you in?”*

I couldn’t say anything because I didn’t want to wake the sleeping handsome up. Mind you, he was already aroused from his slumber as he pulled an arm over me to bring me closer to him. My dear heart skipped a beat there.

*“Is that Minnie I hear?”*

*“Yes…I am sorry. She can be…”*

*“Quite loud and boisterous. She didn’t wake me, I was already awake. I was admiring the curvature of your hips and I do rather like a plush bottom.”* He pinched it, I squealed in delight.

*“Okay, do you have company, I can…”* Next thing I know, he got up and grabbed my bath sheet and the door flew open. Problem was the bath sheet did not quite cover…everything!

*“Do you mind? You must be Minnie. My plaything’s best friend.”*

*“Well hello Master Stephen. I see you are…all grown up now. I knew you were in there. My wee Kitty can be quite vocal.”*

*“Did we keep everybody up?”*

*“Yes and now that gossip is going to go around like wildfire.”*

*“I don’t care. Well I do but more, that sweetness shouldn’t be made fun of or be embarrassed because she got laid.”*

*“I guess so.”*

*“And what are we doing knocking on doors at eight in the morning? On a Saturday?”*

*“Kitty and I often go out for breakfast and look in the shops. We usually hit the tiles at Meet-A-Mixy on a Saturday night.”*

*“Well I am going to have breakfast. She is the breakfast. Give her an hour and I will set her free to you. See you later, Minnie.”*

Minnie was gobsmacked. I engaged in tickling and he went down on me again. Morning mouth didn’t even factor in his mind! An hour later, he said goodbye. A long lingering kiss in front of the hostels.

*“When we will see each other again? I don’t want to get in the way of your friendship with Minnie, She is a good sort.”*

*“How about I meet you in town at The Square on Sunday morning around ten?”*

*“Deal. I look forward to it. I almost don’t want to shower because I am scented with you. That is a nice feeling.”*

*“You feel nice.”*

*“You are nice. Goodbye, my petal.”*

He left, I showered. I then found Minnie reading a magazine in the common room.

*“Ooh la la, Kitty has a boyfriend.”*

*“Not quite. Early days, Faithful.”*

*“He was kind enough to even let us do our Saturday night diva ritual. I think he could be a really good thing for you.”*

*“I know. He is already making loving fun. Seth and I just ended up being a tormented mess. Because we were both too immature to deal with it. An overcompensation for misspent years.”*

*“When will you see the Master again?”*

*“Tomorrow morning. We want to have a coffee and go for a walk. I am more than some notch on the bedpost and I am happy with that. I want more. I didn’t know if he wanted more.”*

*“Oh he does. If he was willing to share a tiny wee shitbox of a bed with you, well it speaks volumes. The whole hostel heard you two!”*

We didn’t stay out late that Saturday night. On Sunday morning, I went to sit under a tree at The Square. No sooner had I deposited my backside, I saw the tall drink of water.

*“Well hello dear Kitty. Did you end up going out last night?”*

*“I did but we were home before one. Dancing suddenly lost its appeal after Thursday night.”*

*“You cannot let an amorous university lecturer stop you from your weekend pursuits.”*

*“Ah, but you are a pursuit of mine.”*

*“Glad to hear of it. Now we go get coffee and go for a walk.”*

He held my hand. It was a most pleasant way to spend a Sunday. A good opportunity to ask about the band.

*“Well…I wanted to get the band back together but it is suffering a bit. Study keeps us busy. So do personal relationships. Blake had a girlfriend. Seth has been with the same girl since mid last year. Mind you, a lover is a nice distraction.”*

*“What has it been? Three days? I fancy you so much already. I am going to end up being a distraction myself.”*

*“So be it. There are the usual suspects – Seth, Blake, Minnie and a guy called Miles Padstone. We used to argue over what songs to play. We then had a couple of other guys there – Gary and Ian. When we came here, I still wanted the band, but everyone’s mind was elsewhere. Same thing happened with White Elephant.”*

*“Yeah. I believe they split after The Arrow tour. The lead singer was a good choice. He has the swagger required. It is a shame, I love hearing you sing, and I think the songs you write sound pretty fantastic. Where did you practice?”*

*“Well, oddly enough it was Blake’s garage but his housemate just bought a car. We did think about the rooms on the music department floor but by then we had disintegrated again.”*

*“I am surprised I hadn’t really seen you until April.Was I blind?”*

*”Well, you know what they say about love…”*
