Latex Rape Doll [mmf] [bdsm] [huml] [nc]

(This is my first story for reddit and I really hope you like it!)

The door bell rang, her first gests were here. _Probably Sammy and Christian_ she thought to herself as she excitedly rushed to let them in. The two girls were indeed at the door along with the twins Alice and Kim. All Fae’s best friends here to help her set up for this party!

Fae’s family was out of town for the weekend and with this being almost the end of their senior year the girls knew it was time to do something big, something to kick off their new adult lives. So, they called in all their favors and rounded up an irresponsible amount of boos, this was going to be the party no one ever forget from high school.

The girls made short work of decorating, hiding breakables, and prepping the house, chatting and gossiping every minute of it. With the place prepped the five girls popped open the first bottle of vodka. “This is going to be the best party ever!” exclaimed Sammy as they all raised a glass and downed it with a girlish “WOOO!”

They had an hour to kill before the party really started and no one cool would be there for two hours at least so the girls talked and drank a bit, killing time. That first drink was strong and it hit Fae like a ton of bricks after a few minutes _Hold it together and slow down_ she thought to herself no doubt with a distant look on her face of a drunk girl realizing she’s drunk. She let the conversation get away from her a for a bit, focusing on stopping the room from spinning and on her breathing… that wasn’t working at all. “I’ll be right back” she suddenly blurted out setting down her drink and taking an unsteady step towards the stairs and her bathroom.

“What’s wrong?” Sammy asked sounding concerned.

“Nothing!” Fae piped up somewhat unconvincingly “Just hitting me hard.”

“OMG!” Kim exclamed “you’re are such a light weight I can’t believe it!”

“No, I’ll be fine” Fae replied defensively and half to herself, she was feeling really light headed “I’ll be right back” and she stumbled away, up the stairs.

The hallway looked like a long snowy tunnel and she could hear them laughing about her down their _I’ll just puke and rally_ she thought. Then for a brief second _I’ll just lay here a second_ and she was down not even feeling her face meet the carpet.


Fae came to with the muffled sound of party music somewhere far away _oh no how long was I out_ her panicked brain thought but something more pressing crowded that thought out. Something was wrong, not just that her head was foggy or that the party started, her eyes opened to find total darkness, her mouth was filled with some odd tasting object, she was in a strange uncomfortable position and her whole body felt like something was wrapped around it… like rubber gloves… but everywhere. She was facing down so she tried to roll over, her arms were extended to either side and she found that they were bound in place at the wrist. She tried to move her legs but they were spread wide apart and bound at the ankle and thigh. Her brain was putting it together even as panic truly set in. She was bent over a bed from the waist, feet on the ground, legs open bound at the thighs and ankles, arms tied to the far bed posts, ass high in the air covered from head to toe in rubber or latex or something.

Panic set in, with Fae’s heart pounding she tried to free herself, tried to scream around the object in her mouth. She thrashed and yelled but nothing came loose. She struggled hard pulling until it hurt but all she accomplished was work herself up. It was hard to breath with the gag in and she only had two holes in the hood for her noise so after the exertion she had to pause and catch her breath. This gave her a second to think, _this was a prank!_, they girls must have done this for passing out like that. _I bet it was the twin’s idea, those two are messed up_ she thought _when I get out I’m going to kill all four of them cause this is way past funny_. She pulled on the restraints calmer and more careful now testing them out, tongue working to get the object out of her mouth. It tasted like sex… like pussy, _Oh my Fucking god I have a used dildo in my mouth_ Fae screamed in her head thrashing again. _I will fucking kill them!_

Her internal death threats broke off when he music got louder. The door somewhere behind her opened, she strained her covered ear to hear what was going on in the room. Long seconds passed and she thought she heard someone lightly walking around the bed, there was a sudden tug on a restraint _oh thank god they’re getting me out_ a wave of relief washed over her but it also felt like the restraint on her thigh was tighter now. Another one was pulled, securing her tighter to the bed and raising her ass just a little. She squirmed and tried to yell, making a muffled noise instead but the person surely got the point that she wanted out _let me the fuck out this isn’t funny anymore!_ she was yelling more in her head than with her mouth.

The person checked or tightened all 6 restraints while Fae thrashed trying to get free and yelled through her gag. A zipper on the back of Fae’s head was pulled up the hood got looser _thank you_ Fae thought freezing in place as the buckle holding the dildo in place was loosened. She tried to push the dildo out with the new slack but it tightened an instant later sending the short fat sex toy to the back of her throat, she gagged retching on the thing suddenly silenced by it. The buckle was redone tighter than before and the zipper returned the hood to its skin-tight suffocating position.

Fae was feeling desperate feeling stressed and for the first time worried _what the fuck was going on?_ Nothing happened for a minute then a light hand ran down her latex covered back sending shivers up Fae’s spine. The hand stopped at the restrained girl’s ass. The sound of a zipper filled the room again and cool air hit Fae’s ass and exposed pussy as the latex suit parted giving easy access to her holes. _No_ Fae thought defiantly as she trashed again, but with the restraints tightened down all thrashing did was make her wiggle in place. Wagging her now exposed sex back and forth a bit. She whimpered in frustration and desperation _god just let me go, please_ she pleaded in her head.

Nothing happened for a long moment, Fae just lay still, bent over the bed, covered from head to toe in latex save an exposed selection of ass and pussy.

Noise flooded the room again, the door was open, then it got quiet for a moment. Fae was alone again, or she thought she was, it was impossible to tell.

Long moments passed where Fae strained to hear anything other than the party music. She focused on breathing her mind spinning on how to get out of this, she tried to free her arms over and over, straining her muscle until the cuff at her wrist bit into her but it was no good. She was only tiering herself out. _Have to just wait until they come back and let me go, this will be ok, I’m in my house all my friends are down stairs someone will come find me a let me go_ Fae told herself trying to talk down her panic before giving up and straining against the restrains again.

As she was straining for the unknown-th time and her arms muscles were on fire when the noise of a catchy pop song filled the room. The door was opening again! Fae squirmed and yelled for help, yells that came out as muffled moans but who ever this is would get that she needed help.

The footsteps where heavier this time, the door audibly closed and there was a long pause of Fae squirming and moaning for help then a somewhat nervous male laughed under his breath. The hood blocked a lot of sound and the music wasn’t helping but Fae thought she heard who ever this was say “I can’t believe this” to himself. He was right behind her, she knew that but he wasn’t doing anything! _Can’t he see I need help here!_ Fae thought desperately.

_If he’s ogling my pussy instead of untying me I’m going to kill him_ she yelled “untie me” as best she could, so almost not at all. A half hearted slap landed on her ass, it didn’t hurt much but it shocked Fae, _What the fuck!_ she both thought and tried to yell. A harder more committed slap landed on the other latex clad cheek with an audible smack that filled the room. That second one did hurt and Fae screamed. A noise which carried better that her words but was still choked off by the sex toy half down her throat. Another smack answered her scream then another harder still. Her ass on fire Fae mindless thrashed (squirmed) and screamed. Blow after blow rained on her cheeks, she could feel tears on the blindfold covering her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, the next hard spanking came with a sob from the bound girl. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think, she couldn’t stop him from hurting her, it was all to much for her. Her struggles turned into still sobs and gasps for breath through the hood. To Fae’s surprise the spankings stopped when she stopped moving.

She lay still catching her breath trying to get herself under control but the pause in pain wasn’t the end of her torment. A shock went through Fae as a hand slid itself in-between her exposed labia roughly running itself from her clit to taint. This froze Fae, her young mind not sure what to do with this new violation, she was still struggling to breath and softly crying, she shook her head hard, trying everything she could to tell this man behind her no, tell him not to touch her. But his touch continued, her lips parted by his fingers as she lay their powerless to stop this violation. An exploring finger slipped into her pussy, or more forced its way in as she wasn’t exactly wet over all this.

Fae went blank trying not to feel his finger, trying not to accept what was happening, but there was nothing but the claustrophobic latex and him in her world sensory deprived world. No where for her mind to run, nothing to focus on, nothing to escape to. His finger withdrew and returned a moment later cold and slick, this time landing on her exposed anus. New alarm bells went off and she screamed again earning a chuckle and a painfully hard slap from the man. Fae sobbed at the pain. Man? Boy? that chuckle sounded young, sounded her age. _Oh god one of my classmates_ it dawned on Fae with a well of ice water filling her inside one of her classmates was violating her, was hurting her, was forcing a finger into her ass.

The unknown school mate pressed a lubed finger into her virgin ass hole. It hurt like fire and she squirmed waging her ass to get him out. The invading hand held her firm and the other landed a hard smack to her ass, she lay still clinching hard trying not to let him push in any deeper. He forced it, pressing in past her clinched muscles sending pain through her and drawing tears. _Why is this happening, what was wrong with him!_

More cold liquid was poured on and worked in even as Fae struggled and prayed for it to end, then it did. His fingers, it felt like he’d worked in a few based on how much it hurt, withdrew. She could feel her ass twitch and breathed out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding.

Then something larger pressed up against her slick ass hole. _No_ her mind couldn’t even let the thought in of what he was doing. Her ass wasn’t as resilient, his cock forced its way into her first the tip then he just kept on pressing. It hurt so bad she tried so hard to stop him, force him out but that only brought more pain as he forced himself in. A whimper escaped her as he took her ass. Her whole body was shaking by the time she felt his pelvis meet her ass, the base of his cock met her cheeks. He was buried deep inside her. For a long moment he just held himself in her feeling her hot ass wrapped around his dick. Fae mentally begged him not to move while also begging him to take it out. His hands grasped her around the waist as he took his first tentative thrust in and out, Fae panicked, it was to much and she really trashed, pulling on the restraints until it hurt, trying to kick, trying to scream. It didn’t do much to stop him raping her once virgin anus. He ignored her, focused on fucking her, hard deep thrusts in and out drawing whimpered and pained moans from Fae. The pace picked up with a feeling like her was ripping her apart then he thrusted in deep with a little moan Fae felt him pulse, hot cum filling her ass. She broke down sobbing behind the hood.

He pulled out leaving her open twitching ass to drool a little cum onto her red cheeks. _Let me go_ Fae begged _god let this be over now_. She listened to him clean up in between her sobs, a soft wet towel almost kindly cleaned her up to. Then he seemed to hover behind her hesitating.

The music picked up and a moment later the door closed, she was alone her rapist leaving her bound and exposed, full of his cum.

Fae’s mind was spinning now that she was alone, she couldn’t escape the pain from her abused ass or the degraded feeling of the cum inside her. She had just been raped! Powerlessly taken against her will, and he’d used her ass, somehow making it worse. This thought brought on more sobbing mindlessly looping through what had just happened.

It played out in her head over and over, until an unknown amount of time later the door opened again, letting a world of sound into the room.

The door wasn’t even closed when she heard “Holy Fuck!” Some new boy was in the doorway no doubt staring at her bound and exposed form. She wasn’t embarrassed this time or excited just despite to be let go. She flopped her arms waving and trying to communicate she wanted let go. The door closed, “this is too good to be true” the male voice said, she thought she recognized that voice but it was hard through the hood. She heard the sound of a zipper being undone… not one of her’s though… _No! He wasn’t going to_ she didn’t even get thought the thought before a half hard cock was rubbing on her exposed ass. She squirmed and screamed _No, let me go, let me go, let me go!_

The rubbing paused “oh right” he whispered and smacked her ass hard, not as hard as the last guy but enough to hurt her already sore cheeks. She whimpered _it’s going to happen again!_ this thought led to a full body racking sob.

The man rubbed his cock on her more then once hard forced himself roughly into her ass, he wasn’t as big as the last man and wasn’t as experienced, he just pushed his dick in hard as he could eliciting pained whimpers from Fae as his unlubed cock forced itself into her already abused little hole. Luckily she was still slick from the last boy. Her attacked didn’t pause a second, he stated trusting coating his cock in lube and sloppy cum as he forced himself in and out. Fae just lay there sobbing in pain and powerless defeated despair as he awkwardly and forcefully fucked her. A fleshlight sprang to mind, he was fucking her like a masturbation toy, just sawing in and out.

Mercifully Fae soon felt him freeze up, thrust him self in deep and start to squirt with a little moan. _Thank god_ Fae thought as his cum joined the pool already inside her, then she felt ashamed that she was grateful he’d cum but it meant he would stop, that the pain would stop. This one pulled out and the sounds of him cleaning up were brief he zipped up and after siding his hand under her to fondle her rubber clad breasts he disappeared leaving Fae alone again.

_That doubles the number of guys I’ve been with_ Fae depressingly reflected _I don’t even know who those two where_. She spiraled down into a deep pit of despair and self-pity, he stomach tied in knots and her ass throbbing.

With dread Fae heard the door opening again, there was no hope or attempt to get free just terror in the bound girl.

Another male, this one played with her a bit first. His hands fondling her and exploring, even rubbing her clit. Cold lube met her pussy lips as he played with her sensitive sex, _please don’t respond_ she begged her pussy, but that thing has a will over her own and Fae new his soft manipulation would have her pussy betraying her. Then his slick finger probed into her pussy, her moist pussy. _No no no_ became Fae’s one and only thought as fingers probed and spread her young sex for what seemed like eternity, getting her hot and wet. This was probably the most attention any one had payed to her like this beyond her own fingers she thought mortified.

Then the moment came. Fingers vanished followed by the sound of a jean zipper. She shook her head trying in vain to make this not happen _Just use my ass she begged_ hating herself for thinking that. It didn’t work. He gently worked himself into her, the tip of him stretched he more than her dildo or boyfriends had. _Oh no he’s huge_ Fae thought and struggled _don’t, don’t stretch me out!_ His hand came down with a smack that made more noise then pain as he slid/pressed himself into her. She stretched to accommodate his member, it wasn’t as unpleasant as she wanted it to be, as she needed it to be. She needed this to hurt, for her to hate it, but instead it was a mix of pain and hormonal bliss. She hated herself almost as much as him in that moment.

As he started thrusting, bringing her back to the point of tears. He was gentle, and he wasn’t quick. He fucked her far past her ability to keep track, picking up to a hard pounding once she was adjusted to him. She was breathless around the gag and sucking on it as he fucked her. Shame kept her in tears, shame at her own body for feeling any pleasure at all from this. When his trust deep into her and exploded she was shivering, holding herself back, not letting this push her to orgasm. If that happened she could never live with herself.

It wasn’t until the man cleaned both of them up and left that Fae started to feel the slow leak of cum out of her fresh fucked pussy that it sank in he was barebacked in there _oh my god, I’m not on the pill, what if…_ she couldn’t let that thought finish, she started counting days in her cycle her stomach painfully twisted with worry.

Another slipped in fucking her ass, then another, Fae tried not to keep track, forcibly making herself not count after 5. She could feel how sloppy and loose her holes were getting, she found herself begging for them to use her vagina, the damage was done and it felt so much better. But most seemed obsessed with her plump pillow ass and a pool of cum soon filled the fucked raw hole, it didn’t feel like it was closing all the way when they pulled out.

Fae couldn’t identify her thoughts any more, she was all out of tears and she hurt everywhere, one or two of her attackers had spanked her even as she lay there like a limp doll, taking it. She’d long scense figured out they’d hit her if she struggled or made noise. One had hurt her slapping her face and pinching her tits for a while before using his belt on her in a session of almost unbearable pain. His sadistic assault on her pushed her past feeling pain or pleasure from this. She was numb to the world practically a living doll by the time he fucked her and for the men that followed.

The door opened and a voice in her head that she hated with all her heart told her it was number 9 or 10. Something was different this time, a female voice “OMG! The boys weren’t lying, who the fuck is that” her hope rose and fell at the same time, it was Kim.

Other girl started talking, talking about who it could be, Fae’s name was mentioned but she could follow everything they were saying with her head in this state and the hood muffling the sound. The zipper on the back of her hood was pulled up and hope returned to Fae’s heart, she was going to be freed! Her friends had come to save her!

One of the girls or maybe two pulled the hood off her. “OMG! It really is Fae!” Kim’s voice loud and clear now that the hood was gone. Though a blind fold still prevented me from seeing her and the gag from speaking.

“What the fuck?” Fae heard the betrayed voice of Sammy.

“What’s to understand?” Kim answered “Fae’s a slut.” A hand slapped Fae’s ass sharp and painful.

“Should we un tie her?” she recognized unsure Christina’s voice. And the bound girl nodded as best she could, her body really was dead, the struggling and abuse had whipped her out.

“No” the bitter betrayed voice of Sammy, “She wanted this leave her tied up like that, like a whore!” with quick mad steps the door opened and slammed closed.

The following pause was broken with an “Umm”, I heard Christina’s voice “I still think we should untie her” but she sounded unsure.

“Look how wet she is” Kim pointed “Let our sluttly little high and mighty feminist have her perverted fun.” She giggled “I mean remember how she judged us for slutty Halloween costumes. Now look at her she’s a letteral sex object!”

_No, no I’m sorry, please let me go_ Fae thought in despair.

Fae heard the fake shutter sound of a phone camera, a new wave of shame washed over her. “Come on let’s get out of here, it smells like sex and skank” Kim said leading the others out without putting the hood back into place.

Fae was alone again, she could breathe easier, her free skin cooled her off and she had new hope that one of the girls would come back and save her. Sammy was her best friend and wouldn’t let this continue.

That hope was crushed when the next boy _10_ her inner monolog informed her, came in. He didn’t talk to her but he did pull her face up by her hair. _Oh god he knows who I am now_ the others had been fucking an anonymous girl, this one was fucking her, was fucking his classmate Fae. She didn’t know why that made it worse but it did. The next 8 where fucking her too, knew it was her ass, her pussy they were fucking. Knew they were emptying their loads into her like sex toy. Some talked to her, calling her by name while they fucked her, some told her how she looked or how gross her holes where. She wanted the hood back so bad, she wanted to disappear behind it again.

After number 18 there was a long time of nothing, dimly Fae realized the music had gone off downstairs… the party must be over _by morning everyone in school will know about this_ Fae thought grimly leading her down a depressing line of thought about the future, what the rest of the school year would be like, what the rest of her life would be like. She thought again that one of those anonymous boys might have knocked her up, how many had cum in her pussy? 8?

The door opened, Fae didn’t move or hope she just lay there waiting to be used again. But that’s not what came, a gentle feminine hand ran along her ass. _It had to be Kim that cunt! She did this!_ Fae’s mind yelled. The soft hand touched her gently parting her ass checks and sliding some rubbery object into her ass, it started small but as it entered it stretched her more and more painfully opening her up. Fae had learned well that its less painful if she accepts things into her ass rather than fighting and let the intruding object in until it suddenly narrowed, a large butt plug popping into place. The gentle fingers _nailess fingers, fuck it isn’t Kim and her talons_ worked another object into her sore gaping vagina, stretching it to new extremes but also forcing all that cum deeper in and trapping it. The latex suits zipper went up locking the toys inside and in place.

The girl then pressed something to her pussy, right over her clit and started playing with on her thigh, more restraints Fae thought. It felt like something was being firmly attached to her leg. A click followed by a deep rumbling vibration informed her the object was a vibrator, a strong, large one pressed right into the latex over her clit. Fae whimpered _no please just let it be over_ she weekly tried to shake her head.

The girl touched and coresed Fae for awhile and stroking the bound and abused girls face, fixing her hair, then the door opened and it never closed… Fae was alone and not alone, the vibrator was constantly assaulting her.

Fae was left hoping in vain to be freed, her pussy acing from the massive toy stretching it open and from the heavy vibration. After some long stretch of time fighting it Fae came, she didn’t want to but the vibrator did its work and she could only resist for so long. Her exhausted body did want it wanted and a wave of orgasms over took her blanking out her mind for a bit then dropping her into a new world of shame and self hate. Post orgasum the vibrations were torture. Torture she couldn’t escape, thoughts she couldn’t escape, she just wanted it to end.

It did end almost a 12 hours later when her parents walked into their destroyed hose. They found their daughter tied to their bed in a cum streaked skin-tight latex suit half out of her mind with toys in every hole and a vibrator humming away on her clit.

_the latex rape doll_


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