A Bachelor Party Girl Hunt [role play][MF]

Jillian couldn’t resist the offer of a free all-inclusive weekend vacation at a Miami mansion. Even if it meant being hunted semi-nude for a night by a bunch of rich guys with suction tip dart guns at their friend’s bachelor party. Isn’t life is one big adventure? She dressed in black boy short panties and then oiled up her body, twisting her caramel tipped nipples which sat up and pointed straight out. She brushed out her long brown hair before applying make-up, put on her ears headband and laced up her raspberry and pink mesh running shoes. She was ready for the hunt.

Jillian joined the other women, she called ‘the harem’ who’d she’d bunked with while waiting for this night. Most were topless like her. Some had on lingerie and they’d all been given animal ears to wear. Jillian’s was a fox. They waited in the guest house at the rear of the mansion’s estate which back onto Biscayne Bay until, finally, the club’s hostess, Sabrina bring the women to the hunt taking place in the estate’s backyard.

The women followed her outside. They could see the men gathered on the terrace, shirtless in their shorts. They were swigging beer and sipping bourbon from highball glasses as they eyed the approaching women with devilish eyes. Chelsea, the club’s activities director, stood with them. The blonde woman, who looks like she was a sorority girl, looked like the master of a fox hunt in her tight red jacket, white pants tucked into black boots, a riding crop and a black top hat.

Sabrina had the parade of harem women stop yards from the terrace. They lined up in a row, looking up at the men who could hardly contain themselves. Twelve or so men stood there dress only in grey bicycle shorts with plastic guns in hand or holstered in waistband with ammo belts slung over their bare chests. Some even had coils of mountaineering rope attached to their holster to bind their caught prey. They were smiling, eager and ready, scoping out the girl they wished to chase.

Chelsea called from the terrace, “Welcome to the Hunter’s Game! You all know the rules. If a man shoots a girl, she’s his until he releases his prey or she escapes. Catch and release, gentlemen, catch and release.”

The men chuckled.

“A man at any time may steal your prey if they shoot you. After you sit down for a five minute time out, you can resume the game. The game ends at dawn. Ladies, are you ready?”

“Yeah!” they screamed out.

“Then get ready. Get set. Run!”

Like the rest of the women, Jillian sprinted back towards the guest house and the lust gardens behind it. A couple of women split off to run to the pool house or behind the gazebo. Jillian’s strategy was to hide in the gardens. They had all passed the pool, and were twenty yards from the house when Jillian heard a whistle blow. She and Nicole stopped to look behind them and saw the men jump from the terrace, guns in hand. They whooped like savages as they ran in hot pursuit. The two women shrieked and ran for the dark gardens behind the house to hide in the hedges. The lit tiki torches on the garden paths helped Jillian find her hiding spot she’d scoped out the night before. Nicole reached the same corner and the two crouched behind huge leaves of a low, wide tropical tree. Nicole giggled.

“Shhh!” Jillian shushed.

They went quiet as four men came barreling into the gardens. They quietly prowled around until they heard rustling from a bush.

One of them said, “Come on out, fox. We hear you.”

They edged towards the bush on the far edge. Brittany screamed in delight before scampering out from behind the hedges. The men shot at her and missed and proceeded to pick up their darts and chase her in the direction of the mansion.

The two watched as Teagan peeked from her hiding place. A tall, fit guy with a crew cut bounded into the gardens and saw her. He shot at her and missed before quickly reloading. Teagan was trapped between him and a wall. She waited for him to aim, juking left and right, when the guy took his shot.


The dart bounced off her shoulder.

“Gottcha,” he said.

She stood still as he approached. He pounced on her. He dragged her down onto the grass and ravished her on the grass between the brick path and bushes. Her closed eyes and open mouth accepted what was to come next. She wrapped her legs around him and they kissed as he mashed her into the ground.

Peals of laughter and screams of surprise emanated from the yard between the two houses. A group of four men lit by torchlight ambled into the gardens. They were beating the bushes, edging towards Nicole and Jillian. Nicole kept fidgeting.

Nicole whispered, “What if there’s a snake in here?”


A man with neatly clipped blond hair heard them. He peered through the darkness to see patches of their pale skin behind the broad leaves.

“There they are!”

“Run!” Jillian yelled as she sprinted from behind the tree

Nicole ran the other direction.



Darts whizzed between them as the men took pursuit. Now in the open of the backyard once more, running across the grass towards the pool, Jillian now saw the game in all of its lurid glory. Twelve men and thirteen women ran around semi-nude, shooting darts or ducking from projectiles. The men laughed as the women ran from them shrieking like children at play.

A dart whizzed past Jillian. She turned to see a man reload his gun and aim her way. She felt giddy and exhilarated, running topless as she ran away.

Breathing hard, her heart was pounding as she raced towards the house. As she passed the gazebo, she saw Brielle on her knees blowing a guy seated on the pillows. Her red tinted blonde curls bounced as she bobbed her head up and down over his crotch. It was then that an older man aimed his gun at her from fifteen feet away. He shot but the projectile arced to land in the grass before her feet. She looked at the mansion. Perhaps, if she made it to one of the mansion’s living rooms, she can hide behind a couch. She sprinted for the terrace. A man with short brown hair, who had Nicole cornered, swung around to shoot at moving target Jillian. She stopped and bowed her body. The dart sailed in front of her path to land harmlessly on the tiled floor. Nicole saw her chance and bolted the opposite direction, down the grassy lawn towards the guest house.

“Shit,” exclaimed the guy who missed.

He ran after Nicole, loading his dart from his ammo supply as he chased her into the back gardens. Jillian resumed her dash into the house. Once inside the dimly lit house, she stopped and became stealthy, looking around the corner to see if the hall was clear. She quickly made her way to the front of the house to the sunken living room in the front of the house where they spied on the boys’ stag party known as Play Pen Number One. She stepped into the empty room. The silence was shattered by nervous laughter and approaching footsteps. Jillian crouched down behind one of the many couches to hide. She watched as Elise ran in before backing away to the far corner. A bald and brawny guy with a broad chest in his mid-thirties stepped into the room. She put her hands up in a calming manner all the while backing away.

She nervously said, “Okay, I know you want to shoot me but maybe we can-”


Elise squeezed her eyes closed and flinched as the dart bounced off of her naked chest. She remained still as he approached grinning at her. When they stood face to face, he bent down to grab her behind her knees and dumped her onto the couch. He reached for her bikini bottoms, yanking them up from her upstretched legs to fling them aside. He flipped her over onto her stomach, plucked the coiled rope from his belt and tied her hands behind her back as fast as a rodeo pro. He slapped her ass. It jiggled beneath his blows.

He muttered, “I’m a fuck you right here.”

He lowered his shorts to whip out his hard dick. She yelped when he penetrated her. His crotch cupped her butt cheeks as covered her with his body while pumping inside her. She started groaning.

“Yeah, baby,” she murmured.

He never saw his friend enter the room.


The dart hit him square in the back. His dick was still in Elise when he looked over his shoulder.

His friend said, “Sorry, buddy, you know the rules.”

“Aw, fuck.”

He withdrew and stumbled over to couch where Jillian was hiding behind and slouched into it to watch. His friend pull out his dick, spit on it and his hand before positioning over poor Elise and enter the tied up girl. The guy started fucking her. Her eyes were closed, her cheek was pressed to the couch as the guy thrusted inside her over and over again. The bald guy watching the whole thing threw his arm over the couch. His hand brushed against Jillian’s fox ears. She crouched lower, but it was too late. He turned and looked down to see her hiding on her hands and knees. Their eyes met.

“Hey!” he exclaimed.

Jillian scurried to her feet and sprinted out of the room before he could even stand up. Her athletic shoes squeaked across the polished floor as she fought for traction to get away. She never felt so exhilarated.


Another dart flew by her as she screamed and blindly ran outside.


A dart from an unseen gun hit Jillian in the shoulder. She came to a halt as she rolled her eyes at her stupidity. She turned to her right to see a rangy guy with long dirty blond hair standing on the terrace. He had the biggest smile on his face.

“Come on, girl.”

He picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and began walking back when…


Jillian looked up through her fallen hair to see the brawny bald guy with a broad chest who first caught Elise had now shot his friend. He holstered his gun.

“Fuck you, Josh,” said the rangy guy with long dirty blond hair who set Jillian back down on her feet.

“All’s fair in love and war.”

He turned to Jillian. He seemed pleased to see her dewy nipples hard from the tropical breeze and the chase. The blond guy took a seat on the steps.

“Come on, honey,” said Josh hoisting Jillian over his shoulder

His friend muttered, “Fucking poacher” as Josh carried Jillian away.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7yachv/a_bachelor_party_girl_hunt_role_playmf

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