Poker Party Favor – Part 1 [Str8, D/s, MF, Tease, Exh)

I dropped the box down on the bed, and motioned for Shy to open it up. She gave me a quizzical look, but didn’t ask any questions before tearing open the top and pulling out a black cocktail dress.

“What is this for?” She finally asked. “Special occasion?”

“Your uniform, well, most of it anyway.” I told her. She continued to look confused, so I explained further. “Poker night starts in about 28 hours. You will be waiting on all of us.”

“Wait just a minute,” she started to say, but barely got that out before I interrupted.

“Kneel. Now.”

Her eyes got wide, but she quickly rolled off of the bed and to her knees in front of me, eyes lowered to the floor. I stroked a hand down the side of her face lovingly, before leaning in and whispering into her ear. “Waiting on us…servicing…the party. Are we clear?”

“Yes Sir.” Shy replied quietly, trying to suppress a smile, mostly successfully.

“Now, that should be perfect, I checked the dress you wore to my last company party. Same designer and everything.” I told her. “Try it on.”

She stood up, stripping off the yoga pants and sweatshirt she was wearing, pink thong and lack of bra coming into view. She slipped into the dress and turned to me. The black cocktail dress hugged her curves, stopping only a few inches below her perfect ass. The material clinging to the her heart shaped bottom. The neckline plunged enough to expose a good amount of pale cleavage, nipples poking through quite visibly.

“Give me a twirl.”

She spun slowly, letting me drink it in, then gave a cheeky bounce, breasts jiggling sexily. She giggled, noticing my eyes immediately drawn to the spectacle.

“Bend over.”

She turned her shapely behind towards me and bent over at the waist. The hemline rose up, exposing the thong pulled tight across her pussy, the faintest hint of a wet spot already visible. Shy stood and turned back to face me, face flushed.

“Good girl. That is the perfect length.” I walked over to her chest of drawers and rifled through the underwear, picking out a few and discarding them before finding a tiny black thong. I nodded to myself and handed them to her. “These. No bra. Keep the necklace, it draws attention to your chest. Your black heels too…the 3 inch ones.”

I moved over towards her, my hand slid down her back and up under the dress. My finger slipped quickly past the material covering her and teased her already wet opening.

“Get yourself changed. I made an appointment for you at the salon. I want this pussy of mine waxed and ready. Finger and toenails…surprise me, though I do love green.”

My finger pushed deeply inside as I remind her who owns it. She gives a shiver, clamping around it.

“Yes Sir.” Is the quiet reply, trying to push herself further down on my finger.

“I have to head into work tonight, another late night. Tomorrow, I’ll be out most of the day…work… picking up supplies, etc. I’ll be home at 5. The guys will be here at 7. I expect the beer to be on the bottom shelf, fully stocked. Snacks laid out nicely as well. You will be dressed and your hair…well…you know I love it in a ponytail.”

She nodded and gave a low moan as my finger pushed deeper. I stroked it in and out as I leaned down, biting her neck lightly. “You are going to be a good little slut for me, aren’t you?” I asked huskily. I tugged the front of the dress down, exposing one pink nipple, my free hand reaching to pinch it lightly, then harder.

“Always Sir. I am yours.”

Shy was asleep when I got home that night, and still asleep when I woke up to leave the next morning, so I didn’t get to see the results of her visit to the salon. Instead, I spent a few moments admiring her pretty bottom in her tight grey shorts, the material riding up between her ass cheeks. I forced myself out of bed, regretting having to leave, but excited about the prospects for this evening.

I spent the majority of the morning finishing reports at work, escaping just after noon and immediately going to the local sex shop. I browsed the wares, looking for anything new and exciting, before finally just settling on some new leather cuffs, straps and a riding crop. One can never have too many of those afterall.

I returned home a little after 6, a bag with scotch and the new restraints in one hand, a case of poker chips in the other. I set both down on the table and walked towards the kitchen. The first thing I see is a good portion of Shy’s thonged ass sticking out of the refrigerator as she rearranged the beer to add warmer ones into the back.

“Come here.” I told her, surprising her a little at my return, but she recovered quickly and walked over, a smile on her face, dark hair in a ponytail hanging to one side of her neck. I reached down and slid a finger along the edge of her mound, feeling the soft smooth skin, the feel that only comes from a perfectly executed wax.

“Very nice. Now, for tonight…you will not call me Sir once the others arrive. You will just do as I say. You won’t tell any of the others no either, unless they try to fuck you. That is reserved for the winner. Other than that…you are fair game. Do you understand?”

A blush crept across her face, but she nodded and answered, “Yes Sir.”

“Now…” I told her, “On your knees and thank me for letting you be my little slut tonight.” Shy’s eyes lit up and she slid herself down my body to the floor, quickly reaching for my zipper.

Our guests began arriving at 10 minutes to 7, calling out as they walked in without knocking. Kevin and Dave are first, as always, a couple of six packs of some local microbrew in hand. They sat their things on the table and grab some seats, each throwing their $50 in various denominations on the table. I pushed the pre-stacked chips over towards them and we made small talk as we waited.

Dave had just turned 30 recently and is a tall skinny guy, probably about 6’4”, but only about 185lbs. His dark thinning hair was kept cropped close. Kevin was almost his opposite, much shorter at only about 5’8”, but stockier, with longer hair slightly going to grey. Kevin was the oldest of our friends, and would be 42 in a few months.

Dan, Seth and Chris all arrived together, having been dropped off by Seth’s roommate, intending to Uber home after a good night of drunken cards. More beer stacked up on the table as I finished handing out chips. I’ve known Dan and Seth for a few years, and we are good friends, but Chris has been my best friend since right out of college.

Dan was a bouncer for a few years after he dropped out of college, before he found out how much he loved the art of tattoo. He was a tall muscular guy, worked out a few times a week and it showed. While his head was shaved, his glasses gave him a bookish look, belaying the tattoos peeking from beneath the short sleeves and neckline of his shirt.

Seth was a small guy, with a hipster beard we never tired of making fun of. He was usually a lot of fun to hang out with, despite being an accountant. Chris was medium height and broad…that would be the only way to describe him, barrel chested but not fat. His dark hair and skin tone gave him a swarthy look.

“Honey, see if you can find room for these in the fridge.” I called out.

You could hear a pin drop when Shy sashayed into the room, the little black dress fitting her like second skin, pale cleavage peeking out of the low neckline. 12 pair of eyes followed her every move as she grabbed up a 2 of the 6 packs. “Sure thing. I’ll be able to slide them in. Evening guys. Good luck tonight!”

Their heads swiveled as she walked back into the kitchen, a definite extra sway of the hips, as if she could feel their eyes boring into her ass. A muttered “Oh fuck…” as she bent at the waist and the dress crept up exposing the bottom of her pretty ass to all 6 of us. She shifted her weight to the other foot, causing her cheeks to bounce a little as she pushed the beer in to get it nice and cold.

“Dude…what the hell?” Dave asked.

I shrugged. “I heard you had a French maid at the poker night I missed. Felt I should keep pace, right?”

They look at each other and cracked up, then a slap on the back. The tone of the room got back to a more normal level and the tension immediately melted away. First came the jokes about what a lucky man I am…then the ones about how unlucky she was. Men being men.

Shy spent the next few minutes moving the beers into the kitchen, never failing to attract attention. I am pretty sure she bent extra low the final time, the thong pulled tightly against her, lips clearly visible between her slightly parted thighs.

We began playing, and besides a few glances into the kitchen where Shy was preparing snacks, things settled into a normal rhythm. Dave and Chris had won all of the first 5 hands, taking a pretty good lead on the rest of the table. Shy walked back into the room, bringing a few bowls of chips, bending low to set them on the table, giving everyone a view of her perky breasts. Her nipples were clearly poking through the thin dress, if the bounce didn’t give away her lack of a bra.

I grabbed her as she came near, pulling her onto my lap. “I need some luck.” I told her with a wink.

My hand snuck beneath the table to caress her inner thigh, slipping higher along the soft skin. I could feel the heat from her pussy before I reached her panties. I slid a finger underneath the wet material, teasing up and down her bare slit. She jumped a little at the table, looking around, checking to see if anyone was noticing.
I continued to slowly tease up and down across her clit as the hand played out, her breathing speeding up, bottom almost imperceptibly wriggling. A set of 6s later, and I’m taking my first pot.

I pushed her up off of my lap, “Run and get these boys drinks, dear.”

Shy took their orders and wiggled her cute bottom into the kitchen. The dress not fully tugged down from sitting on my lap, exposing an extra inch of skin. I watched the other players faces as they watched her. I knew the moment she was bending over again, almost all eyes on staring into the kitchen. They snap back to the table as she walked back in, trying to act casual. She made sure that her tits brushed up against Dan’s shoulder as she set down his beer, giving a giggle. I saw him glance at me out of the corner of his eye, and my lack of reaction must have reassured him of either my acceptance or ignorance of the situation. As soon as her hands were empty, I was pulling her back down onto my empty lap.

“Go take them off and bring them to me.” I whispered into her ear, masking my command with a kiss on the cheek.

She moved quickly to the bedroom and out of sight, as Kevin dealt the next hand. Before the betting was even done, Shy was back and squirming into my lap again, her hand closed around something. I grabbed her hand and took the tiny black thong from her, closing it in my own hand.

“Gentlemen, I suggest we start an ante to speed this game up and make it more interesting.” I called out as Chris started to shuffle.

A universal groan erupted following my statement. A chorus of “It’s early!” and “Hell no.” the general consensus. The grousing stopped as I drop Shy’s wet panties onto the table in front of me.

“Hear me out…” I smiled and said. “Whoever wins the hand gets to hold onto these. Where these go…this lady goes.”

After a few moments of stunned silence, the grins came out. They all started talking at once. I waved my hands, and cleared my throat. “Shut your holes for a second. Christ.”

“OK, they are automatic ante. You have them, you bet them every hand. As long as you have them, Shy is yours. Drinks, lucky lap sitting, snack fetching, whatever you like. No rebuys. You lose your money…you are out of the game tonight. Just so people don’t go broke trying to hoard Shy’s attentions. ”

A few of the guys were quiet, but the others nodded and indicated they loved the twist. I tossed the panties into the pot and Chris dealt the cards out. As expected, the prospect of winning kept people in the hand who shouldn’t have been. Money was being bet at an incredible pace.

My two pair of Kings and 5s held up however, and Shy remained mine for another hand. I tugged her dress up another half inch, and sent her to grab me another drink. She dropped it off and slipped back on my lap. I had planned carefully, and the table was perfect for hiding anything I did underneath, and I took full advantage. All during Dan’s deal and the subsequent hand, I was exploring under her dress, fingers teasing sliding up and down, before darting inside. She gave a start when I pinched her clit between fingers, a low rumble of a moan snuck out of her mouth. My luck couldn’t hold, and I quickly folded crap. Soon enough, Dave dropped a straight on the table and claimed the pot and panties.

“Let’s start with a fresh beer, darlin’” Dave told her, a big smile on his face. She slid down off my lap, her ass rubbing against my hardness, then shook her hips sassily on the way to the kitchen.

When Shy returned with his beer, he mimed a shoulder rub. “I’m feeling pretty stressed. See if you can work those shoulders.”

“Of course!” Shy said with a smile.
