The Heat Is On [MF]

Maybe the help with your heat was a guise. Maybe it wasn’t, it was just being helpful. Whatever it was I was hoping I could help you out in a tough time at the least, hoping for more at best…

The fix for your heat was an easy one, and I gladly accepted a beer. It went down rather quickly as we had cranked up the heat to test it. Maybe that was the cause for the tension, maybe it was our history; we were good with each other. Not necessarily good for each other, or good to each other, but together, we were good! The next beer went down as good as the first and when the discussion turned to weed and a small pipe I had given you, it wasn’t a huge step to partake in that as well. We both take small hits because I had to drive in a while and you, well let’s just say it can hit you harder than me. Properly buzzed, our conversation flowed. Our inhibitions were ebbing slightly, although the tension of “we need to stop seeing each other” was still in the air. Soon silly giggling is filling the room as it tends to do when one is high. Your eyes, which have always captivated me, started to look even more enticing as your eyelids drooped ever so slightly. I looked at the clock and knew I should go. I said I need to get going, and stood up and went to place my empties by the sink. Something flipped.

I don’t know if it was a boundary that we crossed where we got too close together like two opposing poles on magnets, or if I just said “to hell with it” knowing I was probably not going have this chance again, but I pushed you back against the cabinets and kissed you. “What are you doing?” you asked sheepishly and knowingly at the same time. “What I’ve wanted to do since I walked in the door” I said as I kissed you again, more desirously this time. I can feel the struggle inside you. You’ve said we needed to stop, but you want this so bad right now. The moment I crossed that imaginary line you had felt your body respond. Now it was screaming! When I grabbed your hair at the back of your neck and pulled you in for another kiss, there was no going back. A quick look at the clock and we both did calculations on how much time we had. “I wasn’t expecting this to happen” you gasped, “I’m not ready.” I knew exactly what you meant, it didn’t matter to me that you weren’t shaved or hadn’t freshened up, I didn’t care, but I had a solution. “Shower?” I gasped
I don’t even know if there was a verbal agreement between us. It was more like bodies in motion towards your bathroom, clothes being discarded as fast as they can be removed, by ourselves or by each other, water running to get to temp, and then we are in. Water cascades over our enmeshed bodies, the temperature just right, not like either one of us would have noticed. This wasn’t our most sensual shower we had taken together, we had taken quite a few and when we had more time it was one of our favorite activities. No, this was different. This was groping, pinching, kissing, biting, soaping, fingering, sucking at a frantic pace. This shower was a means to an end. Toweling each other off we went to the living room, you making a quick diversion to your room and to make sure the doors were locked.

In the living room I could not wait any longer, I push you down in your big overstuffed chair and head straight where I wanted to be. I pull each of your nipples into my mouth and suck them hard alternating back and forth. Getting them hard and pinching which ever one isn’t in my mouth. Your ragged breath reminded me how much you like me to be rough with them and I bite down ever so slightly. The whimper you make drives me to another gear. I drop my head lower and find your hands waiting for me, lightly playing with your slit. I push them out of the way and attack like a starving man. Tasting your juices, my tongue swirls inside you and the goes to your clit. Again I have to fight off your fingers so you spread your lips to give me all the access to where you want me on your clit. I circle and circle it, sometimes running my tongue over it, sometimes around it trying not to touch it. Your breathing and moans get more urgent and I slip one, then two fingers in your sopping pussy. I curl them upward, and as soon as I find that special area, your hips move involuntarily. I push them in and out and try to move my lips and tongue in rhythm but your movements make it difficult. Suddenly you stiffen, and clamp down on my fingers inside you. I smile as your sensitivity factor rockets to 10 and I can make you twitch with the slightest movement. I come up and kiss you because I know you enjoy tasting yourself on my lips. I bring my fingers, wet and shiny from your flooding them, in between our lips so we can share how different you taste after you cum.

“On your hands and knees on your ottoman” I bark! The sudden change in the tone of my voice startles you. “What?” you ask. “ You heard me kitten” I growl back at you. A thrill runs through you. You knew what is coming because you questioned me. I slip a blindfold on you as you take your place. “Reach back and spread your cheeks”. You do as you are told as you think “he’s never told me to do that before”. As the words are processing in your brain, my tongue short circuits that thought as it ravages your rosebud. Air is being pulled into your lungs in large volumes as it tries to penetrate your clenched ass. The pleasure of it washes over you and you can breathe again, and the only sound you can make is a gasp/laugh/whimper that makes me tongue fuck you even more/ faster /harder. While the assault on your ass continues, my thumb slides easily between your lips, thrusting in and out. When it is buried in you, the side of my palm is banging into your clit sending you rapidly to the edge. Sensing this I back off and bring you down a bit massaging your back and ass. You start to catch your breath when suddenly my hand hammers down on your cheeks taking it away again. “What was that for?” you cry. “You questioned me before” I whisper “and these are for doing it again kitten”. 4, 5, 6, you start to lose count and then my hand is rubbing again, lips kissing the welts. A cold heavy hardness is soon pressed against your back door. You recognize it as your small metal plug. You relax and with the help of my saliva it pops in place, held tightly by your sphincter. You welcome the nice fullness it provides.

You hear me moving around you, sounds of things you think your recognize, but aren’t sure of. The anticipation is agonizing. My hand lifts your chin and my lips are on your again this time roughly, aggressively kissing you. I stop and back away again. The plug is slowly removed, my tongue attacks the space it left for a few seconds, and the plug is replaced. More anticipation. The plug is removed and the unmistakable cold of the lube being drizzled in your hole. The plug is replaced. In this position, your breasts have been hanging down and the blood is building in your nipples, making them ache. As if I read your mind, I pinch them and pull them. The pain goes right between your legs, as if by a direct connection. When they are hard as they can be, I place the clamps on each one. Tightening them down until you almost can’t take anymore. The chain is hanging lower and every little movement sends a new shockwave through you. The plug is removed. The plug is replaced. The plug is removed. More lube. The plug is repl….THIS ISN’T THE METAL ONE! races through your brain. This is the big glass one. The one you’ve never been able to take. As soon as this registers, the wand is turned on and placed on your clit. Short circuits again! Just as fast as it was there, it is taken away, and you feel fuller than you’ve ever filled before. The wand was the distraction you’d needed. A sense of accomplishment is washing over you, that and you don’t think you’ve ever been on the edge for this long before. You are so turned on that the smallest stimulation is going to make you explode. A feather on your skin, me blowing in your ear, hell chocolate might even set you off! What did it was my cock entering you to the hilt in one fluid motion. You gyrate, and buck, and squeeze my cock, and fuck back against me as you cum and cum and cum. I am just as tuned up and I can’t last and I ask you my favorite question. “Where do you want me to cum, kitten?” “I want to taste you” escapes your lips. I am hurling quickly to the point of no return in your hot slick velvet. “Turn over with you head off the edge” I grunt. When your head falls off the edge, you can already smell your scent on me. Your mouth opens almost automatically. You can feel how hard I am as you take all the way in one gulp, my sack tightening for the pending explosion bumps your nose. I pull all the way out and back down again. You have covered me so much that it takes several of those for you to get past your flavor to mine. I reach down your body and cup my fingers into your wetness. You raise your hips up to meet them. Your coming again. Or did you ever stop? I growl “ahhh fffuuuuccckkk baby”! Between that, the swelling of my cock getting even bigger and harder, my balls pulling up tight to my body, and me holding my breath, you know what is coming.

It starts when you have me as deep as you can take it, big pulses, my cock feeling like it doubles in girth with each one. You pull me back a little so you can taste me, and all the way out so you can watch the last couple drip into your waiting mouth. We both collapse over to the couch, a hot wet sweaty mess. A drop of sweat runs of my forehead and onto yours. Laughing we say in unison “I think the heat is working!”
