Ice Storm Encounter [MF][Cheating][Real]

The first time I officially met Natalie was 10 years after the incident that is the conclusion of this story. She was one of many new employees that I was attending training with. She was loud, outspoken, outgoing, always smiling and laughing. Something about her seemed familiar, and at one point in the class we both acknowledged that we seemed to know each other from somewhere. About ten seconds after I realized that I had seen her a party in college she said, “You’ve probably seen my boobs.” Yep, I had, perky B-cups if I remembered correctly. She had flashed a party a few years ago, and I was one of the lucky attendees who happened to be looking in her direction at the time. At the time I was likely pretty buzzed and lucky to have even remembered. We laughed about it and became fast friends.

By the time she got hired by my employers, she had three young kids and had gotten married. I was still single, not even in any committed relationship. I was almost the only single man at an office with a bit of a reputation for swinging, and I was fairly popular with the right people, although I never joined in their extracurricular activities outside of a few happy hours now and then. My dating life was lively enough, and very few of the women I worked with were attractive enough to consider sleeping with while their husbands watched. The scenery at the office was getting better all the time, though.

Natalie had a nice body, with enough curve to her hips and butt to turn heads in tight jeans or dress pants. She tanned nicely, not super dark but just enough to highlight a few faint freckles. Her chest was not overly well endowed but once again there was enough curve to draw the eye when she wore low cut tops or the right bra. Her light brown hair was curly, almost to the point of being kinky, but when she straightened it and put on makeup, she looked fabulous. She was pretty, really pretty back in my college years. I realized she had been running around in the same crowds as I off and on for years. We laughed about stories we both knew about mutual friends and at one point she said she was surprised we hadn’t hooked up, and it was too bad that she was married now.

Our training course ended and we were assigned to the same cubicle, “cubies” as we called it. We worked together in the same cubicle for most of the next ten years, growing close over time. She would often bend over to get something and I’d tease her about her “whale tail” thongs sticking out over the waist of her pants. When she wore a skirt or dress, she’d catch me looking at her legs when she’s turn around to talk to other employees who came up to ask questions about a project they were working on together, and so on. About a year after we started working together, she was getting ready to leave for a family vacation and had really begun tanning. She came in to the office one morning dressed to the hilt, black skirt just above the knees, black pumps, pink blouse showing just a hint of breast swell, and her hair straightened and makeup on. I mentioned how dark she was getting and she pulled the top of her shirt down to show me some lightly freckled cleavage, all dark and sexy smooth skin. Then she looked around and blushed, letting go of her shirt. “I was going to show you my tan line but this might not be the time.” We had started early, 6:30am and the office was sparsely populated. I seized the opportunity to chide her, “Don’t tease me, shit or get off the pot.” She blushed again and said, “Fine, but you have to come over here.”

I rolled over in my chair and she pulled her top out so I could look down her shirt, then she tucked a finger in her bra and pulled it out. She had put one of those heart-shaped stickers on her breast, right over her right nipple. I was looking at a pale patch of flesh about a half dollar in size, centered perfectly over a small pink nipple. She blushed again and let go of her shirt, turned to her desk, and said nothing the rest of the day. I waited a few minutes for a raging boner to subside and pretended to go get some coffee. I was back in a few minutes, having vigorously rubbed one off in the bathroom so I could concentrate the rest of the day.

Another year later, I married a different girl I met at the office, and Natalie and her had become friends. Natalie wore a short pink dress to the reception, and during one of those “how low can you go” songs she fell to her ass, exposing lacy white underwear to me, her dance partner. We laughed and she hugged me.

Over the years, our chemistry mellowed out a bit. We both transferred to another office much farther from home, but still shared a cubicle. I still noticed her, especially when she dressed up for special occasions at work. She gained some weight as moms tend to do, and then discovered cross-fit and really toned up. Last winter, we were working on a project a little late and an ice storm sprang up. We both packed up our laptops and headed home, promising to keep in touch in case one of us ran into issues on the road. Traffic was terrible. I elected to stick to the main highways as they were being treated by the highway department during the evening rush hour. Natalie took a longer back road route.

After a couple of hours sitting in traffic, I heard they had shut down the highway close to home due to some major accidents. It was nearing 9pm, and I called my best friend Mike, whose wife also worked with me. “Mind if I crash at your place? There is no way I’m getting home on the fuel I have in the tank tonight.” He didn’t mind, and I slid into his driveway and settled in with some scotch, frozen pizza, and Netflix with him while he waited for his wife to get home. Unbeknownst to me, his wife Tara had ridden home with Natalie, who was planning to drop her off on her way home. When they arrived, Tara mentioned that Natalie was also going to be spending the night. The roads were horrible.

Well Tara and Mike’s house was a two bedroom place. The spare bedroom had a daybed in it, barely bigger than a full sized bed. I offered it to Natalie, but she said I had gotten there first so she’d crash on the couch. Mike and I were watching a movie and still sipping some scotch so Tara asked Natalie to head back to the bedroom to get some clothes to sleep in. Both ladies came down the hall in t-shirts and soffee shorts. It was a little cool in the house, and it quickly became clear that neither lady were wearing bras. I was trying hard not to be distracted by the view. Tara was also quite a looker, half Mexican and half Italian, with that long dark hair, smooth white skin, and curves in all the right places that turned everybody’s head in the office. More on that in a future post. I couldn’t decide which lady I enjoyed looking at more. After the show ended, we all said goodnight and I retired to the spare bedroom at the back of the house. I noticed Natalie’s work clothes were neatly folded on a dresser by the door and shrugged. She must have changed in here. Too tired to care, I stripped down to my boxer briefs and dozed off.

A few hours later, I was woken by the door to the bedroom opening. Natalie asked if she could sleep in the bed, since it was so cold by the big living room windows. I must’ve been too tired to remember my manners and offer to sleep on the couch in her place. I edged over on the bed and after a moment she slid under the covers. The back bedroom was also a little cool, so she snuggled up to me and I didn’t protest too much. The bed was small, so there was no way to avoid touching each other. Over the course of the night, we ended up spooning and at some point I became painfully aware of my erection pressing firmly firmly into her backside. Somehow my hand had ended up cupping her breast, and through my sleep addled brain I realized she was grinding against me.

Half asleep, my hand started to wander. I slid it down her side, exploring the curve where her hip met her waist. She continued to grind into me, so my hand slid down to her leg. Where her shirt should have met her shorts, there was bare smooth skin warm to the touch. I realized she must have dropped her shorts when she climbed in the bed, and suddenly I had to run a hand across her butt. I slid my hand up under her shirt and felt silky panties. I squeezed her ass and she let out a soft moan. My heart started beating harder and my breathing sped up too. I let my hand wander some more, and explored the curve of her thigh, and then slid it up under the hem of her shirt once more to run along her fat stomach and higher, listening carefully for any sign of reluctance. There was none, as I neared her breasts. I began fondling them, determined to feel every inch of what I was surprised to find were borderline C-cup breasts. They were magnificent, not quite as full as they had likely been back in the college days when I had seen a glimpse of them, but were slightly larger, soft, and both of her nipples were fully erect. She continued slowly grinding into my crotch, breathing softly, still half asleep herself. I slid my hands downward again, to her crotch and my hand felt warm wetness.

Before I knew what I was doing, I slid my hand under the band of her panties and began to tug at them. She raised her hips and I slid them down her silky thighs. Laying on my side, pressed against her back I slid my boxers off and pressed my cock into her. I used two fingers to find my bearings and slid my shaft slowly into her, pushing a couple of times to get past the resistance and then finally sliding myself completely into her. She was soaking wet and tight. I remember thinking she wasn’t as tight as my wife, but this was a moment to be savored. I had been attracted to her for ten years, so I was going to make this moment last. She gasped quietly and her right hand grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face toward her neck. I began kissing and nipping lightly at her neck and ear as I thrust inside her slowly, repeatedly. She began breathing hard as my breathing calmed. I was getting into a long, slow rhythm, my hands squeezing and caressing every inch of Natalie’s body. At some point I discovered that she had a smoothly trimmed landing strip between her legs. Details such as those were things I had always wondered about her. There is nothing better than that first full push into a woman’s warmth and softness, except for perhaps cumming inside her. I knew she had gotten a hysterectomy a few years ago, so I was determined that there would be no pulling out tonight. I think we had sex for at least twenty or thirty minutes. At some point I realized her hand was between her legs, and when she came she squirted. I could feel her quiver and squeeze around me as she took deep breaths and covered her mouth to keep from waking our friends in the next room. That was all I could handle. With her quietly moaning around my shaft, I felt myself swell up intensely inside her and I thrust as deep as I could. One, two, three deep thrusts as I cupped her breasts and shot my semen as deeply as I could. I exhaled quickly with each ejaculation and thrust once more for good measure. I fell asleep still inside her, not wanting to rush my way out of this waking wet dream.

The next morning, we both woke up early, around 5 am. The sky was just starting to lighten through the window shades, and Natalie slid from the bed into the chilled air of the bedroom. She flipped on the closet light and I watched as she peeled her t-shirt off and got dressed. In the shine of the closet light I got a view I’ll never forget. Her body was lean, with a perky ass and tits that swayed slightly as she bent over to pick up her bra. Her thighs were muscled nicely and her calves were firm. She had a tattoo on her lower back and another on the top of her foot. She then leaned over the bed and lightly kissed me. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” she whispered. “Time to get back home to our families.” She never bothered to put her wet panties back on, so when I got dressed and made the bed I slipped them into my pocket. We never woke Mike and Tara as we let ourselves out and drove our separate ways. We’ve also never spoken about the night we spent together, and not long after that we both transferred to different departments, ending our tenure as cubies. But every once in a while we see each other and share a knowing smile.


1 comment

  1. Before I knew what I was doing, I slid my hand under the band of her panties and began to tug at them. She raised her hips and I slid them down her silky thighs. Laying on my side, pressed against her back I slid my boxers off and pressed my cock into her. I used two fingers to find my bearings and slid my shaft slowly into her, pushing a couple of times to get past the resistance and then finally sliding myself completely into her. She was soaking wet and tight. I remember thinking she wasn’t as tight as my wife, but this was a moment to be savored. I had been attracted to her for ten years, so I was going to make this moment last. She gasped quietly and her right hand grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face toward her neck. I began kissing and nipping lightly at her neck and ear as I thrust inside her slowly, repeatedly. She began breathing hard as my breathing calmed. I was getting into a long, slow rhythm, my hands squeezing and caressing every inch of Natalie’s body. At some point I discovered that she had a smoothly trimmed landing strip between her legs. Details such as those were things I had always wondered about her. There is nothing better than that first full push into a woman’s warmth and softness, except for perhaps cumming inside her. I knew she had gotten a hysterectomy a few years ago, so I was determined that there would be no pulling out tonight. I think we had sex for at least twenty or thirty minutes. At some point I realized her hand was between her legs, and when she came she squirted. I could feel her quiver and squeeze around me as she took deep breaths and covered her mouth to keep from waking our friends in the next room. That was all I could handle. With her quietly moaning around my shaft, I felt myself swell up intensely inside her and I thrust as deep as I could. One, two, three deep thrusts as I cupped her breasts and shot my semen as deeply as I could. I exhaled quickly with each ejaculation and thrust once more for good measure. I fell asleep still inside her, not wanting to rush my way out of this waking wet dream.

    The next morning, we both woke up early, around 5 am. The sky was just starting to lighten through the window shades, and Natalie slid from the bed into the chilled air of the bedroom. She flipped on the closet light and I watched as she peeled her t-shirt off and got dressed. In the shine of the closet light I got a view I’ll never forget. Her body was lean, with a perky ass and tits that swayed slightly as she bent over to pick up her bra. Her thighs were muscled nicely and her calves were firm. She had a tattoo on her lower back and another on the top of her foot. She then leaned over the bed and lightly kissed me. “Wake up, sleepyhead,” she whispered. “Time to get back home to our families.” She never bothered to put her wet panties back on, so when I got dressed and made the bed I slipped them into my pocket. We never woke Mike and Tara as we let ourselves out and drove our separate ways. We’ve also never spoken about the night we spent together, and not long after that we both transferred to different departments, ending our tenure as cubies. But every once in a while we see each other and share a knowing smile.

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