A long night…[Str8][mf][Group][Fiction]

It was my friend Heather’s party, we were what…six of us in total? She’d invited the whole gang round her house to celebrate her nineteenth birthday…all very normal, admittedly she was the only girl but really, we just sort of thought of her as “one of the guys”; we were a tight knit group at school, usually a bit more secluded from the rest of the year but fast friends. That’s not to mean we were completely unaware of Heather’s charms…she’d worn a top that day to make you sweat…low cut and flowing, I think now how she must have enjoyed making us squirm with that glint in her eye and the ghost of a wicked smile on her lips. We spent hours goofing around together, watching action flicks, endless videos that we’d each dredged up from youtube that we wanted to show the others and playing board games overly competitively…Heather had the advantage though, I’m not sure any of us could think straight with the rising warmth in the room and her “totally innocent” teasing. We decided it should be time to cosy up the living room with mattresses, sleeping bags and pillows, settling down for what would be one of the longest nights of my life…I’d bagsied a sofa and we fairly unanimously decided to watch some animei together.
As the night went on talk became more…private, as they do in a room full of guys and a girl. It was Heather who directed the conversation though, subtly asking about our preferences, what we liked and disliked, which parts exactly…We were getting warm within the confines of our sleeping bags…It wasn’t long before they were discreetly zipped open to let us cool down a little. Heather, did you really need to wear the short, short, pyjama bottoms…Oh we’ve lost the remote? “I think it might over ther-…” As she crawls forward on all fours fabric riding up the back of her smooth thighs, “Found it!”. With a flourish she twirls back under the loose covers and flashes me with a devilish grin. It must have been well past midnight and the shows put on the telly got slowly trashier. It got to the point of no return when a pixelated cock was ejaculating on screen and we all watched, flushing with embarrassment but hearts beating fast. I was no longer so keen to be on the sofa by myself, so I edged off of it to join the others on the ground and sidle up in the free space next to Heather. At this point my skin was burning and my cheeks were red but so was everyone else, though I only really had eyes for Heather. Glancing to my left at her and noticing the slight parting of her soft lips, her quickened breathing and the delicate sheen on her skin. My eyes would look to the screen and see animated fingers pushing into the soft flesh of a woman’s large breast and then glance back over to Heather where her chest rose and fell, ample and unrestrained within her pyjama top. It was at this point that I decided I would try to sleep, try to tear my eyes away from this madness. It didn’t work. I’d close my eyes and turn over, but the sound of heavy breathing and moans would fill my head instead. My hand itched to touch her, ached to slide under her shirt to cup her breast and yearned to untie her shorts…
I turned to face her, and the movement caused her to look my way. The eye contact was electric, goose bumps immediately spread over all my skin. I could plainly see the lust in her eyes, the hunger. Gently I moved my hand. Felt the mattress with my fingers as they inched forwards until I came upon the fabric of her shorts. I touched her thigh. She caught her breath and looked over at me furtively but made no motion for me to withdraw. I slid my finger over the top of her leg, feeling her silky-smooth skin. Only then did I add the rest of my fingers to gently hold her thigh. Trying not to alert the others she turns her head away from me and watches the screen, but her breathing quickens as my hand moves under her shorts. Biting her lip, she moves her legs a little, an invitation. My inhibitions gone and my confidence growing fast I grab hold of her inner thigh and massage, feeling her exquisite supple skin and flesh. I remove my hand to a look of mild disappointment before I tug on the string of her shorts. Again, lust fills her eyes and she ever so slightly lifts her hips in reaction to my fingers touching her stomach and lifting the now loose material so that my hand can reach down. At this point my mind is numb from the excitement, my heart is beating so fast as leap out of my chest and adrenaline is coursing through my blood stream like a torrent. My middle finger makes contact. She shudders under the covers, struggling in the burning heat to contain herself. Sliding down, I am in shock. Firstly, my sweet and innocent friend Heather, is absolutely soaking wet, dripping almost, secondly, holy shit, am I doing this to my sweet and innocent friend Heather? She looks my way, feels my rock-hard erection through the fabric of my pants with her hand and mouths the word “Please”…Yes, yes I am. And sink my finger gently inside of her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7pev02/a_long_nightstr8mfgroupfiction

1 comment

  1. Well…should have read how to format on reddit, fml, first ever post, criticism appreciated

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