Her Friend’s Brother [fm, str8]

I write weekly sexy stories on my little blog (link in comments below). Here is my latest:

Grace watched as her friend emptied the ice from her glass out the second story window of her townhouse. “What are you doing, Tash?”

“Oh, I’ve got plants down there, I’m looking after them. This is as close to watered as they get.”

This unusual gesture was not unlike most things Tash did– lazy, a little unconventional, but generally with her heart in the right place. Grace’s limited experience of the world and conventional, conservative upbringing made this aspect of Tash appealing. She would often watch in amusement as Tash did things that were perfectly normal for Tash. Like that night, when she’d invited a backpacker guy home from the bar to play xbox because he said he’d been missing gaming when travelling. She picked up the controller again.

When inviting him over, she’d said, “You can come and stay the night. But I’ve got one rule– no sex. Don’t even ask. Just xbox and a comfy bed, and maybe pancakes for breakfast if Duke is up in time.”

Duke was Tash’s step-brother– another aspect of Tash’s life that was an amusing curiosity to Grace who could imagine nothing further from ideal than moving out of her parent’s home, and into a share house with her own annoying brother. But Tash and Duke were two peas in a pod, and Grace thought the way that they both looked after and leaned on each other was kind of adorable. Like how Tash left pancake cooking to Duke, who had it down to a fine art. Duke was like a male version of Tash and all her affection for her friend transferred to him instantly, even though she’d only exchanges a few words with him.

The backpacker’s name was Steven, and he was now in another world, staring at the TV screen with the controller in his hands after responding in the bar with with, “Damn, you had me at xbox– but I’d sell my soul for a comfortable bed and pancakes for breakfast. I mean, Jesus. Sure, no sex, but can I marry you?”

Problem was, that comfy bed was where Grace had thought she was going to sleep that night, so she wasn’t sure what Tash had in mind. She guessed since Tash had two single beds in her room (she usually put them together to make what she called her “megabed pillow-fort”), they’d have to sleep in one together while Steven slept in the other. It already felt weird for Grace, to be sitting on the bed in Tash’s cozy bohemian bedroom, watching Tash sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, intensely playing this comically violent game with some guy they’d just met.

This was not the first time Grace had been surprised by the level of casual intimacy at Tash’s house, but it didn’t make her feel uncomfortable, it was just unexpected. Like that morning when Duke had come downstairs wearing nothing but boxer briefs and joined them on the couch for an episode of Breaking Bad.

Grace had quickly looked away when she’s seen his body revealed like that, but she’d found it hard to keep her eyes from wandering while he sat right next to her, his muscular arm stretched over the back of the couch so that it was almost around her shoulders. She’d even found herself glancing at his groin, taking a quick snapshot with a flicker of her gaze which she later analysed in her mind’s eye, surprising herself with her thirst for detail.

She didn’t usually think about men like that. Not that she wasn’t ‘a sexual being’ as Tash once described herself (along with telling the less experienced and adventurous Grace all kinds of surprising details about what ‘sexual beings’ can get up to), she just generally didn’t think much about men’s bodies and body parts until they were there in the context of having sex, and even then her focus was more on the guy she was with as a person and what he was thinking and feeling. So, to have had many thoughts wondering about the shape and feel of Duke’s cock had been something new for Grace.

“Fuck you! No fucking way! No one has ever beat me at this. I’m sorry, but you have to leave.”

Tash was play-pushing Steven, who was laughing gleefully. “Fuck you, I was promised comfy bed. I should get extra pancakes for kicking your ass.” Grace watched them play wrestle as Tash pretended to push Steven toward the door. It was kind of like watching a kitten wrestle a bear, Steven just sat there, barely needing to resist. “best of three. That was a fluke, you suck for sure.”

“Okay, okay, we’ll play again. I know I’m just going to kick your ass again.”

Grace yawned and stretched herself out on the bed. Tash stopped play strangling Steven and said “naw, you tired Gracey?”

“I’m okay, just been a long day”

Tash jumped up and grabbed Grace by the wrist, “come on, Duke’s got a hammock, you can sleep in there while I crush this loser’s ego”. She pulled her out the door into the corridor and went to knock on Duke’s door.

“No Tash, don’t wake him up, I’m fine, I don’t need to go to sleep now.” Grace was always trying not to bother people.

Knocking on the door anyway, Tash admonished her, “He’s probably not asleep yet, it’s only two. It’ll be fine. And don’t worry, Duke won’t bother you. He’s a gentleman.” Tash winked at her and Grace was full of embarrassment about how she’d thought about Tash’s brother that morning.

Duke stood in the door frame, still wearing nothing but boxer briefs. He had obviously been sleeping– his hair was sticking up and he was squinting in the light of the hallway. Tash said quickly, “Grace needs to go to sleep, can she have your hammock?”

It was at that point that Grace looked into his room and saw that he did in fact have a grey hammock hanging in the corner of his room, with his headphones hanging off it, and a dog-eared book tossed in it.

“Yeah, of course. Shut up, though, sis. I’m trying to sleep.” He rubbed his eyes.

“Oh, sorry bro. I’ll kill him quietly. Night Grace.” She kissed her on the cheek and went back to her room.

Grace stood at the door looking at the hammock.

“Come on, then, I won’t bite.” Duke smiled the sweetly at Grace and shut the door behind her. He strode over to the hammock and climbed in, gesturing the unmade bed

“You sleep in there, Gracey. You don’t look like a hammock person.”

“Oh, are you sure?”

“Absolutely. Sweet dreams, princess.”

Grace was relieved that he’d flicked off the lamp with those words, because she was blushing more than she had since that time she fell over on stage at the spelling bee. Blushing, because Duke had called her a cute little affectionate name. Also blushing because she was now alone in a room with the man whose cock she had tried to mentally undress this morning, and whose lithe, tall body was laid out almost naked in a hammock right in front of her, looking like greek marble in the moonlight. Also blushing because she was now climbing into a bed still warm and scented with his masculine sweat.

She tried to get comfortable, wriggling around under the sheet. She pulled her stockings off and discretely slipped them from under the cover onto the floor.

“Hey, Grace. Do you need something to sleep in? Here.” He threw a black t-shirt at her.

“Thanks.” She awkwardly undressed and put the T-shirt on under the covers. By the time she’d done that, Duke was asleep. She could see his slow deep breathing in the movement of his bare chest. She didn’t know how he could sleep so uncovered, she was in his shirt and his blanket, but the cold night air was coming in from the slightly open window and making her shiver. Then she thought about the warmth of the bed when she first slipped in, and the thought of his hot, muscular body next to her cool softness started to warm her up. Next door, she could hear the muted giggling of Tash and Steven. It sounded more flirtatious, like Tash might want to break her own One Rule.

Grace tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She was cold, but also she felt heat inside her, desire for Duke. As she was turning again and trying to pull the blanket around her more tightly, she heard, “You okay Grace?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry Duke. Did I wake you?”

“No, I think Giggles Mcgee next door did. She keeping you up?”

“Um. No. Actually, I’m a bit cold.”

“Cold? Oh, sorry Grace, I usually don’t even sleep with the blanket, I’m a furnace over here.”

He walked over to the bed and to her surprise, got in next to her and cuddled her. He wrapped one long arm around her and pushed his body up against her, turning her to face the wall, his chest fitting smoothly against her back. One of his legs was pushed firmly against the back of her naked thigh, his body so snugly fitted around her own that it felt as if she was enclosed inside his warmth, wrapped in the smell and smooth feel of his skin.

The thought of his barely covered cock pressed next to her made her ache for it to be hard. He nestled his face into the pillow and she felt the gentle warmth of his breath on her neck. Like a reflex, her body arched and she grinded her ass against his groin. Immediately, she felt his pulse making him erect. She grinded her ass on him again, this time intentionally. She could feel the twitch of his cock getting harder.

“You know, Grace. You don’t feel that cold,” he teased.

“I’m getting warmer.” She wriggled her hips a little to adjust the curves of her ass cheeks so that his hard-on was between them, and then pushed herself back onto him, rubbing herself against him. “Jesus.” He whispered. His hands started running up and down her body, over her grinding hips, feeling her smooth belly and up to her soft breasts, which he grabbed firmly and greedily, pulling her tightly against him and kissing her neck. She stopped grinding her hips for a moment and he grabbed them and took over, grinding his cock still covered by briefs against her firm round butt. She pulled the t-shirt over her head so that she was wearing nothing but her lacy panties which were soaked with her wetness.

Groping her ass, he slid his fingers between her thighs from behind, and started to rub her pussy through her panties, reaching up all the way to her clit, and back again, over and over. Then he slipped her panties to one side and slipped just one finger inside, enough to send a rush of pleasure through her whole body, seeming to swell like a tide as he firmly pushed his finger deeper inside and used his other finger to rub gently against her clit.

She started to move her butt back onto his hand and he held it still so that she could grind on him and pleasure herself, her arousal dripping down his hand. Her breathing got heavier and heavier until he pulled his hand away and she cried out softly in protest. He slipped his briefs over his hips and pressed the head of his cock between her lips, just touching them.

She tried to push her ass back onto him, but he held her and stopped her from moving. Slowly, he pushed himself a little of the way inside her, then pulled out. Excruciatingly slowly, he pushed himself a little more of the way inside her, then pulled out. She whimpered. He pushed himself inside her again a little more, then a little more.

“More,” she whispered.

He kept teasing, he seemed to have more and more to give her. He was long, and thick. Just when she thought she couldn’t handle any more teasing, he pushed inside and got a little bit deeper, pushing her lips apart a little more. He moved her leg up to give his hand access from behind her and started playing with her clit, while teasing her with the incomplete thrusts of his cock. She was getting closer and closer to climax, the pleasure of his slow teasing thrusts and his gentle fingers on her clit was overwhelming, and building steadily.

She was on the brink of climax when he took his hand of her clit. He pushed his weight on her, which rolled her so that she lay flat face down on the bed. As his weight moved on top of her, he finally pushed all of himself into her. She was so completely full of his cock she almost couldn’t take it. Three slow movements in and out of all of his length triggered the cascade of pleasure of her orgasm, her stretched pussy clenching rhythmically around him.

In reaction to the pulses of her climax, Duke quickened his thrusts and kept pounding her. She could feel him getting even bigger and harder, her pussy still throbbing with the subsiding rush of her own pleasure, prolonged by the continued thrusts. He grabbed her ass as he came, collapsing all his weight onto her back, his pulse throbbing inside her. He rammed his hips as tight as he could up to her ass and held himself deep inside her to enjoy the feeling of her wet pussy snugly holding the whole length of him while he came. After letting his cock ejaculate and the pulses subside, he pulled out of her, cum dripping from his engorged head, her wetness slickening the shaft all the way to the base.

He rolled off her and lay down, visibly exhausted and satisfied. Before Grace had even caught her breath, he was asleep. She lay next to him for a little while, her body still glowing with post coital pleasure. It had been so intense that she felt a strange mix of content satisfaction and continued arousal. She started to feel the tickle of his cum dripping out of her, and knew she needed to go to the bathroom and clean up.

Moving slowly to avoid waking him up, she dressed herself in the moonlight. She could hear Tash and Steven, still laughing playfully in the room next door. Silently, she went out of Duke’s bedroom and gently clicked the door shut behind her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/7p5rzs/her_friends_brother_fm_str8

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