Have a Seat Mr.Rowan. [M/F] (advice/requests needed!)

Misguided deviation from work, longer than normal break hours, a drop in productivity of the group due to easily avoidable mistakes, 3 security breaches in the past month… It wasn’t looking good for Mr. Rowan. I tried to suppress a swelling sigh of disappointment. He came into the company highly recommended by a close friend and colleague of mine, and for the first 6 months he was something if an office rockstar. Good leadership, high charisma and incredible drive. But within the past 3 months he was absolutely nose diving. This would mean a painstaking meeting to discuss demotion, I hated these. Like any CEO, I just wished every employee could just find their place in the clockwork, and leave me time to deal with personal affairs. The most annoying one at the moment was finding a new outlet for my all the pent up …energy. But then again, when you are this high up, the work becomes personal. The last man who I kept to help me with these matters was not to bad, I kept him around as an intern. However, I ended up sending him of to work with a new business partner in an act of goodwill. She took a liking to him during a visit to see a new site and requested him as a new PA. It wasn’t too hard to let him go, he was more than willing to jump at the chance to climb the socioeconomic ladder. This time I couldn’t suppress the frustrated sigh, and the to distract myself by returning to the matter at hand. I distractedly texted for my PA, a fresh out of college intern with the biggest blue eyes and a will to impress that practically radiated of him in an overly sweet aura. Though the rest of him seemed well past puberty, he seemed to have kept the persistently cracking voice and bedraged appearance from highschool. “Yes Ma’am, CEO”, he squeaked out, while brand new business shoes not too subtly slide on my marble office floors. “Ben, I told you to call me Lily, and get non slip soles, you are a safety hazard. I need you to schedule Mr.Rowan, one of our new engineers to come in to meet with me tonight. I think he’s working with the cybersecurity dept. currently. Fit him in wherever I have time. It should be a quick appointment.” He stumbled over a quick apology and shuffled out of the office, tripping over the door as he left. Poor thing, am I really that scary?

It was 8:30pm, as usual I was completing work into the late hours. Many of the company affiliates worked offshore so a late night Skype meeting like the one I was finishing up was nothing new to me. In fact I, loved having the the entire top floor to myself. I could do whatever I want, and with the old intern was here it was usually a good time and place to relieve some stress. The hesitant knock on my office door snapped me away from exploring those memories. Ah, this must be Mr.Rowan, “Come in”.
My breath caught as he walked in. For a minute nothing registered in my mind by an b overwhelming feeling of want. I want him. He arise into the room with purpose. Him 6’5″ frame and broad whitehead seemed to command the space around him. Though his resume read 35 years of he looked like he was in him later twenties, around my age. He was dressed in a smart business casual. The basic well tailored black pants with a tight button up that seemed to stretch perfectly over his fit frame. And of course, perfectly folded sleeves cuffed at the elbow. He was masculine in a rough earthy way, but he managed to find a way to mesh it with the smart, clean efficient environment our company ran. “Good evening ma’am, I was instructed to come see you today”. And a perfect deep baritone voice, it was like he was checking off boxes on a list of requirements I never knew I had.
I did my best to keep my face blank. Perfect as he was, his failures in company matters had to be addressed…though I already knew what I wanted to do with him. “Have a seat Mr.Rowan.”

Hi! I’m kinda debating how to continue this. Basically I’m taking requests for genre here. Bdsm, vanilla, femdom, threesome? Let me know!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/7o1ero/have_a_seat_mrrowan_mf_advicerequests_needed